- Le voyage autour du monde de Bougainville: Droit et imaginaire (French Edition) by Beatrice Elisabeth Waggaman, 1992
- Bougainville, ou, L'homme de l'univers (French Edition) by Thierry Boissel, 1991
- Bougainville by Michael Ross, 1978-07
- News from New Cythera: A Report of Bougainville's Voyage, 1766-69 (J.F.Bell Library)
- Bougainville aÌ Tahiti (Dossier - SocieÌteÌ des oceÌanistes) by Etienne Taillemite, 1972
- The Pacific Navigators by Oliver E Allen, 1980
- Pacifique Sud: Roman (French Edition) by Michel Peyramaure, 1994
- Ecrits sur le Canada: memoires, journal, lettres.: An article from: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
- Bougainville et ses compagnons autour du monde: 1766-1769, journaux de navigation (Voyages et decouvertes) (French Edition)
- World Elsewhere: A Novel by Peter Brooks, 1999-02-18
- Bougainville, soldier and sailor, by Maurice ThieÌry, 1932
- Bougainville and Tahiti by Arnold Whitridge, 1969
- Parkman, Abbe Casgrain, and Bougainville's Journal (In American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. Proceedings. Worcester) by Edward Pierce Hamilton, 1962
- French argonauts of the Pacific (Franco-American pamphlets) by Elsie Murray, 1945