International Left Handers Day ~ Emotions Greeting Cards Notable Left Hander's Scientists Name. Curie, Marie. d'oresme, nicole. Einstein,Albert. Pauling, Linus. Pawlow, Iwan. Piccard, August. Pierce, Keith.
Extractions: International Left - Hander's Day International Left Hander's Day is a day that every left-handed person in the world should be celebrating. International Left-Hander's Day was first declared and celebrated on August 13, 1976 by an organization called Lefthanders International. Though not as well know as other holidays, it is a day to address the myths and misconceptions about left-handers. It is a day to pay tribute to famous left-handed artists, athletes, and entertainers, and to praise the creative talents of all of the less famous left-handers in society. Some may prefer a more somber observance, remembering the past prejudice which forced so many left-handed people to become right-handed and made their lives so difficult. No-one has come up with a definitive reason for WHY some people are left-handed, but about 10% of the population around the world are. No gene for left-handedness has been identified, but it does seem to run strongly in families. The brain is "cross-wired" so that the left hemisphere controls the right handed side of the body and vice-versa and hand dominance is connected with brain dominance on the opposite side. A few left handed facts: 4 of the 5 original designers of the Macintosh computer were left-handed.
Questa è La Pagina Di Oresme Translate this page nicole d'oresme nacque in Francia nel 1323 e morì a Lisieux l'11 luglio1282. Inventò le coordinate geometriche prima di Cartesio
Questa è La Parte Storica Del Lavoro Translate this page Nel Medioevo, per analogia con la rappresentazione fatta dai geografi dei puntidella terra mediante la latitudine e la longitudine, nicole d'oresme e altri
DOMAINES Translate this page d'oresme et d'Antoine de la Sale Vient d'être achevée par Ch. Brucker la rédaction,en vue de la publication prochaine, le Lexique des oeuvres de nicole
Box 3 12851349, William of Ockham, who enunciated Ockham's Razor, which Tina Turnerrestated as Simply the Best ; 13231382, nicole d'oresme, who invented
Extractions: Answers to quiz 2. Susan Polgar, womens' world chess champion. 3. (a) Eco-warriors claiming responsibility for trashing GM crops in the USA; (b) Monsanto's "terminator" gene technology; (c) The US Department of Agriculture, following a barrage of public responses to its initial proposals that GM crops could be organic; (d) Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, who declared Arpad Pusztai a national hero after he fed poisonous potatoes to rats; (e) The Alliance for BioIntegrity, a collection of biotechnology activists, religious leaders, consumer representatives, scientists, and chefs; (f) PR virtuosos Monsanto. 5. An artificial ribozyme targeted to the nucleolus comprising a hammerhead ribozyme fused to small nucleolar RNA. 6. 1990 (g); 1991 (c); 1992 (d); 1993 (i); 1994 (e); 1995 (f); 1996 (h); 1997 (a); 1998 (j); 1999 (b). 7. Affymetrix ($90 M) 1996 (c); Spiros ($88 M) 1997 (j); Chiroscience ($76 M) 1994 (f); BioMarin ($67 M) 1999 (d); Nanogen ($64 M) 1998 (h); Cephalon ($60 M) 1991 (a); Myriad ($46 M) 1995 (g); Neurex ($16.3 M) 1993 (i); Cantab ($10 M) 1992 (e); Interneuron Pharmaceuticals ($9.3 M) 1990 (b).
Extractions: Histoire des sciences et des techniques Portails de recherche de textes numériques ATHENA, texts related to science par l'universitaire suisse Pierre Perroud, Biblioteca projetto Manuzio pour les textes italiens. La Bibliotheca augustana Bibliotheca classica selecta qui liste les Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) Electronic Brepols Latin et grec Univ. de Nancy Metz et Centre d'Histoire de la Pensée Economique Sans oublier :
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page D. d'Alembert, Jean (2501*) D'Arcy Thompson W (479*) d'oresme, nicole (191*) D'Ovidio,Enrico (414) da Vinci, Leonardo (704*) Dandelin, Germinal (392) Danti
Gauchers Célèbres Translate this page Charles of England Prince William of England Fidel Castro, Cuban leader Albert Einstein(?), physicist (peut-être) nicole d'oresme, mathematician Henry Ford
Zurdos Famosos Translate this page Charles of England Prince William of England Fidel Castro, Cuban leader Albert Einstein(?), physicist (posiblemente) nicole d'oresme, mathematician Henry Ford
The Medieval-Renaissance-Reformation Periods In Europe Jeremy Gray. Biography of nicole d'oresme, page 253. Reading 54 Deconfigurationibus (The Latitude of Forms)Orseme, page 254. Reading
Extractions: Pisa Cathedral Introduction, page 243 Biography of Leonardo of Pisa, page 250 Reading 53 Liber abbaci (The Rabbit Problem)-Leonardo of Pisa, page 251 Reading 7.A1: Leonardo Fibonacci , pages 241-243 of The History of Mathematics: A Reader (PDF file, you may want to print it) ed. John Fauvel and Jeremy Gray. Biography of Nicole d'Oresme , page 253 Reading 54 De configurationibus (The Latitude of Forms)-Orseme, page 254 Reading 55 Questiones super geometriam Euclidis (The Latitude of Forms)-Oresme, page 257 Homework 11 Quiz 11 Announcements Assignments ... Home
Canhotos Famosos lawyer Milt Caniff, cartoonist NB Forrest, Confederate general Napoléon Bonaparte,French emperor Neil Armstrong nicole d'oresme, mathematician Pat Oliphand
Analyticka Geometrie Za predchudce bývá povaován nicole d'oresme (1323 1382), který vyjádrilv pojednání z rok De latitudinibus formarum geometricky rychlost v
Extractions: Geometrii je mo¾no budovat dvìmi metodami: syntetickou a analytickou. Pøi syntetické metodì se pracuje pøímo s geometrickými objekty a mluví se o tzv. syntetické geometrii. Tímto zpùsobem pìstovali geometrii ji¾ Øekové ve starovìku, prvním pokusem o dùsledné axiomatické vybudování syntetické geometrie jsou Eukleidovy základy. Pøi analytické metodì jsou nejdøíve geometrické objekty charakterizovány èíselnými údaji a na základì práce s tìmito èíselnými údaji jsou pak vyvozovány geometrické vlastnosti daných objektù. Aèkoliv první pøedzvìst analytické metody lze najít také ji¾ ve starovìkém Øecku, v¹eobecnì kladou historikové matematiky zrod vlastní analytické geometrie teprve do 17. století. Tento zrod byl podmínìn dvìma dùle¾itými aspekty: zavedením jednoduché matematické symboliky a rozvojem algebry. Zjednodu¹enì by se dalo øíci, ¾e analytická geometrie je aplikací algebry na geometrii. Tuto aplikaci provedl v 1. pol. 17. stol. René Descartes a polo¾il tím základ k systematickém budování této disciplíny. Pøièem¾ na poèátku se úvahy analytické geometrie odehrávaly výhradnì na pùdì lineární algebry. 17. století je poèátkem dal¹í matematické disciplíny. V této dobì Newton a Leibnitz nezávisle na sobì objevili pojmy integrál a derivace. Vznikl tak diferenciální a integrální poèet, postupnì diferenciální a integrální rovnice, funkcionální analýza atd. tj. rozsáhlá matematická disciplína, kterou dnes nazýváme matematická analýza.
Extractions: Select Bibliography - Historiographic - Robert A. Hatch - University of Florida Aaboe, Asker. Episodes from the Early History of Mathematics . New York: 1964. Allbutt, T.C. Greek Medicine in Rome . London: 1921. Allman, G.J. Greek Geometry from Thaales to Euclid . Dublin and London: 1889. Amacher, Peter M. 'Galen's Experiment on the Arterial Pulse and the Experiment Repeated.' Sudhoffs Archive Archimedes. Opera omnia . In modern edition of J. L. Heiberg. 3 vols. Leipzig: 1910- . Arnim, J.V. Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta . Leipzig: 1903. Bailey, Cyril. The Greek Atomists and Epicurus . Oxford: Clarnedon, 1928. The Greek Atomists and Epicurus . Oxford U P, 1928. Barrett, H.M. Boethius . Cambridge: 1940. Bouche-Leclercq, A. L'Astrologie grecque . Paris: 1899. Brehaut, E. An Encylopedist of the Dark Ages, Isidore of Seville . New York: 1912. Brehier, E. Chrysippe. Presses Universitaires de France . Paris: 1951. Brock, A.J. Greek Medicine. Being Extracts Illustrative of Medical Writers from Hippocrates to Galen Brunet, P. and A. Mieli. Histoire des sciences . Antiquite, Paris: 1935. (includes selected readings).
TLW's 1360s (1360-1369) Timeline nicole d'oresme publishes Le Livre du ciel et du monde (The Book ofHeaven and Earth), opposing the theory of a stationary earth.
Extractions: TLW's Great Track of Time Homepage Map of Europe. In Jan. Edward III raises the siege of Reims and marches to Burgundy to pillage it, but is bought off with a ransom of 200,000 moutons to leave at the end of Mar.; Edward III pays Chaucer's ransom of 16 pounds in Mar. In Apr. Edward III returns to Paris, challenging the dauphin to come out and fight; when he refuses, Edward begins to move towards Chartres, but is caught by a terrific hailstorm on Black Monday (Apr. 13), which causes him to sue for peace; on May 8 the Peace of Calais Bretigny ) gives England a third of France, including all of Aquitaine, Calais, and Ponthieu; in return Edward III renounces his claims to the French throne as well as all claims to Anjou and Normandy while retaining Gascony and Guyenne; the ransom is lowered to three million ecus, and John II of France is released from captivity to raise the money for it in July; he marries off his daughter in order to get some ransom money, which he turns over on Oct. 24, causing the treaty to be ratified. King Valdemar "Atterdag" of Denmark reconquers Scania. Jewish leader financier-diplomat Samuel ben Meir Abulafia (1320-61) is arrested, robbed and killed by King Pedro the Cruel of Castile without any explanation. Orkhan dies, and his son
Science: History & Culture hours). A page from nicole d'oresme's Tractatus de latitudinibus formarum,(1505); Picture of geocentric model of the universe. Galileo
Extractions: Last updated 9 Mar 03: NOTE CHANGED SCHEDULE FOR WEEKS 8-11 What are the foundations of knowledge, and how reliable is what we believe? a level 1 core course, adopts an historical viewpoint and enrols philosophy and sociology to seek answers to these questions. Consisting of a series of lectures, self-study exercises and seminars, the course teaches not what to believe, but the bases of rational belief and informed judgement click on underlined links below to go to lecture notes or self-study page SELF-STUDY PAGES: Reasoned Thinking I Reasoned Thinking II Bibliography of Science Studies books
Science History Culture A page from nicole d'oresme's Tractatus de latitudinibus formarum, (1505);Picture of geocentric model of the universe. Ancient medicine
Ockham's Razor Likewise, in science, nicole d'oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invoked thelaw of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis's-razor.html
Extractions: non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitatem (entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity) T his principle was stated by William of Ockham (1285-1347/49). It is also called the 'Law of Economy' and the 'Law of Parsimony'. Nevertheless, the principle was invoked before Ockham by Durand de Saint-Pourçain, a French Dominican theologian and philosopher of dubious orthodoxy, who used it to explain that abstraction is the apprehension of some real entity, such as an Aristotelian cognitive species, an active intellect, or a disposition, all of which he spurned as unnecessary. Likewise, in science, Nicole d'Oresme, a 14th-century French physicist, invoked the law of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis of the heavens. Other later scientists stated similar simplifying laws and principles. O ckham, however, mentioned the principle so frequently and employed it so sharply that it was called "Ockham's razor." He used it, for instance, to dispense with relations, which he held to be nothing distinct from their foundation in things; with efficient causality, which he tended to view merely as regular succession; with motion, which is merely the reappearance of a thing in a different place; with psychological powers distinct for each mode of sense; and with the presence of ideas in the mind of the Creator, which are merely the creatures themselves.
Cardano's Kosmos na elkaar geboren tweelingen als Jacob en Ezau.) Fundamenteler was de kritiek vande 14deeeuwse Franse bisschop en wetenschapper nicole d'oresme, die stelde
Extractions: Er waren wel eerder horoscopen van Jezus Christus getrokken. Vaak wordt gedacht dat Cardano's horoscoop een unieke uitdaging aan de theologie was, maar handgeschreven exemplaren circuleerden ruim voordien van astroloog naar astroloog. Het was wél een gevaarlijke uitdaging want als het leven van Christus reeds bij zijn geboorte in de sterren besloten lag, hoe zat het dan met zijn komst, zijn wonderbaarlijke geboorte en zijn verrijzenis uit de doden: waren die onontkoombaar, waren dat dan geen door God gegeven ingrepen in de kosmische orde? Dat Cardano's horoscoop van Christus toch een enorme publiciteit kreeg (en hem nóg beroemder maakte) was om twee redenen. Ten eerste omdat hij haar niet rondstuurde maar daadwerkelijk publiceerde, en wel in het hart van zijn omvangrijke en veel geprezen commentaar op hét klassieke astrologische standaardwerk, de Tetrabiblos van Ptolemeus. Ten tweede omdat hij grotendeels voorbij ging aan de reeds circulerende horoscopen en daarmee onder collega's veel verontwaardiging oogstte. Zelf was hij zeer tevreden over het resultaat. Als geboortetijd nam hij simpelweg middernacht van 25 december van het jaar voorafgaand aan 1, en hij trof op dat moment niet minder dan tien astrologische voortekenen van komende grootheid aan, waaronder een komeet (een laat-antieke toevoeging aan het geboorteverhaal) en uiteraard de ster van Bethlehem, volgens Cardano geen komeet, maar een waar teken te midden van de sterrenbeelden.
Unluler Prens Charles , Ingiliz Prensi Prens William , Ingiliz Prensi Fidel Castro, KübaLideri Albert Einstein, Fizikçi nicole d'oresme, Matematikçi Henry Ford
Lefties pharaoh Robert S. McNamara Former Secretary of Defense Joan of Arc- French heroineCharlemagne- Holy Roman emperor nicole d'oresme- Mathematician H. Norman