- The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus by Owen Gingerich, 2005-02-22
- Theories of the Universe: From Babylonian Myth to Modern Science(Library of Scientific Thought) by Thorkild Jacobsen, F. M. Cornford, et all 1965-03-01
- Copernicus: titan of modern astronomy (Immortals of science) by David C Knight, 1967
- Copernicus, the founder of modern astronomy by A Armitage, 1990
- The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe by Dorothy Stimson, Nicolaus Copernicus, 2010-08-01
- Astronomia Instaurata, Libris Vi Comprehense, Qui De Revolutionibus Orbium Ciekestuyn Ubscribuntur (1617) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Copernicus, 2010-09-10
- Über die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper. Übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen von C.L. Menzzer; durchgesehen und mit einem Vorwort von Moritz Cantor. Hrsg. von ... und Kunst zu Thorn (German Edition) by Nicolaus Copernicus, 2010-05-13
- Das neue Weltbild. by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1997-01-01
- Collected Works: The Minor Works v. 3 by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1985-08
- Copernicus and His Successors by Edward Rosen, 2003-08-02
- The Stranger Behind the Copernicus Revolution by Ulrich Maché, 2006-01-10
- Copernicus and his world by Hermann Kesten, 1946
- Copernicus and the Scientific Revolution (Anvil Series) by Edward Rosen, 1984-07
- An Annotated Census of Copernicus' De Revolutionibus: (Nuremberg, 1543 and Basel, 1566) (Studia Copernicana - Brill Series, Volume 2) by Owen Gingerich, 2002-02-01