What Are We? Talmud 138 Daniel Berrigan 4 Thea Bowman 126,158 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 70 Catherineof Siena 154 Myles Connolly 130 hermann contractus 76 Samuel Crossman http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/uvp/mismin/whatarewe2002/waw02-229.htm
Extractions: : what are we? How to Use This Book Table of Contents Introduction 3. BC: A Brief History 4. The Road Ahead 5. Further readings what are we? PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE Thanks When he was an undergraduate, Brian B. Maloney, CSOM 94, gathered material for a Boston College student prayer book that was going to be sponsored by the Ignatian Society. He assembled classic Christian prayers, prayers from other religious traditions, insightful passages from a variety of spiritual writers, and original prayers composed by BC faculty members and administrators and students who were Brian's contemporaries. It was a time-consuming project and that book was never published, but many of his selections are now part of this book and we want to express thanks to Brian for originating this project.
What Are We? O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O holy Mother of God,that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. hermann contractus. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/uvp/mismin/whatarewe2002/waw02-077.htm
SOND_W hermann, Das Naturrecht aus evangelischer Sicht. W6, 131, Wolf, Joseph Georg, contractus. http://www2.chuo-u.ac.jp/instl/material/SOND_W.HTM
Extractions: B NO AUTH TITL Wachs, K.R. Gedanken uber die Begriffe Verkehrsrecht und Postrecht und ihre Beziehungen zueinander Wacke, Andreas Die Nachteile des Grundbuchzwanges in der Liegenschaftsvollstreckung und bei der Glaubigeranfechtung Wacke, Andreas Der Erlass oder Vergleich mit einem Gesamtschuldner Wacke, Andreas Prozessformel und Beweislast im Pfandrechtspratendentenstreit Wackernagel, Jakob Die Wirklichkeit des Naturrechts Waider, Heribert Abendlandische Rechtsphilosophie Waider, Herbert "Ars iuris" und "suum in persona ipsa" bei Hugo Donellus Wagner, Fritz Neue Diskussionen uber Newtons Wissenschaftsbegriff Wagner, Fritz Zur Nachwirkung Droysens: Emilio Bettis Hermeneutik Wagner, Heinz Interpretation in Literatur- und Rechtswissenschaft Wagner, Heinz Grundbegriffe des Beschlussrechts der europaischen Gemeinschaften Wagner, Herbert Deutscher Rechtshistorikertag in Mainz Wagner, Herbert Zur Freiheitserteilung an den einem Generalpfandnexus unterliegenden Sklaven Walder, H.U. Francisco Salgado de Somoza's "Labyrinthus creditorum concurrentium" Walz, H.H.
Autoren- Und Werkverzeichnis Translate this page Superiorum permißu. CON contractus. In D. Martin Luthers Werke, KritischeGesammtausgabe (Weimar hermann Böhlau, 1883) I, 233-238. http://mitglied.lycos.de/neulateinwb/sigla/sigla.htm
New Catholic Dictionary: Alma Redemptoris Mater of the Purification, inclusive. It is ascribed to hermann contractus(101354). There are several translations. The English title http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd00349.htm
Extractions: (Mother Benign of Our Redeeming Lord) Antiphon of Our Lady for Vespers from the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent to the feast of the Purification, inclusive. It is ascribed to Hermann Contractus (1013-54). There are several translations. The English title given is by D. Hunter-Blair; the first verse reads: Mother benign of our redeeming Lord,
Alma Redemptoris Mater Quæ Pervia Coeli Author hermann contractus (10131054) Meter Hexameter. taken from the book TheHymns of the Breviary and Missal, Revised Edition, by Matthew Britt, OSB. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/sandringham/77/AlmaRedemptorisMaterQuaePer
Etruria Oggi - Numero 50 Maurus, Aureliano of Rèôme, Remigius of Auxerre, Ubaldo of SaintArmand, Odoof Cluny, Notker Labeo, Bernone of Reichenau, hermann contractus ( the Lame http://www.bancaetruria.it/etruriaoggi/50/etruria_oggi/gb/pag54.html
Extractions: There was at that time, it is important to note, a radical distinction between musica and cantus chroniclers, grammarians, jurists, in short as men of learning who concerned themselves only marginally with music, in obeisance to the encyclopedic knowledge characteristic of their time. The only exception worthy of mention in this historical context appears to be Guido d'Arezzo, the Benedictine monk who engaged in theoretical operations far superior to those of his predecessors, yet always with a view to greater pedagogic functionality, to a reform of the teaching method.
GOand.NET : January Music it. Some say, Robert II, who reigned in France from 9971031 wroteit. Others believe hermann contractus did. Go to Top of Page. http://www.goandnet.com/home/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=8489&whichpage=2
CEU - Department Of Medieval Studies Herigerius, 91. hermann of Altaich, 231. hermann of Tournai, 535. hermann of Wartberg,708. hermannus contractus, 183. Hernando de Pulgar see Pulgar, Hernando de. http://www.consulex.hu/ms/centers/biblio/ind-aut.html
Extractions: Authors (and titles of anonymous works) Abbo, 42 Abbo of St. Germain, 278 Adalbert, 178 Adalbold, 640 Adam [of Parma], Salimbene de - see Salimbene de Adam [of Parma] Adam of Bremen, 519 Adam of Domerham, 556 Adam of Eynsham, 620 Adam of Murimuth, 831 Adam of Usk, 845 Adhemar of Chabannes, 280 Adomnán, 112 Aegidius Aurevallensis - see Aurevallensis, Aegidius Aelnoth, 651 Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Pius II, 674-5, 738 Aethelweard, 40 Agathias, 16 Aggesen, Sven, 400 Agnellus of Ravenna, 90 dAguiler, Raymond - see Raymond dAguiler Ailred [Aelred] of Rievaulx, 354, 536 Akropolites, Georgios, 457 al-Razi, 303 Alberic of Trois-Fontaines, 551 Albert of Aachen, 471 Albert of Bezano, 691 Albert of Stade, 228 Albertino Mussato - see Mussato, Albertino Alcuin, 92, 129-30 dAlessandria, Benzo, 683 Alfonso de Palencia, 818 Alfonso X (The Wise), 333 Alonso de Santa Cruz, 827 Alpert of Metz, 181 Alvarez, Juan, 811 Amatus, 245 Ambroise, 480 Ammianus Marcellinus, 2 Amundesham, John, 864 Anagnostes, Ioannes, 929
Untitled balearicum (F. hermann) Litar., C. viscosum L. var. longicaulis (Ten.) Arcangeli,D. contractus Jan ex Nyman, D. longicaulis Ten., D. sylvestris subsp. http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/flora/check/spermato/angio/magnolio/cary
History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories 1025); Ali ibn Ahmad alNasawi (fl. 1029-1044) *SB; hermann of Reichenan(contractus) (1013-1054) *SB; Sripathi (fl. 1039); Michael http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html
Extractions: Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan 1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT Baudhayana (c. 700) Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT Apastamba (c. 600) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520) Katyayana (c. 500) Nabu-rimanni (c. 490) Kidinu (c. 480) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB Meton (c. 430) *SB
Dummy Regina caeli Salve, regina Tota pulchra es, Maria Alma redemptoris mater =GenreAntifoon) (Tekst contractus; hermann, * 1013, + 1054 http://www.angelfire.com/pq/fhkluver/ltnmaria.htm
Sakramente - Ordensleute Aus Ottobeuren Translate this page 1727, P. Othmar Stattmüller, Petershausen. 1747, P. Markus Stattmüller, Reichenau.1750, P. hermann contractus Roesch, Isny. 1762, P. Benedikt Beck, Ochsenhausen. http://www.pfarrei-ottobeuren.de/seite4/ordensleute.html
Extractions: Name Kloster Sr. Wilberga Zettler Sr. Albertina Kiener Sr. Petronilla Petrich Sr. Annemarie Mayer 50er Jahre P. Albert Kofler CP (Passionisten) Maria Schutz (Semmering) Sr. Carmen Loderbauer Sr. Perpetua Petrich Sr. M. Nidgard Aschner Dillinger Franziskanerinnen Sr. M. Theofrieda Binzer O.S.J. (Ursberg) Vinzentinerin + Sr. M. Stella Schneider Vinzentinerin Sr. Helmtrud Negele Sr. M. Ernestine Egger Vinzentinerin Sr. M. Silvana Mayer Franziskanerin Maria Stern Sr. M. Mechthildis Sixt Vinzentinerin Sr. Irmhilde Negele Sr. Walburg Rietzler Bamberg Sr. Hieronyma Schickling Karmel Speyer 80er Jahre Sr. M. Amata Paulsteiner Vinzentinerin Fr. Johannes M. Sirch O.Cart. Marienau St. Ottilien Fr. Christian Kunze SDB Benediktbeuern Benediktiner
Apollonius Bibliography Essentials et notis illustrati, emaculati, scholiis ad carmina numerato additis concinnati,commentarius in verborum et rerum indicem contractus. Fränkel, hermann. http://www.gltc.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?c=121
Www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_I/Musikwissenschaft/cantus/bibliog/bi Translate this page und ihre Grundlagen(Halle 1905) Abert 1905 - Abert, hermann Die aesthetischen 1993- Arlt, Wulf 'Die Intervallnotation des hermannus contractus in Gradualien http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_I/Musikwissenschaft/cantus/bib
Lebensbilder September 3 Translate this page 1013 geboren. Er war schon als Kind gelähmt (Deshalb sein Name hermannuscontractus = hermann der Lahme). Berichte weisen darauf http://www.klosterkirchberg.de/Graph/Namen/kn093.htm
Extractions: Am 10. 5 1760, wurde Hebel in Basel geboren. Er studierte in Erlangen Theologie und wirkte zunächst als Hauslehrer, dann seit 1783 als Lehrer am Pädagogium in Lörrach und ab 1791 als Subdiakon am Karlsruher Gymnasium. 1798 wurde er als Professor an die Karlsruher Hochschule berufen, 1805 zum evangelischen Kirchenrat ernannt und 1819 wurde er Prälat der evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden. Dazu war er ab 1808 Direktor des Karlsruher Gymnasiums und seit 1819 Abgeordneter im badischen Landtag. Dabei wollte er eigentlich nur ein alemannischer Dorfpfarrer werden. Seine Liebe zu seiner alemannischen Heimat schlug sich in den "alemannischen Gedichten" nieder. Heute ist der Schriftsteller J. P. Hebel vor allem durch seinen "Rheinländischen Hausfreund" bekannt. Seine berühmteste Kalendergeschichte dürfte der "Kannitverstan" sein.
Die Intervall-Chiffren-Schrift Des Hermann Von Altshausen Mittelalterliche Musiknotation in "hermann der Lahme", Graf von Altshausen(1013 1054) Beispielen zu erklären, erfand hermann Verse, die das betreffende http://home.isnet-ev.de/wbenz/herman2.htm
Extractions: Daneben gab es auch die Daseianotation, die in Anlehnung an antike Vorbilder in komplizierter Form Intervalle genauer anzugeben vermochte, je nachdem die Zeichen nach links oder rechts gewendet oder auf dem Kopf stehend dargestellt wurden. Die Daseianotation e voces unisonas aequat Gleichklang (gleicher Ton) s semitonii distantiam signat Halbton ("bezeichnet den Abstand des Halbtons") t toni differentiam tonat Ganzton ts semiditonium statuit kleine Terz (Ganz- + Halbton) tt duplicata ditonum titulat d diatesseron symphoniam denotat Quarte ("durch vier" - "Zusammenklang") (Delta) diapente consonantiam discriminat (Delta)s bina cum tritono limmata docet kleine Sext (Delta)t quaterna cum limmate tonos -
The Ecole Glossary The Ecole Glossary. hermann of Reichenau. The son of a Swabian count, HerimannusContractus, or hermann of Reichenau, was born crippled in 1013. http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/glossary/hermannr.html
Extractions: Hermann of Reichenau The son of a Swabian count, Herimannus Contractus , or Hermann of Reichenau, was born crippled in . Educated at the college of Augia dives on the island of Reichenau in Lake Constance, he became a monk there and was an authority on theology, astronomy, mathematics, history, poetry, and languages. His De musica became a musical textbook for monks, and he composed many hymns and antiphons. He wrote treatises on the use of the astrolabe. Hermann also compiled a martyrology and wrote a poem about the eight principal vices. His most famous work is a history of the world from the Incarnation to the XIII Century. Based on a lost chronicle, it remains an important primary source of information about the history of the XI Century. Hermann died in Karen Rae Keck
Netmuseum.de - Museum Hermann Der Lahme Translate this page Service. hermann der Lahme (1013-1054), aufgrund seiner Lähmung auch hermannContractus genannt, wirkte auf der Reichenau als vielseitiger Gelehrter. http://www.netmuseum.de/m-ausgabe.asp?strAufrufer=Liste&strId=1088