CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hermann Contractus (Catholic Encyclopedia)Category Society Religion and Spirituality CHermann Contractus. (Herimanus Augiensis, Hermann von Reichenau). Chronicler,mathematician, and poet; b. 18 February, 1013, at Altshausen
Extractions: Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... H > Hermann Contractus A B C D ... Z (Herimanus Augiensis, Hermann von Reichenau). Chronicler, mathematician, and poet; b. 18 February, 1013, at Altshausen (Swabia); d. on the island of Reichenau , Lake Constance, 21 September, 1054. He was the son of Count Wolverad II von Altshausen. Being a cripple from birth (hence the surname Contractus ) he was powerless to move without assistance, and it was only by the greatest effort that he was able to read and write; but he was so highly gifted intellectually, that when he was but seven years of age his parents confided him to the learned Abbot Berno, on the island of Reichenau He also wrote mathematico-astronomical works. Of his poems the most successful was the "De octo vitiis principalibus", which he addressed to nuns, and in which he gave proof of uncommon skill in the handling of different kinds of metres, as well as in the charm with which he contrived to blend earnestness with a happy mirth. He composed religious hymns, and is not infrequently credited with the authorship of the "Alma Redemptoris Mater" , and the "Salve Regina" . Finally, it may be mentioned that Hermann constructed astronomical and musical instruments.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Index For H of Hereswitha, Saint Heresy Hergenröther, Joseph Heribert, Saint Heribert Herigerof Lobbes Herincx, William Hermann I Hermann contractus hermann Joseph
Enciclopedia Católica Translate this page del Templo Hermanas Marianitas de la Santa Cruz Hermanas Felicianas Hermanas Oblatasde la Providencia Hermandad, confradía Hermann contractus hermann de
Notation Der Leitkarten Sachliche Benennungen A B C D E F G H I J Translate this page Rumänien) Bistum Sibiu BF 2735 Hermannus Alemannus Hermann el Alemàn HermannAlemannus BF 1192v Hermannus contractus hermann von der Reichenau BF 1845v
Contractus, Hermann (1013 - 1054) Translate this page Z, hermann contractus. (1013 - 1054). Biographie Photo Gallery Home Page . Die Biographie von hermann contractus. Deutscher
Extractions: Komponisten Hermann Contractus Biographie Photo Gallery Home Page Die Biographie von Hermann Contractus Deutscher Musiktheoretiker und Komponist (Hermann der Lahme): er stammte aus schwäbischem Adel, war Klosterschüler auf der Reichenau und wurde Benediktinermönch. Ähnlich wie Guido von Arezzo beschäftigte er sich mit der Notenschrift; sein System, das die An fangsbuchstaben der Intervallnamen verwendete, kam durch Guidos besseres Liniensystem nicht zum Zuge. Er komponierte berühmte Sequenzen und Antiphonen wie das Salve regina" und O florens Rosa". Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Studio Informatico Anesin
Extractions: d. Sept. 24, 1054, Reichenau Monastery, Reichenau [Germany] byname HERMANNUS CONTRACTUS, OR HERMANN THE LAME, German chronicler, poet, composer, astronomer, and mathematician. A contemporary of the Holy Roman emperor Henry III, Hermann von Reichenau is historiographically important ... Need more? Complete articles are available to premium service members. Information on site licenses is also available.
Hermann_of_Reichenau hermann of Reichenau is also called hermann the Lame or hermann contractus. hermann entered the Cloister School at
Extractions: Hermann of Reichenau is also called Hermann the Lame or Hermann Contractus. Hermann entered the Cloister School at Reichenau in September 1020. He became a monk at the Benedictine Monastery at Reichenau in 1043, becoming Abbot of the Monastery. Hermann is called 'the Lame' or 'Contractus' for very good reason. He was extremely disabled, having only limited movement and limited ability to speak. Despite these disabilities he was a key figure in the transmission of Arabic mathematics, astronomy and scientific instruments from Arabic sources into central Europe. In other words he published in Latin much scientific work which before this time had been only available in Arabic. One would expect, from this description, that he would be an Arabic speaker but it is thought almost certain that he could not read Arabic. Hermann introduced three important instruments into central Europe, knowledge of which came from Arabic Spain. He introduced the
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Hermann Contractus hermann contractus. (Herimanus Augiensis, hermann von Reichenau), chronicler,mathematician, and poet; b. 18 February, 1013, at Altshausen
Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically Conon of Samos (583). contractus, hermann (231). Conway, Arthur (1073*)
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Salve Regina The authorship is now generally ascribed to hermann contractus (qv). Theexquisite plainsong has been attributed to hermann contractus.
Web Wombat World Directory hermann I (Catholic Encyclopedia). contractus, hermann - (Catholic Encyclopedia). hermann of Altach - (Catholic
Extractions: Entertainment Finance Games Lifestyle ... Auctions You are here: Home / World Directory Daily Resources Holiday Ideas Daily Horoscopes Weather by the hour What's on TV ... Grumpy's Humour Premium Links Find a Date Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Mobile Phone Ringtones Home Loans Home Loans ... Hot Links Web Wombat Search Advanced Search Submit a Site Enter search term: World Directory Top Society Religion and Spirituality Christianity ... Catholic Encyclopedia : H
Hermann_of_Reichenau hermann of Reichenau is also called hermann the Lame or hermann contractus. hermannis called 'the Lame' or 'contractus' for very good reason.
Extractions: Hermann of Reichenau is also called Hermann the Lame or Hermann Contractus. Hermann entered the Cloister School at Reichenau in September 1020. He became a monk at the Benedictine Monastery at Reichenau in 1043, becoming Abbot of the Monastery. Hermann is called 'the Lame' or 'Contractus' for very good reason. He was extremely disabled, having only limited movement and limited ability to speak. Despite these disabilities he was a key figure in the transmission of Arabic mathematics, astronomy and scientific instruments from Arabic sources into central Europe. In other words he published in Latin much scientific work which before this time had been only available in Arabic. One would expect, from this description, that he would be an Arabic speaker but it is thought almost certain that he could not read Arabic. Hermann introduced three important instruments into central Europe, knowledge of which came from Arabic Spain. He introduced the
C Index Frederico (1742*) Condamine, Charles de La (480*) Condorcet, Marie Jean (696*)Connes, Alain (745*) Conon of Samos (583) contractus, hermann (231) Conway
Quellenübersicht Teil 4 (H-J) Translate this page Altaich), Annales hermannus Augiensis / hermannus contractus (hermann von Reichenau,hermann der Lahme), Chronicon / Chronicon de sex artatibis mundi HistoriaÜbersicht/h-j.htm
LÜTZAUs BUCH-ANTIQUARIAT In CELLE Kloster, gegründet 724, erlangte durch den Mönch Hermanus contractus (hermann der Lahme, Sohn des Grafen Wolferats 2.
Quellenübersicht Translate this page Althahensis (hermann von Altaich), Annales hermannus Augiensis / hermannus contractus(hermann von Reichenau, hermann der Lahme), Chronicon Historia WelforumÜbersicht/Liste.htm
Ç츣¸¸ ? (hermann von Reichenau, hermannuscontractus, hermann contractus, 10131054). ? ?
Geschichte Der Insel Reichenau von Kind auf gelähmt, daher der Name hermann, der Lahme (= contractus).
Extractions: Das Kloster Reichenau wurde im Jahr 724 vom Hl. Pirmin als Benediktinerabtei Jahr Reichenau Europa Kirche Kunst und Literatur 714-741 Karl Martell Herrscher des Frankenreichs: Aufstieg der Karolinger( Zeit der Hausmeier) Abt Waldo: die Reichenau wird karolingische Abtei. Vermutlich erste Steinbauten auf der Insel; 799 Weihe von St. Peter und Paul Mit den entstehenden Klosterschulen entwickeln sich die Abteien zu kulturellen Zentren Abt Heito Heitos gescheiterte diplomatische Reise nach Byzanz Abt Erlebald Tod des Klosterlehrers Wetti ca. 825: Walahfrid Strabos Visio Wettini Abt Walahfrid Strabo Abt Hatto I. 983-1002 Otto III. 996: von Otto III. eingesetzter Papst Gregor V. Hermannus Contractus
HERMANN Von Reichenau Translate this page hermann von Reichenau (hermannus contractus, der Lahme), Chronist, Gelehrter, Dichterund Komponist, * 18.7. 1013 in Saulgau als Sohn des Grafen Wolfrad II.
Extractions: Verlag Traugott Bautz Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band II (1990) Spalten 751-753 Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz HERMANN von Reichenau Werke: Chronicon. Ausgg.: Johannes Sichard, in: Chronica eruditissimorum auctorum, Basel 1529; Georg Heinrich Pertz, in: MG SS V, 67-133; Aemilianus Ussermann, in: MPL 143, 55 bis 263; Werner Trillmich u. Rudolf Buchner, in: Qu. des 9. u. 11. Jh.s z. Gesch. der hamburg. Kirche u. des Reiches, 1961, 617-707 (mit Einl., Bibliogr. u. Übers.); Übers. v. Karl Nobbe, in: GDV 42, 1892; v. Wilhelm Wattenbach, ebd. 1941 Lit.: ); - Josef Anton Amann, Der sel. H. Der lahme Benediktinermönch v. R., Höchst/Vorarlberg 1948; - Jäkel, Dulder, Dichter, Hl. H. C., in: Klerusbl. 82, Salzburg 1949, 10 f.; - Imagina Stolberg, Gottes lahmer Freund. H. der Lahme v. R., ein Zeichen Gottes unter den Menschen, 1951; - Frederic James Edward Raby, A History of Christian-Latin Poetry from the Beginnings tu the Close of the Middle Ages, Oxford 1953 , 1973, 1125; - Berthold v. Reichenau, Visa seu Elogium (auf seinen Lehrer H. v. R.), hrsg. v. Georg Heinrich Pertz, in: MG SS V, 264 ff.; - Wattenbach-Holtzmann I/2, 232 ff.; - Manitius II, 756 ff.; - Kosch, LL II, 942; - VerfLex V, 374 ff.; - KLL I, 2555 f. (Chronicon); II, 902 f. (De octo vitiis principalibus); - MGG VI, 228 ff.; - Riemann I, 706; ErgBd. I, 520; - Grove IV, 249 f.; - Zimmermann II, 482 ff.; - VSB IX, 522 f.; - BS V, 21 f.; - Catholicisme V, 663 f.; - EC V, 504; - DSp VII, 293 f.; - LThK V, 250; - NCE VI, 1073: - ODCC