Bild 4 Translate this page Galilei wird allerdings in Aussicht gestellt, dass man noch die Meinung despäpstlichen Hauptastronomen, Pater christopher clavius, einholen werde.
5sc1 christopher clavius SJ may have denied the physical truth of Copernicus' hypothesisin his early writings, but he was actually one of the more openminded
Extractions: zurück zur Turnierseite WK I Paarungsliste der 1. Runde PaarN MNr Mannschaft Punkte MNr Mannschaft Punkte Ergebnis At Brett TNr Teilnehmer Punkte TNr Teilnehmer Punkte Ergebnis At Clavius-G. Dientzenhofer-G. Dirauf, Johannes Heer, Thomas Moroskow, Thomas Fuchs, Christian Schecher, Tommy Kuzmin, Boris unbekannt E.T.A.Hoffmann-G. Luisenburg-G. Hader, Andreas Paravac,Stefan Isenrath, Sebastian Birklin, Sergej Reimann, Sascha RS Coburg II RS Coburg I Schwarzkopf, Alex Fischer, Wolfgang Schwarzkopf, Andreas Sommer, Christopher Baer, Waldemar Gymnasium Selb Popp,Benjamin Linseis,Vincent Wolf, Christian Winterling,Dominik Freunek, Michael Keller,Claudia Schmitt, Florian FOS/BOS Bayreuth Freilos Paarungsliste der 2. Runde PaarN MNr Mannschaft Punkte MNr Mannschaft Punkte Ergebnis At Brett TNr Teilnehmer Punkte TNr Teilnehmer Punkte Ergebnis At Clavius-G.
Profile Of Henry Garnet astronomy, physics and geography under eminent international scholars such as RobertBellarmine, Francesco Saurez, and christopher clavius, Henry Garnet joined
Extractions: Died: 3 May 1606 at Saint Paul's Churchyard, London Henry Garnet, later head of the Jesuit mission in England, was born according to most historical accounts in the second half of the year 1555, probably at Heanor, a small market town in east Derbyshire. His early childhood was spent, however, in Nottingham, where his father, Brian Garnet had become the head master of the Free Grammar School in 1565. His father had a scholarly bent, a predisposition that had a lasting effect on his sons. Bryan Garnet descended from a family that traces its origins back to Ralph de Gernet, a learned gentleman who came to England from Norman France in the time of William the Conqueror. The Gernets had settled mostly in the north-western part of England, became landholders in Westmorland and Lancashire and gained the right to bear arms. One branch of this early Gernet family had distinguished itself as sergeants of the King's Forest throughout Lancaster and by the thirteenth century held vast estates at Halton, Heysham, Lydiate and Coton. Although holding land and positions of power during the Middle Ages, the later Gernets made their mark more in learning than in politics.
La Riforma Gregoriana Translate this page La riforma di Gregorio giunse, dopo che egli ebbe nominato unapposita commissione,presieduta dal matematico bavarese christopher clavius, e grazie ad un
Extractions: sei sul sito di Giovanni Fraterno S.12) La riforma gregoriana Venne annullato il ritardo accumulato dal calendario giuliano, ed escogitata un'elegante soluzione, per evitare l'assommarsi di un nuovo ritardo negli anni dell'avvenire Nell' A.D. 1267 un frate inglese di nome Ruggero Bacone (A.D. 1222-1292), inviò a papa Clemente IV, il suo trattato dal titolo Opus Maius Nel testo, Bacone esponeva le sue teorie, e informava il Pontefice che, lanno del calendario, risultava più lungo, rispetto allanno solare, di circa la 130-esima parte di un giorno Aggiunse anche che, a partire dal concilio di Nicea, questerrore aveva spostato all'indietro lequinozio di primavera di ben 9 giorni , e che dunque la Pasqua , veniva celebrata nel giorno sbagliato Ci sono ignote le reazioni del papa, anche perché questi morì , improvvisamente, nel novembre dell'A.D. 1268. Da quel momento, le teorie di Bacone, furono dichiarate eretiche , e lui stesso venne perseguito e imprigionato Quando nell'A.D. 1348 si abbattè la peste , che sterminò, in due anni, un terzo di tutti gli europei, ovvero circa 30 milioni di persone, gli orologi meccanici con pesi e lancette , già inventati attorno all'A.D. 1320, ora cominciarono a diffondersi.
WWW-Tipp 1/2002 Translate this page http// ALBERTVAN HELDEN schreibt über christopher clavius (1537-1612). Nothing
Extractions: andere Kalender oben Vor 500 Jahren wurde U GO B UONCOMPAGNI geboren. Im Gegensatz zu C ELSIUS , F AHRENHEIT oder K ELVIN vgl. Surftipp 40/2001 REGOR XIII. Trotzdem unterstellt man ihm etwas Vernunft oder Fortschritt, wenn man nur weiß, daß der von ihm reformierte Julianische Kalender, der deshalb "Gregorianischer" Kalender heißt, ziemlich genau der wirklichen Jahresdauer nahekommt. Mein Weltbild wird aber bestätigt, wenn ich aus dem Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikon Band II (1990), Spalten 323-325, Autor: F RIEDRICH W ILHELM ... ASPARD DE EINRICH III. von Frankreich gegen die Hugenotten und die irische Aufstandsbewegung gegen E LISABETH HRISTOPH C LAVIUS So soll GREGOR XIII. ausgesehen haben: weitere Links
Nat'l Academies Press, Eclipse: (2001), Index Chronometers, 289, 299, 300 Churchill, SirWinston, 105 Civil War, 293 Clarke, John,179 Claudius, emperor of Rome, 68, 359 clavius, christopher, 186 Clementine
Extractions: Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-xviii 1. From the Depths of Time: The E..., pp. 1-36 2. The Heavenly Cycles, pp. 37-67 3. Making Predictions, pp. 68-104 4. A Warp in Space, pp. 105-124 5. The Turbulent Sun, pp. 125-146 6. Ancient Eclipses and the Length..., pp. 147-160 7. Eclipses and the Size of the Su..., pp. 161-173 8. The American Eclipses of 1780 a..., pp. 174-195 9. The Rocky Mountain Eclipse of 1..., pp. 196-212 10. The Great New York City Winter..., pp. 213-228 11. Nantucket, the Astronomically ..., pp. 229-244 12. Eclipses of the Third Kind, pp. 245-272 13. ...and a Fourth, pp. 273-309 14. Stepping Beyond the Solar Syst..., pp. 310-326 15. An Eclipse Chaser's Guide, pp. 327-355 16. An Eclipse Whodunit, pp. 356-382 Appendix: Calculating Eclipses, pp. 383-434 Glossary of Astronomical and Scient..., pp. 435-440 Picture Credits, pp. 441-444 Index, pp. 445-474
Mìstská Knihovna Tábor - Katalog Clavius Mestská knihovna Tábor katalog clavius. Andersen,Christian Andersen,ChristopherAndersen,Merete Morken, Andersen,Thomas Andersch,Alfred,1914-1980 Anderson
Mìstská Knihovna Tábor - Catalogue Clavius Mestská knihovna Tábor catalogue clavius. Andersen,Christian Andersen,ChristopherAndersen,Merete Morken, Andersen,Thomas Andersch,Alfred,1914-1980 Anderson
Mìstské Kulturní Støedisko Holeov - Catalogue Clavius Mestské kulturní stredisko Holeov catalogue clavius. Andersen,ChristopherAndersch,Alfred Anderson,Kenneth Anderson,Kevin J. Anderson,Poul,1926- Anderson
Gregorijanski Kalendar U Mainzu je tampano njegovo veliko delo u 5 tomova christopher Claviuse Scoletate Jesu opera mathematica quinque tomis distributa .
Extractions: GREGORIJANSKI KALENDAR Videli smo da je srednja julijanska godina dua od prirodne (tropske) za ~ 11 minuta i 14 sekundi . Poto se ta razlika stalno akumulira, ona za priblino 128 godina iznosi 1 dan. Za 400 godina ta razlika naraste na 3 dana 2 sata 52 minuta i 48 sekundi, a za 800 godina naraste na 6 dana 5 sati 45 minuta i 36 sekundi . Da zvanièni kalendar ne bi iao (urio) ispred prirodnog, bilo je potrebno izvriti njegovu prepravku. Rimski papa Gregorius (Grgur) XIII je 24. februara 1582. godine obznanio reformu do tada postojeæeg, julijanskog kalendara, predloenu od strane nemaèkog jezuite i astronoma Christophera Claviusa ,a uz pomoæ napuljskog astronoma i fizièara Aloysiusa Liliusa . Papina bula (ili dekret) koji je sadravao tu reformu nazvana je Inter Gravissimas , po prve dve reèi u tom tekstu. Te reèi na latinskom jeziku znaèe "
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