Kernion's Chemicals - Chapter Ten Review Emile clapeyron emile Clapeyron was educated at the Ecole Polytechniquefrom which he graduated in 1818. He then went to the Ecole
References For Clapeyron References for emile clapeyron. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Books E Mendoza (ed.), Reflections
Extractions: Ann. of Sci. Math. Comput. Simulation M Kerker, Sadi Carnot and the steam engine engineers, Isis F Sebastiani, The caloric theories of Laplace, Poisson, Sadi Carnot and Clapeyron and the theory of thermal phenomena in gases formulated by Clausius in 1850 (Italian), Physis - Riv. Internaz. Storia Sci. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Short Biographies: Ch clapeyron, Benoit Paul emile 26 Jan 1799 28 Jan 1864 French Educated at École Polytechnique he went to Russia in 1810, remaining there for 21 years. He expressed Sadi Carnot's ideas on heat analytically, with the help of graphical
Extractions: Sadi Carnot 's ideas on heat analytically, with the help of graphical representations, in 1834. This work had important influences on Thomson and Clausius . He also was interested in railway engineering and designed steam locomotives. The Clapeyron relation, a differential equation which determines the heat of vaporisation of a liquid, is named after him.
Extractions: [Weiter] [Inhaltsverzeichnis] [Suchen] D IE C LAUSIUS- C LAPEYRON- G LEICHUNG Wegen das chemische Potential gleich der spezifischen freien Enthalpie . Entlang der Grenzkurve gilt also und somit ableiten. Dazu betrachtet man p als Funktion von T und differenziert nach T: Daraus ergibt sich die Clausius Clapeyron -Gleichung Dabei ist Beispiel: Dampfdruckkurve Damit ergibt sich: Daher gilt Man sieht daran: [Weiter] Systeme mit mehreren Komponenten
Clapeyron Biography of Benoit Paul emile clapeyron (17991864) Benoit Paul emile clapeyron. Born 26 Jan 1799 in Paris, France
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Emile Clapeyron Sadi Carnot 's ideas on heat analytically, with the help of graphical representations, in 1834. This work had important influences on Thomson and Clausius He was also interested in railway engineering and designed steam locomotives. The Clapeyron relation, a differential equation which determines the heat of vaporisation of a liquid, is named after him. References (5 books/articles) References elsewhere in this archive: Rue Clapeyron is in the 8th Arrondissement in Paris. You can see a list of Paris streets named after mathematicians in our archive. Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
WIEM: Clapeyron Benoit Pierre Emile clapeyron Benoit Pierre emile (17991864), francuski fizyk, inynier i konstruktor (maszyn parowych i konstrukcji stalowych). Zajmowa si
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Clapeyron Benoit Pierre Emile (1799-1864), francuski fizyk, in¿ynier i konstruktor (maszyn parowych i konstrukcji stalowych). Zajmowa³ siê termodynamik± i teori± sprê¿ysto¶ci Nada³ rozg³os pracom N.L.S. Carnota . Odkry³ zale¿no¶æ temperatury przej¶æ fazowych (topnienia, wrzenia) od ci¶nienia. By³ twórc± równania stanu gazu doskona³ego Zobacz równie¿ Clapeyrona równanie Powi±zania Carnot Sadi Nicolaus Leonard wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra
Clapeyron Benoit Paul emile clapeyron. Born 26 emile clapeyron was educated atthe Ecole Polytechnique from which he graduated in 1818. He then
Extractions: Emile Clapeyron was educated at the Ecole Polytechnique from which he graduated in 1818. He then went to the Ecole des Mines where he trained as an engineer along with his friend Gabriel Clapeyron and went together to Russia in 1820. Alexander I of Russia had set up a team of engineers to improve the roads and bridges of Russia and he turned to France to provide the expertise in teaching and leading the newly formed teams. Clapeyron and went to St Petersburg where the Ecole des Travaux Publics had been set up and these they taught both pure and applied mathematics. They both also engaged in leading the construction work as well as lecturing. Both Clapeyron and remained in Russia for 10 years. During that time they published joint mathematical and engineering work in a number of journals. They left following the revolution of 1830 when their political views made them feel unwelcome. They returned to France at a time when railways were just beginning to be constructed but the early ventures had been economic failures. They had the vision to see the great future in railways and money began to go into a study of engineering problems associated with their development. Clapeyron proposed a railway line from Paris to St Germain and sought funding for the project. However, before funding was obtained he was offered a chair at the Ecole des Mineurs in St Etienne. In 1835 the construction of the line from Paris to St Germain was authorised and Clapeyron and
Clapeyron Biography of emile clapeyron (17991864) Benoit Paul emile clapeyron. Born 26 Feb 1799 in Paris, France
Extractions: Emile Clapeyron was educated at the Ecole Polytechnique from which he graduated in 1818. He then went to the Ecole des Mines where he trained as an engineer along with his friend Gabriel Clapeyron and went together to Russia in 1820. Alexander I of Russia had set up a team of engineers to improve the roads and bridges of Russia and he turned to France to provide the expertise in teaching and leading the newly formed teams. Clapeyron and went to St Petersburg where the Ecole des Travaux Publics had been set up and these they taught both pure and applied mathematics. They both also engaged in leading the construction work as well as lecturing. Both Clapeyron and remained in Russia for 10 years. During that time they published joint mathematical and engineering work in a number of journals. They left following the revolution of 1830 when their political views made them feel unwelcome. They returned to France at a time when railways were just beginning to be constructed but the early ventures had been economic failures. They had the vision to see the great future in railways and money began to go into a study of engineering problems associated with their development. Clapeyron proposed a railway line from Paris to St Germain and sought funding for the project. However, before funding was obtained he was offered a chair at the Ecole des Mineurs in St Etienne. In 1835 the construction of the line from Paris to St Germain was authorised and Clapeyron and
Benoît-Paul-Emile CLAPEYRON Translate this page et suiv. Benoît-Paul-emile clapeyron (1799-1864). clapeyron (Benoît-Paul-emile)est né à Paris, le 26 février 1799. Entré à
Extractions: Publié dans le LIVRE DU CENTENAIRE (Ecole Polytechnique), 1897, Gauthier-Villars et fils, TOME I, pages 194 et suiv. CLAPEYRON (Benoît-Paul-Emile) est né à Paris, le 26 février 1799. Entré à l'Ecole Polytechnique en 1816, il en sortit, en 1818, comme élève-ingénieur des Mines. A sa sortie de l'École d'application, en 1820, il partit pour la Russie, en compagnie de son antique et ami Lamé , dont il ne cessa d'être le fidèle collaborateur pendant sa longue et active carrière. Les deux jeunes ingénieurs étaient appelés par le gouvernement russe, pour importer et développer, dans ce pays encore neuf, la mécanique théorique et pratique, dont les progrès merveilleux excitaient l'émulation de tous les peuples civilisés. Indépendamment de nombreux travaux de construction, Clapeyron et Lamé furent chargés de l'enseignement des mathématiques pures et appliquées à l'École des Travaux publics de Saint-Pétersbourg. Ils demeurèrent dix années en Russie. Lorsque, en 1830, Clapeyron rentra en France, les esprits étaient en pleine effervescence. La locomotive la Fusée , construite par Stephenson, venait de remporter le prix du concours de Rainhill, et les perspectives les plus brillantes s'ouvraient à l'industrie des chemins de fer. Clapeyron n'hésita point à prendre une part active à ce mouvement. Il fut un des principaux promoteurs du railway de Paris à Saint-Germain; il en rédigea les projets et en dirigea la construction. Il fut aussi ingénieur du chemin de fer de Versailles (rive droite), et s'occupa principalement de la construction des machines locomotives. A cette époque, les lois qui régissent les mouvements de ces machines étaient encore mal connues : l'illustre Robert Stephenson, consulté par Emile Pereire, n'osa pas s'engager à fournir des locomotives, qui pussent franchir les rampes de 5 millimètres sur 18 kilomètres de développement que présente la ligne de Versailles. Clapeyron ne recula pas devant ce problème, et les machines furent construites, sur ses plans, par Sharp et Roberts.
Ingenieurs Du Corps Des Mines Benoit Paul emile clapeyron (1799-1864); Edmond BOUR (1832-1866);
Extractions: Mise à jour : 19 mars 2003 Cette page n'est pas figée ! Elle évolue grâce aux informations glanées, et aux contributions des lecteurs. Faites part de vos remarques et envoyez des éléments biographiques à L'oeuvre du corps des mines au XIXème siècle, par Louis Aguillon Texte d'un seul tenant (environ 350 K octets) tel que paru dans Ecole Polytechnique, Livre du Centenaire (1794-1894) , tome III, Gauthier-Villars, 1897.
Benoit Paul Emile Clapeyron - Anagrams Rearranging the letters of benoit paul emile clapeyron gives 'No, I beatpeople numerically!'! Find out for FREE what is hidden in YOUR name!
Extractions: League table of top contributors Find anagram aliases of benoit paul emile clapeyron (or any other text)! Find gold service anagrams of benoit paul emile clapeyron (or any other text)! Anagram Genius Archive Main Index Anagram Gems Mailing List Anagram Genius Archive France Index home page
Benoît-Paul-Emile CLAPEYRON Publié dans le LIVRE DU CENTENAIRE (Ecole Polytechnique), 1897, GauthierVillars et fils, TOME I, pages 194 et suiv. Benoît-Paul-emile clapeyron (1799-1864) clapeyron (Benoît-Paul-emile) est né à Paris, le 26 février 1799.
Extractions: Publié dans le LIVRE DU CENTENAIRE (Ecole Polytechnique), 1897, Gauthier-Villars et fils, TOME I, pages 194 et suiv. CLAPEYRON (Benoît-Paul-Emile) est né à Paris, le 26 février 1799. Entré à l'Ecole Polytechnique en 1816, il en sortit, en 1818, comme élève-ingénieur des Mines. A sa sortie de l'École d'application, en 1820, il partit pour la Russie, en compagnie de son antique et ami Lamé , dont il ne cessa d'être le fidèle collaborateur pendant sa longue et active carrière. Les deux jeunes ingénieurs étaient appelés par le gouvernement russe, pour importer et développer, dans ce pays encore neuf, la mécanique théorique et pratique, dont les progrès merveilleux excitaient l'émulation de tous les peuples civilisés. Indépendamment de nombreux travaux de construction, Clapeyron et Lamé furent chargés de l'enseignement des mathématiques pures et appliquées à l'École des Travaux publics de Saint-Pétersbourg. Ils demeurèrent dix années en Russie. Lorsque, en 1830, Clapeyron rentra en France, les esprits étaient en pleine effervescence. La locomotive la Fusée , construite par Stephenson, venait de remporter le prix du concours de Rainhill, et les perspectives les plus brillantes s'ouvraient à l'industrie des chemins de fer. Clapeyron n'hésita point à prendre une part active à ce mouvement. Il fut un des principaux promoteurs du railway de Paris à Saint-Germain; il en rédigea les projets et en dirigea la construction. Il fut aussi ingénieur du chemin de fer de Versailles (rive droite), et s'occupa principalement de la construction des machines locomotives. A cette époque, les lois qui régissent les mouvements de ces machines étaient encore mal connues : l'illustre Robert Stephenson, consulté par Emile Pereire, n'osa pas s'engager à fournir des locomotives, qui pussent franchir les rampes de 5 millimètres sur 18 kilomètres de développement que présente la ligne de Versailles. Clapeyron ne recula pas devant ce problème, et les machines furent construites, sur ses plans, par Sharp et Roberts.
Benoit Paul Emile Clapeyron: A Short Bibliographical Sketch Table of Contents. Abstract Volume 5 Issue 2 (2000) pp 8387 DOI 10.1007/s00897000370a.Benoit Paul emile clapeyron A Short Bibliographical Sketch. Jaime Wisniak.
Extractions: DOI 10.1007/s00897 Jaime Wisniak Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel Published online: 2 April 2000 Abstract. Clapeyron is well known in thermodynamics through the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that describes the variation of the vapor pressure with temperature; few are aware that he made his career as a railroad engineer and locomotive designer. Here we give a description of his life and his scientific and professional achievements as an engineer in a turbulent epoch in the history of France and Russia. It is shown that Clapeyron was able to develop his equation without making use of the second law and the concepts of absolute temperature and entropy, ideas unknown in his time. Key Words: Chemistry and History;
Great Physicists 1832); Cavendish, Henry (1731 1810); Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan(1910 - 1995); clapeyron, Benoit Paul emile (1799 - 1864); Clausius
Extractions: Most of the following materials are from History of Mathematics Archive , St Andrews Univ., UK. For links that don't work, go to the original places above. Newton, Sir Isaac (1643 - 1727) Maxwell, James Clerk (1831 - 1879) Franklin, Benjamin : to Franklin Institute Science Museum at Philadelphia Geiger, Hans Gell-Mann, Murray Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham (1902-1978) Halley, Edmond (1656 - 1742) ... Millikan, Robert : Caltech Photo Archive Minkowski, Hermann (1864 - 1909) von Neumann, John (1902 - 1957) here Ohm, Georg Simon (1789 - 1854) ... Noted Figures in Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Clapeyron Portrait Portrait of emile clapeyron emile clapeyron. JOC/EFR August 2001
Clapeyron clapeyron. Benoit Paul emile clapeyron. Born France. emile clapeyron waseducated at the Ecole Polytechnique from which he graduated in 1818.
Extractions: Died: 28 Jan 1864 in Paris, France Emile Clapeyron was educated at the Ecole Polytechnique from which he graduated in 1818. He then went to the Ecole des Mines where he trained as an engineer along with his friend Gabriel Lamé. Clapeyron and Lamé went together to Russia in 1820. Alexander I of Russia had set up a team of engineers to improve the roads and bridges of Russia and he turned to France to provide the expertise in teaching and leading the newly formed teams. Clapeyron and Lamé went to St Petersburg where the Ecole des Travaux Publics had been set up and these they taught both pure and applied mathematics. They both also engaged in leading the construction work as well as lecturing. Both Clapeyron and Lamé remained in Russia for 10 years. During that time they published joint mathematical and engineering work in a number of journals. They left following the revolution of 1830 when their political views made them feel unwelcome. They returned to France at a time when railways were just beginning to be constructed but the early ventures had been economic failures. They had the vision to see the great future in railways and money began to go into a study of engineering problems associated with their development. Clapeyron proposed a railway line from Paris to St Germain and sought funding for the project. However, before funding was obtained he was offered a chair at the Ecole des Mineurs in St Etienne. In 1835 the construction of the line from Paris to St Germain was authorised and Clapeyron and Lamé were put in charge of the project. Lamé was offered the chair of physics at the Ecole Polytechnique shortly after they began their work and Clapeyron was left to head the venture.
The Science Bookstore - Chronology clapeyron, emile Died 1/26/1799, 1799 AD, 1834 AD, clapeyron, B. BenoitPierreclapeyron presents a formulation of the second law of thermodynamics.
The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1799 AD, de Laplace, P. PierreSimon de Laplace begins publication of CelestialMechanics finished in 1825. clapeyron, emile Died 1/26/1799, 1799 AD,
Clapeyron Translate this page Histoire de la chimie. emile clapeyron. 1799-1884. Physicien français.Un des fondateurs de la thermodynamique notamment par son mémoire