Van_Ceulen Ludolph van Ceulen. Ludolph Van Ceulen does not appear to have had a universityeducation as his parents were not sufficiently wealthy to pay for one.
Extractions: Ludolph Van Ceulen does not appear to have had a university education as his parents were not sufficiently wealthy to pay for one. He held a number of posts not only as a teacher of mathematics but also as a fencing teacher. He taught fencing and mathematics in Delft, then in 1594, opened a fencing school in Leiden. In 1600 he was appointed to the Engineering School in Leiden. For the last ten years of his life he taught arithmetic, surveying and fortification in the engineering school. Van Ceulen is famed for his calculation of p to 35 places which he did using polygons with 2 sides. He spent most of his life doing this and it is fitting that the 35 places of p are engraved on his tombstone. In Germany p was called the Ludolphine number for a long time. Van Ceulen had several friends among the mathematicians of the time. In particular his friendships with Simon
Ludolph Van Ceulen Ludolph van Ceulen. Two thousand years ago, the ratio between the. Ludolphvan Ceulen was born at Hildesheim, Germany,. 28 January, 1540.
Extractions: Ludolph van Ceulen Two thousand years ago, the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter was taken to be "3". Although the value was close, as time went on efforts were made to refine the ratio to a more precise constant. Greek mathemetician, Archimedes, correctly asserted that it fell between 3 10/70, and 3 10/71. In the computer age, the number has been calculated to the one millionth decimal place, and has been determined to be an irrational number, without a finite definition. Ludolph van Ceulen was born at Hildesheim, Germany, 28 January, 1540. Like many Germans during the Catholic Inquisitions, he emmigrated to The Netherlands. He taught Fencing and Mathematics in Delft until 1594, when he moved to Leiden and opened a Fencing School. In 1600 he was appointed to the Engineering School at Leiden, where he spent the remainder of his life teaching Mathematics, Surveying, and Fortification. He wrote several books, including one titled "On The Circle", in which he published his geometric findings. Ludolph's most famous student, Willebrord Snell
Poster Of Van_Ceulen Ludolph Van Ceulen died 392 years ago 31st December 1610 Ludolph Van Ceulen is famed for his calculation of to 35 places. In Germany used to be called the Ludolphine number. Find out more at
Ludolph Van Ceulen - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All home acapedia feedback. Friends of Acapedia Ludolph van Ceulen. FromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (There is currently no text in this page).
Ceulen, Ludolph Van Catalog of the Scientific Community. ceulen, ludolph van. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue
Extractions: Ceulen, Ludolph van Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Hildesheim, Germany, 28 Jan. 1540 Died: Leiden, 31 December 1610 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: A Merchant Bosmans says that his father was in very modest condition, so that Van Ceulen's education stopped with elementary. I interpret this as poor. 3. Nationality Birth: German Career: Dutch Death: Dutch 4. Education Schooling: No University No evidence of any university education. 5 Religion: Cal. Nothing whatever is said; he must have conformed to the Calvinist church of the Netherlands. 5. Religion Affiliation: 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Mathematics Van Ceulen computed pi to 20 decimal places, and later, using Archimedes method (to which he added devices to speed things up) to 33 and ultimately to 35 places. In this he made himself an expert in trigonometry. 7. Means of Support Primary: Schoolmaster, Academic 1580: in Delft he was a fencing master and a teacher of mathematics.
Tentoonstelling Pi te herdenken dat 400 jaar geleden ludolph van ceulen, samen met Simon Fransz. van Merwen, benoemd werd tot 'professor
Extractions: De levensloop van Ludolph van Ceulen De vroege geschriften van Van Ceulen De grote hoofdwerken ... Ludolph van Ceulens grafsteen Om te herdenken dat 400 jaar geleden Ludolph van Ceulen, samen met Simon Fransz. van Merwen, benoemd werd tot 'professor in de Nederduytsche Mathematycque' wordt door het Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 2-7 juli 2000, op 5 juli aandacht besteed aan Ludolph van Ceulen, de man die de wetenschappelijke wereld van zijn tijd verbaasde door het getal pi , de verhouding tussen de omtrek en de middellijn van een cirkel, in 35 decimalen te berekenen. Opmerkelijk was de wijze van publiceren: op zijn grafsteen in de Leidse Pieterskerk. Hoewel deze grafsteen in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw is verdwenen, ontvangen tot in onze tijd de VVV en het gemeentearchief regelmatig vragen naar deze steen. Het stemt tot voldoening, dat het Wiskundig Genootschap besloten heeft een gedenkteken in de Pieterskerk aan te brengen met de tekst van deze grafsteen. Al met al voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek voldoende aanleiding een kleine verzameling boeken tentoon te stellen over het werk van Van Ceulen, zijn medestanders en tegenstrevers. Aan het einde van de zestiende eeuw was het berekenen van pi immers een strijdperk dat door menigeen betreden werd. De zinspreuk van het Wiskundig Genootschap, opgericht in 1778, luidt: 'Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven'. Hoewel aan het berekenen van decimalen van
Peripheria - Ludolph Van Ceulen (1540-1610) Biographie du mathematicien ludolph van ceulen (15401610) ludolph van ceulen, professeur de mathématiques et d'escrime allemand né le 28 janvier 1540 à Hildesheim en Allemagne,
Extractions: (plus d'images) Ludolph Van Ceulen, professeur de mathématiques et d'escrime allemand né le 28 janvier 1540 à Hildesheim en Allemagne, mort 31 décembre 1610 à Leiden aux les Pays-Bas. Il enseigna l'escrime et les mathématiques à Delft, et en 1594, il ouvrit une école d'escrime à Leiden. En 1600 il fut nommé à l'école d'Ingénieur de Leiden. Pendant les dix dernières années de sa vie il enseigna l'arithmétique. Il est connu pour avoir calculé 35 décimales de pi, ce qu'il a fait en utilisant des polygones de 2 côtés. Il a passé la plupart de sa vie à faire cela, et il est normal que les 35 décimales soient gravées sur sa pierre tombale. Il a écrit un certain nombre de travaux, parmi lesquels Sur le cercle , deux de ces livres furent traduits en latin pour les rendre plus accessibles à la communauté des mathématiciens.
Pi In De Pieterskerk Woensdag 5 juli 2000 is een gereconstrueerde grafsteen van ludolph van ceulen geplaatst in de Pieterskerk. ludolph van ceulen leefde in het begin van de 17de eeuw en heeft veel werk verricht voor het benaderen van Pi.
Extractions: Pi in de Pieterskerk Op 5 juli 2000 werd door het Wiskundig Genootschap een Pi-dag in Leiden georganiseerd. De aanleiding hiertoe, tevens het feestelijk hoogtepunt van de dag, vormde de onthulling van een gedenksteen voor de wiskundige/schermmeester Ludolph van Ceulen . Aan het eind van de 16de en in het begin van de 17de eeuw heeft deze veel werk verricht aan het vinden van nauwkeurige benaderingen voor het getal pi . De gedenksteen, met daarop een reconstructie van de tekst die ooit op de verdwenen grafsteen van Van Ceulen heeft gestaan, werd ontworpen en gehakt door Cornelia Bakkum. De onthulling is gedaan door Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid de Prins van Oranje. De Pi-dag bestond uit een middag- en een avondgedeelte; voor beide is het programma hier te vinden. Het middagprogramma had een wat meer wetenschappelijk karakter; het was onderdeel van het congres ANTS dat van 2 t/m 7 juli in Leiden wordt georganiseerd. Een fotoverslag van met name dit programmaonderdeel werd gemaakt door Rob Smit. Het avondprogramma vond plaats in de Pieterskerk te Leiden.
Ludolph Van Ceulen. ludolph van ceulen. (1540 1610). 3 14159265358979323846264338327950288
References For Van_Ceulen References for ludolph van ceulen. D Huylebrouck, ludolph van ceulen's15401610 tombstone, Math. Intelligencer 17 (4) (1995), 60-61.
Van_Ceulen Biography of ludolph van ceulen (15401610) ludolph van ceulen. Born 28 Jan 1540 in Hildesheim, Germany
Extractions: Ludolph Van Ceulen does not appear to have had a university education as his parents were not sufficiently wealthy to pay for one. He held a number of posts not only as a teacher of mathematics but also as a fencing teacher. He taught fencing and mathematics in Delft, then in 1594, opened a fencing school in Leiden. In 1600 he was appointed to the Engineering School in Leiden. For the last ten years of his life he taught arithmetic, surveying and fortification in the engineering school. Van Ceulen is famed for his calculation of p to 35 places which he did using polygons with 2 sides. He spent most of his life doing this and it is fitting that the 35 places of p are engraved on his tombstone. In Germany p was called the Ludolphine number for a long time. Van Ceulen had several friends among the mathematicians of the time. In particular his friendships with Simon
[HM] Ludolph Van Ceulen By Dick Klingens Subject HM ludolph van ceulen Author Dick Klingens Date Thu, 8 Jun 2000 063743 +0200
Extractions: Subject: [HM] Ludolph van Ceulen Author: Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 06:37:43 +0200 On the July 5th, 2000 a memorial stone will be unveiled, honering Ludolph van Ceulen. The stone will be placed in the Pieterskerk (St. Pieter's Church) in Leiden (Netherlands) at the some spot as his lost gravestone. On the memorial stone Ludolph's 35 decimal digits of Pi will be engraved. In the afternoon and in the evening Pieter Borwein will give the Beeger lecture 2000 at the Leiden University (it's on Pi). The reveiling of the memory stone is an activity of the Wiskundig Genootschap (Dutch Mathematic Society) in connection with WMY2000. More information (in Dutch): The Math Forum
Roomen, Andriaan Van correspondence is now mostly lost. Early in his career he establisheda connection with ludolph van ceulen. He was acquainted with the
Extractions: Roomen, Andriaan van Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Louvain, 29 Sept. 1561 Died: Mainz, 4 May 1615 He died in travel, as he returned from Würzburg to Louvain. Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Merchant Same name, a merchant. No indication of financial status. 3. Nationality Birth: Belgian Career: Belgain, German, Polish Death: German 4. Education Schooling: Louvain; M.A., M.D. He studied at the Jesuit College in Cologne. One source says that he studied medicine at Louvain and then somewhere in Italy (no university mentioned), where he completed an M.A. and M.D. It appears obvious from his career that he had an M.D., and thus the story appears plausible. I assume a B.A. or its equivalent. 5. Religion Affiliation: He had to have been Catholic. 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Mathematics Subordinate: Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Medicine In Würzburg, where he was a professor of medicine and where he really created the medical faculty in a new university, he published a continuing series of medical theses defended by his students. They are all wholly traditional, and there is no indication at all that Roomen contributed to medical science. A prolific author, Roomen wrote also on astronomy and natural philosophy. As with medicine, his opinions in these fields were wholly traditional. After some thought, I list the three as subordinate disciplines.
Extractions: [bound with:] De Arithmetische en Geometrische fondamenten... In veele verscheydene constighe questien, soo geometrice door linien, als arithmetice door irrationale ghetallen, oock door den regel coss, ende de tafelen sinuum ghesolveert. Leiden, Joost van Colster and Jacob Marcus, 1615 W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books The Calculation of p CEULEN, Ludolph van Vanden Circkel. Daer in gheleert werdt te vinden de naeste Proportie des Circkels-diameter tegen synen Omloop... Noch de Tafelen Sinuum, Tangentium, ende Secantium... Ten laetsten van Interest... Delft, Jan Andriesz, 1596 [bound with:] De Arithmetische en Geometrische fondamenten... In veele verscheydene constighe questien, soo geometrice door linien, als arithmetice door irrationale ghetallen, oock door den regel coss, ende de tafelen sinuum ghesolveert. Leiden, Joost van Colster and Jacob Marcus, 1615 Delft, Jan Andriesz, 1596 2 vols in one, folio, I: ff [6] 72 [pp 73-76] 77-113 [1], with engraved portrait of author on title by J. Eilegen incorporating Ceulen's computation of p to 20 decimal places, black letter, numerous woodcut diagrams in text; II: [iv] 271 (second leaf of prelims bound between pages 8 and 9), with woodcut diagram on title (see below); a few early marginal annotations to first work, some light waterstains to title and a few gatherings of second work, a fine copy in contemporary Dutch yapped vellum, upper joint split at top. £7500 First editions of Van Ceulen's two most important works, principally concerned with the calculation of p. Originally from Germany, Ceulen (1540-1610) spent most of his life in Holland and was one of the most important Dutch mathematicians of his time. His influence continued through his pupil Willebrord Snel, who translated and edited his works.
Extractions: VAN CUREN FAMILY HOME PAGE In the 1500s, Spain was engaged in a "spiritual cleansing" known as the "Inquisition". To non-Catholics, this usually meant Imprisonment, torture, and/or execution. As the Spanish began conquering Western Europe, many were forced to flee to the safety of the Dutch States. Such is the case of Cologne, which fell to Spain in 1559. As a matter of identification, wealthy classes from Cologne often attached the suffix "van Ceulen"(also van Keulen) to their names, which literally means "of Cologne". Eventually, "van" names became recognized as surnames, and thus, the van Keulen/van Ceulen family was created. Mathijs Jansen Van Ceulen, 1602-1648, first arrived in North America(New York) in June, 1639 aboard the West India Raven from Recife, Brazil. He was found in New Amsterdam(Manhattan)in until Aug, 1639, then back in Recife until 1641. By late 1641 he had made Fort Orange(aka Albany, NY) his permanent home. He was one of the 19 Lord-Directors of the Dutch West India Trading Company, empowered with the Armorial Bearings of an Earl, and known as one of the co-Patroons of Zawaanendal (Tenant-farm Colony-Swan Valley, Delaware River, near Lewes). The Dutch colonies at New Netherlandt proved to be a dismal failure and were eventually taken over by the British in 1664, at which time it was renamed New York. Mathijs' land and estate were confirmed to his heirs in 1667, including a parcel of 50 Morgens of land in the Pappermemmins (Manhats - Manhattan) known as
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math References for the biography of ludolph van ceulen
Extractions: Associated Topics Dr. Math Home Search Dr. Math Date: 11/02/98 at 02:19:09 From: Ryan Hammond Subject: Ludolph van Ceulen and pi Dear Dr. Math, For a class I was asked to find out about a certain mathematican. I'm looking for information on Ludolph van Ceulen. The Internet site I went to said he approximated pi to the first 35 digits by inscribing polygons in a circle. 1) How do you figure out pi this way? The site also said he used polygons with 2 to the 62nd power sides. My friend said that making a polygon with this many sides is impossible by human hand. And then he gave a reasonable argument. 2) So my second question is how did van Ceulen make such a large polygon? Associated Topics
Tentoonstelling Pi Tentoonstellingen. ludolph van ceulen en de berekening van het getalPI. 1. De levensloop van ludolph van ceulen. ludolph van ceulen
Extractions: 1 Joannes Meursius, Athenae Batavae, sive De urbe Leidensi et academia, virisque claris, qui utramque ingenio suo, atque scrip- tis, illustrarunt, libri duo. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Andream Cloucquium et Elsevirios, 1625. 662 C 10 P. 343 bevat een portret van Van Ceulen, op p. 344-345 staan gegevens over zijn persoon, waaraan hierboven veel is ontleend.
Van_Ceulen Portrait ludolph van ceulen. JOC/EFR August 2001
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math How did ludolph van ceulen estimate pi by inscribing and circumscribinga circle with squares? Drexel ludolph van ceulen and Pi. Date
Extractions: Associated Topics Dr. Math Home Search Dr. Math Date: 11/02/98 at 02:19:09 From: Ryan Hammond Subject: Ludolph van Ceulen and pi Dear Dr. Math, For a class I was asked to find out about a certain mathematican. I'm looking for information on Ludolph van Ceulen. The Internet site I went to said he approximated pi to the first 35 digits by inscribing polygons in a circle. 1) How do you figure out pi this way? The site also said he used polygons with 2 to the 62nd power sides. My friend said that making a polygon with this many sides is impossible by human hand. And then he gave a reasonable argument. 2) So my second question is how did van Ceulen make such a large polygon? Associated Topics
[HM] Ludolph Van Ceulen By Dick Klingens HM ludolph van ceulen by Dick Klingens. reply to this message post amessage on a new topic Back to HistoriaMatematica Discussion Group
Extractions: Subject: [HM] Ludolph van Ceulen Author: Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 06:37:43 +0200 On the July 5th, 2000 a memorial stone will be unveiled, honering Ludolph van Ceulen. The stone will be placed in the Pieterskerk (St. Pieter's Church) in Leiden (Netherlands) at the some spot as his lost gravestone. On the memorial stone Ludolph's 35 decimal digits of Pi will be engraved. In the afternoon and in the evening Pieter Borwein will give the Beeger lecture 2000 at the Leiden University (it's on Pi). The reveiling of the memory stone is an activity of the Wiskundig Genootschap (Dutch Mathematic Society) in connection with WMY2000. More information (in Dutch): The Math Forum