HistoryCenter.net brahmagupta. brahmagupta was the most accomplished of the ancient Indian astronomers.His great work 'The Opening of the Universe' is written in verse form. http://www.historycenter.net/science-detail1.asp?ID=25&TimeZone=3
TITUS Texts: Brahmagupta, Brahmasphutasiddhanta TITUS brahmagupta, Brahmasphutasiddhanta Part No. 2 Chapter 18. at?akuakaad?yayas Verse 1a. praye?a yatas prasnas http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/klskt/mathemat/brsphsd/brsph00
TITUS Texts: Brahmagupta, Aryabhatiya TITUS brahmagupta, Aryabhatiya Part No. 2 Chapter 2. ga?itapadaVerse 1a. brahma-ku-sasi-bud?a-b?r?gu-ravi-kuja-guru-ko?a http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/klskt/mathemat/aryabhat/aryab0
La Formula Di Brahmagupta Translate this page La formula di brahmagupta. La formula di cui il quesito chiede di precisarela validità è nota come formula di brahmagupta (matematico http://matmedia.ing.unina.it/Concorsi a cattedra/quesiti 11 gennaio 2000/Soluzio
Brahmagupta's Formula brahmagupta's Formula. For a Quadrilateral with sides of length ,, , and , the Area is given by. (1). where, (2). is the Semiperimeter http://mathworld.pdox.net/math/b/b361.htm
Brahmagupta Identity brahmagupta Identity. Let. where is the brahmagupta Matrix, then, References. Suryanarayan,E. R. ``The brahmagupta Polynomials.'' Fib. Quart. 34, 3039, 1996. http://mathworld.pdox.net/math/b/b362.htm
±Cù¼¯ÓD¦h¡]brahmagupta ¬ù598-¬ù665¡^ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/3_99.htm
Untitled My favorite Herontype formula is brahmagupta's formula for the maximum areaof a quadrilateral KK = (s - a)(s - b)(s - c)(s - d) Does *this* have n http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/quad-area.html
Extractions: From: gls@odyssey.att.com (Col. G. L. Sicherman) Newsgroups: sci.math Subject: Re: Heron-type formulas Date: 12 Jun 90 13:03:49 GMT Organization: Jack of Clubs Precision Instruments Co. My favorite "Heron-type" formula is Brahmagupta's formula for the maximum area of a quadrilateral: KK = (s - a)(s - b)(s - c)(s - d) Does *this* have n-dimensional analogues? -:- Most people hate egotists. They remind them of themselves. I love egotists. They remind me of me. R. Smullyan Col. G. L. Sicherman gls@odyssey.att.COM
TITUS Texts: Brahmagupta, Brahmasphutasiddhanta Index of brsph Copyright Jost Gippert Frankfurt a/M 19992000. Noparts of this document may be republished in any form without http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/klskt/mathemat/brsphsd/
TITUS Texts: Brahmagupta, Aryabhatiya Index of aryab Copyright Jost Gippert Frankfurt a/M 19992000. Noparts of this document may be republished in any form without http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/klskt/mathemat/aryabhat
Kamat's Potpourri: Glossary: Brahmagupta Database). . brahmagupta. brahmagupta (598 AD660 AD) Ancient mathematicianwho worked with indeterminate equations (Varga Prakriti). See http://www.kamat.org/glossary.asp?WhoID=166
Índice De MATEMÁTICOS Translate this page brahmagupta se sitúa en el siglo VII, en la dinastía Gurjara, enpleno esplendor de la matemática hindú. . . . . Su vida. http://www.mundofree.com/mates/Historia/braha.htm
Extractions: Su época Se sabe que en el tiempo de las construcciones de las pirámides existió una cultura muy rica en los valles del Ganges y del Indo, pero se conoce muy poco de ella, pues está escasamente documentada. Tres mil años antes de Cristo los arios invadieron y dominaron la India, imponiendo el sistema de castas que ha perdurado hasta la actualidad. Mucho después, hacia el siglo V a.C., Buda recorrió estas inmensas tierras, pero el budismo, su religión, como no respetaba este sistema social de castas, fue eliminado. Sufrieron nuevas dominaciones exteriores, pero a partir del siglo III d. C. comenzaron a reinar el país unos emperadores de origen indio, la dinastía Gupta. Dos siglo más tarde, tras la caída del imperio romano, nuevos extranjeros vuelven a ocuparla hasta el siglo XV. La última colonización, la inglesa, ha perdurado hasta hace poco tiempo. Brahmagupta se sitúa en el siglo VII, en la dinastía Gurjara, en pleno esplendor de la matemática hindú. Su vida Pocos datos se disponen de su vida. Su padre fue Jisnugupta. Nació en el año 598, posiblemente en Ujjain, donde vivió. En esta ciudad de la zona central de la India se encontraba el más famoso y antiguo observatorio de astronomía y Brahmagupta era el director. Es considerado el más grande de los matemáticos de esta época. Murió en el año 670. Su obra Su principal obra es un libro de astronomía titulado Brahmasphutasiddhanta (Sistema revisado de Brama) escrito en 628. Nos dice en esta obra que la escribió en la ciudad de Bhillamala, actualmente Bhinmal, entonces capital del país de la dinastía Gurjara.
Brahmagupta brahmagupta. (600660 BC). brahmagupta was born in India. Much of his personal lifeis not known to us. He did write a book called Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta. http://www.mvrhs.org/netsite/school/departments/Math/Jen's folder/brahmagupta.fr
Baby Names - Brahmagupta Similar pages Elementary Geometry for College Students, 3e brahmagupta's Theorem Heron's Theorem can be treated as a corollary of anothertheorem, brahmagupta's Theorem, which can be used to calculate the area of a http://www.kabalarians.com/male/brahmagupta.htm
Extractions: Dear Brahmagupta: The following analysis describes a few qualities of your first name. There are many additional factors (legal name, nicknames, family surname, combined names, previous names, and business signature) that contribute to your entire personality - and your entire life. Order a Name Report for a full analysis. Brahmagupta Your name of Brahmagupta You can receive a comprehensive Name Report including all your names . It is an in-depth description of the influences affecting your personality, potential, and compatibility in personal and business relationships. Take this step to make changes in your life. Do not pass up this opportunity for a happier, healthier, and more successful future. Click here for full Name Report details Please Note: The above analysis is based on the English alphabet.
Brahmagupta Translate this page brahmagupta. brahmagupta era il direttore dell'osservatorio astronomicoa Ujjain che era il primo centro matematico dell'antica India. http://www.geocities.com/palestra_matematica/matematici/brahmagupta.html
Extractions: Scrisse importanti lavori di matematica ed astronomia. Scrisse " Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta " ( L'Apertura dell'Universo ), in 21 capitoli, a Bhillamala nel 628. Suo secondo lavoro di matematiche ed astronomia fu il " Khandakhadyaka " scritto nel 665. (trad. di Andrea Filieri) Torna all'indice dei Grandi Matematici e Fisici
Recherche : Brahmagupta Translate this page Accueil Publimath Requête brahmagupta, Certification IDDN.Dans les fiches. 5 fiches trouvées http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/cgi-bin/publimath.pl?r=Brahmagupta
October 26,1996 brahmagupta Polynomials in two parametersUniversity of Hong Kong Conference on Special. 3,May 1996. Properties of the brahmagupta Matrix, Int. Journal ofMath. http://hypatia.math.uri.edu/~sury/
Hom The earliest major Indian mathematician was known as brahmagupta. ax 2 +1=y 2. brahmaguptawas also the first person to publish a sinus table for any angle. http://hypatia.math.uri.edu/~kulenm/diffeqaturi/m381f00fp/karen/karenmp.htm
Extractions: Recursive Relations The period from 400 - 1200 signified the dark ages in the history of mathematics. Little to no major accomplishments were made in Europe, those accomplishments that were made came mainly from the middle east. During this period we begin to see the emergence of difference equations, the following is a history of those equations and the mathematicians that influenced them. The earliest major Indian mathematician was known as Brahmagupta . This mathematician introduced rules for solving simple quadratic equations of various types. He also invented a method for solving indeterminate equations of the second degree like the following: a x +1=y Brahmagupta was also the first person to publish a sinus table for any angle. Brahmagupta's matrix is given as: Powers of Brahmagupta's matrix are given as: The x n and y n are called Brahmagupta's polynomials and are given by recursive relation: x n+1 = x x n + t y y n
History 650 A.D. 650 AD In the year 650 AD the Indian mathematician brahmagupta was about 52 yearsold He wrote two books entitled Brahma sphuta- siddhanta (The Opening of the http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/650AD.html
Citation Mathematics and Computer Education archive Volume 20 , Issue 3 Fall 1986 toc brahmagupta'squadrilateral Author GS Bhalla Publisher Mathematics and Computer http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=21512&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=11111111&CFT