PIMS: Convex Geometric Analysis jean bourgain (IAS, Princeton) Timothy Gowers (Cambridge University) Michail Gromov(IHES and Courant Institute) Gilles Pisier (Université Paris VI and Texas http://www.pims.math.ca/sections/activities/convexga.html
Extractions: Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann (Univ. of Alberta) Semyon Alesker (Univ. Paris VI and Tel Aviv Univ.), Sergey G.~Bobkov (Syktyvkar University), Jean Bourgain (IAS, Princeton), Nassif Ghoussoub (University of British Columbia), Apostolos Giannopoulos (University of Crete), W.~Timothy Gowers (Cambridge University), Michail Gromov (IHES and Courant Institute), William B.~Johnson (Texas A M University) or Gideon Schechtman (Weizmann Inst. of Sciences), Nigel Kalton (University of Missouri), Joram Lindenstrauss (Hebrew University), Pierre Milman (University of Toronto), Vitali Milman (Tel Aviv University), Edward Odell (University of Texas at Austin) or Thomas Schlumprecht (Texas A M University)
Le Programme Du Colloque PFI jean bourgain,Université des Sciences Techniques - Lille Daniel PROUTEAU, EDF. http://www-pfi.enst-bretagne.fr/pfi2001/le_programme.html
Virginia Tech Libraries: New Book List Author bourgain, jean, 1954. Publisher Providence, RI American MathematicalSociety, c1999. Location NEWMAN. Call QC174.26 W28 S645 2000. http://www.lib.vt.edu/services/newbooks/January2001/QB-QD.html
Extractions: Call: Title: The quest for longitude : the proceedings of the Longitude Symposium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, N Author: Longitude Symposium (1993 : Harvard University) Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, Harvard University, c1996. Location: NEWMAN
REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE Translate this page TOULOUSE I. BOULANGER. Louis. LYON I. BOURDIN. Philippe. PARIS X. bourgain. jean.LILLE. BOURNILHAS. jean-François. BOURGES IUT. BOUSEZ. Françoise. PARIS II. BOUYON.Claudy. http://www.education.gouv.fr/personnel/enssup/listedaptitude.htm
Extractions: dans le corps des maîtres de conférences Article 62 du décret n°84-431 du 6 juin 1984 modifié Les listes affichées ci-dessous seront publiées au Bulletin officiel de léducation nationale Il est rappelé quen cas de discordance, seules les informations publiées au BOEN font foi La validité de la liste daptitude prendra fin au 31 décembre 2002. Les 250 assistants dont les noms suivent, sont inscrits sur la liste daptitude aux fonctions de maîtres de conférences : NOM PATRONYMIQUE PRENOM NOM MARITAL AFFECTATION ABADIE Jacques INP TOULOUSE (ENSAT) ABERLEN Jacques PARIS VIII ALBERGONI Giovanni PARIS X ANTHOINE Jean-Luc BELFORT IUT ARTHOZOUL Magali TOULOUSE IUT AVRIL Danielle LEJEUNE TOURS IUT BALLESTER Louis LILLE II BANNIER Alain LYON BARADERIE Didier BORDEAUX IV BARBATO Nicole SANTUCCI AIX MARSEILLE II IUT BARGE Pierre PARIS VIII BARI Hubert MUSEUM D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE BARILLON Michel AIX MARSEILLE II BARNOYER Robert PERPIGNAN IUT BARRE Annie BLACKBOROW STRASBOURG II BARRON Philippe PARIS V BASDEVANT Françoise MEUNIER PARIS V BASTIEN Guy PARIS VI BECK Françoise FREHEL GRENOBLE I BENDJOUYA Henri GRENOBLE II BERDUCOU Marie-Claude PARIS I BERLOT Jean-Pierre DIJON BERNARD Philippe LYON I BERNE Michel AIX MARSEILLE II BERTHOLON Henri CNAM BESNAINOU Ruth PARIS X BILLARD Jean-Noël POITIERS BLANCHARD Pierre PARIS XII BLONDEL Jacqueline PARIS I BODEUR Yves NANTES BOITARD Geneviève PARIS XIII IUT BONNARD Maryvonne PARIS II BONNARDOT Jean INSA LYON BOTTE François TOURS BOUCHE Michel GRENOBLE II BOUISSOU Michel Benoit
Index Des Publications Mathématiques bourgain, jean, Pointwise ergodic theorems for arithmetic sets, 69 (1989), 541. FULTON,William, voir BAUM, Paul. FURSTENBERG, Harry, voir bourgain, jean. G. http://www.ihes.fr/IHES/Publications/pub-index.html
Fields Medal Prize Winners -- 1994 Louis Lions of Collège de France presented that prize. jean Bourgainof the Institut des Hautes Ètudes Scientifiques and Univ. http://www.icm2002.org.cn/general/prize/medal/1994.htm
The Scientist - People :Fields Medal Four mathematiciansJean bourgain, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton, NJ; PierreLouis Lions of the University of Paris-Dauphine in http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1994/sep/people_940919.html
Extractions: Four mathematiciansJean Bourgain, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.; Pierre-Louis Lions of the University of Paris-Dauphine in France; Jean- Christophe Yoccoz, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France; and Efim I. Zelmanov, a professor at the University of Chicago currently on leave from the University of Wisconsin, Madisonhave been awarded the 1994 Fields Medals. The medals were presented during the International Congress of Mathematicians, held August 3 through 11 in Zurich, Switzerland. The Fields Medalsofficially known as the International Medals for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematicsare presented every four years to two to four individuals under the age of 40 in recognition of both their existing work and the promise of future achievements. Unlike the Nobel and other big prizes, however, the Fields Medals carry no monetary award. Winners are decided upon by a committee within the International Mathematical Uniona professional mathematical society of worldwide membership, headquartered this year in Rio de Janiero, Brazilwhich arranges the International Congress. Thirty-four individuals have been honored since 1936.
SCDMED-Acquisitions-Mars 1998 Translate this page Tome 1, Anesthésie-réanimation en chirurgie oto-rhino-laryngologique et maxillo-facialeBourgain, jean-Louis Cathelin, Myriam Paris Arnette, 1997 http://scd.uhp-nancy.fr/SCDUHP/SCDMED/Acquis/mars98.htm
ICM2002-£Ê¡¤²¼¶û¸Ç¶÷ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.dudusoft.com/icm2002/icm/fields/icm_fields_1994_1.htm