Extractions: Monographie "Historische Belletristik". Populäre historische Biographien in der Weimarer Republik, Frankfurt: Campus 1993, 256 pp. Herausgeberschaften und Wolfgang U. Eckart (eds.), Die Medizin und der Erste Weltkrieg, Freiburg: Centaurus 1996, 367 pp. und Oliver von Mengersen (eds.), Das Ende der Weimarer Republik und die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung, Heidelberg: Manutius 1994, 205 pp. Robert Koch and the Pressures of Scientific Research: Tuberculosis and Tuberculin, Medical History 45 (2001), pp.1-32. Isolation, Contamination, and Pure Culture: Monomorphism and Polymorphism of Pathogenic Micro-Organisms as Research Problem 1860-1880, Perspectives on Science 9 (2000), pp. 147-171. Money and Microbes: Robert Koch, Tuberculin and the Foundation of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin in 1891, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (2000), pp.51-71. Geschichte als Wissenschaft: Ernst Hallier und Emil du Bois-Reymond als Kulturhistoriker, Medizinhistorisches Journal 35 (2000), pp.31-54.
Guy Bois - ResearchIndex Document Query of IEEE Compliant Floating Point Units Guy Even y and Wolfgang paul Univ Marc Garbey(Correct) We also mention the work by Pierre du boisreymond, who published http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=Guy Bois
Www.iper1.com - D Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind Disneyland Dixieland Dortmund John Dowland Émildu boisreymond Vincent du Vigneaud Dyfed Vilhelm Ekelund paul Éluard Ludwig http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=d&pag=2
Known Bears du boisreymond Kirchhoff From left to right GF Bernhard Riemann 1826-1859, JulesVerne 1828-1905, paul DG du bois-reymond 1831-1889, Gustav R. Kirchhoff 1824 http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/8664/bears19th.htm
Extractions: antau verkoj Hans Ludwig HAMBURGER diferencialaj ekvacioj; Dirichletaj serioj, Zeta-funkcio Josef Andreas KÜRSCHAK matricoj; probablokalkulo Hermann MINKOWSKI kvadrataj formoj, konveksaj korpoj William Fogg OSGOOD kompleksa analitiko Ludwig SCHLESINGER diferencialaj ekvacioj Wladimir Andrejewitsch STEKLOW matematika fiziko Josiah Willard GIBBS Fourieraj serioj; vektora analizo Hermann HANKEL kompleksa analitiko; historio pri matematiko Charles Sanders PEIRCE logiko; fundamentoj de supera matematiko Hieronymus Georg ZEUTHEN historio pri matematiko Charles Eugene DELAUNAY diferenciala geometrio; movado de la luno Ludwig SCHLÄFLI konformaj bildigoj, teorio pri sferofunkcioj, plurdimensia geometrio James Joseph SYLVESTER algebraj ekvacioj; matricoj Augustin Louis CAUCHY teorio pri grupoj; analitiko; kompleksa analitiko; emo al scienca rigoreco Naonobu AJIMA geometriaj konstru-taskoj Georg Simon KLÜGEL postulato pri paraleloj Hikojiro Kenko TAKEBE trigonometrio; (japanio) elkalkulis Pi sur 42 ciferoj
Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/97/wavl The first steps toward an attempt to address functions with these characteristicswere taken by paul du boisreymond (1873) and Haar (1909), in whose studies http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/97/wavl
Short Bios Of Designers In The Exhibition DEPT (Leonard van Munster, Mark Klaverstijn paul du boisreymond), their collaboratonbegan at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy working for clubs and on internet http://www.peterb.sk/dutchdesign/bios.html
Extractions: Short biographies Boy Bastiaens (1956) started working as an illustrator. As art director/ designer he has worked on a wide range of projects encompassing graphic-, packaging-, and interior design. Since 1994 he is running, together with Albert Kiefer, the project-based collaboration under the name StormHand. Jop van Bennekom (1970) received post-graduate laureate at the Jan van Eyck Academy. In 1997 he decided to investigate the meaning of a magazine which resulted in an own magazine called RE-. In 1998 started a job as art director of a Dutch lifestyle magazine called Blvd., which he quit shortly to publish, edit and design his Re-Magazine every four months. Irma Boom (1960) worked after her graduation five and a half years for the Government Printing Office in The Hague, where she worked for clients such as Holland Festival and the Arts Council among others. In 1990 she established her own office in Amsterdam, where she works for international clients such as Vitra. Studio Boot (Petra Janssen 1966, Edwin Vollebergh 1962) started the studio in 1993. Working for clients like KPN/PTT, Sacha, Nike, etc. Based in Den Bosch. De Designpolitie , founded by Pepijn Zurburg and Richard van der Laken in 1995. After working in Utrecht for two years they moved to Amsterdam. Work for different clients in the commercial and nonprofit sector.
Museum En School Bendor, Ben van Kempen en Anita t'Sas). De muziek is gecomponeerd doorBurkhardt Soll en paul du boisreymond. Eindregie Ruud Alles. http://www.hortus.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?c=8
Aanvulling 3 De muziek is gecomponeerd door Burkhardt Soll en paul du boisreymond.Eindregie Ruud Alles. Redacteur (Editor) Stans van der Veen Tel. http://www.hortus.leidenuniv.nl/museum en School.htm
Virtual Encyclopedia Of Mathematics of larissa doob joseph leo doppelmayr johann gabriel doppler johann christian douglasjesse drach jules joseph du boisreymond paul david gustav du val patrick http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~plouffe/Simon/supermath.html
List Of (Possible) Speakers Drawing on the work of paul du boisreymond, I develop a measure of relative sizethat is able to capture pretheoretic intuitions that are missed by both http://www.nd.edu/~ndphilo/PhilMathSchedule.htm
Extractions: The Third Annual Midwest PhilMath Workshop, November 9-10, 2002 Schedule of Sessions Summary: In this paper I argue that cardinality and ordinality do not exhaust our pretheoretic notion of size when applied to infinite collections. Drawing on the work of Paul du Bois-Reymond, I develop a measure of relative size that is able to capture pretheoretic intuitions that are missed by both ordinality and cardinality. I argue that this new measure is appropriate to certain sorts of questions about size, and that it should be accepted along with cardinality and ordinality. Summary: In this paper we argue that for Frege there is a notion of "correctness" in conceptual analysis -that the end result of a conceptual analysis must cohere with our pre-analytic intuitions. We then contrast this with Carnap's conventionalist logicism and his attitude towards conceptual analysis. We claim that Carnap's Principle of Tolerance and his resulting views concerning the conventional status of our arithmetical knowledge illustrate that this notion of "correctness" in conceptual analysis is missing in Carnap's employment of the methodology.
Alphabetical List Translate this page Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard. du bois-reymond, Emil Heinrich. Ebbinghaus, Hermann.Eckhard, Conrad. Fick, Adolf Eugen. Flechsig, paul Emil. Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre. http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/people/data/
References Har24 G. Hardy. Orders of Infinity, The ``infinitärcalcül'' of paul du boisreymond.Vol. 12 of Cambridge Tracts in Math. Mathematical Physics. http://www.uncg.edu/mat/avg/avgcomp/node23.html
Extractions: Next: About this document Up: Average-Case Computational Complexity Theory Previous: A Brief Survey S. Arora, C. Lund, R. Motwani, M. Sudan, and M. Szegedy. Proof verification and hardness of approximation problems. In Proceedings of the 33rd Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science , IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 14-23, 1992. BW J. Belanger and J. Wang. No NP problems averaging over ranking of distributions are harder. Theoretical Computer Science , to appear. J. Belanger and J. Wang. Isomorphisms of NP-complete problems on random instances. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory , IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 65-74, 1993. J. Belanger and J. Wang. Rankable distributions do not provide harder instances than uniform distributions. In Proceedings of the 1st International Computing and Combinatorics Conference , vol 959 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Springer-Verlag, pages 410-419, 1995. J. Belanger and J. Wang. Reductions and convergence rates of average time. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference , vol 1090 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Springer-Verlag, pages 300-309, 1996.
Extractions: Startseite Forschung aktuell Publikationen Leiter und Mitarbeiter ... Chronologie (extern) Neuerscheinungen H. wird Mitglied der "Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres" zu Brüssel. H. schreibt in Potsdam das Vorwort zu den gesammelten Werken seines Bruders Wilhelm. H. mietet in der Werderschen Rosenstraße Nr. 3 ("Hinter der Werderschen Kirche") vier Zimmer, die er bis Juni 1842 bewohnt. Hausbesitzerin: Friederieke Schröder; jährliche Miete: 160 Taler. H. in Paris (Hôtel de Londres, Rue des Petits Augustins n. 3). Er bleibt hier bis zum 8.11. H. besucht Meyerbeer. Diner bei Amalie Beer; anwesend H., Meyerbeer und Schelling. H. protestiert bei dem preußischen Minister Anton Graf von Stolberg-Wernigerode gegen das beabsichtigte diskriminierende "Judengesetz". H. bezieht in der Oranienburger Straße Nr. 67 eine neue Wohnung. Am 28. Juni gibt er bereits diese Adresse an, "unter allen Gräueln des Umziehens". Vermutlich war die Übersiedlung in die neue Wohnung noch nicht erfolgt, und H. hat nur die künftige Anschrift schon benutzt. Er behält diese Wohnung bis zu seinem Tode. H. versieht Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim und dessen Sohn mit einem Empfehlungsbrief an Valenciennes in Paris.
Berlin, Förderung Der Wissenschaften, Arbeit Am 'Kosmos' Translate this page 1851-08-28, H. besucht in Begleitung von Emil du bois-reymond das Labor von Werner 1854-05-19,Der Archäöloge Honoré Théodoric paul Joseph d'Albert, duc de http://www.bbaw.de/forschung/avh/avhchron/1851.html
Extractions: Startseite Forschung aktuell Publikationen Leiter und Mitarbeiter ... Chronologie (extern) Neuerscheinungen H. spricht von seinem "tiefeingewurzelten Magenübel" (Brief an Gauß, 22.2.1851). H. spricht in der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften über die Beobachtungen des "Schwankens der Sterne", welche am 22.6.1799 von ihm selbst am Abhang des Pico de Teide (Teneriffa) und später vom Prinzen Adalbert von Preußen angestellt worden sind, und verliest einen eingegangenen Bericht über eine neue, am 20.1.1851 in Trier vorgenommene Beobachtung. H.s alter Pariser Freund, der Zoologen Achille Valenciennes besucht Berlin und wohnt bei H. (bis zum 23.5.). H. mehrere Stunden in Magdeburg (Brief an C. F. F. von Werder, 16.6.1851). H. reist wegen seiner Arbeit am "Kosmos" nicht mit Friedrich Wilhelm IV. nach Ostpreußen zur Beobachtung der am 28.7. sichtbaren totalen Sonnenfinsternis. H. besucht in Begleitung von Emil du Bois-Reymond das Labor von Werner Siemens. "Ich bin durch grosse Anstrengung so glüklich gewesen, meinen 3ten Theil [des "Kosmos"] ganz zu vollenden." (Brief an Alexander Mendelssohn, 1.11.1851).
Tagesfakten Translate this page 1866, paul Lincke wird in der ehemaligen Berliner Holzgartenstraße 5 als Sohndes 1878, Dem Physiologen Emil du bois-reymond wird anläßlich seines 60. http://www.dhm.de/gaeste/luise/tagesfakten/tf11/1107.htm
Extractions: Durch Unvorsichtigkeit des Marktmeisters Georg Wars, der mit einem brennenden Kienspan im Rathaus hantierte, brennt das Berliner Rathaus bis auf die Mauern aus. August von Staegemann wird in Vierraden (Uckermark) geboren. Er war ab 1806 als Geheimer Finanzrat Leiter der Preußischen Bank und von 1834 bis 1840 vierter "Zwingherr" der 1809 gegründeten "Gesetzlosen Gesellschaft zu Berlin". Der "Verein für Cultur und Wissenschaft der Juden" wird gegründet. Lise Meitner wird in Wien geboren. Die Physikerein lebte und arbeitete von 1907 bis 1938 in Berlin. Der Ingenieur Heinrich Seidel, Miterbauer des Anhalter Bahnhofs, stirbt in Berlin. Mit der Aufführung des "König Ödipus" im Zirkus Schumann an der Weidendammer Brücke macht Max Reinhardt den ersten Versuch, klassisches Theater in einen Großraum zu verlegen. Der militärische Oberbefehlshaber für Berlin und die Mark Brandenburg, Generaloberst Alexander von Linsingen, verbietet die Bildung von "Arbeiter- und Soldatenräten nach russischem Muster", da sie die "öffentliche Sicherheit gefährden". Der USPD-Vorsitzende Hugo Haase, der am 8. Oktober vor dem Reichstag Opfer eines Attentats geworden war, erliegt seinen schweren Verletzungen.
Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 07/04/1823 - Nascimento de Guillaume Jules Hoüel (matemático francês) 07/04/1889- Morte do matemático alemão paul David Gustav du bois-reymond 08/04/1919 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=3
5000 BC China Acupuncture aura and the advent of true physiological explanations by such scientists as du boisreymond,Brown-Séquard pauls conversion from Saul to the Christian paul http://www.wfubmc.edu/neurology/students/mighist.html
Extractions: The Historical Development of Migraine Etiology Theories Peter R. Andrews, PCII Submitted for Miniphase Project 1998 Abstract Introduction The history of migraine is one of cycles of observations followed by over-zealous theories, which drive the next round of observations and discoveries; this seems to have been so since antiquity, and continues today. Many of the modern theories of migraine etiology were foreshadowed by the beginning of the dark ages and have been rediscovered, refined, and used in modern theory. While this is not an uncommon model for scientific advancement, migraine disease has one of the longest histories of recognition without sufficient understanding. As we begin to view the development of mankinds understanding of migraine, this perspective must be retained. In some ways it seems frustrating that given the length of its history, migraine disorder has not been fully understood, let alone solved. Yet, given the variability of the disorder, the mere fact that modern medicine has codified migraines and head pain to the degree it has should be seen as a significant accomplishment. Migraine history is often a tale described by changing and often competing etiological theories, however there are some constants as well. Given the subjective character of migraines, they seem to have been an area to which the latest medical revelations were applied as an explanation. When a new discovery was made in one area (e.g., circulatory system, epilepsy) that was quickly applied to migraine as a panacea for explanation. Sometimes, the application of new paradigms was appropriate and they have remained part of the modern models, but often they were exaggerated attempts and have fallen out of favor. We begin with ancient times, from which aspects describing the symptoms and the modern name of "migraine" are derived.
The Darwin Correspondence Online Database name records. paul Friedrich August Ascherson, 18341913. Martin Barry, 180255. CharlesWilliam Crocker, 183268. Emil Heinrich du boisreymond, 181896. http://darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk/perl/nav?class=place&term=Berlin