August 13 - Today In Science History erasmus bartholin. Born 13 Aug 1625; died 4 Nov 1698 Danish physician, mathematician,and physicist who discovered the optical phenomenon of double refraction.
Extractions: English biochemist who was twice the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He was awarded the prize in 1958 for his work on the structure of proteins, especially the determination of the structure of the insulin molecule. He shared the prize (with Paul Berg and Walter Gilbert of the United States) in 1980 for his contribution concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids. Salvador Luria Born 13 Aug 1912 German engineer and inventor of the Wankel rotary engine, the first rotary internal combustion engine. The Wankel engine is distinguished by the presence of an orbiting rotor in the shape of a curved equilateral triangle that does the work done by the moving pistons in other internal-combustion engines. Advantages of the Wankel engine include light weight, few moving parts, compactness. Detlev Bronk Born 13 Aug 1897
OBSERVATORIUM TUSCULANUM Translate this page Nascite in Aarhus. Arrivava como juvene studente a Copenhagen, ubi ille studiavapresso su posterior patre affin del prime matrimonio, erasmus bartholin.
Extractions: Ole Rømer (1644-1710) Astronomo danese de fama mundial e genio universal. Nascite in Aarhus. Arrivava como juvene studente a Copenhagen, ubi ille studiava presso su posterior patre affin del prime matrimonio, Erasmus Bartholin. Laborava con le notas de observation de Tycho Brahe con le scopo de publication. Adjutava le astronomo francese Picard per locar Uranienborg sur le insula svedese Hven. Accompaniava 1672 Picard a Paris e la deveniva membro del Academia Scientific. Collaborava i.a. con celebritates como le philosopho e astronomo Leibnitz, le inventor del pendula Huygens, e Isaac Newton. Rømer discoperiva e mesurava in 1676 le hesitation del velocitate del lumine. Retornava in 1682 a Copenhagen, revocate per le rege. Travaliava ci usque a su morte, ultra como professor de astronomia, a causa de su versatilitate in plure officios. Ille assi esseva ingeniero urban, conductor urban, physico, judice del corte superior, rector universitari, chef del pumperos, chef de policia, burgomaestro etc. Version in interlingua Le Turre Rotunde Le Turre rotunde esseva, como se sape, construite per rege Christian IV e esseva finite in 1642. Illo fungeva al mesme tempore como turre de ecclesia, turre panoramic e observatorio astronomic (le plus vetere observatorio statal del mundo).
Extractions: Anden del. Kjøbenhavn. In two volumes (bound as one) of 327 + 499 pages, Frederik Winkel Horn in 1881 summarized the "history of the Danish literature from its beginning until our time". Facsimile images of the pages were scanned in 600 dpi bitonal and are presented here in 120 dpi grayscale. Project Runeberg uses this work as a source of author biographies when publishing electronic editions of Danish literature. To this end, the long chapters are divided into smaller HTML files, one for each author, with bidirectional links to our presentations of Nordic Authors . This division is yet done only for chapters I and VI. Contents Middelalderen Reformationstiden Den lærde Tid Holberg og hans Samtid ... Det nittende Aarhundrede Alphabetic index A B C D ... V, W
Query_Scandinavians In ItalyL la Cour, Janus Andreas bartholin, 18371909, DK, Painter, 1908 (6), 1908, Roma,Tivoli, Laetus, erasmus, 1526-1582, DK, Scholar, 1573/74, 1573/74, Venezia, Padova,Study, H71,
Danes In Italy: Survey2 Translate this page 1573 ? Hegelund, Christen Mortensen. 1573/74, Laetus, erasmus. 1574, Lauridsen,Hans. 1607, Lindenov, Godske. 1608, bartholin, Caspar. 1608, Bording, ChristenLauridsen.
Extractions: Bording Jacob Lorck Melchior 1552 c. Carnarius 1552 p. Brockenhuus Lave Paslick Caspar 1554 c. Rantzau Daniel 1554 p. Pistorius Johannes Black Hans 1555 c. (1) Lorichs Andreas Jacobsen Balthasar Benzius Johannes Taddeus Johannes Rasmus (Erasmus) 1560 c. (1) Schardt Johan Gregor van der Poulsen Mads (Matthias) 1565 c. Markdanner Caspar Lemvig Anders Pratensis Johannes Peder Paul Kyrning Carl Lindenov Hans Kyrning Carl Foss Desiderius Hansen Ramel Henrik 1568 a. Trehou Gregorius 1568 c. Theophilus Nicolaus 1569 p. (2) Pratensis Johannes 1569 p. (2) Peder Richius Andreas Schardt Johan Gregor van der Huitfeld Jacob Hamsfort Cornelius Barnekow Johan Barnekow Morten Buchwald Heinrich von Hegelius Christian (Cimber) Mourid(t)sen Isak Qualen Josua von Rantzau Christopher Rantzau Gert Rud Hans Rud Johan Rud Knud Rasmus (Erasmus) Hegelund Christen Mortensen Laetus Erasmus Lauridsen Hans Michaelis Nicolai Mikkelsen Niels Buchwald Godske von Rantzau Hans Swaue Johan Vietinghof Lorentz Buchwald Paul von Rantzau Breide Erasmi Giliermus Gutslof Jonathan Rosenkrantz Axel Urne Lave Christine, m. Sforza
Biographies - Robbia To Rozsa bartholin brothers, Thomas and erasmus. In fact, Ole lifted in erasmusbartholin's house, where he studied astronomy and mathematics.
Extractions: ROBBIA, Andrea della (1435-1525) Italian sculptor. Born in Florence, Italy, he is noted for roundels of infants, Florence's Foundling Hospital, 1463-66. - San Marino SAN1995E05.6; United States 1978J18.1 (sculpture) ROBBIA, Giovanni della (1469-1529) Italian sculptor. Born in Florence, Italy, son of Andrea, he led atelier from 1525. - Vatican 290 ROBBIA, Tommaso ( - ) Vatican 290 ROBERT, Charles Frederic (1827-1899) French lawyer, politician - Great Britain 614 ROBERT, Etienne Gaspar see ROBERTSON ROBERT-HOUDIN, Jean-Eugene (1805-1871) French mechanic, author, magician - France B450 ROBERT, Nicholas Louis (1761-1828) French inventor, balloonist - Zaire 1277 ROBERT II of Jerusalem (1087-1111) King, count of Flanders - Belgium B429 ROBERT of Newminster Saint ( -1159) English monk, abbot - Panama (M)1039 ROBERT I of Scotland (1274-1329) King, "the Bruce" - Great Britain 612; 724 ROBERTS, Andrew M. E. ( - ) Sportsman, cricket player. Antigua 403-4; 456; 458a; Barbuda (M)249 ROBERTS, Bartholomew (1662?-1727) English pirate - Saint Kitts 220 ROBERTS, Joseph Jenkins (1809-1876) Liberian president - Chad 331 Liberia 313; 328; 337; 371; 397-8; 404; 720; C134; C214
Biografias0 Translate this page LONDRES, 1630. 1677. 47. Matemático y teólogo ingles, maestro de Newton. bartholin,erasmus, DINAMARCA, 1625. 1698. 73. BECQUEREL, HENRY, FRANCIA. PARÍS, 1852. 1908.56.
Extractions: CIENTÍFICOS A B C D ... H I J K L M ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z APELLIDOS NOMBRE NACIONALIDAD nac. año fall. año vid ESTUDIOS NOBEL AMPERE ANDRE MARI FRANCIA. POLCYMIEUX. (LYON) Descubrió los efectos magnéticos que se producen cerca de los conductores de electricidad. Estableció la diferencia entre electrostática y la electrodinámica. ANAXÁGORAS GRECIA. CLAZÓMENE Se le atribuye el hacer de la inteligencia el princio ordenador de todas las cosas. ANAXIMANDRO GRECIA. MILETO Situó el origen del Universo en un principio que llamó lo infinito ANAXÍMENES GRECIA En su cosmogonía, el aire es el principio de todas las cosas. ANDERSON CARL DAVID USA. N YORK Estudió la radiación (especialmente las cósmicas). Descubrió el positrón en 1932. Descubrimiento del positrón. Nobel en 1936 ANDERSON PHILIP USA. INDIANÁPOLIS En su obra Concepts in solids expuso sus descubrimientos sobre el magnetismo y la superconductividad. Premio Nobel en 1977 junto con Jonh van Vleck y Nevill Mott. APPLETON EDWARD INGLATERRA. BRADFORD
Catalogo Antichi Translate this page Barth, Joannes Michael » bartholin, Caspar » bartholin, Thomas » Barzellotti Dagobert de » Dandolo, Vincenzo » Darwin, erasmus » Daubenton, Louis Jean
Rowland - Page Template erasmus bartholin (16251698) was sent, in 1669, a transparent crystal from Iceland(Iceland spar) and, by rotating the crystal, he discovered that objects
Extractions: While not an official biography, the following is reprinted with the kind permission of the Royal Society. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society Elected for Membership Royal Society, 1986 by F.W. Campbell, F.R.S. Summary of Achievements In the field of photography, Land developed the cameras and associated special films that produce almost instantaneous dry pictures directly from the camera. He mastered the complex physicochemical science that gave neutral or coloured, continuous-tone, instantaneous photographs. All of this required a team of first-class scientists and technicians that he led with great success. Novel equipment, using these colour systems, has also been widely exploited, including versions where the colour photograph develops in daylight. Home and Family Edwin H. Land was born to Harry and Martha Land in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He was Polaroid Erasmus Bartholin (1625-1698) was sent, in 1669, a transparent crystal from Iceland (Iceland spar) and, by rotating the crystal, he discovered that objects seen through it appeared double. He correctly deduced that light traveling through the crystal was refracted at two different angles. Today, these are still called the ordinary and extraordinary rays. The explanation required the genius of Thomas Young (1773-1829) to account for them some 150 years later: the two rays were polarized at right angles to each other. William Nicol (1768-1851) had the ingenious idea of cementing two crystals of Iceland spar together with Canada balsam so that each ray was separated at right angles. The resulting Nicol prism could then be used to measure the angle of polarization of compounds, which later resulted in a profound understanding of many aspects of chemistry.
Bibliographic Information About HEART HYPERTROPHY AND FAILURE erasmus University Rotterdam PO Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam. The Netherlands PeterMose Larsen Institute for Medical Microbiology and Immunology The bartholin
APACAME - Mensagem Doce 59 - Artigo Translate this page e quadrada e deixou transparecer que os prismas hexagonais podiam armazenar maismel do que os outros dois 2. Entretanto foi erasmus bartholin quem primeiro
Ossi Nr. 604 anatómíu þar. Thomas bartholin kenndi Níelsi anatómíu, en erasmus(Rasmus) bartholin kenndi honum kartesiska heimspeki. Hann er
Extractions: Þetta jólablað er síðasti Ossinn á árinu og jafnframt okkar ritstjóranna. Stöðurnar hafa ekki verið auglýstar heldur verða tekin viðtöl við fáeina útvalda og mun koma í ljós hverjir valdir verða fyrir 7. janúar 1999 en þá er í ráði að fyrsti Ossi næsta árs komi út. Við þökkum kærlega öllum þeim sem lagt hafa til efni og ekki síður þeim sem hafa lesið það. Gleðileg jól og farsælt nýár. Ritstjórn Jólaballið verður haldið á sal Orkustofnunar 29. desember og hefst klukkan 16:30. Eru allir hvattir til að taka með sér börn eða barnabörn og leyfa þeim að njóta skemmtunar jólasveinsins, spilverks og svo auðvitað veitinga sem fram verða boðnar í matsal Orkustofnunar. Allt verður með hefðbundnum sniði og samkvæmt hefðinni eru allir hvattir til að hafa með sér sýnishorn af jólabakstrinum og leyfa öðrum að njóta með sér. Þáttökulisti liggur frammi í afgreiðslunni og eru lysthafendur beðnir að skrá sig á hann hið fyrsta.
CONTENTS Thomas bartholin founded the Danish Medical school and the Hungarian Janos the scholars,we might mention Pietro Bembo, Torquato Tasso, erasmus from Rotterdam
Extractions: GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA AND ITS HISTORY 1. Faculties and degrees The University of Padova is a state university, as are most universities in Italy. There are almost 63.000 students on a total population of about 300.000 inhabitants. There is no campus system. Our relations with other academic institutions and research centres all over the world, from America to China and Australia, are extremely active through exchanges of students, teachers, information and publications. At present the University of Padova consists of thirteen schools: Agriculture, Economics, Law, Pharmacology, Engineering, Arts, Teacher Training, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Political Sciences, Psychology, Statistical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Beginning with the academic year 2001-2002 a new University Education System has been introduced in Italy, which include a first three year level ( degree ), a second two year level (
CWP At // Kirstine Bjerrum Meyer Wrote a biography of the Danish natural philosopher erasmus bartholin,Radiumog radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler (Radium,_Kirstine_Bjerrum@944123456.html
Extractions: Meyer edited a major part of the collected works of Hans Christian Ørsted and included in it her essay presenting his biography, "The Scientific Life and Works of H. C. Ørsted". Wrote a biography of the Danish natural philosopher Erasmus Bartholin, Radium og radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler (Radium, Radioactive Materials, and New Discoveries Concerning Radiation). Discovered Ole Roemer's notebook "Adversaria" in the archives of the University of Copenhagen Library in 1910. She provided valuable information for the history of science in her research of this document.
August 2002 11 PierreLouis Lions, 12 Jules Richard, 13 erasmus bartholin, 14 EugeneLukacs, 15 Louis de Broglie, 16 Arthur Cayley, 17 Pierre de Fermat.
Extractions: Herbert Turnbull A quotation for August: Herbert Turnbull (1885 - 1961) The usefulness of mathematics in furthering the sciences is commonly acknowledged: but outside the ranks of the experts there is little enquiry into its nature and purpose as a deliberate human activity. Preface to The Great Mathematicians (London 1929) This calendar is available in a printable PDF format.
Computing Science, Pete Edwards: Bio Tenochtitlan in Mexico. August 13, 1625 erasmus bartholin (physician,mathematician, and physicist) was born. August 13, 1655
Extractions: Fax: +44 (0)1224 273422 I'm originally from North Wales , having lived in Liverpool and Leeds before arriving in Aberdeen in 1988. I obtained my PhD from the University of Leeds for work on blackboard systems. My first three years here in Aberdeen were spent as a postdoctoral Research Fellow. I've been a lecturer since October 1991. This is the view from my office window. I was born in Wrexham Maelor General Hospital on August 13, 1963. Most of my family still live in North Wales Facts about August 13: August 13, 1521 - Cortez succeeded in capturing the city of Tenochtitlan in Mexico. August 13, 1625 - Erasmus Bartholin (physician, mathematician, and physicist) was born. August 13, 1655 - Johann Christoph Denner (inventor of the clarinet) was born. August 13, 1814 - Anders Jonas Angstrom (physicist) was born. August 13, 1860 - Annie Oakley (markswoman) was born. August 13, 1888 - John Logie Baird (engineer) was born. August 13, 1899 - Alfred Hitchcock (director) was born.
Formulating The Universe - Chapter One which can be accounted for by transverse wave motion in a single plane) discoveredin the 17th century by a Danish physicist, erasmus bartholin, and by Huygens
Extractions: Chapter 1 PARTICLE OR WAVE This volume derives a unified field theory and a unified particle theory. Formulating a unified theory is a feat not possible without taking advantage of the insight gained through centuries of physical experiment and model building. This chapter and the next shall glean preliminary insights from the evolution of physics theories. From 1650 to 1925 intense speculation prevailed regarding the nature of light and the mechanism of light transmission. Scientific thought oscillated between two opposing theoretical modelsthe corpuscular theory and the wave theorybefore a harmonious, though paradoxical, duality was seen to explain light and matter. In several countries of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries scientists studied diffraction, or the spreading of light into shadows. It was first observed in Italy in the 17th century. In England a worker observed the interference colors of thin films, like an oil film on a wet road surface, or in the iridescent colors of a butterfly's wing. He felt that light consisted of vibrations propagated at high speed. A scientist in Holland, Christian Huygens, improved the wave theory. B. Particle
Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 04/11/1652 - Morte do matemático belga Jean Charles de La Faille Fatos relacionados04/11/1698 - Morte do matemático dinamarquês erasmus bartholin 06/11
Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page 08/1901 - Morte do matemático francês Ernest Jean Philippe Fauque de Jonquières13/08/1625 - Nascimento de erasmus bartholin (matemático dinamarquês) 13/08
Matematikere in Stockholm, Sweden. erasmus bartholin, Roskilde, Born 13 Aug 1625Died 4 Nov 1698 in Copenhagen - udgav Descartes. Jakob Nielsen,ødesteder/matematikere.htm
Extractions: En rejse tilbage i tiden - på vej mod fremtiden. Arbejdet bygger på webstedet "En rejse tilbage i tiden". Brug kortet til af undersøge nogle matematikere. Prøv dig lidt frem så du kan se hvordan webstedet virker. Udvælg så hvilke af dem du vil beskæftige dig med - du skal vælge mindst 8 Hent en kopi af webstedet over på dit eget drev i en dertil oprettet mappe. Skriv de enkelte matematikere ind i tabellen og anfør de vigtigste oplysninger om dem i tabellen. Som eksempel kan du bruge dem, der allerede er skrevet ind. Anfør evt hvilke emner de beskæftigede sig med. De enkelte navne laves til links, så man direkte kan klikke sig ud på nettet fra tabellen. Endelig lægges din mappe med den færdige tabel på din offentlige mappe.