Document Title Translate this page Zu den wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten der indischen Mathematik zählen ua aryabhata(um 476 n.Chr.), Bhramagupta (598 bis 665 n.Chr.) und Bhaskara (um 1150).
Extractions: 17. Jahrhundert Während des 17.Jahrhunderts wurden in der Mathematik die großen Fortschritte erzielt. Das Jahrhundert begann mit der Entdeckung der Logarithmen durch den schottischen Mathematiker John Napier. Der fortwährende Nutzen soll den französischen Astronomen Pierre Simon Laplace fast zwei Jahrhunderte später zu der Bemerkung verleitet haben, Napier hätte versucht, durch Halbieren der Mühen der Astronomen ihre Lebenszeit zu verdoppeln. Anhand der Entwicklungen in der Zahlentheorie lassen sich die Fortschritte des 17.Jahrhunderts gut verfolgen. Durch die Arithmetica von Diophantos wurde Fermat stark inspiriert die Zahlentheorie voranzutreiben. Eine entscheidende Annahme findet man als Randnotiz auf dem Manuskript seines Werkes Arithmetica. Die Fermat'sche Vermutung führte zu vielen wichtigen Arbeiten in der Algebra und der Zahlentheorie. Während des 17.Jahrhunderts gab es zwei wichtige Entwicklungen in der reinen Geometrie. Die erste steht in Descartes' Werk Discours de la Méthode (1637). In dem Anhang La Géométrie berichtet Descartes über die Entdeckung der analytischen Geometrie. Er zeigte, wie man die Algebra für Untersuchungen der Geometrie von Kurven verwenden konnte. (Fermat machte zwar dieselbe Entdeckung, aber er veröffentlichte sie nicht.) Die zweite Entwicklung in der Geometrie war die Publikation des französischen Technikers Gérard Desargues seiner Entdeckung der projektiven Geometrie im Jahr 1639.
Enigmas Matemáticos - Dispuesto A Jugar...? Translate this page Grassmann - Babbage - Banach - Torricelli - Turing - Cavalieri - Tchebychev - Gregory- Shannon - Deligne - Brouwer - Fraenkel - aryabhata - Abel - Taylor
Astronomy And Mathematics In Ancient India Astronomy. * Earliest known precise celestial calculations As argued by James Q.Jacobs, aryabhata, an Indian Mathematician (c. 500AD) accurately calculated
Extractions: As argued by James Q. Jacobs, Aryabhata, an Indian Mathematician (c. 500AD) accurately calculated celestial constants like earth's rotation per solar orbit, days per solar orbit, days per lunar orbit. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, no source from prior to the 18th century had more accurate results on the values of these constants! Click here for details. Aryabhata's 499 AD computation of pi as 3.1416 (real value 3.1415926...) and the length of a solar year as 365.358 days were also extremely accurate by the standards of the next thousand years. * Astronomical time spans: A 9th century Hindu scripture, The Mahapurana by Jinasena claims the something as modern as the following: (translation from [5]) Some foolish men declare that a Creator made the world. The doctrine that the world was created is ill-advised, and should be rejected. If God created the world, where was he before creation?... How could God have made the world without any raw material? If you say He made this first, and then the world, you are faced with an endless regression... Know that the world is uncreated, as time itself is, without beginning and end. And it is based on principles. Theories of the creation of universe are present in almost every culture. Mostly they represent some story portraying creation from mating of Gods or humans, or from some divine egg, essentially all of them reflecting the human endeavour to provide explanations to a grave scientific question using common human experience.
Physiker Bei Multimedia- Physik Translate this page Amedeo Avogadro Ampere Aristarchus aryabhata - aryabhata (India about 500 pC) -The Aryabhatíya of aryabhata Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus's Discoveries
Software Development software. aryabhata also offers services to corporations in deployingcustomized Internet and Intranet productivity enhancing solutions.
Extractions: Aryabhata offers a variety of high quality software services through a combination of offshore and on-site delivery models. This ensures complete optimization of associated project execution time and costs. For instance, the initial system study and high-level design are carried out on-site, followed by detailed design, development and testing that are transferred to our India based Aryabhata Info Systems. Our software development environment at Mysore is like an extension of our customer's own development facility. This we achieve by replicating their entire hardware and software development environment at our development center.
Un Sistema Geniale Translate this page Si tratta di nozioni in parte assai precise, in parte sostanzialmenteerrate, e fu scritto da aryabhata. aryabhata (AD 476-542) nacque
Extractions: sei sul sito di Giovanni Fraterno S.10) Un sistema geniale Il sistema di numerazione posizionale su base decimale Ad ideare ed utilizzare per primi il sistema di numerazione posizionale su base decimale, furono gli Indiani E ciò può evincersi dalla lettura di un breve volume scritto in versi sanscriti, l Aryabhatiya , che confeziona unenorme quantità di informazioni, in merito alle stelle, alla geometria, ai numeri, e al calcolo del tempo. Si tratta di nozioni in parte assai precise , in parte sostanzialmente errate , e fu scritto da Aryabhata Aryabhata (A.D. 476-542) nacque lungo le rive del Gange, nei pressi della moderna città Patna , a 400 chilometri da Calcutta. L'Aryabhatiya, più che un testo di teoria matematica, è una sorta di riassunto , un catalogo di regole. Ci sono, fra laltro , regole fondamentali della trigonometria, la descrizione del movimento di stelle e pianeti, la valutazione del pigreco, e la lunghezza dellanno solare. Mentre la lunghezza dellanno tropico è notevolmente imprecisa , il valore di pigreco è un dato preciso . In merito a quest'ultimo, Aryabhata, infatti, scrisse la celebre frase:
Untitled 1. Who was the first mathematician to calculate the value of ? Aristotle Archimedesaryabhata Bhaskara. aryabhata Euclid John Napier Issac Newton.
Extractions: Check the button corresponding to the right answer (1 -20) 1. Who was the first mathematician to calculate the value of Aristotle Archimedes Aryabhata Bhaskara 2. The decimal point in present form was first used by Aryabhata Euclid John Napier Issac Newton 3. Who gave mathematical paradoxes of Dichotomy, Achilles, Arrow and Stadium? Archimedes Socrates Zeno Euler 4. Rabbits appear in Magical hats Fibonacci sequence Fractals Conic section 5. It is not known whether the following number is rational or irrational e e 6. "Googol" is A search engine A famous Italian Actor 1 followed by hundred 0's 1 followed by million 0's 7. Who discovered negative numbers (as well as zero)? Indians Babylonians Chinese Greek 8. What is a billion? 1 followed by 100 zero's 9. Computers are based on Abstract algebra Boolean algebra Euclidean geometry Calculus 10. How many zeros are there in 1 crore?
History Of Indian Astronomy The Aryabhatiya (AD 499) of aryabhata the First discussed spherical astronomyin addition to calculations for planetary positions and their mean.
Extractions: Sawai Jai Singh, in his determination to provide accurate astrological tables, ordered these gigantic structures of stone. The Jaipur observatory includes the largest sundial in the world with a 90 feet high projecting arm (the gnomon). The measurements achieved by these Jantar Mantars were particularly impressive for their time - the astronomical table was very accurate and in some instances, better than contemporary western ones. This table was published in Persian and Sanskrit as the Zij Muhammad Shahi. The time was and is calculated by a study of the shadows cast by the central straight walls on to the curved walls beyond. The weather forecasts and other information provided by these sundials are very much in use at present, for religious and practical purposes.
Deccan Herald, News From Karnataka Bhavsar, Shenoy get aryabhata award BANGALOREFormer Space Application Centre(SAC) (Ahmedabad) Director Prof PD Bhavsar (1999) and former LRDE (Bangalore
Mapping GIS Milestones : 1970-1980 in US. In 1975 Indias first indigenous scientific satellite Aryabhatawas launched by the Soviet launch vehicle. Indian National
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Extractions: As argued by James Q. Jacobs, Aryabhata, an Indian Mathematician (c. 500AD) accurately calculated celestial constants like earth's rotation per solar orbit, days per solar orbit, days per lunar orbit. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, no source from prior to the 18th century had more accurate results on the values of these constants! Click here for details. Aryabhata's 499 AD computation of pi as 3.1416 (real value 3.1415926...) and the length of a solar year as 365.358 days were also extremely accurate by the standards of the next thousand years. The notion of of time spans that are truly gigantic by modern standards are rarely found in ancient civilizations as the notion of large number is rare commodity. Apart from the peoples of the Mayan civilization, the ancient Hindus appear to be the only people who even thought beyond a few thousand years. In the famed book Cosmos , physicist-astronomer-teacher Carl Sagan writes "... The dates on Mayan inscriptions also range deep into the past and occasionally far into the future. One inscription refers to a time more than a million years ago and another perhaps refers to events of 400 million years ago, ... The events memorialized may be mythical, but the time scales are pridigious".