Www.iper1.com - Aryabhata Translate this page Cerca la rima. aryabhata. aryabhata a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qr s t u v w x y z E-commerce - Per vendere su internet - Commercio http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=Aryabhata
ARYABHATA aryabhata (476ok. 550), matematyk i astronom ind.; autor traktatu Aryabhatiyapodsumowujacego ówczesna wiedze mat.; opisal w nim m.in. http://www.republika.pl/isb_sai/a/aryabhata.html
Extractions: ARYABHATA (476ok. 550), matematyk i astronom ind.; autor traktatu Aryabhatiya podsumowuj¹cego ówczesn¹ wiedzê mat.; opisa³ w nim m.in. wyci¹ganie pierwiastków 2 i 3 stopnia, poda³ wzory na pole trójk¹ta i ko³a, objêtoæ czworocianu, przybli¿on¹ wartoæ liczby p, a tak¿e u³o¿y³ tablice sinusów k¹ta ostrego co 3°45'; wyra¿a³ pogl¹d, ¿e Ziemia obraca siê wokó³ w³asnej osi.
Aryabhata Aryabhata Was An Early Hindu Mathematician And aryabhata. aryabhata was an early Hindu mathematician and astronomer.He was born in 476 AD. in Kusumapura, now called Patna, in India. http://www.mathsyear2000.org/museum/links/txsphere.htm
Extractions: The Aryabhatiya is a summary of all of maths known at the time in India. A lot of the Aryabhatiya was to do with the maths of astronomy, because astronomy was the subject that needed the most complicated maths. It also covered arithmetic, algebra and trigonometry. It gives formulas for the areas of a triangle and a circle which are correct, but the formulas for the volumes of a sphere and a pyramid are wrong. Aryabhata also gave an approximation for pi - the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter - which he calculated to be 3.1416.
SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT aryabhata aryabhata was the first Indian satellite launched into a near earthorbit on April 19, 1975 by an Intercosmos rocket of the erstwhile USSR. http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-97/ceos1/isro/abisro/old_sat.htm
Extractions: Aryabhata was the first Indian satellite launched into a near earth orbit on April 19, 1975 by an Intercosmos rocket of the erstwhile USSR. Aryabhata carried three payloads - one each for X-ray, astronomy, solar physics and aeronomy. The mission was a success and provided the early experience to ISRO for planning, developing and managing a satellite mission. Bhaskara - I and II were the first two experimental remote sensing satellites launched on June 7, 1979 and November 20, 1981 respectively by Intercosmos rockets. Both the satellites carried two TV cameras, one in visible and the other in near-infrared band and having a 1 Km resolution and a 3-frequency Passive Microwave Radiometer. The Bhaskara mission saw the birth of a systematic ground segment and applications programme. Together with the capabilities developed in satellite and sensor development, a truly indigenous space-capability was the result of the Bhaskara mission. Rohini: A series of technological/scientific satellites, launched by India's own launch vehicle, SLV-3. First one was used to measure the performance of SLV-3, second and third carried a SMARTsensor - the first Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera developed in-house. Rohini saw the entry of ISRO to the use of CCD technology and system design for sensors.
Astronomy Aryabhata Aryabhata (476 AD - C. 500 AD; India) Astronomy aryabhata aryabhata (476 AD c. 500 AD; India). aryabhata, born inPataliputra, India, was an astronomer and the earliest Hindu mathematician. http://www.upei.ca/~xliu/multi-culture/arya.htm
Extractions: Astronomy Aryabhata Aryabhata (476 A.D. - c. 500 A.D.; India) Aryabhata, born in Pataliputra, India, was an astronomer and the earliest Hindu mathematician. Aryabhata was one of the first known persons to use algebra and he applied algebra to geometry and astronomy. In the year 499 A.D., Aryabhata finished the Aryabhatiya which was his chief work. It was a collection of information on astronomy and rules of calculation, formulae (both correct and incorrect) for areas and volumes and tables of trigonometric sines. Most of the Aryabhatiya was devoted to astronomy and spherical trigonometry. The work also contained the treatment of indeterminate equations by the application of continued fractions which is the modern method of determining the solution. Aryabhata was able to give an accurate approximation of pi (3.1416) and introduced the versed sine function (1 minus the cosine of an angle) into trigonometry. His solution of the Diophantine equation, ax + by = c, was typical of the Hindu interest in interdeterminate analysis. Aryabhata also taught that the earth rotated on its axis and this accounted for the apparent rotation of the heavens. In addition Aryabhata explained the mechanics of both solar and lunar eclipses (Britannica, 1:611, 18:4, 21:50, 20:584, 1994; Encyclopedia Americana, 2:425, 14:930, 2:572, 1991; and Encyclopedia International, 2:81, 1964).
Old Satellites aryabhata First Indian satellite, launched into a near earth orbiton April 19, 1975, by an Intercosmos rocket of erstwhile USSR. http://www.isro.org/old_sat.htm
Índice De MATEMÁTICOS Translate this page . . . . . Su época. Se sabe que en el tiempo de las construccionesde las pirámides existió una cultura muy rica en los valles http://www.amejor.com/mates/Historia/aryabhata.htm
Extractions: Su época Se sabe que en el tiempo de las construcciones de las pirámides existió una cultura muy rica en los valles del Ganges y del Indo, pero se conoce muy poco de ella, pues está escasamente documentada. Tres mil años antes de Cristo los arios invadieron y dominaron la India, imponiendo el sistema de castas que ha perdurado hasta la actualidad. Mucho después, hacia el siglo V a.C., Buda recorrió estas inmensas tierras, pero el budismo, su religión, como no respetaba este sistema social de castas, fue eliminado. Sufrieron nuevas dominaciones exteriores, pero a partir del siglo III d. C. comenzaron a reinar el país unos emperadores de origen indio, la dinastía Gupta. Dos siglo más tarde, tras la caída del imperio romano, nuevos extranjeros vuelven a ocuparla hasta el siglo XV. La última colonización, la inglesa, ha perdurado hasta hace poco tiempo. ryabhata se sitúa a finales del siglo V d.C. coincidiendo con la última fase del imperio romano. Poco se sabe de los conocimientos matemáticos que se disponían en esa época, salvo algunos textos anteriores a la era cristiana y los llamados , textos en verso que describen reglas para medir con cuerdas, utilizados para la construcción de templos. Con la dinastía Gupta la cultura sánscrita resurge y la India se convierte en un foco cultural, destacando en el arte, la medicina y la astronomía. En el siglo IV d.C. aparecen los textos sánscritos llamados los
[physics/0110029] On Aryabhata's Planetary Constants On aryabhata's Planetary Constants. It shows that aryabhata's basic constantis closer to the Indian counterpart than to the Babylonian one. http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0110029
Extractions: This paper examines the theory of a Babylonian origin of Aryabhata's planetary constants. It shows that Aryabhata's basic constant is closer to the Indian counterpart than to the Babylonian one. Sketching connections between Aryabhata's framework and earlier Indic astronomical ideas on yugas and cyclic calendar systems, it is argued that Aryabhata's system is an outgrowth of an earlier Indic tradition. References and citations for this submission:
Time Cycles-References Previous Next Top BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SUGGESTED FURTHER READING The Aryabhatiyaof aryabhata, Walter Eugene Clark, translator, Chicago, 1930. http://www.aaronsrod.com/time-cycles/time-cycles-ref.html
Extractions: BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SUGGESTED FURTHER READING The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, Walter Eugene Clark, translator, Chicago, 1930. Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine, 2 Volumes, 1888. Dikshit, Sankar Balakrishna, Bharatiya Jyotish Sastra, Part I, Prof. R.V. Vaidya translator, Calcutta, 1969. Dikshit, Sankara Balkrishna and Sewell, Robert, The Indian Calendar, London, 1896. Explanatory Supplement to the Ephemeris, London, 1977. Friberg, Joran, "Numbers and Measures in the Earliest Written Records", Scientific American, February 1984, pp. 110-118. Griffith, Ralph T.H., The Hymns of the Rgveda, Delhi, 1973, 1889. Gurjar, L.V., Ancient Indian Mathematics and Vedha, Poona, 1947. The Indian Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1981, Delhi, 1980. McClain, Ernest, The Myth of Invariance, Boulder, 1978. Mani, Vettam, Puranic Encyclopaedia, article on Manvantara, first English edition, Delhi, 1975. Pingree, David, Jyotihsastra: Astral and Mathematical Literature, A History of Indian Literature, Volume 6, Jan Gonda, editor, Wiesbaden, 1981.
Vidyapatha Indian Scientists India's Largest Portal On aryabhata Nearly five hundred years after the birth of Christ a ritual was held nearKhagola, the famous astronomical observatory at the University of Nalanda http://www.vidyapatha.com/scientists/arya.php
Extractions: Vidyapatha Home About Us Indian Institutes Indian Universities ... Contact Us Channels Vidyapatha Mail Vidyapatha News Indian Scientists Vicharpatha ... Scientists Aryabhata Previous Next Aryabhata Nearly five hundred years after the birth of Christ a ritual was held near Khagola, the famous astronomical observatory at the University of Nalanda near Kusumapura (Patna), to mark the "birth" of a treatise that was to lay the foundation of a new school of thought in astronomy. When the bell at the university tolled at 12 noon on March 21,499 A.D.,a chorus of vedic chants filled the air. And priests, after prayers before a havan, led a 23-year-old astronomer to a platform. Silence prevailed as the astronomer sprinkled holy water on the parchment and pen lying on a desk placed on the platform. Chanting holy verses, he gazed at the sun overhead and prostrated himself in obeisance before sitting at the desk. Taking the pen, he wrote the first letter of the treatise while the priests chanted slokas and the large crowd of learned men showered flowers on him. The young astronomer was Aryabhata and the treatise was Aryabhatiya. Born in 476 in Kerala,Aryabhata had come to complete his studies at the University of Nalanda, which was then a great centre of learning. When his treatise was recognised as a masterpiece, the then Gupta ruler Buddhagupta, made him head of the university.
Matematikçiler aryabhata. Dogum 476, Hindistan. Ölüm 550, Hindistan. aryabhata,Arhabhatiya adli eserini 499 yilinda yazmistir. Bu http://www.sanalmatematik.com/d/m21.html
Extractions: s a n a l m a t e m a t i k c o m kütüphane e -test yazýlar yarýþma ... linkler Aryabhata Doðum: 476, Hindistan Ölüm: 550, Hindistan Aryabhata, Arhabhatiya adlý eserini 499 yýlýnda yazmýþtýr. Bu eser, o döneme kadar olan Hindistan matematiðinin bir özeti olma niteliðini taþýmaktadýr. Eser, astronomi, trigonometri, aritmetik ve cebir konularýný içermektedir. Aryabhata, üçgen ve daire alanlarýyla ilgili doðru formüller vermiþ olmasýna raðmen, küre ve piramid hacimleriyle ilgili verdiði formüller yanlýþtýr. Arhabhariya ayrýca, devam eden kesirler, ikinci derece denklemler, kuvvet serileri ve sinüs tablosu içermektedir. Aryabhata ayrýca astronomi üzerine de yazýlar yazmýþtýr. Bu konudaki çalýþmalarýný Siddhanta adlý kitapta toplamýþtýr. Aryabhata, ay ve gezegenlerin, güneþ ýþýðýný yansýttýklarýný söylemiþtir, ayrýca ay ve güneþ tutulmalarý konusunda doðru bilgiler sunmuþtur. Aryabhata, bir yýlý 365 gün 6 saat 12 dakika ve 30 saniye olarak ölçmüþtür. Bu ölçümün, o zamana kadar yapýlan en doðru ölçüm olduðu tahmin edilmektedir.
510 A.D. 510 AD Boethius and aryabhata the Elder were both mathematicians whowere doing mathematical writing in 510 CE. Boethius' writings http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/510AD.html
Extractions: 510 AD Boethius and Aryabhata the Elder were both mathematicians who were doing mathematical writing in 510 CE. Boethius' writings were recognized, not because they were good, but because he was writing when few others in Europe were producing any mathematical quality. He was an intelligent man, but his writings would not have been recognized among the quality of his peers. Aryabhata wrote summaries of the mathematics thus far, which in and of itself is useful and helpful information, but the amazing thing about his work is he wrote it in verse. The accomplishments of both have been recognized in that they have had celestial bodies named after them. There is a Crater of Boethius on the moon and on mercury, there is a Crater of Aryabhata on the moon. Boethius was lived from the year 475-524 in Italy. He wrote texts on geometry and arithmetic. Even though they were poorly written they were used for years in Europe. His friend, Theodoric, the king of Italy and Goths, hired him to astonish the less sophisticated Barbarian kings. Boethius had a goal to harmonize the two philosophies of Aristotle and Plato. In order to do this he began translating. He translated Aristotle's Organon but died before translating the Plato's work.
500 A.D. 476550 AD aryabhata the Elder, was a mathematician and astronomer whowas born in India in 476. aryabhata also approximated pi accurately. http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/500AD.html
Extractions: author of Aryabhatiya(499 A.D) Aryabhatiya is a summary of Hindu mathematics up to 499 A.D. Some of the topics covered include algebra, arithmetic, astronomy, and plane geometry. In addition, he included formulas for areas of circles and triangles. These are correct but the formulas for volumes of a sphere and a pyramid are not correct. Aryabhata also approximated pi accurately. His approximation was 3.1416. Aryabhata also wrote Siddhanta which dealt mainly with astronomy. A crater on the moon is named after Aryabhata. Author: Filiberto Barajas References:
Baby Names - Aryabhata Similar pages A Tribute to Hinduismarticle s o n hinduism. Foreigners hail aryabhata as a genius PRESS TRUSTOF INDIA http//www.expressindia.com/ie/daily/19981017/29050084.html. http://www.kabalarians.com/male/aryabhata.htm
Extractions: Dear Aryabhata: The following analysis describes a few qualities of your first name. There are many additional factors (legal name, nicknames, family surname, combined names, previous names, and business signature) that contribute to your entire personality - and your entire life. Order a Name Report for a full analysis. Aryabhata Your first name of Aryabhata creates a dual nature for you desire to systematize your life to progress step by step, but so frequently, you are taken into new experiences, instability, and change. You are intrigued by a challenge, especially in mechanical and technical fields. Scientific concepts appeal to you. You like activities that require physical effort as well as mental ingenuity. Your questioning, critical, practical nature makes you prove all ideas to your own satisfaction, rarely accepting anyone's word or ideas. At times you are torn between your desire for system and order and your desire for change and new experiences. You have to guard against impatience and criticism of the weaknesses of others. Your impulsive nature could lead to accidents. Physical weaknesses would show in the digestive tract and stomach. You can receive a comprehensive Name Report including all your names . It is an in-depth description of the influences affecting your personality, potential, and compatibility in personal and business relationships.
A Tribute To Hinduism years before Pythagoras The diagonal of an oblong produces by itself both the areaswhich the two sides of the oblong produce separately. aryabhata (476520 http://www.atributetohinduism.com/articles_hinduism/53.htm
Extractions: As we hurtle into a new millennium, we would do well to reflect where all those 0s came from. The greatness that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome started their numeral systems at one. The Arabs brought the modern numerals, including zero, to Europe centuries ago. But while 1, 2, 3, are commonly and mistakenly referred to as the "Arabic" numerals, they actually originated in India, and are but one of many achievements that became treasures lost to the oblivion of history.
NGZ Neujahrsblatt 1970 Translate this page Die ersten zwei, Aristarchos und aryabhata, haben ihre Zeitgenossen nicht davonüberzeugen können, dass die Erde sich bewegt. , . +500 aryabhata, . ¯, ¯. http://www.ngzh.ch/Neuj1970.html
Aryabhata aryabhata the Elder. aryabhata wrote Aryabhatiya, finished in 499, whichis a summary of Hindu mathematics up to that time, written in verse. http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Mathematicians/Aryabhata.
New Page 1 aryabhata Life and Contributions by DS Hooda , JN Kapur (Author ALERT), aryabhata,for the first time, had the courage to break with this tradition. http://www.indiaclub.com/shop/SearchResults.asp?ProdStock=6403
Science After Aryabhatta number of rules. With aryabhata, we enter a new phase in which it becomeseasier to trace the authorship of specific ideas. But even http://www.hindunet.org/science_after_aryabhatta/
Extractions: Related sections In the earliest period of Indian science, it is exceptional when we know the authorship of a text or an idea. For example, although Yajnavalkya and Lagadha describe considerable astronomy, we do not know if this was developed by them or they merely summarized what was then well known. Likewise we are not sure of the individual contributions in the Shulba Sutras- of Baudhayana, Apastamba, and other authors- which describe geometry, or in Pingala's Chhandahsutra which shows how to count in a binary manner. The major exception to the anonymous nature of early Indian science is the grammatical tradition starting with Panini. This tradition is an application of the scientific method where the infinite variety of linguistic data is generated by means of a limited number of rules. With Aryabhata, we enter a new phase in which it becomes easier to trace the authorship of specific ideas. But even here there remain other aspects which are not so well understood. For example, the evolution of Indian medicine is not as well documented as that of Indian mathematics. Neither do we understand well the manner in which the philosophical basis underlying Indian science evolved.