Aryabhata Help Site Map. encyclopediaEncyclopedia aryabhata, är yubhut'u PronunciationKey. aryabhata , c. 476550, Hindu mathematician and astronomer.
Aryabhata 1 aryabhata 1. aryabhata 1. Mass 360 kg. Orbit 568 km x 611 km, 50.7°. Satellite,Date, LS, Suc, Launcher, Remarks aryabhata 1, 19.04.1975, KY LC107, Kosmos-3M,
Extractions: Aryabhata 1 Aryabhata 1 This spacecraft, named after the famous Indian astronomer, was India's first satellite and was completely designed and fabricated in India. It was launched by a Soviet Kosmos-3M rocket from a Kapustin Yar. The spacecraft was quasispherical in shape containing 26 sides and contained three experiments for the measurement of cosmic X rays, solar neutrons, and Gamma rays, and an ionospheric electron trap along with a UV sensor. The spacecraft weighed 360 kg, used solar panels on 24 sides to provide 46 watts of power, used a passive thermal control system, contained batteries, and a spin-up gas jet system to provide a spin rate of not more than 90 rpm. There was a set of altitude sensors comprised of a triaxial magnetometer, a digital elevation solar sensor, and four azimuth solar sensors. The data system included a tape recorder at 256 b/s with playback at 10 times that rate. The PCM-FM-PM telemetry system operated at 137.44 MHz. The necessary ground telemetry and telecommand stations were established at Shar Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Nation: India Type / Application: Science Operator: ISRO Contractors: ISRO Equipment: Configuratation: Propulsion: Mass: 360 kg Orbit: 568 km x 611 km, 50.7°
Aryabhata encyclopediaEncyclopedia aryabhata, är yubhut'u Pronunciation Key.aryabhata , c. 476550, Hindu mathematician and astronomer.
Aryabhata Translate this page aryabhata. (476 - 550). aryabhata nació en la India en 476, y en 499 terminósu trabajo Aryabhatiya, un resumen de matemática hindú escrito en verso.
Extractions: Volver a la página principal Aryabhata nació en la India en 476, y en 499 terminó su trabajo Aryabhatiya , un resumen de matemática hindú escrito en verso. Sus estudios concernieron sobre astronomía, aritmética, álgebra y trigonometría del plano. Dió fórmulas correctas para calcular las áreas de un triángulo y un círculo. También trató sobre ecuaciones cuadráticas, sumas de serie y una tabla de senos. Dió una aproximación exacta para Pi (equivalente a 3,1416) y fue uno de los primeros en tratar el álgebra en forma profunda. Aryabhata también escribió en el Siddhanta, sobre astronomía y expuso que la rotación clara de los cielos era debida a la rotación de la tierra. Indicó también el radio de las órbitas planetarias en términos del radio de la órbita de la tierra alrededor del sol. Asegura también que la luna y otros planteas brillan por la luz del sol reflejada e increíblemente indica que la órbita de los planetas son elipses. Indica la longitud del año como 365 días, 6 horas, 12 minutos y 30 segundos.
Extractions: Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Aryabhata bh KEY
Mathemajic: Where Maths Means More.. NewsLetter Email id. Home Person of the Week. Mathematicians ofIndia aryabhata Printer Friendly. Considered one of the biggest
Extractions: Aryabhata was the first to expound that the Earth is round and days and nights are caused because the Earth rotates around its axis. He also rightly explained about the occurrence of the eclipses. According to the Hindu Mythology, solar and lunar eclipses occur because "Rahu" gobbled up the moon and the sun. But he said the eclipses transpired due to the shadows cast by the Earth and the Moon. His contributions in Mathematics are spectacular and very valuable. He gave the value of (PI) 3.1416, claiming, for the first time that it was just an analogue. Its believed that he also formulated tables in maths, which later came to be called as the "Tables of Sine". His method to find solution for quadratic equations of the sort: ax(sq.) by(sq.) = c is also recognised world-wide. He devised a method to write the cumbersome numbers in a poetic form. But this summary is rather complex to grasp. Basically, Aryabhatiya dealt with aspects of mathematics, astronomical calculations, geometry, square root, cube root, progression and celestial sphere, all written in Sanskrit in the form of verses.
1975¦~-ªü¨½¨È¤Ú¶ð(ARYABHATA)¬ì¾Ç½Ã¬P-¦L«×²Ä¤@ªT¤H³y½ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Aryabhata aryabhata c.476550, Hindu mathematician and astronomer. He is one aryabhata.c.476-550, Hindu mathematician and astronomer. He is one
Wiskundigen - Aryabhata aryabhata. aryabhata (476 550) was een Indisch wiskundige. Overzijn leven is vrijwel niets bekend. Terug aryabhata's werk.
Extractions: Aryabhata is bekend door zijn boek Aryabhatiya dat hij in Kusumapura heeft geschreven in de tijd dat Pataliputra de hoofdstad van het Gupta-Rijk in India was en derhalve een plaats waar de wetenschapsbeoefening in hoog aanzien stond. Kusumapura werd in die tijd (net als Ujjain) een belangrijk centrum van wiskundige activiteit die zich via Pataliputra over de hele Indische en later ook de Arabische beschaving verspreidde. Aryabhata was 23 jaar toen hij de Aryabhatiya in 499 afmaakte. Het gaat daarbij om een boekje over astronomie dat in 118 verzen (sutra's) een samenvatting geeft van kennis van de Hindoes op het gebied van sterrenkunde en wiskunde. In de 33 wiskundige verzen werden 66 stellingen gegeven zonder een spoor van een bewijs. Verder kwamen er verzen in voor over tijdrekening en modellen van het planetenstelsel. Het zijn allemaal typisch voorbeelden van de zaken die in de voorgaande eeuwen voor de op religie gestoelde machthebbers en wetenschapsbeoefenaren interessant waren. Aryabhata was hoofd van het onderzoekscentrum voor wiskunde en astronomie in Kusumapura. Daar ontstond een school van volgelingen die zijn gedachtengoed verder uitwerkten en nog jarenlang de agenda voor wiskundig en sterrenkundig onderzoek in India bepaalden.
Aryabhata/ Biography aryabhata (475 AD 550 AD) is the first well known Indian mathematician.Born in Kerala, he completed his studies at the university of Nalanda.
Extractions: ACI Math Department Home Page Aryabhata (475 A.D. -550 A.D.) is the first well known Indian mathematician. Born in Kerala, he completed his studies at the university of Nalanda. We know the year of Aryabhata's birth since he tells us that he was twenty-three years of age when he wrote Aryabhatiya which he finished in 499. there have been numerous other places proposed by historians as his birthplace. Some conjecture that he was born in south India, perhaps Kerala, Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh, while others conjecture that he was born in the north-east of India, perhaps in Bengal. However, giving Asmaka as Aryabhata's birthplace rests on a comment made by Nilakantha Somayaji in the late 15th century. It is now thought by most historians that Nilakantha confused Aryabhata with Bhaskara I who was a later commentator on the Aryabhatiya. We should note that Kusumapura became one of the two major mathematical centers of India, the other being Ujjain. Pataliputra, being the capital of the Gupta empire at the time of Aryabhata, was the center of a communications network which allowed learning from other parts of the world to reach it easily, and also allowed the mathematical and astronomical advances made by Aryabhata and his school to reach across India and also eventually into the Islamic world.
Aryabhata/ Main Page ACI Math Department Home Page. Main Biography Discoveries Activity Historical Events References History of Math Main Page.
Aryabhata Encyclopedia Astronautica, Home, aryabhata. aryabhata - Credit ISRC. 17,093 bytes.232 x 203 pixels. Launch Vehicle Kosmos 11K65M . aryabhata Mass 360 kg.
Extractions: Astronautica Home Aryabhata Aryabhata - - Credit: ISRC. 17,093 bytes. 232 x 203 pixels. Class: Earth Type : Atmosphere. Nation : India. Total Mass : 360 kg. Description : Atmospheric research. Experimental satellite for satellite technology and some scientific experiments. References: 19 April 1975 Launch Site Kapustin Yar Launch Vehicle Kosmos 11K65M Back to Index Last update 10 June 1999.
Aryabhata encyclopediaEncyclopedia aryabhata, är yubhut'u Pronunciation Key.aryabhata , c. 476550, Hindu mathematician and astronomer.
Recherche : Aryabhata Translate this page Accueil Publimath Requête aryabhata, Certification IDDN. Dans les fiches. 1 fichetrouvée 2000 Opuscules. Découvrir l'arithmétique.
Aryabhata's Babylonian Contacts aryabhata's Babylonian Contacts by Manikant Shah. This was the techniquedevised by aryabhata and followed later by Siddhantic astronomers.
Extractions: by Manikant Shah In his article on Planetary constants K D Abhyankar tries to show that certain concepts used by Aryabhata in his treatises on Astronomy and Mathematics were probably influenced by the Babylonian planetary data. In his foreword to the 'Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata' edited by KV Sharma in 1976, B P Pal (the then president of the Indian National Science Academy) wrote that due to his contributions to the fields of Astronomy and Mathematics Aryabhata has rightly been regarded as the founder of scientific astronomy in India. In his introductory remarks in the essay 'Aryabhata- the father of epicyclical astronomy' ( History of Science in India vol.2), PC Sengupta states that 'from his own statement made in the Kala Kriya section of his Aryabhatiyam , we know that Aryabhata was born in the year 476 of the Christian Era, that he wrote this famous book (Aryabhatiya) at the age of 23 and that his native place was most probably Kusumapura, Patliputra or the modern city of Patna.' So great was his status in this respect, that whoever differed from Aryabhata was a subject of ridicule. Sengupta further writes that the Indian epicyclic astronomy was constructed by Aryabhata , from whom alone all the later Indian astronomers drew their inspiration. It is clear that Aryabhata had a wide reputation in India, but Abhyankar shows that the concepts of
Aryabhata/Indian Scientific Sat aryabhata / Indian Scientific Sat aryabhata byl pierwszym satelita stworzonym przezIndyjska Organizacje Badan Kosmicznych ISRO. Satelita aryabhata. Linki
Extractions: A ryabhata by³ pierwszym satelit± stworzonym przez Indyjsk± Organizacjê Badañ Kosmicznych ISRO. Zosta³ on wyniesiony przez ZSRR. Satelita nazwany na cze¶æ indyjskiego matematyka, prowadzi³ badania w prom. X. Satelita pracowa³ przez piêæ dni. Statek, wyniesiony 19 kwietnia 1975, powróci³ do atmosfery 11 lutego 1992. International Index: 1975-033A Charakterystyka misji: Rakieta no¶na / miejsce startu : Kosmos 11K65M (s/n 53731 - 279) / Kapustin Yar, RosjaIndie Parametry orbity : 568 x 611 km; 96,5 m; 50,7° Czas trwania : 19.IV.1975 (07:40:00 UTC) - 11.II.1992 Wymiary i masa: 26. ¶cienna bry³a o ¶rednicy 1,4 m , w tym 24 pokryte bateriami s³onecznymi (46 W), 360 kg £adunek: Cele naukowe: Opis misji: Instrumenty: Eksperyment rentgenowski korzysta³ z: licznika proporcjonalnego, wype³nionego mieszanin± argonu i CO . Mia³ on pole widzenia 8 stopni (FWHM). By³ ono równoleg³e do osi obrotu satelity (detekcja w zakresie 2,5 - 15 keV); dwóch teleskopów scyntylacyjnych NaI, zamontowanych prostopadle do osi obrotu. Prowadzi³y one obserwacje w zakresie 10 - 100 keV.
Foreigners Hail Aryabhata As A Genius Saturday, October 17, 1998. Foreigners hail aryabhata as a genius.PRESS TRUST OF INDIA MUMBAI, Oct 16 Two western researchers have
Extractions: EIW ... States Saturday, October 17, 1998 PRESS TRUST OF INDIA MUMBAI, Oct 16: Two western researchers have hailed the fifth century Indian astronomer Aryabhata as a genius in his own right and paid tributes to his mathematical acumen. James Jacobs Quirinus, an independent researcher in Athens, Greece and a Swedish scholar Bo Klintberg at the London School of Economics and Political Science, have communicated through the internet with the Thane-based Institute of Oriental Study regarding their studies on Aryabhata. Quirinus, who has created his own Aryabhata web page, has noted that the ancient astronomer born at Kusumapura (now Patna) in Bihar was born in 476 AD and came out with his magnum opus Aryabhatiya in verse form around 499 summarizing his concept of astronomy, spherical trignometry, arithmetic, algebra and plane trignometry. ``However some of his formulas are correct, while others are not,'' Quirinus has noted. Aryabhata is the first known astronomer to have initiated a continuous counting of solar days, designating each day with a number, theGreek researcher said adding ``his astronomic ratio, which is to the best of my knowledge the earliest recorded one, is so incredibly accurate that it surprises me that this fact has gone unnoticed to this date.''
Aryabhata aryabhata the Elder. aryabhata wrote Aryabhatiya , finished in 499, whichis a summary of Hindu mathematics up to that time, written in verse.
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Aryabhata wrote Aryabhatiya , finished in 499, which is a summary of Hindu mathematics up to that time, written in verse. It coveres astronomy, spherical trigonometry, arithmetic, algebra and plane trigonometry. Aryabhata gives formulas for the areas of a triangle and a circle which are correct, but the formulas for the volumes of a sphere and a pyramid are wrong. Aryabhatiya also contains continued fractions, quadratic equations, sums of power series and a table of sines. Aryabhata gave an accurate approximation for (equivalent to 3.1416) and was one of the first known to use algebra. He also introduced the versine ( versin = 1 - cos) into trigonometry. Aryabhata also wrote the astronomy text Siddhanta which taught that the apparent rotation of the heavens was due to the axial rotation of the Earth. The work is written in 121 stanzas. It gives a quite remarkable view of the nature of the solar system. Aryabhata gives the radius of the planetary orbits in terms of the radius of the Earth/Sun orbit as essentially their periods of rotation around the Sun. He believes that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, incredibly he believes that the orbits of the planets are ellipses. He correctly explains the causes of eclipses of the Sun and the Moon.
Aryabhata Translate this page aryabhata. aryabhata war am 21.März (der erste Frühlingstag) 476 n.Chr in Kusumapurabei Pataliputra (heute Patna) geboren und ist um 550 n.Chr gestorben.