Dizionario Autori Per Area Linguistica Aksjonov, vasilij p. andreev, leonid; Aseev, nikolai nikolaevic; Asimov, isaac;Babel', isaac; Bagrickij, eduard; Bal'mont, konstantin; Baratynskij, eugenij http://www.girodivite.it/antenati/autgeo/aut_rus.htm
Trans-Siberian Photo-gallery - Statistics And Authors scan, konstantin Terletsky, book The Great Railway of the World , @GR, 2,2. given, Gennady Vedernikov, @GV, 1, 3, 4. scan, Ivan andreev, @IA, 5, 73,13, 91. http://www.transsib.ru/Eng/gal-statistic.htm
Extractions: There are photos from different sources in the Photo-gallery Our thanks All rights to published photos belong to their authors or legal owners. All photos are published on the site exclusively by noncommercial basis. In any Photo-gallery section authorship is indicated at the end of the photo description by italic, for example (MK) , you may find author decipher in the table Statistic and Authors placed below. Photos made 50 years ago and more can have sources by which help they came to the site. Moreover if their author became to be known we write about him in description of this photo. Quality of published photos doesnt' allow to use them for professional polygraphy. If the quality is too much a little simplified copy is placed. Publication of photos from the present Photo-gallery in another places is allowed only with an accurate indication of their authors and the allocation place (this site URL). Suggestions about it are accepted here The photos are protected by Digimarc standart cipher signature.
Extractions: 15-855, Fall 2000 Lecture 1. The Formal Foundations of Complexity Theory Lecture 2. Palindromes and Communication Complexity Scribe: Pat Riley Edit: Hakan Younes Lecture 3. Non-Determinism, Completeness, and the Central Questions Scribe: Hakan Younes Edit: Dominic Mazzoni Lecture 4. Non-Determinism Applied to SPACE Scribe: Maverick Edit: Luis Von Ahn Lecture 5. When Quantifiers Alternate Scribe: Umut Acar Edit: Bryan Clark Lecture 6. The Compleity of Counting: #P Scribe: Shuchi Chawla Edit:Venkatesh Natarajan Lecture 7. Inside P: Parallel Complexity Scribe: Dominic Manzzoni Edit: Amitabh Sinha Lecture 8. The Nature of the NP Complete Sets Scribe: Cory Williams Edit: Jason Crawford Lecture 9. Enter Randomness! Scribe: Konstantin Andreev Edit: Radu Niculescu Lecture 10. Randomness Applied to Other Classes Scribe: Luis Von Ahn Edit: Maverick Lecture 11. Formal Foundations of Pseudorandomness Scribe: Martin Zinkevich Edit: Nick Hopper Lecture 12. Stretching Things a Bit Scribe: Radu Niculescu Edit: Konstantin Andreev Lecture 13. Hardness vs. Randomness Scribe: Nikhil Bansal Edit: Martin Zinkevich Lecture 14. Pseudorandomness for Logspace Scribe: Edit: Lecture 15. Randomness Applied to Reductions Scribe: Giacomo Zambelli Edit: Cory Williaims Lecture 16. Randomness Applied to Prover and Verifier IP.MA. Scribe: Amy Soller Edit: Kedar Dhamdhere Lecture 17. Randomness Applied to Prover and Verifier IP=PSPACE Scribe: Bryan Clark Edit: Joshua Dunfield Lecture 18. Approximations to Hard Problems Scribe: Sanjit Seshia Edit: Bartosz Przydatek Lecture 19. Hardness to Approximation Scribe: Bartosz Przydatek Edit: Sanjit Seshia Lecture 20. PCP Theorem Scribe: Amitabh Sinha Edit: Abraham Flaxman Lecture 21. PCP Theorem Scribe: Kedar Dhamdhere Edit: Ioannis Koutis Lecture 22. PCP Theorem Scribe: Nick Hopper Edit: Nikhil Bansal Lecture 23. What is Known for Sure About our World Picture? Scribe:Jason Crawford Edit:Shuchi Chawla Lecture 24. Restriction Method Scribe: Venkatesh Natarajan Edit: Chris Wallace Lecture 25. Approximation Method Scribe: Muralidhar Talupur Edit: Giacomo Zambelli Lecture 26. Approximation Method Scribe: Joshua Dunfield Edit: Muralidhar Talupur Lecture 27. Approximation Method-monotone Complexity Scribe: Chris Wallace Edit: Amy Soller Lecture 28. Approaches to Barrier Problems Scribe: Ioannis Koutis Edit: Umut Acar Lecture 29. Natural Proofs Scribe Abraham Flaxman Edit: Pat Riley
Bruce MacDowell Maggs's Home Page konstantin andreev Hal Burch (with coadvisor Gary Miller) Amit Manjhi (with co-advisorTodd Mowry) Susmit Sarkar (with co-advisor Peter Lee) Maverick Woo http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bmm/
People-Aladdin Center Umut Acar, Kent Andersen, konstantin andreev, Barbara Anthony, Doru Balcan,Nina Balcan, Nikhil Bansal, Jernej Barbic, Atul Bhandari, Daniel Blandford http://www.aladdin.cs.cmu.edu/people/
Extractions: CENTER Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science People Faculty Photo Gallery Group photo Aladdin About News and Events People PROBEs Workshops Papers Education Seminars Courses Related Activities Corporate Related Links Intranet Contact HIPs REU Symposia Computer Science: Guy Blelloch(Co-Director), Avrim Blum, Lenore Blum(Co-Director), ... Phillip Gibbons (joint with Intel Anupam Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter, Robert Harper, ... Dannie Durand (joint with Computer Science), Russell Schwartz Mathematical Sciences: Tom Bohman, Alan Frieze ... Kirk Pruhs Post Docs David Cardoze, Adam Meyerson Graduate Students Photo Gallery Umut Acar, Kent Andersen, Konstantin Andreev, Barbara Anthony, Doru Balcan, Nina Balcan, Nikhil Bansal, Jernej Barbic, Atul Bhandari, Daniel Blandford, Alexander S. Bondarenko,
Photo Gallery, Students-Aladdin Center Intranet. Contact. HIPs. REU Symposia. Luis Von Ahn, konstantin andreev, Nikhil Bansal,Jernej Barbic. Shuchi Chawla, Kedar Dhamdhere, Nicholas Hopper, Miroslav Karamanov. http://www.aladdin.cs.cmu.edu/people/students_genies/
Extractions: CENTER Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Students Graduates Photo Gallery Aladdin About News and Events People PROBEs Workshops Papers Education Seminars Courses Related Activities Corporate Related Links Intranet Contact HIPs REU Symposia Luis Von Ahn Konstantin Andreev Nikhil Bansal Jernej Barbic ... Nicholas Hopper Miroslav Karamanov Ioannis Koutis Shan-leung Woo (Maverick) Ojas Parekh Amitabh Sinha ... Tallys Yunes Jeff Cassaday David Kravitz Stefan Niculescu Abie Flaxman Bartosz Przydatek ... Adam Wierman This material is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0122581.
ÀËÅÊÑÀÍÄÐ ÀÍÄÐÅÅÂ È ÏÀËÌÅÐ ÄÆÀÇ ÁÅÍÄ!ALEXANDR AND ALEXANDR andreevvocal, leader ALEXANDR PALMER- piano, keyboards OLEG DOBRONRAVOV sax,clarinet, flute ANTON RUMIANTZEV-tenor sax konstantin GORSHKOV-tenor sax http://sashaandreev.narod.ru/simple.html
Extractions: The suggested Programme is a cycle of the topical lectures-concerts Each lecture is structured as artistic and educational lesson for the mass audience and includes: historical information (introduction) on the topic of the present lecture-concert presentation of the performance peculiarities and capacities of the concrete Russian folk musical instrument and their varieties (with detailed professional comments) concert programme (with brief notes) for the present musical instrument, presenting it both as a solo and as a participant of the orchestra (ensemble) of the Russian folk instruments.
Search Result For S. Andreev konstantin andreev's Home Page http//www.math.cmu.edu/~kandreev/ 89 Points(Preselect77) Source Lycos(6) Lycos konstantin andreev's Home Page; http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/a/Andreev:S=.html
Konstantin Rupasov. Kniga Otzyvov. Arhiv 1 A, mozhet, nobelevcem dolzhen byl stat' Daniil andreev ili Mihail Bulgakov ili Vladimir witEti stihi na etom saiteiz luchshih.Bravo,Rupasov konstantin!Ya by http://www.litera.ru:8085/slova/gb/rupasov/arch1.html
Extractions: win koi mac dos ... translit Razdely O proekte Redkollegiya Avtory i publikacii Hronologiya publikacii Reitingi i statistika Knigi otzyvov Rasskazy Povesti i romany P'esy Poeziya Perevody Ocherki i esse Kritika Kiberatura Teoriya seteratury Nashi avtory v perevodah Kolonka Chitatelya Konkursy Memorial-2000 Sad rashodyashihsya hokku Citotron Chuzhie slova Krivaya imperiya Sleduyushaya stanciya VO U nas novyi konkurs! Arhivy:
ICFPM Fellowships In 1995 9. Ovchinnikov konstantin Nikolaevich, Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academyof 1. andreev Alexei Alexandrovich, Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute. http://www.icfpm.lpi.ru/activities/anrep2d.html
Konstantin Paramonov. Knigi S Yarmarki Knigi s yarmarki. konstantin Paramonov. No, pohozhe, hudozhnik NI.andreev tak uvleksya,chto raskrasil vse eto delo sam v nostal'gicheskie pastel'nye tona. http://www.russ.ru:8085/krug/99-04-01/paramon.htm
Extractions: Soderzhanie Russkogo Zhurnala -Rubriki KRUG ChTENIYa Kniga na zavtra Novinki nedeli Vse knizhnye recenzii Elektronnye biblioteki Chtenie bez razboru Kondensator POLITIKA Novosti dnya Stat'i NOVOSTI KUL'TURY Kul'turnyi gid (arhiv) Afisha NET-KUL'TURA Bessrochnaya ssylka Nevod ISTORIYa SOVREMENNOSTI -Poisk Spisok rubrik Spisok avtorov Poisk po date publikacii Poisk po klyuchevomu slovu Avtory. Dos'e -FORUMY Novoe za den' Uchastniki Pravila DSP DAL'NYaYa SVYaZ' Vse vypuski Poslednii vypusk Avtory -Informaciya O nas Novosti servera Karta servera Podpiska RZh v Seti Arhiv zhurnala "Pushkin" Kniga otzyvov -Na servere Gumanitarnye resursy Antologii Russkii universitet Stranica M.Ya. Geftera ...Lyublyu yarmarki. Lyublyu yarmarki knizhnye. Na etu yarmarku ya opozdal i toropilsya, speshil tuda s chuvstvom razdrazheniya na sebya i negodovaniya - na pogodu, zaderzhavshuyu menya na tri dnya v chuzhezemnom holodnom aeroportu, vo rtu bylo merzko, i hotya v karmane sliplis' v komok zhalkie ostatki komandirovochnyh, ya muzhestvenno preodoleval lyubimye prostory VDNH , to est' VVC - i radovalsya tol'ko pronzitel'nomu moskovskomu solncu...
Extractions: Predydushaya glava Oglavlenie Sleduyushaya glava Dobroserdechie Konstantina. Dela Livonskie. Vazhnoe predpriyatie Mstislava. Pylkost' yunogo Daniila. Tiranstvo Vengrov v Galiche. Ubiistva v Ryazani. Smert' Konstantina. Mstislav vozvel Konstantina na prestol Velikogo Knyazheniya Vladimirskogo i shel smirit' svoego zyatya, kotoryi, ostaviv gordost', pribegnul k velikodushiyu starshego brata. "Bud' moim otcem, - govoril on Konstantinu: - ya v tvoih rukah i proshu u tebya hleba: neuzheli vydash' menya Knyaz'yam Novogorodskomu i Smolenskomu?" Mstislav v ugodnost' Konstantinu soglasilsya na mir i prinyal dary ot Yaroslava; no ne hotel, chtoby doch' ego zhila s Knyazem stol' zhestokoserdym: vzyal ee k sebe i vozvratilsya s chestiyu v Novgorod, osvobodiv vseh zhitelei onogo, byvshih v Pereyaslavle. [1217-1218 gg.] Dostignuv celi svoei, Konstantin zahotel uteshit' izgannogo Georgiya, prizval ego k sebe, ob'yavil naslednikom Velikogo Knyazheniya i dal emu Suzdal'. S iskrenneyu druzhboyu obnyav brata, Georgii klyalsya zabyt' proshedshee. Konstantin chuvstvoval slabost' zdorov'ya svoego i zhelal v sluchae smerti ostavit' yunym synov'yam vtorogo otca v ih starshem dyade. Dvore Yaroslava i skazal im: "Klanyayusya Svyatoi Sofii, grobu otca moego i vam, dobrye Novogorodcy. Inoplemenniki gospodstvuyut v znamenitom Knyazhenii Galickom: ya nameren izgnat' ih. No vas ne zabudu i zhelayu, chtoby kosti moi lezhali u Svyatoi Sofii, tam zhe, gde pokoitsya moi roditel'". Tshetno grazhdane, iskrenno ogorchennye, molili Knyazya velikodushnogo, lyubimogo ne ostavlyat' ih. On druzheski prostilsya s narodom i speshil v Kiev k svoim brat'yam, pylaya neterpeniem sobrat' voisko v yuzhnoi Rossii i vesti onoe k beregam Dnestra.
Russian Literature - Individual Authors Pavlovich, 1932 Aldanov, Mark Aleksandrovich, 1886-1957 andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich Baklanov,Grigorii IAkovlevich, 1923- Bal'mont, konstantin Dmitrievich, 1867 http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/slavic/Russ_Lit_authors.htm
Extractions: IAS Homepage Slavic Studies Homepage Women Authors This selection of canonical authors in Russian literature is a finding aid for the Duke Catalog . Selection reflects inclusion of the author in major handbooks and histories of Russian literature (Check the research guide for titles). The New Acquisitions in Russian Studies lists other recently added titles in Russian Studies.
Www.funet.fi/pub/culture/russian/sports/hockey.russian.teams Lvov (64) Sergei Martynjuk (71) Mikhail Mikeshin (71) konstantin Peregudov (69 DmitriTsvetkov (68) Forwards Nikolai Akimov (70) Vladimir andreev (68) Viktor http://www.funet.fi/pub/culture/russian/sports/hockey.russian.teams
Extractions: Dinamo (Moscow) - Head Coach: Igor Tuzik Goalies: Igor Galkin (born in 1969) Ildar Mukhometov (72) Defensemen: Vladislav Buljin (72) Sergei Voronov (71) Sergei Gontchar (74) Evgeni Gribko (73) Roman Zolotov (74) Alexander Karpovtsev (70) Oleg Shargorodski (69) Alexander Yudin (69) Forwards: Igor Bakhmutov (71) Valeri Belov (67) Vladimir Vorobjev (72) Vladimir Gratchev (73) Igor Dorofeev (68) Mikhail Zdanovski (72) Roman Iljin (70) Sergei Klimovitch (74) Viktor Kozlov (75) Andrei Kuzmin (71) Andrei Nazarov (74) Dmitri Nazarov (71) Andrei Nikolishin (73) Alexander Prokopjev (71) Valeri Tcherny (69) Ravil Yakubov (70) Lada (Toljatti) - Head Coach: Gennadi Tsygurov Goalies: Andrei Bolsunovski (64) Vadim Nikitin (64) Defensemen: Oleg Burlutski (64) Oleg Volkov (69) Maxim Galanov (74) Pavel Zubov (73) Alexander Ivanov (65) Oleg Koftun (66) Igor Nikitin (66) Vladimir Tarasov (68) Dmitri Shulakov (71) Rafik Yakubov (66) Forwards: Alexei Alekseev (74) Vyatcheslav Bezukladnikov (68) Petr Gorjunov (67) Pavel Desyatkov (75) Anatoli Emelin (64) Sergei Zherebtsov (72) Yuri Zlov (71) Kirill Kuzmitchev (75) Sergei Martchkov (73) Alexander Nesterov (71) Ivan Svintsytski (70) Vadim Shaidullin (66) Kryliya Sovetov (Moscow) Head Coach: Igor Dmitriev Goalie: Oleg Bratash (66) Sergei Zvyagin (71) Andrei Karpin (63) Defensemen: Vadim Brezgunov (70) Dmitri Erofeev (70) Igor Ivanov (70) Alexander Lysenko (64) Dmitri Rodin (75) Andrei Skopintsev (71) Ilya Stashenkov (74) Oleg Tvardovski (76) Maxim Tchukanov (74) Nikolai Schedrov (75) Forwards: Pavel Agarkov (72) Pavel Boitchenko (75) Alexander Boikov (75) Igor Zelentchev (73) Sergei Zolotov (71) Alexei Isakov (76) Yuri Litvinov (76) Alexei Pogonin (71) Andrei Potaichuk (70) Konstantin Ratchkov (67) Alexei Stepanov (72) Alexander Savtchenkov (73) Toivo Suursoo (75) Vladimir Terekhov (71) Vitali Tomilin (74) Traktor (Chelyabinsk) - Head Coach: Valeri Belousov Goalies: Andrei Zuev (64) Ostap Ploskov (75) Defensemen: Vadim Glovatski (70) Oleg Davydov (71) Sergei Kolesnik (74) Valeri Nikulin (69) Andrei Sapozhnikov (71) Sergei Tertyshni (70) Alexei Tchikalin (74) Yuri Usenko (75) Alexander Shvarev (67) Forwards: Evgeni Bobykin (70) Konstantin Astrakhantsev (67) Igor Varitski (71) Sergei Gomolyako (70) Ravil Gusmanov (72) Dmitri Demidov (73) Andrei Didenko (75) Sergei Ivanov (60) Alexei Kokovin (67) Andrei Kudinov (70) Pavel Lazarev (70) Sergei Purtov (73) Maxim Smelnitski (74) Stanislav Tugolukov (70) Oleg Tchercasov (69) Torpedo (Yaroslavl) - Head Coach: Sergei Nikolaev Goalies: Sergei Nikolaev (72) Defensemen: Alexei Amelin (65) Andrei Zhukov (63) Oleg Komissarov (70) Dmitri Krasotkin (71) Igor Martynov (64) Eduard Matjukhov (71) Andrei Sobolev (69) Sergei Suyarkov (69) Vladislav Shvedov (70) Ildar Yubin (74) Vyatcheslav Yakovenko (67) Forwards: Alexander Ageev (72) Alexander Ardashev (68) Egor Bashkatov (71) Alexei Gorshkov (71) Dmitri Zatevakhin (64) Dmitri Zinin (68) Andrei Kolesov (71) Anatoli Lvov (64) Sergei Martynjuk (71) Mikhail Mikeshin (71) Konstantin Peregudov (69) Stanislav Romanov (71) Vladimir Samylin (72) Andrei Tarasenko (68) Alexei Traseukh (68) SKA (Sankt-Peterburg) - Head Coach: Boris Mikhailov Goalies: Valeri Ivannikov (67) Kirill Korenkov (68) Maxim Sokolov (72) Defensemen: Vladimir Aleksushin (69) Dmitri Alekhin (70) Yuri Gailik (61) Marat Davydov (72) Dmitri Zherebenkov (72) Igor Ivanov (66) Dmitri Kukushkin (66) Alexei Rubov (72) Dmitri Tsvetkov (68) Forwards: Nikolai Akimov (70) Vladimir Andreev (68) Viktor Belyakov (69) Andrei Vinogradov (70) Alexei Egorov (75) Alexei Efimov (72) Vasili Ivakin (72) Vasili Kamenev (64) Pavel Klemantovitch (72) Evgeni Pavlov (71) Valeri Petrov (68) Sergei Pushkov (64) Yuri Rykhlov (58) Alexander Smagin (67) Maxim Sushinski (74) Yuri Tsyplakov (70) Avtomobilist (Ekaterinburg) - Head Coach: Viktor Kutergin Goalies: Alexander Byzov (74) Albert Shirgaziev (65) Defensemen: Alexander Bezrodnov (63) Alexander Vyazgin (73) Vladimir Karimov (71) Andrei Korshunov (65) Evgeni Mukhin (68) Sergei Narushko (73) Vladislav Otmakhov (74) Andrei Skomorokha (68) Valeri Soldatov (74) Vitali Sharaburyak (74) Forwards: Zakirjyan Gataulin (65) Igor Gordievski (75) Oleg Zaikov (73) Alexander Krapivin (74) Dmitri Pirozhkov (69) Dmitri Popov (66) Andrei Subbotin (73) Viktor Timoschenkov (65) Andrei Khazov (71) Stanislav Khritoshin (71) Alexander Shpakovski (73) Metallurg (Magnitogorsk) Head Coach: Valeri Postnikov Goalies: Andrei Bessonov (65) Sergei Zemtchonok (76) Boris Tortunov (73) Defensemen: Evgeni Gubarev (69) Denis Denisov (69) Valeri Zagvozdkin (72) Sergei Zalipyatskikh (64) Yuri Isaev (65) Konstantin Isakov (67) Andrei Mazhugin (63) Georgi Musataev (70) Evgeni Tutikov (66) Evgeni Shalygin (70) Forwards: Vladimir Gromylin (66) Sergei Devyatkov (62) Dmitri Ivanov (70) Vladimir Elovikov (66) Igor Knyazev (65) Igor Lukjyanov (63) Viktor Marusov (67) Sergei Mogilnikov (58) Sergei Osipov (67) Alexei Pogodin (64) Viktor Salnikov (68) Igor Starkovski (65) Igor Ulshin (65) Dmitri Fillipov (63) Vladimir Khromykh (70) Yuri Shpigalo (65) Spartak (Moscow) Head Coach: Valentin Gureev Goalies: Alexei Ivashkin (69) Andrei Fedotov (71) Oleg Shevtsov (71) Defensemen: Sergei Butko (68) Fedor Lukinski (76) Yuri Lynov (67) Ilya Makarov (72) Daniil Markov (76) Mikhail Mitkin (67) Dmitri Podlegaev (74) Alexei Putilin (70) Nikolai Semin (73) Alexander Yudin (71) Forwards: Georgi Evtyukhin (70) Vadim Epatchintsev (76) Mikhail Ivanov (71) Dmitri Klevakin (76) Konstantin Korotkov (72) Sergei Kozlov (69) Maikl Nemirovski (74) Dmitri Rozhkov (67) Alexander Selivanov (71) Vladimir Uvarov (74) Sergei Shalomai (76) Dmitri Shamolin (72) Salavat Yulaev (Ufa) Head Coach: Rafael Ishmatov Goalies: Igor Vasiliev (72) Alexander Nikiforov (67) Defensemen: Vladimir Alekseev (75) Oleg Vasiliev (67) Andrei Volkov (67) Artur Galeev (70) Valeri Davletshin (64) Rustam Kamaletdinov (72) Sergei Lopatin (69) Mikhail Potapov (68) Vener Safin (64) Nikolai Tsulygin (75) Andrei Yakhanov (73) Forwards: Denis Anfinogenov (74) Nikolai Bykov (68) Alik Gareev (70) Dmitri Denisov (70) Nikolai Zavarukhin (75) Yuri Ivanov (63) Rail Muftiev (68) Oleg Saldin (72) Alexander Sverzhov (72) Ruslan Suleimanov (66) Boris Timofeev (67) Vyatcheslav Khaev (68) Aidar Khairullin (65) Vadim Sharifjanov (75) Alfred Yunusov (60) Avangard (Omsk) - Head Coach: Leonid Kiselev Goalies: Alexander Dmitriev (63) Evgeni Loiferman (70) Defensemen: Viktor Arkhipov (62) Vladimir Gaponov (73) Vladimir Kapulovski (60) Oleg Katchesov (65) Sergei Korobkin (68) Albert Loginov (70) Konstantin Maslyukov (70) Evgeni Rytchkov (75) Oleg Ugolnikov (68) Forwards: Viktor Belyakov (63) Sergei Berdnikov (71) Sergei Gubarev (65) Igor Dyakiv (67) Mikhail Ermolin (74) Alexei Zhdakhin (66) Yuri Kuznetsov (71) Igor Latyshev (64) Dmitri Parkhomenko (73) Pardaugava (Riga) - Head Coach: Mikhail Beskashnov Goalies: Andrei Zinkov (68) Sergei Polyakov (70) Peteris Scudra (73) Defensemen: Igor Bondarev (74) Konstantin Grigorjev (66) Artur Kupaks (73) Rodrigo Lavinsh (74) Normund Seieis (68) Karlis Skrastinsh (74) Gatis Tseplis (71) Alexander Shishkovitch (72) Forwards: Artis Abols (73) Sergei Boldoveshko (70) Andrei Ignatovitch (71) Yuris Opulskis (69) Aigars Razgals (69) Alexander Semenov (72) Leonid Tambiev (70) Yanis Tomans (73) Aigars Tsyprus (72) Alexei Khromtchenkov (74) Oleg Yurenko (73) Alexander Tchuntchukov (71) Sokol (Kiev) Head Coach: Alexander Fadeev Goalies: Evgeni Brul (67) Alexandr Vjukhin (73) Defensemen: Sergei Garkusha (71) Yuri Gunko (72) Vladimir Kirik (67) Vyatcheslav Zavalnyuk (74) Andrei Oleksienko (71) Alexander Savitski (71) Oleg Polkovnikov (73) Vyacheslav Timchenko (71) Forwards: Evgeni Alipov (65) Vasili Bobrovnikov (71) Konstantin Butsenko (69) Viktor Goncharenko (69) Anatoli Koveshnikov (73) Vitali Litvinenko (70) Evgeni Mlinchenko (72) Valentin Oletski (71) Dmitri Pidgurski (73) Vitali Semenchenko (74) Mikhail Fadeev (71) Vadim Shakhraichuk (74) Torpedo (Ust-Kamenogorsk) - Head Coach: Vladimir Golts Goalies: Vladimir Borodulin (61) Evgeni Nabokov (75) Alexei Shimin (70) Defensemen: Alexander Artemenko (71) Igor Zemlyanoi (67) Igor Medvedev (69) Igor Nikitin (73) Andrei Savenkov (75) Andrei Sokolov (68) Alexei Troschinski (73) Viktor Fedorchenko (61) Forwards: Sergei Antipov (74) Igor Belyaevski (61) Pavel Kamentsev (69) Yuri Karataev (65) Maxim Komissarov (72) Alexander Koreshkov (70) Oleg Kryazhev (70) Andrei Pchelyakov (72) Erlan Sagimbaev (70) Andrei Samokhvalov (75) Roman Shipulin (70) Konstantin Spodarenko (72) Khimik (Voskresensk) Head Coach: Gennadi Syrtsov Goalies: Oleg Lavretski (66) Alexei Chervyakov (65) Yuri Shundrov (56) Defensemen: Vitali Dryndin (75) Alexander Zhdan (71) Andrei Kozlov (71) Oleg Kobzev (70) Igor Monaenkov (66) Sergei Perezhogin (69) Nikolai Syrtsov (71) Dmitri Timofeev (72) Vladimir Tolokonnikov (73) Alexei Yashkin (65) Forwards: Igor Alexandrov (73) Sergei Artyushenko (74) Sergei Berezin (71) Andrei Galkin (67) Evgeni Garanin (73) Alexander Zhinkov (75) Alexei Klimantov (74) Sergei Korolev (73) Alexander Levenok (72) Dmitri Sandrogailov (69) Oleg Santuryan (70) Alexander Syrtsov (73) Alexander Shlykov (72) Vyatcheslav Polikarkin (70) Alexander Chibiryaev (70) Oleg Yashin (68) Torpedo (Nizhni Novgorod) - Head Coach: Valeri Shaposhnikov Goalies: Alexei Ignatenko (70) Sergei Kiryakhin (64) Vladimir Tikhomirov (69) Andrei Tsarev (75) Defensemen: Nikolai Voevodin (73) Vadim Galimkhanov (68) Nikolai Golyshev (61) Alexander Danchishin Pavel Komarov (74) Andrei Kulikov (74) Lev Latin (66) Alexander Kupriyanov (70) Vadim Musatov (67) Vyatcheslav Glushko (67) Oleg Namestnikov (70) Forwards: Evgeni Bobariko (74) Yuri Bogusevitch (73) Alexander Vasenev (69) Anatoli Vodopjanov (60) Sergei Grigoriev (67) Sergei Zhebrovski (63) Alexei Ivanov (74) Vladimir Kireev (67) Vladimir Konkov (68) Evgeni Kudimov (67) Sergei Novoselov (65) Konstantin Obrezha (62) Vladimir Orlov (71) Alexei Rotanov (66) Vyatcheslav Rjanov (59) Vasili Smirnov (73) Alexander Troshin (68) Mikhail Chuprov (73) Sergei Shesterikov (67) Metallurg (Cherepovets) - Head Coach: Vladimir Golev Goalies: Yuti Nikitin (61) Pavel Cherkas (71) Alexander Chizhevski (74) Defensemen: Oleg Achapkin (70) Vladimir Leshko (68) Valeri Saliev (70) Alexander Menchenkov (58) Vitali Solin (74) Alexander Terekhov (69) Andrei Khaidin (66) Maxim Tsvetkov (74) Forwards: Oleg Boltunov (73) Vladimir Vershinin (73) Alexei Ivanov (74) Sergei Ichenski (72) Sergei Kondrashkin (75) Vladimir Kochin (65) Igor Nikulin (72) Igor Petrov (65) Andrei Smirnov (70) Alexei Sokolov (73) Alexei Chistyakov (68) Itil (Kazan) Head Coach: Viktor Kuzhetsov Goalies: Sergei Abramov (59) Konstantin Bakhutashvili (70) Defensemen: Dmitri Barmin (70) Eduard Valiullin (71) Alexander Zavjalov (69) Andrei Zubkov (64) Leonid Lobzov (73) Khalim Nigmatullin (72) Alexei Puchkov (62) Vladimir Starostin (72) Forwards: Igor Ageev (68) Roman Baranov (73) Gleb Veselov (69) Oleg Vlasov (71) Almaz Garifullin (71) Ilnur Gizatullin (69) Alexei Zuev (74) Airat Kadeikin (70) Rinat Kasjanov (71) Igor Krasheninnikov (71) Eduard Kudermetov (72) Alexei Chupin (72) Tivali (Minsk) Head Coach: Andrei Sidorenko Goalies: Alexander Gavrilyuk (65) Yuri Ivashin (73) Sergei Shabanov (76) Defensemen: Marat Askarov (70) Sergei Erkovitch (74) Vladimir Kopat (71) Alexander Makritski (71) Oleg Romanov (70) Ruslan Salei (74) Sergei Stas (74) Oleg Teterev (75) Oleg Khmyl (70) Forwards: Oleg Antonenko (71) Vadim Bekbulatov (70) Valeri Ermolov (75) Vyacheslav Dolishnya (71) Eduard Zankovets (69) Dmitri Ovsyannikov (75) Vasili Pankov (68) Roman Romanov (75) Andrei Skabelka (71) Igor Tarnovski (71) Yuri Faikov (69) Sergei Chernyavski (74) Molot (Perm) Head Coach: Vladimir Fokeev Goalies: Valeri Erokhin (63) Dmitri Khomutov (75) Defensemen: Vadim Galkin (74) Sergei Galkin (72) Valeri Ganzha (67) Oleg Guschin (71) Dmitri Kirillov (66) Mikhail Kovalkov (70) Sergei Milto (71) Murat Sterzhanov (70) Forwards: Sergei Gubanov (75) Alexander Gulyavtsev (73) Mikhail Ipatov (68) Vyacheslav Kurochkin (75) Seregi Nechaev (71) Murat Mullagaleev (66) Dmitri Romanov (71) Evgeni Obrushny (75) Oleg Savchuk (66) Alexander Smagin (71) Mikhail Soldatov (71) Kristall (Saratov) Head Coach: Vladimir Kuplinov Goalies: Alexei Scheblinov (63) Dmitri Sychkov (70) Defensemen: Dmitri Glebov (77) Alexei Krivonozhkin (74) Andrei Lyulin (68) Mikhail Milekhin (65) Dmitri Porkhunov (75) Dmitri Starodubtsev (73) Dmitri Stulov (73) Dmitri Chikin (76) Forwards: Alim Aleev (68) Boris Bezhykov (74) Ali Burkhanov (68) Fedor Volodin (71) Alexander Gorelov (75) Andrei Evseev (74) Dmitri Ermoshin (72) Alexander Ivanov (75) Igor Ivliev (68) Andrei Korolev (70) Sergei Martynov (66) Vadim Molotilov (68) Sergei Samoshkin (75) Igor Stepanov (70) Evgeni Tarasov (74) Nikolai Cherepukha (76) Vadim Umnov (73) Metallurg (Novokuznetsk) Head Coach: Alexander Zaikin Goalies: Dmitri Kuroshin (59) Alexander Filippenko (65) Defensemen: Evgeni Baklanov (72) Dmitri Butsenko (65) Evgeni Goldenkov (71) Andrei Evstafjev (72) Yuri Zuev (62) Alexei Kitsyn (65) Sergei Trofilov (65) Andrei Troschenkov (72) Forwards: Alexander Voronov (66) Oleg Gross (65) Dmitri Zaitsev (70) Sergei Kalinin (71) Alexander Kitov (68) Vladimir Kormachev (72) Sergei Lantratov (75) Andrei Makarov (66) Alexander Malakhov (70) Vladislav Morozov (67) Alexander Ragulin (65) Andrei Smirnov (70) Nikolai Ustinov (62) CSKA (Moscow) - Head Coach: Viktor Tikhonov Goalies: Maxim Mikhailovski (69) Nikolai Khabibullin (73) Defensemen: Vasili Demin (74) Andrei Doronin (73) Yuri Eresko (75) Roman Mozgunov (75) Artur Oktyabrev (73) Alexander Osadchi (75) Sergei Selyanin (66) Sergei Simonov (74) Vasili Turkovski (74) Stanislav Shalnov (73) Forwards: Mikhail Belobragin (74) Oleg Belov (73) Mikhail Borodulin (67) Sergei Brylin (74) Andrei Vasiljev (72) Denis Vinokurov (72) Dmitri Gorenko (75) Pavel Evstigneev (73) Vladimir Zhashkov (73) Alexei Lazarenko (76) Albert Leschev (71) Valentin Morozov (75) Dmitri Pigolitsyn (74) Alexander Skoptsov (73) Dmitri Starostenko (73) Alexander Kharlamov (75) Vladislav Yakovenko (74) Stroitel (Karaganda) Head Coach: Petr Pavlyuchenko Goalies: Vladimir Balandin (64) Nikolai Poleoglov (72) Leonid Shilyaev (59) Defensemen: Vladimir Aleksandrov (65) Oleg Bolyakin (65) Alexei Gasnikov (74) Valeri Gorbunov (57) Sergei Gunyakin (72) Dmitri Dubrovski (73) Mikhail Zharenov (73) Yuri Mikhailis (69) Andrei Smoljakov (71) Oleg Kryukov (69) Valeri Shestitko (70) Forwards: Alexander Vysotski (68) Bulat Gabdrakhmanov (71) Alexei Murzin (74) Andrei Zalipyatskikh (70) Murat Mukhametov (73) Igor Nikolaev (70) Mikhail Petrov (64) Oleg Salimov (63) Dmitri Fedorov (72) Alexander Filippov (73) Valeri Khamrakulov (71) Alexander Kharitonov (74) Oleg Shulaev (64) Mikhail Schedrin (74) Roman Shilenko roman@gelc.msk.su
NUESTROS MUSICOS Nikita Klochkov (Violin), . Anatoli Luchinine (Piano) . Alexander andreev(Viola) . Banda Old Days . konstantin Sakssonski (Violin). http://www.lanochedemoscu.com/musicos.htm
Eugene Kopytov pp. 4952; V. andreev, E. Kopytov, F. Darwazeh. konstantin N. Nechval,Nicholas A. Nechval, Eugene A. Kopytov Edgars K. Vasermanis. http://www.lza.lv/scientists/Kopytov.htm
Extractions: E-mail: kopitov@tsi.lv kopitov@junik.lv Born December 5, 1947, Lignica, Poland Interests: Languages: Russian, Latvian, English Education Experience Rector, Professor of Computer Science Department, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 1999- Vice-Rector for Study Affairs, Riga Aviation University, 1999 State Professor, Riga Aviation University, 1998 - 1999 Head of Department of Computer Science, Riga Aviation University, 1992 - 1999 Head of Department of Information and Programming, Riga Aviation University, 1986-1992
The Kirov's Reconstructed Sleeping Beauty 1 - Doug Fullington Bocharov (Act I, The Palace Garden, and Act II, A Forest Locale and Panorama ),Ivan andreev (also Act I, The Palace Garden ), konstantin Ivanov (Act II http://users.skynet.be/ballet-lovers/Beauty1.html
Extractions: Sleeping Beauty was first produced by the Imperial Theatres, St. Petersburg, on January 15, 1890 (January 3, Old Style) at the Maryinsky Theatre, with music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) and choreography by Marius Petipa (1818-1910). The Kirov's new production of Sleeping Beauty premiered in St. Petersburg on April 30, 1999 and made its North American premiere on June 28, 1999 at the Met in New York. Staged by Sergei Vikharev, a Kirov soloist and ballet master, with assistance from dance historian Alisa Sveshnikova, the production is an effort to reconstruct the original Sleeping Beauty of 1890 or, more precisely, Sleeping Beauty as it was performed at the turn of the century. Indeed, the importance of the Kirov's new Beauty rests on the ability of its reconstructors to recreate the original sets, costumes, music and choreography. My purpose is to evaluate the production as a reconstruction. The original costumes were designed by Ivan Vsevolozhsky (1835-1909), Director of the Imperial Theatres from 1881 to 1899 and librettist of Sleeping Beauty. His delightful and colorful designs have been beautifully rebuilt for the late-20th century Kirov bodies under the direction of Elena Zaitseva. The original sets were designed by five scenic artists who specialized in various types of décor: Genrikh Levogt (Prologue, "Florestan's Palace"), Mikhail Bocharov (Act I, "The Palace Garden," and Act II, "A Forest Locale and Panorama"), Ivan Andreev (also Act I, "The Palace Garden"), Konstantin Ivanov (Act II, "Interior of the Sleeping Beauty's Castle") and Matvei Shishkov (Act III, "The Esplanade of Florestan's Castle and Apotheosis"). These have been reproduced with equal success under the direction of Andrei Voitenko.
Russische Miniatur Von Dmitrij Emeljanow Translate this page Promotion Mein besonderer Dank Dmitry Chalabow (für die spezielle Lichtbildaufnahme)Arseniy Fedoroff Kuznetsov konstantin, Batulin Igor, andreev Alexey für http://dmitry33.virtualave.net/d/
History Of Science: Home Pages Alekseev konstantin, Ivanov Mikhail, Sedov Alexandr. Allakhverdian Alexandr,Jurevich Andrei, Sirotkina Irina. andreev Andrei, Karimov Alexei, Smith Roger. http://www.ihst.ru/personal-e.htm