Albategnius Translate this page albategnius (11.2 S - 04.1 E). Voir l'image colorisée à sa taille d'origine. albategniusest un cirque très ancien et délabré de 136 km de diamètre.
Extractions: Albategnius est un cirque très ancien et délabré de 136 km de diamètre. Ses remparts en terrasses atteignent 4000 m. Dans la partie sud ouest de l'arène se trouve un cratère plus récent: Klein (encore partiellement dans l'ombre sur la photo) de 44 km de diamètre, parois de 1460 m. Au centre, le massif montagneux atteint 4000 m, de part et d'autre on distingue de nombreuses cuvettes et craterlets.
Albategnius albategnius The walls of this huge and old ring mountain have beenbombarded by countless subsequent impacts. The curious result
Extractions: albategnius The walls of this huge and old ring mountain have been bombarded by countless subsequent impacts. The curious result is that it has acquired an unmistakably hexagonal appearance. Photo: António Cidadão . His Home Page of Astrophotography includes stereograms, animations, and "Seven Craters a Week" from his forthcoming photographic lunar atlas. Inconstant Moon
Lunar R-v / Albategnius albategnius ( 136 Km de diamètre ) éclairé de l'ouest, comme lors d'un dernier quartier. Photo de Denis Goyette, prises avec ScmidtCassegrain 20 c.m. et caméra CCD
Albategnius (ca. 858-929) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Branch of Science " Astronomers Nationality " Arab albategnius (ca. 858929) Arab astronomer who got an extremely accurate length of the year (used in the Gregorian calendar reform of the Julian calendar ), determined the time of the equinoxes
Lune1 image from 2500 km showing Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and albategnius craters. Ptolemaeus is the large (164 diameter) flatfloored
Albategnius Galerie de photos CCD de la Lune et des plan?tes albategnius (11.2 S 04.1 E)
Extractions: Albategnius est un cirque tr?s ancien et d?labr? de 136 km de diam?tre. Ses remparts en terrasses atteignent 4000 m. Dans la partie sud ouest de l'ar?ne se trouve un crat?re plus r?cent: Klein (encore partiellement dans l'ombre sur la photo) de 44 km de diam?tre, parois de 1460 m. Au centre, le massif montagneux atteint 4000 m, de part et d'autre on distingue de nombreuses cuvettes et craterlets.
Al-Battani (Alabategnius), 858 - 929 C.E. ABU ABDULLAH ALBATTANI (albategnius) (858 - 929CE), by Dr. A. Zahoor. Click here to proceed.
WIEM: Albategnius Patrz Battani Al
Al-Battani (Alabategnius), 858 - 929 C.E. Dr. A. Zahoor profiles the life and works of the famed Muslim astronomer and mathematician of 10th century Samarra. ABU ABDULLAH ALBATTANI (albategnius). (858 - 929 C.E.)
Albategnius Translate this page albategnius. photo vesta pro avec projection par oculaire 26mm- sc203 Meade.sélection des images, traitement et mosaïque, Iris. retour. retour galerie.
Catalog, Part 1 the Moon. albategnius crater Diameter 81 miles Depth 14500' Class5 Rukl 44 Ring mountain with 4500' offcentre peak. ALDRIN
Extractions: catalog Here is part one of the Inconstant Moon Catalog - summary details of all of the features mentioned in the guide. "Class" refers to the crater classification given in Ralph Baldwin's The Measure of the Moon . "Rukl" indicates the chart number in Antonin Rukl's Atlas of the Moon - click on this to see the corresponding page in Akkana Peck's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon ALBATEGNIUS crater
Index Of /~vhoette/Explorations/images/Albategnius Parent Directory 24Jan-2003 0721 - moonIndex of /~vhoette/Explorations/images/albategnius. Name Last modifiedSize
Albategnius At Sunrise, 2001-07-27 AstroDrawings 2001. by Gerhard Niklasch. The Moon. albategnius. at sunrise,with Klein embedded in its SW wall, Vogel to the South, Halley
Ebu Abullah El-Batani (Albategnius) . .. Ebu Abullah ElBatani (albategnius) (858-929 er) nga Dr. A.Zahur El-Batani, i njohur ne perendim si albategnius ishte nje
Extractions: El-Batani, i njohur ne perendim si Albategnius ishte nje astronom dhe matematicien i famshem. Ai u njoh si astronomi me i madh i kohes se tij dhe nje nga me te medhenjte e Mesjetes. Ebu Abdullah Muhamed Ibn Xhabir Ibn Sinan el-Batani lindi ne 858 e.r. ne ose prane Batanit, nje krahine ne Harran. Ai ishte pjestar i familjes mbreterore Sa'bi te Harranit dhe ishte musliman. El-Batani i mori mesimet e para nga i ati, Xhabir Ibn Sinan el Batani, i cili ishte gjithashtu nje shkencetar i njohur. Me pas ai shkoi ne Raka, ne brigjet e Eufratit ku ai mori mesime te avancuara ne shkence. Nga fundi i shek. 9 ai emigroi ne Samara ku ai punoi deri ne fund te jetes se tij. El-Batani vdiq ne vitin 929 e.r.. Gjate qendrimit te tij ne el-Raka, nga 877 deri ne 929 ai beri zbulime te rendesishme astronomike. Sipas profesor Filip Hitit, " solli disa permiresime ne punen e Ptolemit dhe gjithashtu korigjoi llogaritjet e bera mbi levizjen e Henes dhe disa planeteve. Ai provoi mundesine e eklipsit diellor, ndihmoi me te dhena me te sakta per sa i perket stineve, llogariti orbiten ekliptike (me pamje vezake) gjatesine e stineve dhe vitit tropikal, dhe minin (mesataren) e orbites se djellit. Llogaritja e sakte e tij per vitin djellor prej 365 ditesh, 5 oresh, 46 minutash dhe 24 sekondash qendron shume afer matjeve te fundit. Ai gjithashtu zbuloi qe largesia e djellit kishte ndryshuar rreth 16 grade 47 minuta qe nga koha e Ptolemit. Ky zbulim shpjegon levizjen e planeteve rreth djellit dhe nje dryshim te vogel ne matjene e kohes. Mendimi i tij per sa i perket ekuinokseve, ishte ndryshe nga mendimi i gabuar i Kopernikut disa shekuj me vone.
Abuabdullahalbattani ABU ABDULLAH ALBATTANI (albategnius) (858 - 929 CE) Al-Battani, known inthe West as albategnius, was a famous astronomer and mathematician.
Extractions: Al-Battani, known in the West as Albategnius, was a famous astronomer and mathematician. He has been recognized as the greatest astronomer of his time and one of the greatest of the Middle Ages. Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani was born around 858 C.E. in or near Battan, a state of Harran. He belonged to the princely Sa'bi family of Harran and he was a Muslim. Al-Battani was first educated by his father Jabir Ibn Sin'an al-Battani, who was also a well-known scientist. He then moved to Raqqa, situated on the bank of the Euphrates, where he received advanced education in sciences. At the end of the ninth century, he migrated to Samarra, where he worked until his death in 929 C.E. In a sharp contrast to Ptolemy, Al-Battani proved the variation of the apparent angular diameter of the sun and the possibility of annular eclipses. He revised orbits of the Moon and the planets and proposed a new and very ingenious theory to determine the conditions of visibility of the new moon. Dunthorne, in 1749, used Al-Battani's excellent observations of the lunar and solar eclipses to determine the acceleration of motion of the moon. He determined many astronomical coefficients with great accuracy: Prescession of Equinoxes 54.5" a year and inclination of the Ecliptic 23o 35'. Al-Battani also provided very ingenuous solutions for some problems of spherical trigonometry using the methods of orthographic projection. It was from a perusal of Al-Battani's work on apparant motion of fixed stars that Hevilius discovered the circular variation of the moon.
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IDENTIKIT IDENTIKIT. Name Size Coordinates Image. albategnius crater. 120 km diameter4000 mt height walls. 12°S 4°E Between Hipparchus and Ptolemaeus craters.
Cratere Albategnius Translate this page albategnius. Immediately on east of Ptolemaeus crater there is albategnius, acrater with a central mountainous peak in his flat and some small craters.
Extractions: Cratere - Crater ................................. ALBATEGNIUS Diametro - Diameter .......................... 120 km Altezza pareti - Height walls .............. 4000 mt Latitudine .......................................... 12° S Longitudine ....................................... 4° E Dove si trova - Where it's located ..... settore centrale, ad est di Ptolemaeus - Central lunar sector. Settore centrale del nostro satellite in cui possiamo notare crateri di grande diametro. Immediatamente ad est di Ptolemaeus è situato Albategnius, struttura crateriforme nella cui platea si può osservare un picco montuoso centrale ed alcuni crateri minori. Central lunar sector in wich we can observe many large diameter craters. Immediately on east of Ptolemaeus crater there is Albategnius, a crater with a central mountainous peak in his flat and some small craters.