References For Aitken References for alec aitken. Books AC aitken, Gallipoli to the SommeRecollections of a New Zealand infantryman (Oxford, 1963). http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Aitken.html
Extractions: A C Aitken, The art of mental calculation: with demonstrations, Trans. Royal Society for Engineers, London Obituary, A C Aitken, DSc, FRS, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. Obituary, Yearbook of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Session 1967-68 J M Whittaker and M S Bartlett, Alexander Craig Aitken, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society of London Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Aitken alec aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 havingwon a scholarship to Otago University. He began to study http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Aitken.html
Extractions: Alec Aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 having won a scholarship to Otago University. He began to study languages and mathematics with the intention of becoming a school teacher but his university career was interrupted by World War I. He enlisted in 1915 and served in Gallipoli, Egypt and France being wounded at the battle of the Somme. His war experiences were to haunt him for the rest of his life. After three months in hospital he was sent back to New Zealand in 1917. The following year he returned to his university studies graduating in 1920 with First Class Honours in French and Latin but only Second Class in mathematics in which he had no proper instruction. Aitken followed his original intention and became a school teacher at his old school Otago Boys' High School. His mathematical genius bubbled under the surface and, encouraged by the new professor of mathematics at Otago University, Aitken came to Scotland in 1923 and studied for a Ph.D. at Edinburgh under Whittaker . Rather remarkably his Ph.D. thesis was considered so outstanding that he was awarded a D.Sc. for it. In 1925 he was appointed to Edinburgh where he spent the rest of his life. After holding lecturing posts in actuarial mathematics, then in statistics, then mathematical economics he became a Reader in statistics in 1936, the year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Ten years later he was appointed to
Aitken Biography of alec aitken (18951967) alec aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 having won a scholarship to Otago University. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Aitken.html
Extractions: Alec Aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 having won a scholarship to Otago University. He began to study languages and mathematics with the intention of becoming a school teacher but his university career was interrupted by World War I. He enlisted in 1915 and served in Gallipoli, Egypt and France being wounded at the battle of the Somme. His war experiences were to haunt him for the rest of his life. After three months in hospital he was sent back to New Zealand in 1917. The following year he returned to his university studies graduating in 1920 with First Class Honours in French and Latin but only Second Class in mathematics in which he had no proper instruction. Aitken followed his original intention and became a school teacher at his old school Otago Boys' High School. His mathematical genius bubbled under the surface and, encouraged by the new professor of mathematics at Otago University, Aitken came to Scotland in 1923 and studied for a Ph.D. at Edinburgh under Whittaker . Rather remarkably his Ph.D. thesis was considered so outstanding that he was awarded a D.Sc. for it. In 1925 he was appointed to Edinburgh where he spent the rest of his life. After holding lecturing posts in actuarial mathematics, then in statistics, then mathematical economics he became a Reader in statistics in 1936, the year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Ten years later he was appointed to
Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With A AUG 181726 MAR 1907). aitken, Albert (1867-). aitken, alec (-). aitken, Alexander (1866-). aitken, Alice (1862-) http://www.ozemail.com.au/~grinfrog/g2www/idxa.htm
On Campus News Head Jim Basinger, left, and Geography Assoc. Prof. alec aitken look throughthe recently released report of the NSERC Task Force on Northern Research. http://www.usask.ca/communications/ocn/oct13-00/news3a.shtml
Extractions: General Home About Us Issue Dates Submissions ... OCN Policies This Issue News Stories Feature Articles Profiles Opinion ... Coming Events Geological Science Dept. Head Jim Basinger, left, and Geography Assoc. Prof. Alec Aitken look through the recently released report of the NSERC Task Force on Northern Research. Geological Sciences Dept. Head Jim Basinger and Geography Assoc. Prof. Alec Aitken say a combination of factors – including tight budgets in the ’80s and ’90s, intergovernmental jurisdiction questions, and the research-funding tussle between field-based and "table-top" researchers – have conspired over the past 20 years to seriously harm Canada’s university-based northern research effort. A few years ago, DFO shut down its Marine Ecology Lab in Nova Scotia, losing 10 leading scientists. In 1990 a group of federal Fisheries Biologists in Quebec had their jobs eliminated. The Resolute Bay camp of DFO was closed in 1994. The Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. base of the Polar Continental Shelf Project was also shut down.
On Campus News stimulate inquiry and an awareness in students of the role that science plays intheir daily lives, says Dr. alec aitken, from the U of S Geography Dept. http://www.usask.ca/communications/ocn/sept1-00/news17a.shtml
Extractions: General Home About Us Issue Dates Submissions ... OCN Policies This Issue News Stories Feature Articles Profiles Opinion ... Coming Events The Innovators In The Schools Program has the help of more than 70 U of S professors, who are interested in creating excitement about science, engineering and mathematics for kindergarten to Grade 12 students. Volunteers in the program are encouraged to take hands-on and demonstration materials with them into the classrooms, as well as to talk about their careers and recent developments in their area of specialty. Students are then able to see science come to life. "The activities stimulate inquiry and an awareness in students of the role that science plays in their daily lives," says Dr. Alec Aitken, from the U of S Geography Dept. Aitken has conducted numerous classroom visits on topics ranging from rocks, minerals and fossils, to literally re-creating the geography of Saskatchewan on a table-top model using different types of soil, miniature trees and rocks. "The Innovators in the Schools Program provides a valuable resource to classroom teachers," Aitken says.
Aitken Portraits Portraits of alec aitken alec aitken. At the 1930 EMS colloquium in St Andrews http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Aitken.html
IML Maurice Lamontagne Institute. alec E. aitken. aitken, AE, R. GILBERT,1989. Holocene nearshore environments and sealevel history http://www.qc.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/iml/biblio/anglais/AuthorsIML_AITKEN_241.HTM
Extractions: @import url(/screen.css); Bibliography Home page Authors Index Species Index Categories list Maurice Lamontagne Institute AITKEN, A.E. , R. GILBERT, 1989. Holocene nearshore environments and sea-level history in Pangnirtung Fiord, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic Alp. Res., 21(1): 34-44 . AITKEN, A.E. , M.J. RISK, J.D. HOWARD, 1988. Animal-sediment relationships on a subarctic intertidal flat, Pangnirtung Fiord, Baffin Island, Canada. J. Sediment. Petrol., 58: 969-978 . AITKEN, A.E. , M.J. RISK, 1988. Biotic interactions revealied by macroborings in arctic bibalve molluscs. Lethaia, 21: 339-350 . Last Updated : 2003-01-24 Important Notices
IML Translate this page Bibliothèque de l'Institut Maurice-Lamontagne. alec E. aitken. aitken,AE, R. GILBERT, 1989. Holocene nearshore environments and http://www.qc.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/iml/biblio/francais/AuteursIML_AITKEN_241.HTM
Extractions: l'Institut Maurice-Lamontagne AITKEN, A.E., M.J. RISK, J.D. HOWARD, 1988. Animal-sediment relationships on a subarctic intertidal flat, Pangnirtung Fiord, Baffin Island, Canada. J. Sediment. Petrol., 58: 969-978 . AITKEN, A.E., M.J. RISK, 1988. Biotic interactions revealied by macroborings in arctic bibalve molluscs. Lethaia, 21: 339-350 . Avis importants
The Buchan Observer to right) James 'Sharky' Buchan, Eben Melville, Jim 'Comrie' Angus, Harold Sturrock, Jim aitken, alec 'Sonny' Baird. http://www.buchanie.com/archived/2002/Week%2018/SPORT/MINE_EYES_PART9.asp
Extractions: Welcome to the online edition of the Buchan Observer Home News Sport Postbag ... Subscribe SPORT Pictured is the Prison Officers team of the 1950s. Back row (left to right): Mac Morrice, Cooper, L. Joiner, P. Smith, G. Taylor, Johnstone. Front row: A. Stuart, G. Stephen, J. Sievwright, T. McLauchlan, W. Johnstone. The North School FPs of 1946. Back row (left to right): James 'Sharky' Buchan, Eben Melville, Jim 'Comrie' Angus, Harold Sturrock, Jim Aitken, Alec 'Sonny' Baird. Front row: Andy Stephen, James 'The Hort' Geddes, George Sturrock, Robbie Martin, Alex 'Bo' Davidson. Part 9 - Memories of 'Kippers' and Referees The 57-58 season saw Peterhead sign 'Brocher' Gordon Russell. Gordon was then a Centre forward but he sustained a serious injury when the lace from the old-style leather ball damaged his eye. He was out for many months and when he returned to the team he was moved to right back where he played for a few seasons. Gordon's replacement at centre forward was Alec ' Kipper' Buchan signed from Inversaintcairn United.
Musica.co.uk aitken, Laurel Rudi got married, Rudi got married aitken, Laurel Price £9.00, PreOrderNow Add aitken, Laurel Rudi got married to basket. alec Empire Shards of http://www.musica.co.uk/musica/screen__BROWSE2/category__2/pagestart__2/musictyp
American Family Immigration History Center AGNES aitken. LANARK. 1903. 1. 5. alec aitken. LANARK. 1903. 6 http://www.ellisislandrecords.org/search/matchMore.asp?kind=exact&FNM=&LNM=Aitke
Genealogy Data Family Spouse CRAWFORD, Allison Linda Gender Female Children aitken, Nicole Judith SamuelMother FLOYD, Louisa Family Spouse BATEMAN, alec Gender Male http://home.primus.com.au/bjrussell/FamilyTreeData/dat3.html
Aitken Biography of Alexander Craig aitken (18951967) alec aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 having won a scholarship to Otago University. http://sfabel.tripod.com/mathematik/database/Aitken.html
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Alec Aitken left the Otago Boys' High School in Dunedin in 1913 having won a scholarship to Otago University. He began to study languages and mathematics with the intention of becoming a school teacher but his university career was interrupted by World War I. He enlisted in 1915 and served in Gallipoli, Egypt and France being wounded at the battle of the Somme. His war experiences were to haunt him for the rest of his life. After three months in hospital he was sent back to New Zealand in 1917. The following year he returned to his university studies graduating in 1920 with First Class Honours in French and Latin but only Second Class in mathematics in which he had no proper instruction. Aitken followed his original intention and became a school teacher at his old school Otago Boys' High School. His mathematical genius bubbled under the surface and, encouraged by the new professor of mathematics at Otago University, Aitken came to Scotland in 1923 and studied for a Ph.D. at Edinburgh under Whittaker . Rather remarkably his Ph.D. thesis was considered so outstanding that he was awarded a D.Sc. for it. In 1925 he was appointed to Edinburgh where he spent the rest of his life. After holding lecturing posts in actuarial mathematics, then in statistics, then mathematical economics he became a Reader in statistics in 1936, the year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Ten years later he was appointed to
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club -- October 31, 1925 Barney Battles, Jock Drummond, Andy aitken, alec Ralsbeck, Jack Robertson, Johnny Campbell and alec Smith were making http://www.geocities.com/Bethlehem_soccer/gl103125.html
Extractions: Although spending his second season in British Isles soccer, local fans have not yet forgotten the brilliancy of Alex Jackson when he sported the colors of Bethlehem on the Steel Workers' front line and can readily understand why critics marvel at his skill and hail him as the greatest overseas soccer find of the past several seasons. Among the publications that reach this desk, one comes from abroad, the Sports Post, paying tribute to young Jackson with the following: "There can be no doubt that Jackson's early travels broadened his ideas and his ability. Experience is the hardest taskmaster of all, so that it was no surprise that when he returned from America in 1925 that he should be snapped up by Aberdeen and that he should play for his native country in all three International matches last season his first real effort in Scottish League football. Nor is it surprising that Herbert Chapman, regarded him as a player who, at 20 years, was worth any money for a team like Huddersfield Town. The writer has never heard the exact amount Huddersfield Town paid for Jackson, but it is known that another club offered Aberdeen 4,500 pounds for him an offer which was refused. It need not, of course, be inferred that Huddersfield necessarily paid more than, or even as much as, that amount. "What is this youthful prodigy like? Well, he's tall, straight as a cane; but with the resiliency of a young willow tree; when football breezes blow his way, Jackson bends to the work that is brought for him to do. One moment he is tall, straight, subdued; the next he is a thing of grace, of action, of fire, of he's just alive with every mortal picture which shows activity. He's light, too, as a player he lacks poundage. He doesn't turn a beam at much over ten stone, and he's slender. But he is like a kitten on his toes.
Extractions: Principal Investigator Project Sponsor Project Title Amount Awarded AITKEN, Alec Dept. of Geography, University of Saskatchewan Late Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Yukon ARMOUR, Robin MacBride Museum The Whitehorse Photographer, 1900-1935 BRAND, Michael Dept. of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University The Dawson City Hillside Archaeology Project BURN, Chris Dept. of Geography Carleton University Continuing Investigations of Permafrost Conditions in South and Central Yukon CLYDE, Karen J. White River First Nation Development of a Moose Habitat Suitability Map for Use in the Management Plan in the White River First Nation Traditional Territory D'AETH, Eve Yukon College Staging the North, A Collection of Canadian Plays about the North FAFARD, Melanie University of Alberta Traditional Land Use Patterns on the Southwestern Crow Flats, Yukon Territory GILBERT, Scott B. Renewable Resources Mgmt. Program, Yukon College
CANQUA Membership As Of Feb 1 2003 aitken, alec, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan,9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5A5, Canada, (306) 9665672, (306) 966 http://www.mun.ca/canqua/members.html
Børge Jessen Papers, First Part Translate this page Adams, CR, 1, 1950, 1, 1950, English. Agnew, Ralph P. 1, 1946, 1, 1946,English. aitken, alec C. 6, 1958-61, 0, English. Albert, Adrian A. 1, 1958,0, English. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jessen/bjpap1.htm