The Time Of Al-razi the first four books of Apolloinos into Arabic. ahmed ibn yusuf wrote a book on proportions which are of special
Extractions: The whole ninth century was essentially a Muslim century. This more clear in the second half than of the first, since all the scientific leaders were Muslims, or at any rate were working with and for Muslims and wrote in Arabic. Cultural Background Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847-861) continued to protect men of science, chiefly the physicians, and he encouraged the school of translators headed by Hunain ibn Ishaq.
Ahmed ahmed ibn yusuf alMisri. Born 835 in Baghdad (now in Iraq) Died 912 in Cairo,Egypt. ahmed ibn yusuf's father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim was also a mathematician.
Extractions: Ahmed ibn Yusuf 's father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim was also a mathematician. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim lived in Baghdad but moved to Damascus in about 839. After a little while he moved again, taking his son Ahmed with him, and went to live in Cairo. Although we are far from certain about the date of Ahmed's birth it is believed to have been before the family moved to Damascus. Again it is unclear exactly when the family moved again to Cairo but as Ahmed became known as "al-Misri " meaning "the Egyptian" it is likely that he lived in Cairo from a fairly young age. It is worth saying a word or two about Yusuf ibn Ibrahim, Ahmed's father, since scholars have had some difficulty in deciding which texts are due to the father, which to the son, or perhaps to joint work of the two. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim is known to have been a member of a group of scholars and this must have provided a strong intellectual environment for Ahmed. As well as a text on medicine, Yusuf is known to have written a work on astronomy and produced a collection of astronomical tables. Ahmed was to achieve an important role in Egypt and to understand this we must examine how Egypt achieved relative independence from the Abbasid Caliph. The Caliphs had strengthened their armies in the 9th century with Turkish slaves and began to put their Turkish commanders into positions as governors of certain territories in the Empire. In 868 the Turkish general Babak was put in charge of Egypt and he chose to send his stepson Ahmad ibn Tulun there to take control. Ahmad ibn Tulun soon built up an army under his own control and managed to take control of the finances of the country. Although he never declared complete independence from the Caliph he governed Egypt, and after 878 also Syria which his armies conquered, as an autonomous region.
Ahmed Biography of ahmed ibn yusuf (835912)
Extractions: Ahmed ibn Yusuf 's father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim was also a mathematician. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim lived in Baghdad but moved to Damascus in about 839. After a little while he moved again, taking his son Ahmed with him, and went to live in Cairo. Although we are far from certain about the date of Ahmed's birth it is believed to have been before the family moved to Damascus. Again it is unclear exactly when the family moved again to Cairo but as Ahmed became known as "al-Misri " meaning "the Egyptian" it is likely that he lived in Cairo from a fairly young age. It is worth saying a word or two about Yusuf ibn Ibrahim, Ahmed's father, since scholars have had some difficulty in deciding which texts are due to the father, which to the son, or perhaps to joint work of the two. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim is known to have been a member of a group of scholars and this must have provided a strong intellectual environment for Ahmed. As well as a text on medicine, Yusuf is known to have written a work on astronomy and produced a collection of astronomical tables. Ahmed was to achieve an important role in Egypt and to understand this we must examine how Egypt achieved relative independence from the Abbasid Caliph. The Caliphs had strengthened their armies in the 9th century with Turkish slaves and began to put their Turkish commanders into positions as governors of certain territories in the Empire. In 868 the Turkish general Babak was put in charge of Egypt and he chose to send his stepson Ahmad ibn Tulun there to take control. Ahmad ibn Tulun soon built up an army under his own control and managed to take control of the finances of the country. Although he never declared complete independence from the Caliph he governed Egypt, and after 878 also Syria which his armies conquered, as an autonomous region.
References For Ahmed References for ahmed ibn yusuf. of Sci. 30 (1973), 381406. M Steinschneider, Yusufben Ibrahim und ahmed ibn yusuf, Bibliotheca mathematica (1888), 49-117.
References For Ahmed References for the biography of ahmed ibn yusuf References for ahmed ibn yusuf. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990).
The Time Of Al-razi the first four books of Apolloinos into Arabic. ahmed ibn yusuf wrote a book on proportions which are of special
Extractions: The whole ninth century was essentially a Muslim century. This more clear in the second half than of the first, since all the scientific leaders were Muslims, or at any rate were working with and for Muslims and wrote in Arabic. Cultural Background Abbasid Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847-861) continued to protect men of science, chiefly the physicians, and he encouraged the school of translators headed by Hunain ibn Ishaq.
Acronyms A Page 2 Of 4 CommunicationAcronyms ForumsMystery Posters. ahmed ibn yusuf, ArabHatchedMathematician, Expanded Discussed Important Book. Nodoubt
Extractions: Names:Famous people:Politicians ADOPTED Angel Dancing On Pin Turning Either Direction Rico Leffanta , referring to that very Catholic question: "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" If you are adopted (and are, one presumes, angelic) you must dance according to the direction of your new parents - whatever direction that may be, or fall from the only thing stable in your life...
Extractions: Main Science Mathematics :Mathematicians This page created by the ACRONYMS stack on Saturday, March 1, 2003 Subcategories: Loose acronyms: ABU'L-WAFA Appeared in Buzjan, Used Large Wall as Apparatus For Astronomy. Angela Brett ADELARD Al'Khwarizmi's Derivations Entered Latin, Also Royal Drilled. Angela Brett (Adelard of Bath was a mathematician who, among other things, translated work of Euclid and A'Khwarizmi and taught King Henry II.) AHMED IBN YUSUF Angela Brett (Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion, and expanded on/discussed book 5 of Euclid's 'Elements') AHMES Apparently Handwrote Mathematics as Egyptian Scribe Angela Brett AL'BATTANI Angela Brett ALBERTUS MAGNUS A Lithe Brain Endeavoured to Record Topics Universal... Sainthood Made Albert Guru of Natural - Unbelieving? - Scientists. Angela Brett
Ahmed ahmed ibn yusuf. Born 835 ahmed ibn yusuf wrote on ratio and proportionand it was translated into Latin by Gherard of Cremona. The book
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion and it was translated into Latin by Gherard of Cremona. The book is largely a commentary on, and expansion of, Book 5 of Euclid 's Elements Ahmed ibn Yusuf also gave methods to solve tax problems which appear in Fibonacci 's Liber Abaci . He was also quoted by Bradwardine Jordanus and Pacioli References (2 books/articles) Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
Ahmed Translate this page ahmed ibn yusuf Al-MISRI (né en 835 à Bagdad, mort en 912 au Caire) était lefils dun mathématicien Yusuf ibn Ibrahim qui a habité à Bagdad mais il s
Extractions: Al-MISRI Ça vaut la peine de dire un mot ou deux au sujet de Yusuf in Ibrahim , le père d' Ahmed , puisque des disciples ont eu une certaine difficulté de trancher entre les textes dus au père ou dus au fils, ou peut-être cétait un travail commun des deux. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim était connu pour avoir été un membre d'un groupe de disciples qui doit avoir fourni un environnement intellectuel très fort pour Ahmed . Bien quil avait écrit un texte sur la médecine
La Llave Del Corazón (SEGUNDA PARTE Y Final) Translate this page ahmed ibn yusuf y Gabrielle consiguieron entrar en la ciudadela, arriesgando elcuello en la oscuridad de la noche, por un túnel secreto que los espías del
Extractions: Para ver las notas y los avisos de esta historia, vuelve a la primera parte por Puedes encontrar otros trabajos de la misma autora en XI "¡Qué curioso!", señalé, mientras Gabrielle hacía un alto en la narración, "Así que esta antepasada tuya se llamaba Gabrielle también...". "Es un nombre muy popular en mi familia, pero Gabrielle no es mi antepasado, al menos no técnicamente...Desapareció una noche y nada más se supo de ella hasta después de la rendición de la ciudad a los Reyes Católicos", Gabrielle siguió contando, "cuando sus padres la volvieron a ver, ella tenía el pelo corto y se vestía como un muchacho...Al parecer había servido de abanderado en la milicia granadina." "¿Por qué dices que ella no es tu antepasado?", pregunté, mirando hondos ojos verdes. "Porque Gabrielle dejó a su familia de nuevo y desapareció, yo soy descendiente directa de su hermana pequeña, Sarah...La leyenda cuenta que Gabrielle se había enamorado de un árabe y huyó con él", Gabrielle aclaró.
Arabic Numerals He also wrote on space and time. ahmed ibn yusuf alMisri (835-912 AD), his workson ratio and proportion, and geometry of circles were translated into Latin.
Extractions: By M Erhayiem The IBM World Book Encyclopaedia raises the question as how the Arabic Numerals originated (!?) as appeared in an article contributed by Nadine L. Verderber, Ph.D., Prof. of Mathematics, Southern Illinois Univ., Edwardsville. The article states, as such, "Scholars do not know how Arabic numerals originated." "The Hindus developed the zero sometime after A.D. 600." The World Book Multimedia Encyclopaedia has largely ignored the work of the Scientists during the Islamic and the Arabic medieval era. The contributions of the Muslims and Arabs in the field of Mathematics were very significant. The great Harvard historian of science, Professor George Sarton wrote in his monumental Introduction to the History of Science[4]: "From the second half of the 8th to the end of the 11th century, Arabic was the scientific, the progressive language of mankind... When the West was sufficiently mature to feel the need of deeper knowledge, it turned its attention, first of all, not to the Greek sources, but to the Arabic ones." O'Connor and Robertson[2] published various articles about the contribution of those forgotten brilliance. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801-873 A.D.), a Philosopher and Mathematician, who wrote many works on arithmetic, including: the numbers, relative quantities, measuring proportion and time, and numerical procedures. He also wrote on space and time.
Bielade's Webpage ahmed ibn yusuf alMisri. Abu Mansur ibn Tahir Al-Baghdadi. al-Abbasibn Said Al-Jawhari. Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Sabbah Al-Kindi.
Virtual Encyclopedia Of Mathematics ackermann wilhelm adams john couch adelard of bath adler august adrain robert aepinusfranz ulrich theodosius agnesi maria gaëtana ahmed ibn yusuf ahmes aida
KADINLAR.COM / CÝNSELLÝK ahmed ibn yusuf Al Tayfashi (ölüm 1253) Nuzhatal-Albab'da (Kalplerin Zevki)sefahat konusunda müstehcen bir gözlemler koleksiyonunu, siirleri ve
Extractions: Erkek merkezli, çok eþli ve kadýnlarýn aþaðýlandýðý Arap toplumu, Ýslam dininden sonra da özünde ayný kaldý. Arap toplumu Ýslamý coþkuyla kabul ettikten sonra insanlarýn davranýþlarý ahlaki kesinlemelerle kuþatýldý; gerçekte pek fazla deðiþim olmasa da seks hakkýnda yazýlanlar ve söylenenler deðiþti. Muhammet M.S. 570de Mekkede doðdu ve 632de yine orada öldü. Kuranda Allahýn insaný topraktan yarattýðý yazýlýdýr, fakat bunun yanýnda yine Kur'anda insanýn döl damlalarýndan ve kan pýhtýsýndan yaratýldýðý da yazýlýdýr. Ýbranilerin Yahovasýnýn aksine, Allah cinsel bir varlýktýr ve Ýslam sekse büyük deðer verir. Üstelik ilk Hýristiyanlarýn çileciliðinin tersine Muhammet bekarlýða karþýydý ve evliliðin tüm erkeklerin yükümlülüðü olduðunu ve Tanrýnýn en önemli emri olduðunu öðütlemiþti. Tek eþle yaþayamayan erkekler için çok eþlilik makbuldü. Ancak bir erkek kaç karýsý olursa olsun hepsine nezaketle muamele etmeliydi. (Nezaketin nasýl tanýmlandýðý ise bir baþka sorundu.) Muhammet kadýnlarý etkileyen bazý eski Arap geleneklerinde bir takým cüzi iyileþtirmeler yaptý. Kadýnlar baba ocaðýndan çeyiz götürme haklarýný muhafaza ettiler. Anal iliþki ve oral genital temas için kadýnlarýn rýzasý þarttý. (Ancak kýzlar oniki ya da onüç yaþýndayken evlendiriliyordu.) Zina ile suçlanan kadýnýn cezasý ölümse de, suçlamayý kanýtlamak için dört tanýk göstermek gerekiyordu. Kadýnlar her zaman erkekler için zararlý olabilecek fazlasýyla erotik varlýklar olarak görülüyordu. Gerek erkekte gerek kadýnda çýplaklýk müstehcendi, ancak bir kadýnýn vücudunun herhangi bir bölümü kocasý dýþýnda birisi tarafýndan görülmemeliydi. Bu yüzden, kadýnlar dýþarýda tümüyle örtülü halde gezerlerdi. Erkek konuklar eve geldiðinde tüm kadýnlar köþeye çekilip, bir perdenin ardýnda durmak zorundaydýlar.
(Ahmad Ibn Mishaal Al-SABAH - Ali Ibn Abdullah Al-SABAH ) Shaikh) (1842 ) Ahmad ibn Salim al-SABAH (Shaikh) ( - ) Ahmad ibn yusuf al-SABAH(Shaikh) ( - ) Ahmad ibn yusuf al-SABAH (Shaikh) ( - ) ahmed ibn Abdullah al
( AHMAD Ibn Muhammed - ALI Ibn Muhammed ) AHMAD ibn Muhammed (1896 1948) AHMAD ibn Said Sharif ( - ) AHMAD ibn yusuf Sharif(1951 - ) AHMAD ibn Zaid Sharif ( - ) Ibrahim ahmed Pasha (3 FEB 1847 - 1894
Biography-center - Letter I history/Mathematicians/Tibbon.html; ibn yusuf ahmed,;Ibrahim, ibn Sinan
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 51 biographies ibn al-Banna,
Biography-center - Letter Y yusuf ahmed ibn, here to visit our sponsor A B C D E
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 42 biographies Yagudin, Alexei
Al-Albani Unveiled - Taraweeh 8 Or 20? The issue of Salat alTaraweeh. Al-Albani say more than 8 raka'ahs is a bida even though the consensus of the companions and the ulema is against him. by ahmed ibn Muhammad. In a handout by al-Albani's followers in related from Muhammad ibn yusuf, who said that as-Saaib ibn Yazid said, "Umar ibn Khattab (Allah
Extractions: 8 OR 20 rakats? by Ahmed ibn Muhammad In a handout by al-Albani's followers in England, by the title " Some common questions answered " (dated October 1990), there appeared the following question and answer (No. 22): (a) Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) never prayed more than 8 rak'aats in taraweeh , so how come nobody disapproves of 20? (b) Is it true that Umar (Allah be pleased with him) introduced it? Ans. 22 (a) As regards the taraweeh prayer - people agree that the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the best way is 11 rak'aats . As regards any addition - then this is DISAPPROVED of and DECLARED AS A BID'AH (A bad innovation) by Shaykh al-Albani and by a few earlier scholars - that being reported from Imam Malik, Ibn ul-Arabee and as-San'aanee (see Salat-ut-taraweeh of Shaykh al-Albani). (b) It is not true that Umar (Allah be pleased with him) either prayed or ordered 20 rak'aats . Rather he ordered Ubayy ibn Ka'b to lead the people with 11 rak'aats al-Muwatta 1/137, with a Sahih Isnad).