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81. Wavelets and Subband: Fundamentals
82. Wavelets in Medicine and Biology
83. Wavelet Analysis with Applications
84. Noise Reduction by Wavelet Thresholding
85. Wavelets in the Geosciences (Lecture
86. Wavelets: From Math to Practice
87. Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets
88. Wavelet Toolbox for Use With Matlab
89. Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms,
90. Multivariate Polysplines: Applications
91. Sampling, Wavelets, and Tomography
92. Wavelet Methods in Mathematical
93. An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated
94. Comprehensive Mathematics for
95. An Introduction to Wavelets Through
96. Fundamental Papers in Wavelet
97. Wavelet Methods for Dynamical
98. Wavelets, Volume 2: A Tutorial
99. Wavelet Applications in Engineering
100. Wavelet Theory and its Applications

81. Wavelets and Subband: Fundamentals and Applications
by Agostino Abbate, Casimer DeCusatis, Pankaj K. Das
Hardcover: 551 Pages (2002-01-01)
list price: US$109.00 -- used & new: US$50.32
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 081764136X
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Designed to present an understanding of wavelets and their development from a continuous domain transformation to a frame representation and finally to multiresolution analysis tools such as sub and decomposition. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for understanding Wavelets!
Simply the excellent book currently available in Market to understand Wavelets. Enjoy reading this book! ... Read more

82. Wavelets in Medicine and Biology
by Akram Aldroubi, Michael Unser
Hardcover: 640 Pages (1996-06-30)
list price: US$102.00 -- used & new: US$77.50
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 084939483X
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Considerable attention from the international scientific community is currently focused on the wide ranging applications of wavelets. For the first time, the field's leading experts have come together to produce a complete guide to wavelet transform applications in medicine and biology. Wavelets in Medicine and Biology provides accessible, detailed, and comprehensive guidelines for all those interested in learning about wavelets and their applications to biomedical problems. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Math in the applied sciences!
The traffic of tools and ideas between mathematics on the one side, and the aplied sciences and engineering, on the other, is a win-win-proposition;-- and this lovely book is a great testament to the benefit to medicine and biology from taking this seriously. Imaging, X-ray, tomography, multiscale analysis, and frequency subband filtering are now making their mark. The striking sucess, and the impact of the mathematical ideas, rely on having great books, like the present one, around. The public benefits from this;-- and mathematics does as well, twofold,--both from the inspiration, and from the ideas that are dictated from applications. ... Read more

83. Wavelet Analysis with Applications to Image Processing
by Lakshman Prasad, S. S. Iyengar
Hardcover: 304 Pages (1997-12-30)
list price: US$74.95 -- used & new: US$66.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0849331692
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Wavelet analysis is among the newest additions to the arsenals of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers, and offers common solutions to diverse problems. However, students and professionals in some areas of engineering and science, intimidated by the mathematical background necessary to explore this subject, have been unable to use this powerful tool.The first book on the topic for readers with minimal mathematical backgrounds, Wavelet Analysis with Applications to Image Processing provides a thorough introduction to wavelets with applications in image processing. Unlike most other works on this subject, which are often collections of papers or research advances, this book offers students and researchers without an extensive math background a step-by-step introduction to the power of wavelet transforms and applications to image processing.The first four chapters introduce the basic topics of analysis that are vital to understanding the mathematics of wavelet transforms. Subsequent chapters build on the information presented earlier to cover the major themes of wavelet analysis and its applications to image processing. This is an ideal introduction to the subject for students, and a valuable reference guide for professionals working in image processing. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

1-0 out of 5 stars Not a book about wavelets & application
Majority of the book is review of elementary "background" material never used. There is no cohesion to the book, a seemingly endless enumeration of theorems and proofs chosen at random with a total lack of understanding. The title is also extremely misleading, to put it very kindly. There is one chapter on "Image Processing" that gives no application worth mentioning. Even if you can follow the treatment perfectly and learn everything this book has to teach, then you will have an insight into wavelets and its application in Image Processing as much as the authors, which is embarrassingly little. I know that this all may seem a bit harsh, but there is no way to praise a work of this quality.

5-0 out of 5 stars wavelet analysis with applications to image processing
This book is excellent for people who want to understand wavelet. To me, it is too often to find out that wavelet was applied to problem sovling at a quite superficial level due to lack of necessary mathematical fundation.I'd highly recommand this book for beginning graduate students.

5-0 out of 5 stars I'm MS student atIsfahan Univ of Techin IRAN
my these is object detection or pattren recognatio ... Read more

84. Noise Reduction by Wavelet Thresholding (Lecture Notes in Statistics)
by Maarten Jansen
Paperback: 224 Pages (2001-03-30)
list price: US$104.00 -- used & new: US$50.90
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0387952446
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Describes statistical applications of wavelet theory for use in signal and image processing, with an emphasis on smoothing by wavelet thresholding and extended methods. The viewpoint of the text lies somewhere between logic and statistics, signal and image processing, and approximation theory. Softcover. ... Read more

85. Wavelets in the Geosciences (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
Paperback: 241 Pages (2000-04-13)
list price: US$149.00 -- used & new: US$121.50
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 3540669515
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book contains state-of-the-art continuous wavelet analysis of one and more dimensional (geophysical) signals. Special attention is given to the reconaissance of specific properties of a signal. It also contains an extension of standard wavelet approximation to the application of so-called second generation wavelets for efficient representation of signals at various scales even on the sphere and more complex geometries. Furthermore, the book discusses the application of harmonic (spherical) wavelets in potential field analysis with emphasis on the gravity field of the Earth. Many examples are given for practical application of these tools; to support the text exercises and demonstrations are available on the Web.. ... Read more

86. Wavelets: From Math to Practice
by Desanka P. Radunovic
Hardcover: 160 Pages (2009-06-12)
list price: US$69.95 -- used & new: US$43.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 3642006132
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

The method of wavelet transforms is one key tool in signal processing and control. Modern wavelet theory defines outlines for construction of wavelets and transformations using them. It gives rules that one has to obey to get a wavelet basis with desired properties, meaning that everyone can create a wavelet adequate for the given task. This book helps to understanding this rules.

In seven chapters, the book gives a concise understanding of the theory of wavelets, explains how to compute them in practise and finally presents typical applications of wavelets and how they work. The book is written for graduate students and practising Engineers of electrical communications, signal processing and control.

... Read more

87. Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets
Hardcover: 464 Pages (2009-03-09)
list price: US$199.95 -- used & new: US$154.98
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1848210728
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Scaling is a mathematical transformation that enlarges or diminishes objects. The technique is used in a variety of areas, including finance and image processing. This book is organized around the notions of scaling phenomena and scale invariance. The various stochastic models commonly used to describe scaling ? self-similarity, long-range dependence and multi-fractals ? are introduced. These models are compared and related to one another. Next, fractional integration, a mathematical tool closely related to the notion of scale invariance, is discussed, and stochastic processes with prescribed scaling properties (self-similar processes, locally self-similar processes, fractionally filtered processes, iterated function systems) are defined. A number of applications where the scaling paradigm proved fruitful are detailed: image processing, financial and stock market fluctuations, geophysics, scale relativity, and fractal time-space. ... Read more

88. Wavelet Toolbox for Use With Matlab Version 3
by Michel Misiti
 Paperback: Pages (2006-01-01)

Asin: B003LOOZKS
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

89. Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Hardcover: 627 Pages (1994-12-02)
list price: US$107.00 -- used & new: US$58.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0121745759
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications is the fifth volume in the highly respected series, WAVELET ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. This volume shows why wavelet analysis has become a tool of choice infields ranging from image compression, to signal detection and analysis in electrical engineering and geophysics, to analysis of turbulent or intermittent processes. The 28 papers comprising this volume are organized into seven subject areas: multiresolution analysis, wavelet transforms, tools for time-frequency analysis, wavelets and fractals, numerical methods and algorithms, and applications. More than 135 figures supplement the text.

Features theory, techniques, and applications
Presents alternative theoretical approaches including multiresolution analysis, splines, minimum entropy, and fractal aspects
Contributors cover a broad range of approaches and applications ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

3-0 out of 5 stars High quality math papers from a conference, a bit outdated
This book consists of some well-written papersby some leading research scientists in the field of wavelets. It can be thought of as a very high quality proceedings book. The title is a bit misleading. The book is mostlyabout theory and algorithms. A high level of mathematical background isrequired to read the book. Some books which can be considered competitorsto this one are the 2 older and even more outdated books edited by: (1)Combes et al. and (2) Ruskai et al. AND a book by Benedetto and Frazier,which was so successful that it was translated into Japanese (alhtough someof the weaker papers were omitted in the Japanese version). This Chui bookand the Benedetto-Frazier book contain extensive references, though manyare now out-of-date. The applications section is also bit out-of-date.Mathematics can live on as is, though tastes and fashions vary overtime.

Chui is a very successful organizer ofconferences and has writtenand edited many books, either alone or with others. This book is well puttogether and suffers from fewer faults as Chui's earlier book (Vol 2. ofthis series).

The theoretical papers are more interesting and covertopics not found in Daubechies' famous book: Ten Lectures on Wavelets. Someof the applications address genuine laboratory problems. Image andacoustical digital signal processing are barely touched upon, but itdoesn't matter since the publication of Mallat's A Wavelet Tour of SignalProcessing obviates the need.This book does not contain problems tobe assigned for homework, but it can still be used in a course -- perhaps agraduate seminar or a special topics course. Be warned that the bookis abit pricey to use as a supplementary text in a course. ... Read more

90. Multivariate Polysplines: Applications to Numerical and Wavelet Analysis
by Ognyan Kounchev
Hardcover: 498 Pages (2001-07-04)
list price: US$139.00 -- used & new: US$14.91
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0124224903
Average Customer Review: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Multivariate polysplines are a new mathematical technique that has arisen from a synthesis of approximation theory and the theory of partial differential equations. It is an invaluable means to interpolate practical data with smooth functions.
Multivariate polysplines have applications in the design of surfaces and "smoothing" that are essential in computer aided geometric design (CAGD and CAD/CAM systems), geophysics, magnetism, geodesy, geography, wavelet analysis and signal and image processing. In many cases involving practical data in these areas, polysplines are proving more effective than well-established methods, such as kKriging, radial basis functions, thin plate splines and minimum curvature.

Part 1 assumes no special knowledge of partial differential equations and is intended as a graduate level introduction to the topic
Part 2 develops the theory of cardinal Polysplines, which is a natural generalization of Schoenberg's beautiful one-dimensional theory of cardinal splines.
Part 3 constructs a wavelet analysis using cardinal Polysplines. The results parallel those found by Chui for the one-dimensional case.
Part 4 considers the ultimate generalization of Polysplines - on manifolds, for a wide class of higher-order elliptic operators and satisfying a Holladay variational property. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

1-0 out of 5 stars utterly useless
A complete waste of money (and trees) for any scientist or engineer interested in applying spline theory to their work.Indecipherable and highly-esoteric work suitable only for a very narrow audience.One need only check the price of this book to see that it can't be given away.Nice binding though! ... Read more

91. Sampling, Wavelets, and Tomography (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Hardcover: 344 Pages (2003-12-10)
list price: US$99.00 -- used & new: US$49.92
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0817643044
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Sampling, wavelets, and tomography are three active areas of contemporary mathematics sharing common roots that lie at the heart of harmonic and Fourier analysis.The advent of new techniques in mathematical analysis has strengthened their interdependence and led to some new and interesting results in the field.

This state-of-the-art book not only presents new results in these research areas, but it also demonstrates the role of sampling in both wavelet theory and tomography.Specific topics covered include:

* Robustness of Regular Sampling in Sobolev Algebras* Irregular and Semi-Irregular Weyl-Heisenberg Frames* Adaptive Irregular Sampling in Meshfree Flow Simulation * Sampling Theorems for Non-Bandlimited Signals * Polynomial Matrix Factorization, Multidimensional Filter Banks, and Wavelets* Generalized Frame Multiresolution Analysis of Abstract Hilbert Spaces* Sampling Theory and Parallel-Beam Tomography * Thin-Plate Spline Interpolation in Medical Imaging* Filtered Back-Projection Algorithms for Spiral Cone Computed Tomography

Aimed at mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working in signal and image processing and medical imaging, the work is designed to be accessible to an audience with diverse mathematical backgrounds.Although the volume reflects the contributions of renowned mathematicians and engineers, each chapter has an expository introduction written for the non-specialist.One of the key features of the book is an introductory chapter stressing the interdependence of the three main areas covered.A comprehensive index completes the work.


J.J. BenedettoN.K. BoseP.G. CasazzaY.C. EldarH.G. FeichtingerA. FaridaniA. IskeS. JaffardA. KatsevichS. LertrattanapanichG. LauritschB. MairM. PapadakisP.P. VaidyanathanT. WertherD.C. WilsonA.I. Zayed ... Read more

92. Wavelet Methods in Mathematical Analysis and Engineering (Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics)
Hardcover: 200 Pages (2010-09)
list price: US$64.00 -- used & new: US$64.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 9814322865
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book gives a comprehensive overview of both the fundamentals of wavelet analysis and related tools, and of the most active recent developments towards applications. It offers a state-of-the-art in several active areas of research where wavelet ideas, or more generally multiresolution ideas have proved particularly effective. The main applications covered are in the numerical analysis of PDEs, and signal and image processing. Recently introduced techniques such as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and new trends in the recovery of missing data, such as compressed sensing, are also presented. Applications range for the reconstruction of noisy or blurred images, pattern and face recognition, to nonlinear approximation in strongly anisotropic contexts, and to the classification tools based on multifractal analysis. ... Read more

93. An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)
by S. A. Saleh, M. Azizur Rahman
Hardcover: 166 Pages (2010-11-30)
list price: US$84.95 -- used & new: US$75.25
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470610484
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The introductory chapter briefly presents the fundamental topologies and operation of power inverters.  The second chapter contains a description of wavelet basis functions and sampling theory with particular reference to the switching model of inverters.  Chapter three outlines the connection between the non-uniform sampling theorem and wavelet functions to develop an ideal sampling-reconstruction process to operate an inverter for obtaining its optimal performances.  The scale based linearly combined basis functions are developed in chapter four in order to successfully operate single phase wavelet modulated inverters.  Chapter four also contains the development of the non-dyadic type multiresolution analysis, that are responsible for sampling and recontruction of three continuous time reference modulating signals for three phase inverters.  The performances of single phase wavelet modulated inverters for static, dynamic and non-linear loads are presented in chapter five, while chapter six contains the simulation and experimental performances of three phase wavelet modulated voltage source inverters for different loads at various operating conditions.  This book presents the latest technology in the advancing power electronics field.  ... Read more

94. Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2: Calculus and ODEs, Splines, Probability, Fourier and Wavelet Theory, Fractals and Neural Networks, ... and Lambda Calculus (Universitext) (v. 2)
by Guerino B. Mazzola, GĂ©rard Milmeister, Jody Weissmann
Paperback: 355 Pages (2004-11-23)
list price: US$59.95 -- used & new: US$36.43
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 3540208615
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description


This two-volume textbook Comprehensive Mathematics for the Working Computer Scientist is a self-contained comprehensive presentation of mathematics including sets, numbers, graphs, algebra, logic, grammars, machines, linear geometry, calculus, ODEs, and special themes such as neural networks, Fourier theory, wavelets, numerical issues, statistics, categories, and manifolds. The concept framework is streamlined but defining and proving virtually everything. The style implicitly follows the spirit of recent topos-oriented theoretical computer science. Despite the theoretical soundness, the material stresses a large number of core computer science subjects, such as, for example, a discussion of floating point arithmetic, Backus-Naur normal forms, L-systems, Chomsky hierarchies, algorithms for data encoding, e.g., the Reed-Solomon code. The numerous course examples are motivated by computer science and bear a generic scientific meaning. This text is complemented by an online university course which covers the same theoretical content, however, in a totally different presentation. The student or working scientist who once gets involved in this text may at any time consult the online interface which comprises applets and other interactive tools.

... Read more

95. An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Michael W. Frazier
Hardcover: 501 Pages (1999-06-11)
list price: US$79.95 -- used & new: US$35.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0387986391
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This text was originally written for a "Capstone" course at Michigan State University. A Capstone course is intended for undergraduate mathematics majors, as one of the final courses taken in their undergraduate curriculum. Its purpose is to bring together different topics covered in the undergraduate curriculum and introduce students to current developments in mathematics and their applications. Basic wavelet theory seems to be a perfect topic for such a course. As a subject, it dates back only to 1985. Since then there has been an explosion of wavelet research, both pure and applied. Wavelet theory is on the boundary between mathematics and engineering. In particular it is a good topic for demonstrating to students that mathematics research is thriving in the modern day: students can see non-trivial mathematics ideas leading to natural and important applications, such as video compression and the numerical solution of differential equations. The only prerequisites assumed are a basic linear algebra background and a bit of analysis background. This text is intended to be as elementary an introduction to wavelet theory as possible. It is not intended as a thorough or authoritative reference on wavelet theory. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (6)

5-0 out of 5 stars One of the best wavelet books
i use this book in order to write my bachelor thesis, it is great, very dynamic, and with a lot of examples and exercises.

It also has an excellent walk through from linear algebra to wavelets, giving a more understanding point of view of this signal analysis tool.

4-0 out of 5 stars Notation...
I used this book for my first course in wavelets.Professor Frazier did a nice job bringing the material down to the undergrad by not starting off in hilbert space.He motivates it through linear algebra (for which the first chapter is an excellent review of the basics!).My only complaint is that the notation gets a bit overwhelming starting in chapter 3 (though I dont' know if I could come up with a better way to do it; just my experience).If you're looking into the subject, check out this book.It'll get you going in the right direction.

4-0 out of 5 stars basis construction using wavelets is very well developed
Although the notation can be a little tight, the explanation of the
construction of a basis using wavelets is very well developed. He starts
with finite dimensional spaces and then moves onto wavelets on the real
line. He has a good series of graphs of signals and their corresponding
wavelets transforms and points out meaningful features of the wavelet
transform graph.

2-0 out of 5 stars Obscure presentation
While I don't consider myself a math expert, I have certainly had to navigate my way through undergrad level math texts on more than a few occasions. In preparation for this book, I re-read Strang's "Linear Algebra and Its Applications" (an excellent text) and felt confident that I should be able to assimilate the material from this book. From the outset, the order of presentation of material in this book seemed promising: start with a review of Linear algebra and complex numbers, continue with Discrete Fourier Transforms, and then develop discrete wavelet transforms followed by continuous wavelet transforms.

Unfortunately, in spite of a promising game plan, this book serves to obscure the subject rather than providing a accessible introduction. The writing style is very terse and takes the reader through Lemma after Lemma without much in the way of explaining the motivation of these theorems or providing connecting narratives. The the reader is required to assimilate numerous disconnected mathematical ideas before a attempt is made to pull together the main ideas. And when the main points are developed, the treatment is uneven and generally too sparse. The only illustrations in this book come from MatLab or some other wavelet software package and there is a lack of conceptually oriented diagrams found in other types of text books.

Overall this book seems to be a compilation of material drawn from various sources and "sewn" together with mathematical proofs. Rather than focus on the main problems that wavelets are supposed to address (namely temporal and spatial localization) and develop the mathematics from that perspective, the emphasis on Lemmas and proofs drowns the reader in too much detail too fast. While this book may be a good supplement with other material, I found that this book too tedious to read and is a poor introduction to the subject without the benefit of a good instructor.

2-0 out of 5 stars Obscure presentation
While I don't consider myself a math expert, I have certainly had to navigate my way through undergrad level math texts on more than a few occasions. In preparation for this book, I re-read Strang's "Linear Algebra and Its Applications" (an excellent text) and felt confident that I should be able to assimilate the material from this book. From the outset, the order of presentation of material in this book seemed promising: start with a review of Linear algebra and complex numbers, continue with Discrete Fourier Transforms, and then develop discrete wavelet transforms followed by continuous wavelet transforms.

Unfortunately, in spite of a promising game plan, this book serves to obscure the subject rather than providing a accessible introduction. The writing style is very terse and takes the reader through Lemma after Lemma without much in the way of explaining the motivation of these theorems or providing connecting narratives. The the reader is required to assimilate numerous disconnected mathematical ideas before a attempt is made to pull together the main ideas. And when the main points are developed, the treatment is uneven and generally too sparse. The only illustrations in this book come from MatLab or some other wavelet software package and there is a lack of conceptually oriented diagrams found in other types of text books.

Overall this book seems to be a compilation of material drawn from various sources and "sewn" together with mathematical proofs. Rather than focus on the main problems that wavelets are supposed to address (namely temporal and spatial localization) and develop the mathematics from that perspective, the emphasis on Lemmas and proofs drowns the reader in too much detail too fast. While this book may be a good supplement with other material, I found that this book too tedious to read and is a poor introduction to the subject without the benefit of a good instructor. ... Read more

96. Fundamental Papers in Wavelet Theory
by Christopher Heil, David F. Walnut
Paperback: 912 Pages (2006-07-03)
list price: US$67.50 -- used & new: US$14.50
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0691127050
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This book traces the prehistory and initial development of wavelet theory, a discipline that has had a profound impact on mathematics, physics, and engineering. Interchanges between these fields during the last fifteen years have led to a number of advances in applications such as image compression, turbulence, machine vision, radar, and earthquake prediction.

This book contains the seminal papers that presented the ideas from which wavelet theory evolved, as well as those major papers that developed the theory into its current form. These papers originated in a variety of journals from different disciplines, making it difficult for the researcher to obtain a complete view of wavelet theory and its origins. Additionally, some of the most significant papers have heretofore been available only in French or German.

Heil and Walnut bring together these documents in a book that allows researchers a complete view of wavelet theory's origins and development.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Fundamentals!
This is a lovely collection of papers coming out of the last two or three decades of mathematical trends connected in one way or the other to wavelets.
A current 2006 google search on "wavelet" yields 6,470,000hits; many of them dealing with applications, for example signal and image processing. The volume brings to light even more interdisciplinary trends. I expect the book will be a valued source for students in math, in applications, and in engineering.
The book is divided into seven parts, and each part is given an attractive and well written introduction, written by an expert in the field. Several of the selected papers have served as precursors for major advances in one or the other of the central areas of the subject.
The Foreword is written especially for students and it is by Ingrid Daubechies. The individual authors who wrote the seven current and separate introductions to the seven parts of the book are Jelena Kovacevic (signal processing), Jean-Pierre Antoine (physics, coherent states), Hans Feichtinger (precursors of wavelet bases), Yves Meyer (harmonic analysis and atomic decompositions), Guido Weiss (multiresolutions, multivariable theory), and Mladen V. Wickerhauser (applications, computations, image coding and more.) And there is a charming introduction to the entire collection written by John Benedetto. It is delightful and full of insight. The historical comments are fascination too.
The editor Chris Heil did a wonderful job: The present selection of original papers in the area is meant to offer motivation, and history; and more importantly it serves as a guide to students trying to learn some of this. The chosen papers are on target, and each section is nicely introduced so that it will help students getting into anyone of the many aspects of wavelet mathematics. Some of the original and older papers (Haar, Meyer, ...) were in French or German, and they have now been translated. Excellent translations!
The total number of pages is a little less than 900, but even so, there is a lot more to say, for example about connections to computer graphics.
Review by Palle Jorgensen, October 2006.
... Read more

97. Wavelet Methods for Dynamical Problems: With Application to Metallic, Composite, and Nano-Composite Structures
by S. Gopalakrishnan, Mira Mitra
Hardcover: 298 Pages (2010-03-17)
list price: US$149.95 -- used & new: US$123.90
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1439804613
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Employs a Step-by-Step Modular Approach to Structural Modeling

Considering that wavelet transforms have also proved useful in the solution and analysis of engineering mechanics problems, up to now there has been no sufficiently comprehensive text on this use. Wavelet Methods for Dynamical Problems: With Application to Metallic, Composite and Nano-composite Structures addresses this void, exploring the special value of wavelet transforms and their applications from a mechanical engineering perspective. It discusses the use of existing and cutting-edge wavelet methods for the numerical solution of structural dynamics and wave propagation problems in dynamical systems.

Existing books on wavelet transforms generally cover their mathematical aspects and effectiveness in signal processing and as approximation bases for solution of differential equations. However, this book discusses how wavelet transforms are an optimal tool for solving ordinary differential equations obtained by modeling a structure. It also demonstrates the use of wavelet methods in solving partial differential equations related to structural dynamics, which have not been sufficiently explored in the literature to this point.

Presents a new wavelet based spectral finite element numerical method for modeling one-, and two-dimensional structures

Many well-established transforms, such as Fourier, have severe limitations in handling finite structures and specifying non-zero boundary/initial conditions. As a result, they have limited utility in solving real-world problems involving high frequency excitation. This book carefully illustrates how the use of wavelet techniques removes all these shortcomings and has a potential to become a sophisticated analysis tool for handling dynamical problems in structural engineering.

Covers the use of wavelet transform in force identification and structural health monitoring

Designed to be useful for both professional researchers and graduate students alike, it provides MATLAB® scripts that can be used to solve problems and numerical examples that illustrate the efficiency of wavelet methods and emphasize the physics involved.

... Read more

98. Wavelets, Volume 2: A Tutorial in Theory and Applications (Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications)
by Charles K. Chui
Hardcover: 723 Pages (1992-01-31)
list price: US$99.95 -- used & new: US$24.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0121745902
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory and Applications is the second volume in the new series WAVELET ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. As a companion to the first volume in this series, this volume covers several of the most important areas in wavelets, ranging from the development of the basic theory such as construction and analysis of wavelet bases to an introduction of some of the key applications, including Mallat's local wavelet maxima technique in second generation image coding. A fairly extensive bibliography is also included in this volume.

Key Features
* Covers several of the most important areas in wavelets, ranging from the development of the basic theory, such as:
* Construction and analysis of wavelet bases, and
* Introduction of some of the key applications, including Mallat's local wavelet maxima technique in second generation image coding
* Extensive bibliography is also included in this volume
* Companion to the first volume in this series, An Introduction to Wavelets, and can be used as supplementary instructional material for a two-semester course on wavelet analysis ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

3-0 out of 5 stars Slightly outdated but solid book - more theory than apps
As the title indicates, this book has some good, solid papers on wavelets/wavelet analysis.The title is a bit misleading -- the book is very theoretical and few of the papers address how wavelet techniques canbe used to solve scientific and engineering problems. This is not to saythatthe book is not valuable -- it is edited by Chui,an extremelysuccessful organizer of conferences, who has extensive experience writingand editing very good books. It is a mathematician's book.

At the time ofits publication, this book was one of the better applications books, theother two comparable applications books were edited by:(1)Combes et al. (2)Ruskai et al.. This book has many more references to relevant worksthan the Combes and Ruskai books.

Unfortunately, 8 years have passedsince the publication of this book, and a lot of progress takes place inthe field of wavelets. Some techniques which looked promising 8 years agodid not live up to expectations, and some new ideas with very practicalapplications are not addressedin this book. This second remark may not beentirely fair since applications of wavelets have become so widespread thatit would be impossible for any one book to cover all.

This book does notcontain problems to assign for homework. It might be appropriate to usesome chapters in the book for supplementary reading. in a graduate courseor in an upper division special topics course. Unfortunately, the priceisa bit high to make it required reading as a supplementary text for acourse.

Some of the the theoretical papers, particularly the first 3 inSection I would not be of interest to applications oriented people since nowork has followed from these papers. They are very specialized theoreticalworks.The papers in Section II cover topics which have become a standardtools in wavelet analysis, e.g., splines, biorthogonal wavelets,multiresolution analysis (MRA).Papers in Section III are a bit outdated.There was a period when wavelets were hyped and people in the researchcommunity believed that they could lead to improvements in the solution ofPDEs. Unfortunately, few new practical tools have emerged. Only the paperon MRA in section IV may be of interest to a wide audience, but it too israther theoretical. Sections V VI and VIIwere intended to coverapplications to digital signal processing (DSP). If the primary interest ofa reader is DSP, this is the wrong book to purchase in this day and age.Mallat'sbook: a Wavelet Tour of Signal Processingis far morecomprehensive and up-to-date. ... Read more

99. Wavelet Applications in Engineering Electro- magnetics
by Tapan K. Sarkar, Michael C. Wicks, Magdalena Salazar-Palma
Hardcover: 376 Pages (2002-06-15)
list price: US$145.00 -- used & new: US$44.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1580532675
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Written from an engineering perspective, this unique resource describes the practical application of wavelets to the solution of electromagnetic field problems and in signal analysis with an even-handed treatment of the pros and cons. A key feature of this book is that the wavelet concepts have been described from the filter theory point of view that is familiar to researchers with an electrical engineering background. The book shows you how to design novel algorithms that enable you to solve electrically, large electromagnetic field problems using modest computational resources. It also provides you with new ideas in the design and development of unique waveforms for reliable target identification and practical radar signal analysis. The book includes more then 500 equations, and covers a wide range of topics, from numerical methods to signal processing aspects. ... Read more

100. Wavelet Theory and its Applications (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
by Randy K. Young
Hardcover: 244 Pages (1992-09-30)
list price: US$189.00 -- used & new: US$89.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 079239271X
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book reviews, extends, and applies wavelet theory, concentrating on the practical applications. Many pictures provide visualizations of wavelet theory and its new extentions, as well as relationships to established concepts. Wavelet theory is integrated with other general theories, including linear systems theory and template matching or matched filtering. These relationships create analogies with related research and connections to practical applications. In addition, by demonstrating the effectiveness of wavelet theory in these general applications, many other specific applications may be improved. Temporal and spatial signals and systems are considered. The properties of the wavelet transform representation are sensitive to the chosen mother wavelet (the kernel of the wavelet transform, analogous to the exponential function in a Fourier transform). These properties are examined and techniques for analyzing these sensitivities are presented. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Best Introduction to Wavelets for Electrical Engineers
Randy Young's book is perhaps the best way I have found to learn about wavelet theory. It is very direct, simple and easy to understand. The core of the subject is presented without all of the complications of a more detailed presentation.
I would recommend reading this short book carefully before undertaking any study of wavelets if you have an Electrical Engineering background.
... Read more

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