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81. The Need of an additional constant in the psychophysical function for taste perception (Reports from the Department of Psychology, the University of Stockholm) by Gunnar Borg | |
Unknown Binding: 11
Asin: B0007BMPJG Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
82. Psychology: Core Concepts: AND MyPsychLab Student Starter Kit by Philip Zimbardo | |
![]() | Hardcover:
Isbn: 140580923X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Customer Reviews (26)
83. Effects of time-sharing and body positional demands on cutaneous information processing, by Ronald Lee Brown | |
Unknown Binding: 1026
Asin: B0007FI8UC Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
84. Auditory and Visual Sensations by Yoichi Ando | |
![]() | Hardcover: 340
list price: US$159.00 -- used & new: US$117.85 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 144190171X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The subject of the book is the grounding of architectural acoustics in psychophysics (perception, listener preferences) and neuroscience (auditory function, neural correlates of perception and preference). This is the first rational-scientific approach to designing performance spaces that is based on systematic psychoacoustical observations of spatial hearing and listener preferences. Observations of the neuronal correlates of auditory qualities and listener preferences ground the theory of listener preferences in the neurophysiology of the human brain. A correlation-based model of neuronal signal processing in the central auditory system is proposed. Observed psychological and neurophysiological commonalities between auditory and visual sensations and preference patterns are presented and discussed. This book thus spans the disciplines of physics, acoustics, psychology, neurophysiology, and music production, thereby blending science and art. Temporal and spatial sensations. Temporal auditory sensations include auditory qualities such as pitch, timbre, loudness, and duration, which are modeled using features extracted from the temporal autocorrelation function (ACF) of the sound. Neuronal responses related to these qualities are mainly associated with left hemisphere auditory regions of cerebral cortex. Spatial auditory sensations include the perceived direction of sound, its apparent size (apparent source width, ASW) and its subjective diffuseness deeply related to envelopment. These spatial aspects of sound perception are extracted from the interaural crosscorrelation function (IACF), which takes into account the differences in the sounds that reach the two ears. Cortical neuronal responses related to spatial hearing are mainly associated with auditory regions in the right hemisphere. Thus, the "primary sensation" evoked by a sound in some space can be divided into two categories: temporal sensations and spatial sensations. Any other subjective responses of the source sound signal and the sound field can be described in terms of temporal and spatial factors. Part I of the book describes experimental results from basic research in acoustics, psychoacoustics, the psychology of auditory preferences, and auditory neurophysiology. Applications include optimal design of concert hall and opera house acoustics, architectural acoustics of speech intelligibility and musical expression, as well as the perception of noise and its annoyance. In Part II, temporal and spatial sensations in vision are described in terms of similar kinds of correlation-based representations. A seamless, general theory can be established for temporal and spatial aspects of vision that includes subjective preferences for visual environments. Many audio-visual analogies are drawn. A typical temporal sensation of vision is the "pitch" of a flickering light, for which the missing fundamental is perceived in a manner highly analogous to its acoustic counterpart. Visual spatial sensations include contrast, regularity and coarseness. A spatial "vibrato" in a drawing is demonstrated as an application of the theory in the visual arts. The reader is given a highly fleshed out strategy for architectural acoustical design that is grounded both in psychology and neuroscience. Few other works are as ambitious in attempting to understand and explain such a wide range of perceptual phenomena. This human-centered design approach can be applied to any design practice in which the goal is to optimize the experience of the design product by its users. The proposed theory shows how a unified science of human perceptual experience and preference might be both possible and useful. |
85. Sources: Notable Selections in Psychology by Terry F Pettijohn, Terry Pettijohn | |
![]() | Paperback: 368
-- used & new: US$8.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0073031879 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (2)
Can't argue with the choice of articles.Here are *excerpts from* 50 fundamental articles in psychology -- fromFreud a century ago to researchers working a decade ago.Any beginningpsychology student at the high school or undergraduate level would do wellto read them.For that matter, any graduate student would do well to readthe ones that he or she isn't already familiar with -- the book covers thegamut of specialties in psychology, pretty much following the topics thatare found in a standard intro psych textbook, and in the same order.Thetrouble is that too much editing -- that is, leaving out of things -- tookplace here.I realize this was done to make things accessible tofirst-time readers who would be put off by statistics, methodologicaldiscussions, or technical debates in journal articles.Still I think theseexcerpts could give students a false sense, or no sense, of what actualresearch reports are like.Better to give them the entire article and tellthem which sections to ignore.Then they can see what (and how much)they're missing.They can handle it. ... Read more |
86. Trance Zero: The Psychology of Maximum Experience by Sifu Adam Crabtree | |
![]() | Hardcover: 288
list price: US$23.95 -- used & new: US$99.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0312244258 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Trances are at the root of what is the very best and very worst in human beings.Trance states can trap us in our rigidities, but they can also open the door to creative productivity and personal freedom. In this groundbreaking new book, Adam Crabtree dissects the condition of trance we find ourselves in and suggests ways of being more aware and empowered in our lives.He describes the ultimate aim: to arrive at what he calls Trance Zero--an intuitive state of being in which one is fully awake to the real condition of our existence.This state is nothing less than a new paradigm of personal immanence and is the very essence of optimism. To understand trance is to appreciate the true nature of human experience--both in its potentials and limitations.In times of massive change and confusion, Trance Zero is an essential text for renewing our faith in what it means to be human. Customer Reviews (4)
This book is a must read.I think it should be required reading for everyone before they leave high school.Did you know that some "group mind" organisms have "lived" for more than a thousand years?And many of these group minds live out their lifespans undetected, unrecognized as such by their component "cells" (us humans)? ... Read more |
87. Signals, Sound, and Sensation (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing) by William M. Hartmann | |
![]() | Hardcover: 668
list price: US$139.00 -- used & new: US$99.69 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1563962837 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description This is a unique book on the mathematics of signals written for hearing-science researchers. Designed to follow an introductory text on psychoacoustics, Signals, Sound, and Sensation takes the reader through the mathematics of signal processing from its beginnings in the Fourier transform to advanced topics in modulation, dispertion relations, minimum phase systems, sampled data, and nonlinear distortion. While the book is organized like an introductory engineering text on signals, the examples and exercises come from research on the perception of sound. A unique featre of the book is the consistent application of the Fourier transform, which unifies topics as diverse as cochlear filtering and digital recording. More than 250 exercises are included. many of them are devoted to practical research in perception, while others explore surprising auditory illusions generated by special signals. working knowledge of elementary calculus is the only prerequisite. Signals, Sound, and Sensation will help readers acquire the quantitaive skills they need to solve signal problems that arise in their everyday work. periodic signals, aperiodic signals, and noise- along with their linear and nonlinear transformations-are covered in detail. More advanced mathematical topics are treated in the appendices. In no other book are signal mathematics and psychoacoustics so neatly intertwined. Researchers and advanced students in the psychology of auditory perception willl find this book indispensable. FROM THE REVIEWS: AMERICAN SCIENTIST"...this scholarly yet eminent readable account is particularly welcome...It emphasizes not only advanced psychoacoustics concepts and measurement protocols but also provides a masterly treatment of mathematics of signals, from Fourier series to nonlinear distortion and Hilbert transforms, to name only a few of the subjects covered in considerable depth. It is remarkably successful in its simultaneous exposition of the analytical, physical and perceptual aspects of sound and hearing...this is a splendid book, well organized, copiously illustrated and pleasingly written." PHYSICS TODAY"Hartmann's many years of teaching acoustics and physics are evident in the confident manner in which he presents this material. He covers a wide range of topics in a clear, authoritative and easy-to-read style. The material is most appropriate for the student who has an interest in the science of hearing and who wishes to acquire familiarity with acoustics and signal theory...[It is] intended to be used as a text for a second course in psychoacoustics. For this purpose, the coverage of relevant topics is very thorough...The book would also be a useful reference for anyone interested in the study of auditory perception. Readers who already have an acquaintance with signal theory may appreciate the sensible style of the discussions of such psychoacoustic topics as loudness and pitch perception. As a hearing research scientist with a background in physics and electrical engineering, I appreciate the direct, accessible style of Hartmann's book and found it a pleasure to read. It should be considered by anyone wanting to teach signal theory to students with an interest in psychoacoustics." PHYSICS TODAY"...I found this to be a book with a lot of personality and distinctiveness. The writing style is clear, but very personal and seems to convey the deep interest of the author on the issues discussed. The book contains historical notes interspersed throughout the text, an interesting touch, and clearly separated from the main text to identify them as such. I would judge the book to be an important addition for anyone involved in research or teaching in psychoacoustics or hearing science." Customer Reviews (3)
88. Perception: From Sense to Object by John M. Wilding | |
Hardcover: 314
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$69.86 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0312600569 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
89. Encyclopedia of Perception | |
![]() | Hardcover: 1280
list price: US$375.00 -- used & new: US$294.98 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1412940818 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The field of perception is devoted to explaining the operation of the senses and the experiences and behaviors resulting from stimulation of the senses. Perceptual processes such as recognizing faces, seeing color, hearing music, and feeling pain represent the actions of complex mechanisms, yet we usually do them easily. The Encyclopedia of Perception presents a comprehensive overview of the field of perception through authoritative essays written by leading researchers and theoreticians in psychology, the cognitive sciences, neuroscience, and medical disciplines. It presents two parallel and interacting approaches: the psychophysical, or determining the relationship between stimuli in the environment and perception, and the physiological, or locating the biological systems responsible for perception. Are there any processes not associated with perception? Surely there are, but the pervasiveness of perception is truly impressive, and the phenomena of perception and its mechanisms are what this encyclopedia is about. Key Features Key Themes |
90. The Reliability of Sense Perception by William P. Alston | |
![]() | Paperback: 148
list price: US$23.95 -- used & new: US$18.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0801481015 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Customer Reviews (4)
"Sense perception," asAlston deals with it here, covers a variety of more or less customary waysof forming beliefs, and Alston designates the whole lot of them as"sensory perception practice" (abbreviated SP throughout most ofthe work). The problem he faces to begin with is that there does not seemto be a _noncircular_ demonstration that SP is reliable in this way.(Though admitting that not all circularity is vicious, he neverthelessdecides to avoid circular arguments himself and -- rather too summarily, Ithink -- dismisses coherence theories "without a hearing" for thepurposes of this work.) He devotes the bulk of the work to considerationsof various sorts of argument for the reliability of SP -- simple"track record" and pragmatic arguments, _a priori_ argumentsincluding theological ones, and empirical arguments. The burden of his ownargument here is essentially to show (a) that the noncircularity problemaffects all direct arguments for the reliability of SP, and (b) that thisproblem is not unique to SP but affects _all_ of our usual ways of formingbeliefs. His concluding chapter takes an interesting tack. He contendsthat even though it is not possible to offer a _direct_ (noncircular)argument that SP is reliable, nevertheless practical rationality shows thatit _is_ rational to "engage in SP (and other doxastic practices)"-- that is, practical reason demands that we do go ahead and form ourbeliefs in the ordinary accepted ways. His claim at this point is that,although he has not shown that SP _is_ reliable, he has shown that it isrational to _suppose_ SP to be reliable. His distinction here is one thathe takes to be crucial, so it will be as well to spell it out precisely.His claim, he says, is not that in judging SP to be rational, he is thereby_judging_ that it is rational tosuppose that SP is reliable; his claim isthat the judgment that SP is rational _is itself a commitment_ to therationality of judging SP to be reliable. Got that? Well, for furtherelaboration you'll have to read the book itself. At any rate, hisconclusion is that SP is just one of a whole host of doxastic practices inwhich it is _practically_ rational to engage; he has not, as he readilyadmits, shown that it is rational "in an _epistemic_ sense" tojudge that SP is reliable. After a brief discussion of why this sort ofrationality is relevant and more or less sufficient, he turns in closing toa short survey of ways in which this rationality might be undermined (by"overriders of prima facie rationality") or supported (by"significant self support"). His final remark is that there issome urgency about deciding how to regard doxastic practices which can beneither avoided nor shown to be reliable. The argument of this volume isa development of his work in _Perceiving God_, in the third chapter ofwhich he discussed the impossibility of proving SP reliable in anoncircular way. At bottom the present work is an expanded version of thatchapter, offered -- as Alston says -- to "philosophers who would notopen a book entitled _Perceiving God_" but might find the argument onsense perception interesting in its own right. Those potential readersmight include some from the "Objectivist" camp -- at least thosewho recognize the woeful inadequacies in Ayn Rand's ownsweep-it-under-the-rug policy on the question Alston here addresses. Inparticular, readers of David Kelley's _The Evidence of the Senses_ mightlike to read through Alston's very different approach. ... Read more |
91. The Art and Science of Visual Illusions (International Library of Psychology) by Nicholas Wade | |
Hardcover: 306
list price: US$50.00 -- used & new: US$205.58 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0710008686 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
92. Perception and the Senses by Evan L. Brown, Kenneth A. Deffenbacher | |
![]() | Hardcover: 476
list price: US$24.95 Isbn: 0195025040 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
93. Intersensory Perception and Sensory Integration (Modern Analytical Chemistry) by Pick | |
Hardcover: 436
list price: US$126.00 Isbn: 0306406101 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
94. Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention | |
![]() | Paperback: 344
list price: US$75.00 -- used & new: US$46.58 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0198524862 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
95. The Forgotten Senses: A book about the sensory puzzles of life by Donald E. Carr | |
Hardcover: 347
list price: US$7.95 Isbn: 0385014236 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
96. Cognitive Ecology (Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Second Edition) by Morton P. Friedman, Edward C. Carterette | |
![]() | Hardcover: 384
list price: US$166.00 -- used & new: US$148.05 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0121619664 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
97. Distortion in Art: The Eye and the Mind (International Library of Psychology) by J. B. Deregowski | |
Hardcover: 143
list price: US$53.00 Isbn: 0710095163 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
98. The Unity of the Senses: Interrelations Among the Modalities (Academic Press Series in Cognition and Perception) by Lawrence E. Marks | |
![]() | Hardcover: 289
list price: US$90.00 Isbn: 0124729606 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
99. A Cybernetic Approach to Colour Perception (Polymer Monographs) by N. C. Paritsis | |
Hardcover: 182
list price: US$100.00 Isbn: 0677056206 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
100. Hearing (Handbookof Perception and Cognition, Second Edition) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 468
list price: US$112.00 -- used & new: US$89.60 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0125056265 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
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