SE&JS Publishing House Käbi Laretei. Vihmapiisad ja kuupaiste (Rain drops and moonlight) Käbi Laretei,a distinguished pianist and author, is undoubtedly one of vardo rumessen.
Extractions: Written by a renowned researcher of military history this book examines a hundred-year period from the Napoleonic Wars to the First World War. There are many tables with statistics which compare the number of victims in the First World War with that of earlier wars. This unemotional account of losses is amply illustrated by pictures of weapons, uniforms, headgear and actual events. As there is no comprehensive overview of these events in Estonian, Hannes Walter, D.Phil. has provided his text with lengthy commentaries.
Luup Nr.22 (27); 28. Oktoober 1996 - Kultuur Monserrat Caballé, viimase Tshaikovskikonkursi võitja, pianist Nikolai Luganski siiskiEduard Tubina ja eesti rahvusklassika eestseisja vardo rumessen.
Extractions: Kuldne õukonnamuusika tekst: Evi Arujärv, Liis Arujärv N ädal tagasi Tallinnas korraldatud meie kõigi aegade kalleima süvamuusikaprojekti, BBC orkestri kontserdi müügistrateegia lõi pretsedendi Eesti muusikaelus. 1500-krooniseid nn. kuldpileteid, mis moodustasid ligi kaks kolmandikku saalikohtade arvust, levitati vaid ärieliidi hulgas. Superkontsert on jätnud muusikaavalikkuse jaoks õhku küsimuse: kellele kuulub tulevikus Eestis muusikaline kõrgkultuur? «See oli hüpe hullumeelsusse, ent see on alles algus,» maalib ürituse mootor, Eesti Kontserdi (EK) asedirektor Aivar Mäe nädal enne maailma tipporkestri Tallinnasse saabumist pilte järgmise hooaja veelgi pompöössematest plaanidest. Produtsentide suust kõlab juba kohale meelitatud või lähituleviku plaanides seisvaid tippnimesid: metsosopran Monserrat Caballé, viimase Tshaikovski-konkursi võitja, pianist Nikolai Luganski, vanamuusika kuulsused Gustav Leonhardt ja vennad Sigiswald, Barthold ning Wieland Kuijkenid, tippansamblid The Kings Singers, The Hilliard Ensemble ja Musica Antiqua Köln ning maailmanimega dirigent Zubin Mehta. Produtsendid on veendunud, et «kuldpileti» strateegiat hakkab Eesti Kontsert tippmuusika sissetoomisel kasutama ka tulevikus. «Kuldpileti» levitamist väljaspool vabamüüki põhjendab Mäe kaastundlikult: «Me ei tahtnud tavapublikut shokeerida.»
Pianists Top Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano by Harold C. Shoenberg. rumessen, vardo Repertoire, reviews, biographyof the Estonian pianist. Sanroma, Jesus Maria (19021984
EDUARD TUBIN Neeme Järvi head of the Gothenburg Symphony - and vardo rumessen - pianist, musicwriter and politician - had to pay dearly for their love for Tubin's music
Extractions: preparing for his piano recital, he was doing his duty as a member of parliament, running from crisis to crisis, from discussions and nightly decisions on political matters of destiny to the more trivial matters of the festival. Not only from duty, but from a deep personal interest, the Swedish ambassador in Estonia, Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier, has in a model way honoured both of Tubin's home countries by assuming the role of the official protector of the festival, as well as introductory speaker. The Chinese violinist Xiang Gao kissed the score of Tubin's first violin concerto, written during the German occupation of Estonia. It was a touching gesture of affection, but not really necessary, since every note from his bright instrument, so rich in overtones, was a declaration of love. If he is; for young musicians he's very, very hot!
The Järvi Dynasty two. The Tubin Festival has the blessing and support of the NationalistParty MP, vardo rumessen, himself an able pianist. Neeme's
Extractions: I t looks like a beached-up relic of an Eastern European toytown, on the edge of the mighty flow and contraflow of the new highway: the green and white wooden Orthodox church in Tallinn is dwarfed by one of many new high-rise hotels. But the church itself seemed a towering presence to Paavo , in London and New York; his flautist daughter, Maarika , in Geneva; and his younger son, Kristjan , in New York and Florida. Eduard Tubin and his Time Eduard Tubin 's Requiem for Fallen Soldiers in the Concert Hall. Tubin himself fled Estonia in 1944, and died in Stockholm in 1982. Neeme has recorded all his symphonies for BIS But at this festival Neeme chose to focus on Villem Kapp 's Second Symphony It was Neeme's championing of another Estonian composer that was to lead to his own decision to emigrate. In 1979 he performed 's Credo with the Estonian Symphony Orchestra But between 1960 and 1980, the omnivorous Neeme had recorded for Estonian radio almost all the Estonian music there was. "Communist pieces, anti-Communist pieces, the lot! Music brought out the best in everyone. And you could actually write in any style you liked as long as the words were OK. That's how stupid they were. But, you know, even now in Estonia, each party has different vested interests in what happens in culture. The difference is that there are five or six parties now, not just one, and they're all fighting each other! That's democracy!" Another dark, rich roll of laughter accompanies Neeme's quintessentially Estonian dry, wry sense of humour.
Estonia-Wide Web: Entertainment/Music/Composers, Musicians 28 Kaisa Roose Conductor. http// - english -24.10.2002 vardo rumessen pianist and musician. http//,_musicians/welcome.html
Pianists Information Sites Pirojenko, Alexandre (b.1979) Biography and repertoire of the Russian pianist.rumessen, vardo - Repertoire, reviews, biography of the Estonian pianist.
Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists Biography photos competitions records and reviews. URL http// vardo Repertoire reviews biography of the Estonian pianist.
Extractions: Search: Welcome to, the comprehensive search portal dedicated to the arts. We have located some of the finest art and entertainment resources from across the Web and accumulated them into a single directory. Here you can choose from a wide variety of documents, reviews, articles, and Web sites about your favorite activities. Whether you enjoy film, Broadway shows, television, books, fine art, or travel, there is something here for you. As you peruse the directory, you will notice several categories pertaining to the arts. Feel free to navigate through these categories, from broad art-related topics to specific information on selected subjects. Our search portal also gives you the option to conduct a query using our intelligent search feature. Arts Music Instruments Keyboard ... Piano Pianists Agents and Managers
Reviews This is great music, though it lay unheard for 80 years until the superhuman effortsof musicologistpianist vardo rumessen finally paid off in this recording
Extractions: A neglected master creates euphoria in the listener In a near future the work might be compete with Mahler's world-encompassing Eight Symphony and Beethoven's fraternizing Ninth Symphony at the Proms or the UN Day. A completely new stylistic direction beside Wagner's chromatism. Debussy's modal chords and Reger's harmonic shrubbery, with supremely beautiful melodies that do not endeavor to imitate the commonly beautiful. The powerful "Sanctus" movement receives a place corresponding to "Lords of Lords" in Händel's "Messiah"" " The oratorio Jonah's Mission is one of the greatest finds in recent years," says conductor Järvi... Järvi is dedicated to his conviction the value of Tobias's late romanticist titan oratorio. "It should be placed next to the grandest of masterpieces like Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Händel's "Messiah"" Tobias joined "Jonah's Mission" with a message of freedom, which told of the suffering the Estonian people were enduring in the pinch of czarist Russia. Tobias's oratorio bore the same meaning during the darkest point of Soviet rule. Jonah's Mission is a part of good German tradition. Tobias studied in St. Petersbourg, but unexpectedly little Russian influence can observed. There might be a little Rimski-Korsakov, but Beethoven, Brahms and sometimes even Mahler come to mind. At one point you can even hear a short citation of Sibelius. Tobias was obviously a Nordic composer," Järvi states.
Extractions: Rudolf Tobias was the first Estonian to receive a professional musical education both as a composer and an organist. Tobias wrote the first Estonian instrumental works: the first symphonic composition the overture Julius Caesar (1896), the first cantata Johannes Damascenus for soloists, mixed choir, organ and orchestra (1897), the first piano concerto in D-Minor (1897), the first piano sonata (1897, of which unfortunately only the final in C-Minor is preserved), the first string quartet in D-Minor (1899), the first oratorio Mission of Jonah (1909), the first programmatic composition Walpurgis Burlesque (1910). Tobias has also created the first Estonian polyphonic compositions (Fuguette for piano in E-Minor, 1897, Fugue for organ in D-Minor, 1898?) and the first significant piano works (Little Autumn Pictures, 1892, Minuet in F-Major, 1893?, Fuguette in E-Minor, 1897, Finale, 1897, Humoresque, 1903, etc. Rudolf Tobias was born in Käina on the island of Hiiumaa (Dagö) on 29 May 1873 as the son of a parish clerk. He received his first musical training from his father, from whom he had also inherited his musical talent and interest. Under his fathers guidance he started musical training at an early age and began composing his very first composition exercises from 1882 when he was just 9 years old. In 1885 he entered Haapsalu county school and studied piano with Catharina von Gernet, a local pianist. After graduating Tobias moved to live with his parents in Kullamaa, where his father had meanwhile become the parish clerk. In 1889 Tobias entered Tallinn Nicolai High School (the present 1
NETI: /MEELELAHUTUS JA HOBID/Muusika/Muusikud/Süvamuusika Revalia Meeskoor Revalia Poistekoor Rondellus Vanamuusikaansambel Kaisa Roose DirigentRugodiv Narva vene koor vardo rumessen pianist Saaremaa Noorte Meeskoor
Muusik1-1 Seda me Marje Lohuaru (EMA prorektor, pianist), Maano Männi (ERSO kontsertmeister,viiulisolist), vardo rumessen (vabakutseline pianist) ja allakirjutanu
Muusika Selle eesmärgiga ongi loodud Eduard Tubina ühing, mille president onNeeme Järvi ja tegevjuht tulihingeline pianist vardo rumessen.
Extractions: Millal kuulsid viimati ostakoviti sümfooniat? Millal Eduard Tubina sümfooniat? Kas oled üldse mõnd tema 11 sümfooniast kuulnud? Säärane võrdlus on äärmiselt ebaõiglane, väidab Göteborgi sümfooniaorkestri peadirigent Neeme Järvi, kes oma legendaarsete BISi lindistustega aastatel 1985 1988 suutis veenda plaadimaailma, et Tubin kuulub ilmtingimata XX sajandi suurte heliloojate hulka samal tasemel ostakoviti ja Sibeliusega. Plaadid äratavad huvi, raskem on Tubina sümfooniate jõudmisega kontserdisaali. Uue põlvkonna muusikutel ja dirigentidel seisavad ees suured praktilised probleemid. Mitmed Tubina partituurid pole müügil, neid saab ainult üürida. Pole kaugeltki kindel, et muusik, kes tahab mängida mõnda Tubina viiest instrumentaalkontserdist, leiab harjutamiseks soolopartii. Eesti suur helilooja väärib tõesti kogutud teoste väljaandmist. Sobiv tähtaeg oleks helilooja 100. sünniaastapäev 18. augustil 2005. Üle maailma laiali paisatud autoriõiguste ostmiseks rahvusvaheliste, rootsi ja vene kirjastajatelt on aga vaja nii raha kui jaksu. Selle eesmärgiga ongi loodud Eduard Tubina ühing, mille president on Neeme Järvi ja tegevjuht tulihingeline pianist Vardo Rumessen. Seltsil on tuliuus informatiivne broüür, mis pöördub kõikide huviliste, eriti aga rootslaste ja eestlaste poole üle maailma. 39 aastat Eestis ja 38 Rootsis, neist 22 aastat Rootsi kodanikuna, teeb Eduard Tubina pärandist meie ühise asja, väärt nii levitada kui ka säilitada.
Directory :: by Harold C. Shoenberg. rumessen, vardo Repertoire, reviews, biographyof the Estonian pianist. Sano, Megumi Japanese classic concert
RR-uut Muusikakogus Helen TobiasDuesberg ; redigeerinud = herausgegeben von vardo rumessen ; kujundus= Gestaltung performed by Lotte Lehmann, soprano, Paul Ulanowsky, pianist.
Extractions: RAAMATUD NOODID HELISALVESTISED RAAMATUD NOODID Armastuse keerdsõlm skautlikul teel : gaideri töö / koostanud: Helvi Klement ; [toimetaja: Susanna Tomson] ; Eesti Gaiderite Kogu Rootsis. - [S.l.], [19?]. - 24 lk. - NA-08054 Arro, Edgar. O Haupt, voll Blut und Wunden : Choralvorspiel = Oh Jeesus, sinu valu : koraali eelmäng orelile / Edgar Arro ; Herausgeber = editor: Andres Uibo. - Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres, c2001. - 6, [1] lk. - NC-21738, NC-21737 Eespere, René . Modus vivendi : für Flöte und Gitarre = for flute and guitar = flöödile ja kitarrile / René Eespere. - Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres, c2001. - 12 lk. - NC-21734, NC-21733 . Klänge : für Orgel = Kõlad : orelile / Igor Garshnek. - Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres, c2001. - 12 lk. - NC-21736, NC-21735 Kapp, Artur. Die letzte Beichte : für Violine und Orgel / Artur Kapp. - Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres, c2001. - 7 lk. - NC-21731, NC-21732 Mägi, Ester . Kyrie : für Orgel = orelile = for organ / Ester Mägi. - Lilienthal/Bremen : Eres, c2001. - 11, [1] lk. - NC-21740, NC-21739
RR-uut Muusikakogus Artur Kapp ; redigeerinud = herausgegeben von vardo rumessen ; noodigraafika =Notengraphik 382 / Mozart ; performed by Alfred Brendel, pianist, Pro Musica
Extractions: ISSN 1406-3921 RAAMATUD NOODID HELISALVESTISED RAAMATUD NOODID Kapp, Artur . Don Carlos : dramaatiline avamäng Friedrich Schilleri järgi = Don Carlos : dramatische Overture nach Friedrich Schiller / Artur Kapp ; redigeerinud = herausgegeben von Vardo Rumessen ; [noodigraafika = Notengraphik: Heiki Laanemaa ; kujundus = Gestaltung: Kadi Pajupuu, Piret Hiis ; deutsche Übersetzung: Hans-Gunter Lock]. - Tallinn : Eres Estonia, 2002. - 1 partituur (83 lk.) - ND-03014 Körber, Martin . Kaks tuntud laulu eesti koorimuusikas / Martin Georg Emil Körber ; [esikaane kujundas: Koidula Raudmägi]. - [Tallinn] : Tallinna Saarlaste Segakoor : Eesti Kultuurkapital, [2002]. - 14, [3] lk. koos kaanega - NC-22250 Körber, Martin . Laulud Sõrvemaalt : segakoorilaulud Ansekülast 1861-1866 aastal / Martin Georg Emil Körber ; [sõnad: Martin Körber, Karl Johannes Masing ; esikaane kujundas: Koidula Raudmägi ; tagakaane kujundas: Jaan Jääts]. - [Tallinn] : Tallinna Saarlaste Segakoor : Eesti Kultuurkapital, [2002]. - 26, [2] lk. - NC-22248. Körber, Martin
Piano & Musical Instrument Rental - Sales & Service It stands to reason, therefore, that the pianist's perspective is the FavreKahn,Momo Kodama, Anton Kuerti, Jerome Lowenthal, vardo rumessen, Katia Skanavi
BBC Press Office - Radio 3 - Baltic Nights in 1989 when it was resurrected by vardo rumessen. capital Tallinn to meet rumessen,whilst introducing a the Tallinn Atring Quartet with pianist Peep Lassmann
Extractions: Baltic Nights on BBC Radio 3 Starting on Sunday 17 February, BBC Radio 3 presents Baltic Nights - over one week of music, features and discussion, including two dedicated evenings, celebrating some of the best of Baltic cultural life today and from over the last century. Broadcasters Christopher Cook, BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson, Radio 3 presenters Fiona Talkington and Andy Kershaw among others present a cultural guide to the three Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and the sea from which they take their shared name. Baltic Nights includes: Christopher Cook introduces an evening of performance, discussion and documentaries exploring the ancient and new cultural identities of the Baltic States. Highlights include a discussion chaired by Cook with the novelists Dan Jacobson, Howard Jacobson and literary critic Stephen Greenblatt which considers "the Jewish Baltic and the legacy of Collaboration". Throughout the evening, Lavinia Greenlaw presents short features to include the Riga Song Festival, Amber - the Baltic Gold - and Tallinn, city of the Eurovision Song Contest and supermodels. Music by Latvias leading composers Petris Vasks and the Lithuanian composer Mindaugas Urbaitis is included.
Red Carpet, Silence, And Crime Rubert de Ventos xavier (Philosopher, Esp) 350. rumessen vardo (MP, Estonia) 351. ShehuBashkim(Writer, Albania) 382. Sherman Russel (pianist, USA) 383.
Extractions: Europe is preparing to welcome Vladimir Putin in Paris, despite the fact that the war in Chechnya continues, dirty and cruel. Every day, young Russian soldiers die, but twenty times more Chechens die, primarily women and children. Winter is again returning, adding to the sense of hopelessness and despair of the defiant population condemned to drift in its ravaged capital, annihilated towns and mined lands, deprived of all the necessities of life, exposed to bombardments, random shootings, tortures and mass executions. As in Kosovo half the population has fled to camps (in neighboring Ingushetia) where nothing has been prepared for another winter. Putin will explain with great pleasure that the Russian army is doing what it must and that Europe must support its crusade against "international terrorism." We fear that, except for a few critical whispers that will soon be forgotten, the silence of our representatives will only strengthen Putin in his murderous determination. We are afraid that short term calculations will lead to the barter of the martyrdom of a whole nation for the triumph of the great petroleum deal that Mr Prodi is negotiating: will gas in exchange for blood be the last word of European civilization?