News Translate this page Kirche spielen der Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum und der pianist Roger Vignoles Streicherndes Orchesters und dem ungarischen pianisten und Dirigenten zoltan kocsis.
Extractions: Klassik Schweiz - Suisse classique - Swiss classic News and Comments Allgemeine News Konzertbesprechungen Musikwerkstatt im Bergdorf Das Musikfestival von Verbier ist am Sonntag mit einem Sinfoniekonzert des UBS Verbier Festival Youth Orchestra" unter der Leitung von James Levine zu Ende gegangen. Daniel Andres Damit verabschiedete sich das über hundertköpfige Jugendorchester mit jungen Berufsmusikern aus 31 Nationen von einem wiederum begeisterten Publikum. Wiederum war es der unbedingte Einsatz des Orchesters, welche das ausverkaufte Zelt zu Ovationen hinriss. Doch jugendlicher Elan würde nicht genügen: es ist auch die hohe Professionalität der Spieler zwischen 16 und 27 Jahren, die immer wieder überzeugt hat. Die Sechste von Tschaikowsky hatte in den ersten Sätzen viel Power und Präzision, schloss aber mit einem durch und durch empfundenen Adagio, einem Abgesang ans Leben. Die Erste von Brahms war im ersten Satz etwas überhastet und in den Registern nicht ganz ausgewogen, Levine und das Orchester fanden aber ab dem zweiten Satz bis zum vorbildlich aufgebauten Finale zu einem typisch brahmsischen Streicherklang mit würdigen Einsätzen von Oboe, Solovioline und Horn sowie hervorragenden Interventionen des Blechs. Das UBS Verbier Festival Youth Orchestra" hat fürs Erste eine gesicherte Zukunft. Die UBS hat sich für die Finanzierung in den nächsten vier Jahren verpflichtet und James Levine wurde für die gleiche Dauer als künstlerischer Leiter vertraglich gebunden. Im kommenden Herbst wird es mit den Dirigenten Pavo Jäärvi und James Levine in sieben Städten Nord- und Südamerikas gastieren. Und nächstes Jahr wiederum die Sinfoniekonzerte in Verbier bestreiten, wofür die Dirigenten Kurt Masur, Zubin Mehta und Michael Tilson-Thomas neben Levine bereits zugesagt haben.
Email Corrections Recordings Of The Chopin Waltzes (complete) Recordings of the Chopin Waltzes (complete), pianist, Waltzes included, OriginalLabel, Rec. Date, CD Issue? kocsis, zoltan, 119, Philips, 1983, Philips CD.
Extractions: email corrections Recordings of the Chopin Waltzes (complete) Pianist Waltzes included Original Label Rec. Date CD Issue? Alexeev, Dimitri Melodyia LP Alexeev, Dimitri EMI Seraphim Seraphim Anda, Geza Eurodisc RCA Anievas, Augustin EMI Seraphim Seraphim Arrau, Claudio Philips 1980's Philips Ashkenazy, Vladimir Decca Decca Askenase, Stefan DG (LPEM 19,397) Barbosa, Antonio Connoisseur Society Biret, Idil Naxos Naxos Blumenthal, Felecja Claudio Records Claudio Brailowsky, Alexander Columbia. Philips ABL 3311? Sony EC Ciccolini, Aldo Seraphim Collard, Jean-Philippe EMI 1990's EMI Cortot, Alfred HMV (EMI) EMI, Arkadia Cziffra, Gyrogy Philips d'Arco, Annie Calliope Darre, Jeanne-Marie Vanguard VCS 10115 LP Vanguard Davidovich, Bella Melodyia 1960's Dorfmann, A. Victor 'Bluebird' LBC 1050 1950's Doyen, Jean EPIC LC 3468 Entremont, Philippe Columbia CBS Odyssey Fiorentino, Sergio Saga XID 5016 1960's Fowke, Philip Classics for Pleasure CFP Francois, Samson EMI 1950's EMI Gianoli, Rene Ades Ades Haas, Werner Epic Haebler, Ingrid Vox GBY 11970 Allegretto Haebler, Ingrid Philips c.1970 Harasiewicz, Adam
Conductor: Zsolt Hamar In 1997 zoltan kocsis, the famous Hungarian pianist and conductor and newly appointedmusic director of the most prestigious Hungarian orchestra, the National
Extractions: Conductor The late Yehudi Menuhin stated in January 1997 "I have seen Zsolt Hamar in action in Budapest. He is one of the most dynamic, precise, and intelligent of young conductors I have heard." Zsolt Hamar was born in Budapest and began his piano study at age 6. At the early age of 14 he studied composing at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest. He graduated with "First Class Honor" as a composer in 1994 In the final years there, he also took up conducting for which he again was awarded "First Class Honor" for conducting in 1995. As a composer, he won Third Prize of the Zoltan Kodaly Composer Competition in Hungary in 1990, and was subsequently commissioned to compose new works by the Zoltan Kodaly State Foundation. In 1995 Zsolt Hamar won the Second Prize, the Publics Award, and the Best Bartok Performers Prize in the very popular Hungarian Televisions International Conductors Competition "In memory of Janos Ferencsik". Since then, his career as conductor has been confirmed. Consequently, conducting engagements in Hungary and in Europe followed for which he received high acclaim by critics and audiences alike. In 1995 Mr. Hamar worked with Tamas Vasary and lead the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio and Television. He also conducted the Gala Concert of the World Music Day when he collaborated with late Sir Yehudi Menuhin.
Music Worcester To Offer Varied Season National Philharmonic Orchestra will be joined by piano soloist zoltan kocsis andsoprano 15 In Tuckerman Hall, the Jerusalem Trio of pianist Yaron Rosenthal
Extractions: WORCESTER Renowned soloists such as pianist Emanuel Ax and violinist Midori, orchestras from the United States and around the world, trios, jazz ensembles, folk dance from Georgia (the Eastern country, that is), and tango are some of the varied highlights of the 2002-2003 concert season announced by Music Worcester Inc. The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra will open the 143rd Worcester Music Festival Oct. 16, and other visiting orchestras include the Brazilian Orquesta de Sao Paulo, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland.
WUOT 91.9 WHAT The Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra with pianist zoltan kocsis, pianistand conductor WHEN Thursday, February 20, 730 pm WHERE Thomas Wolfe
Classical Music Cd Reviews : 7 August 1997 IV zoltan kocsis continues his distinguished survey of Bartok's complete works forpiano solo. The Hungarian pianist's brisk intellect and playful virtuosity
Extractions: Smart, topical, edgy, and full of New York rhythm and acoustical snap, Reich's "City Life" (1995) evokes all of New York, from the Bronx to Brooklyn and not just Manhattan's upper East side and the unresolved existential anxieties of a hand-full of successful intellectuals. The upbeat and vibrant snapshot soon turns grim, however, as Reich's heavy hand delves deeper into the city's dense, sordid, psychic slush. Only the silence at the close of the work brings relief. "Proverb" (1995-1996) - for six voices and percussion - takes its inspiration from 12th century French organa while "Nagoya Marimbas" (1994) is a rich and virtuoso instrumental work that harks back to Reich's work a few decades earlier, and is often reminiscent of the work of Ghanaian composer Nana Danso Abiam. Excellent notes by the composer.
Press Releases ZOLTÁN kocsis View full release Click to view photos zoltan kocsis December 31 JasonDanieley Rita Moreno Marin Mazzie November 1, 2002 pianist ALICIA DE
The Czech Philharmonic At 14, Wuertz joined the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapestand later became a student of prominent pianist zoltan kocsis.
Extractions: Klara Wuertz, Pianist Programme Klara Wuertz, Piano soloist Intermission The Czech Philharmonic The Czech Philharmonic, one of the world's oldest and most distinguished symphony orchestras, is renowned for its impeccable standards of musical excellence. The ensemble displays a warmth, resonance, and depth of artistry that has evolved through the inspiration and guidance of generations of Czechoslavakia's finest musical talents. The orchestra's legacy of prominent guest and resident conductors began with Antonin Dvorak, who led the ensemble's first performance in 1896. Gustav Mahler conducted the premiere of his 7th Symphony in Prague with the ensemble. Since that occasion, a string of musical luminaries have conducted the orchestra, including Edward Grieg, Richard Strauss, Leonard Beernstein, Zubin Mehta, Erich Leinsdorf, Lorin Maazel, Otto Klemperer, Sir Adrian Boult, Sir John Barbirolli, and Sir Thomas Beecham. This illustrious ensemble stands at the pinnacle of the musical life of Prague, a city so musically rich that it has earned the surname, the "Conservatory of Europe." Founded in the late 19th century, by members of the Prague National Theatre orchestra who wished to develop the symphonic repertoire, the Czech Philharmonic finally achieved recognition as the first independent Czech symphony orchestra when it received state subsidy in 1945. This autonomy was the result of the dispute between the National Theatre management and the orchestra's members. Prior to the strike, the orchestra functioned as the National Theatre Orchestra, dividing activities between the presentation of symphonic music and the operatic repertoire. To celebrate the significance of the Philharmonic's dedication to symphonic repertoire, an annual festival was inaugurated to commemorate this landmark achievement. Known as the Prague Spring Festival, this cultural highlight attracts musicians and ensembles from virtually every country. The occasion affords a review of the Czech musical traditions, past and present.
Verzeichnis Internationaler Top-Pianisten Translate this page Kenner, Kevin Kern, Oliver Killian, François Kirbis, Paul kocsis, zoltan Köhn,Christian Sind Sie pianist und erfüllen eines der oben genannten Kriterien
Extractions: In nachstehender Aufstellung aufgeführte Top-Pianisten sind international bekannte Interpreten aus verschiedenen Ländern und Erdteilen. Die Auswahl ist noch nicht vollständig. Pianisten, die hier aufgeführt sind, erfüllen mindestens ein Kriterium: Top-Pianisten mit eigener Homepage: Top-Pianisten: A - G H - O P - Z Achucarro, Joaquin
Four Seasons Concerts, Inc..... Artists such as Fabio Bidini is doubly cherished the Italian pianist held the MichaelTilson Thomas, Ivan Fisher, Jesus Lopez Cobos, zoltan kocsis, Jerzy Maksymiuk
Extractions: Irish Times Mr. Bates has appeared on national radio and television programs, including NBC’s "Today Show" with Bryant Gumbel, and on CBS’s "Sunday Morning" with Charles Kuralt and Eugenia Zukerman. He performed as soloist with the Duke Ellington Orchestra in Rome’s Olympic Stadium before an audience of 20,000 and premiered a concerto by Adolphus Hailstork with the Virginia Symphony. Mr. Bates records for Orion Master Recordings, Performance Records and on the Naxos label. Mr. Bates received the "Artist of the Year" Award as part of the Pennsylvania’s 2001 Governor’s Awards for the Arts. Mr. Bates is a native of Philadelphia where he currently resides.
Untitled Document DAGBLAD February 6.1995 A veritable hurricane of a pianist! (Prokofiev vol.3, 4) KRISTELLGT DAGBLAD - November 27.1995 What zoltan kocsis has done for marshev
MAY 30 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1952 Birth of Hungarian pianist zoltan kocsis in Budapest. 1953 Birthof American composer and harpist Anne LeBARON, in Baton Rouge, LA.
San Diego Art And Sol For years, the La Jolla Chamber Music Society has actively pursuedpresenting the internationally acclaimed pianist zoltan kocsis.
ZOLTAN JENEY - 1943 HUNGARY zoltan JENEY Born at Szolnok on 4 March, 1943 Studio together with Péter Eötvös,Zoltán kocsis, László Sáry Composed in 1984 for the pianist Yvar Mikashoff
Extractions: Born at Szolnok on 4 March, 1943, Zoltán Jeney studied composition with Zoltán Pongrácz at Debrecen, with Ferenc Farkas at the Budapest Academy of Music and with Goffredo Petrassi at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome.In 1970 he founded the New Music Studio together with Péter Eötvös, Zoltán Kocsis, László Sáry, Albert Simon and László Vidovszky. He has since been active in the Studio as composer and performer (keyboard and percussion instruments).With the exception of some premieres abroad most of his compositions have received their first performances at the Studio's concerts. The symmetrical and asymmetrical transformations of a four-pitch organisational unit /Ab - C - Db - D/ together with their transpositions are connected together like links of a chain in such a way that any neighbouring four pitches can be traced back to the basic cell itself.This structure, while ensuring continuity of sound, also made it possible, thanks to the intensity of the pauses articulating the piece, to integrate a kind of improvisation-like element within the composed process. In this way, the piece may create the impression that it is created at the moment of performance.The world premiere of Soliloquium No 1 took place at the Gaudeamus Musicweek in 1968.
Das Medium, Die Botschaft (, NZZ Online, 13. 7. 2001) Translate this page Gleichwohl und rechtens viel Beifall für Staiers Kunst. Am nächsten Abenddann musizierte auf diesem Flügel der ungarische pianist zoltan kocsis.
Lyric Opera-SPECIAL EVENTS Edman Memorial Chapel, Wheaton, IL. Program Beethoven Symphony No. 3 Eroica ;Liszt's Piano Concerto in E flat major, zoltan kocsis, pianist. 108.
Oleg Marshev - Reviews February 6, 1995 A veritable hurricane of a pianist! (Prokofiev vol. 3, 4) fulltext. KRISTELLGT DAGBLAD November 27, 1995 What zoltan kocsis has done for
Zoltán Kocsis Zoltán kocsis, the pianist, composer and conductor awarded with the Kossuth and Liszt prizes, was born in 1952 in Budapest. His extraordinary gift for music became evident at a very early age.
Extractions: Magyarul ZOLTÁN KOCSIS Zoltán Kocsis, the pianist, composer and conductor awarded with the Kossuth and Liszt prizes, was born in 1952 in Budapest. His extraordinary gift for music became evident at a very early age. He commenced his musical studies when he was 5 years old and continued them at the Béla Bartók Conservatory from 1963, specializing in piano and composing. In 1968 he was admitted to the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, where Pál Kadosa and Ferenc Rados were his teachers. Already during his school years, he won the Hungarian Radios Beethoven competition and after finishing his studies, he was appointed in 1973 as a teacher to the Academys piano faculty. His first important debuts both at home and abroad were also in 1970. During the following 25 years he gave concerts practically all over the world excepting Africa and South America. From the start, reviews referred to him as a prodigy and a lion of the piano, who rose above his contemporaries with his virtuosity and his personality of elemental strength. (1981 Le Figaro writes about the genius, 1987 the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger mentions the miracle of the keyboard , 1990 the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes about the pianist above all criticism etc). Apart from his solo concerts, which were all great successes from Carnegie Hall and the Concert gebouw of Amsterdam to the Philharmonics of St Petersburg, he performed together with the worlds most famous orchestras , such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Dresdner Staatskapelle, the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia of London, the Weiner Philharmoniker etc. He regularly performs at different famous summer festivals (Edinburgh, Tours, Luzern, Salzburg, Prague Spring Festival, La Roque dAnthéron).
Extractions: has become associated with the music of the Second Viennese School through a succession of recordings, chief amongst them the angst-ridden Erwartung and a highly regarded (by some) Wozzeck . The Romantic excesses of Mahler also seem to suit his temperament. And if there is one piece that exemplifies this late-Romantic energy, it is Mahlers first symphony. Quite an achievement, then, for pianist Alban Bergs Passacaglia Wozzeck , prefiguring passages following Maries murder, and is characteristically Bergian: immediately after the first statement of the theme, the texture becomes chromatically saturated. It is true that it lacks the finish of the approved works of Bergs canon (some brass imitative passages are contrived), but it nevertheless is a fascinating part of the jigsaw of this elusive composer and his output. tutti . It was the brass which rescued the day, with a fine peroration (horns standing as they blared out the final statements) which certainly met with the audiences approval.