June 2000 Director's Update 3304 Fax (905) 3384159 E-mail crobertson@town.oakville.on thomas More of Hamilton3-1 in overtime. To Chris hundt, grade 8 teacher at Holy Family School and http://www.haltonrc.edu.on.ca/news/jun00/jun00.htm
Extractions: DIRECTOR'S UPDATE JUNE 2000 STUDENTS HONOURED FOR THEIR VISIONS OF CANADA Projects about Canada have been chosen for special recognition from those submitted by Halton students from both Boards of Education from Kindergarten to O.A.C. level in this year's annual Visions Canada Awards program. Recipients and their families, teachers and principals were honoured at the June 5, 2000 Awards Ceremony held at the Halton Regional Centre in Oakville. Visions Canada is a scholastic awards program which celebrates elementary and secondary students' visions of Canada. Projects may be of an artistic or academic nature - the theme of which must have relevance to Canada. This years award winning entries from our Board are both creative and diverse. All entrants were acknowledged with certificates and passes to the Halton Region Museum. Congratulations to the following recipients of the 2000 Visions Canada Awards: Erin-Donna Brunato (Grade 2; Teacher: Mrs. Turingia; St. Mark School) "Canada's Logging History" John Carbone (Grade 3; Teacher: Mrs. V. Picone; St. Andrew School)
CSIndy: Event Listings (June 7 - June 13, 2001) June 26 At Your Own Risk, by thomas Sutherland Flybanger at the Colorado Music Hall,2475 E. Pikes Peak JohnAlex Mason Gerry hundt at the Smokebrush Cabaret http://www.csindy.com/csindy/2001-06-07/listings.html
Extractions: JUNE 7, 2001: Art Shows and Galleries Acoustic Coffee Lounge , 5152 Centennial Blvd., 268-9951. Featuring fish etchings by Ramona Lapsley, through June 24. Also, Acoustic Comic Mural by Greg Freeland, ongoing. Arati Artists Gallery, 2425 W. Colorado Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun., 12-4 p.m. 636-1901. www.aratiartists.com . Featuring Springs Scenes, watercolors and oils by Richard Williams, through June. Bella Art and Frame , 1752 Lake Woodmoor Drive, Monument, 487-7691. Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Featuring Water Gardens, oil and pastel paintings by Pat Dagnon, through June 15. Explorations in Color, new watercolors by Maria Paca and Barbara Rotzoll, June 19-Sept. 15. Opening reception: Fri., June 22, 6-9 p.m. Bentley's Coffeehouse , 6840 N. Academy Blvd., 268-0830. Featuring A Broad Abroad , images from trips to France, Peru and Ireland, by Carol Ettenger. Bridge Gallery , 218 W. Colorado Ave., 329-1574. Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays, noon to 3 p.m. Appointments available. Creative Community
CSIndy: Event Listings (June 28 - July 4, 2001) Colorado mountain paintings by Linda Lloyd thomas, through August at the ColoradoMusic Hall, 2475 E. Pikes Peak JohnAlex Mason Gerry hundt at the Smokebrush http://www.csindy.com/csindy/2001-06-28/listings.html
Extractions: Art Shows and Galleries Acoustic Coffee Lounge , 5152 Centennial Blvd., 268-9951. Featuring Oils by Daniel Breckenridge, through July 22. Also, Acoustic Comic Mural by Greg Freeland, ongoing. Arati Artists Gallery, 2425 W. Colorado Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun., 12-4 p.m. 636-1901. www.aratiartists.com . Featuring Summertime, watercolors and oils by Catherine Volan, through July. , 2521 W. Colorado Ave., 477-0632. Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Featuring over 30 local artists including Bear, Marica Hefti, Rick Bainbridge, Lee Manning, Carol Ettinger, Irma Bracken, Janice E. Hill and Bill Crowley. Bella Art and Frame , 1752 Lake Woodmoor Drive, Monument, 487-7691. Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Featuring Explorations in Color, new watercolors by Maria Paca and Barbara Rotzoll, through Sept. 15. Bentley's Coffeehouse , 6840 N. Academy Blvd., 268-0830. Featuring A Broad Abroad , images from trips to France, Peru and Ireland, by Carol Ettenger.
Excite France - Répertoire - H 10. Herge, Jeff, Solo pianist. http//www.jeffherge.com. 11. Hiko, 13. hundt, ThomasE. Music that captivates and energizes the spirit of freshness and magic. http://www.excite.fr/directory/Arts/Music/Styles/New_Age/Bands_and_Artists/H
Untitled Translate this page Beethoven, Bach, D Adrien Brody, thomas Kretschmann, Frank Dodo Tschogowadse, OtarKoberidse, E. Werulaschwili, G Staudt, B Ulrike Maria hundt, K Judith http://www.vhs-weimar.de/~monami/KinoWeb/FilmBenov.htm
Extractions: Regards sur les Français - Junges Französisches Kino Russisch-Georgische Filmwoche MEIN PETERSBURG / MOJ PITER Nina geht vielleicht weg aus ihrem "Piter" - nach Düsseldorf an die Kunstakademie. Deutsch lernt sie bei dem skurrilen Lehrer, der auf die Audio-Methode setzt. Und Igor, ehemaliger Matrose, weiß, wie es läuft, kennt eine Menge Leute und führt uns zu einer kiffenden Kultband. Alle schwören auf ihre Stadt. MOJ PITER ist ein sehr persönliches Geburtstagsgeschenk an die 300jährige wohl europäischste Stadt Russlands. Anschließend Gespräch mit den Erfurter Filmemachern. Deutschland 2002, 43 min, OmU
Untitled Free * der virtuose E-Bassist präsentiert Ein Vortrag von Ruth hundt. http://www.in-muenchen.de/descri09.htm
The Yellow Sheet -- April 19, 2001 Julie Fossell, Mary Grams, Jason Haaheim, Michael Henderson, Erika Houtz, BridgetHundt, Stacey Hunt For details, email Mark at mdj@gustavus.edu thomas, 300 PM. http://www.gustavus.edu/news/yellow/ys26200001.cfm
Extractions: Submit an Item Online Service Awards Dinner Set... The College and the Alumni Association will recognize the commitment of faculty and administrators who have served 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years, and those who are retiring. The annual Faculty and Administrator Service Awards Dinner will be held May 17 in Alumni Hall, beginning with a social hour at 5 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The cost for the dinner is $10 per person. Respond to the alumni office by May 11. A list of awardees is listed below; but contact Randall Stuckey in alumni relations (x7514 or rstuckey@gustavus.edu ) with the name of any person that should be included in the list of honorees. Retirees
Die Glosse - Archiv - News Translate this page der Zeitung mal wieder das Konterfei von Rolf E-Breuer sieht? Herr Dieter hundt! ThomasMiddelhoff flaniert dafür höchstpersönlich Tag für Tag an deutschen http://www.die-glosse.de/boeseseiten/archivar/archinews.htm
Extractions: archiv D ie Glosse Archivierte News vom Tage - Empfehlung von JEP Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wir präsentieren Ihnen wieder mal ein Spezial aus unserer Musikredaktion - Titel: NEWSLETTER aus der Feder von Dr. David Hoff . Dieser Mann ist schlichtweg ein Phänomen. Kurzer Steckbrief: Selbstkennzeichnung: Amerika-Deutschen (sic), 36, Komponist und glänzender Pianist, lichte Höhe: 2 m 19. Passionierter Kettenraucher. Tritt, wenn er genervt ist, auch schon mal einen defekten Zigaretten-Automaten ("einen Moment...") aus der Verankerung. Im Moment erhalte ich gerade von ihm Klavierunterricht - er macht das einfach großartig, diese Engelsgeduld! Mein privater Traum: ich möchte unbedingt in meinem Leben nochmal den Wilden Reiter von Schumann spielen können. J. Ernst Petenck NEWSLETTER David Hoff Komponist Mitarbeit: Doro Wagenbach, Ignaz Schurnalinsky, Beatrice, Mr. Boom Könnte ja sein, dass irgend jemand ganz neue Zusammenklänge erfunden hat, weder mit Akkorden - noch mit seriellen oder pentatonisch-minimalistischen Techniken oder sonst was. Könnte sein. Könnte auch sein, dass eine neue musikalische Dramatik entwickelt wurde. Spannend könnte sowas sein, wie Musik ja überhaupt mal eine spannende Geschichte war. Rein abstrakt schon ein unendlicher Pool von Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. Ist eben so ein Intervall-Ding. Könnte auch näherungsweise beschrieben werden, wie sowas funktioniert, welchen Ideen jemand nachgegangen ist. Spannend wäre das, wenn/falls es sowas gibt, kommt das sicherlich mit den Newslettern.
Www.larryelectric.com/history/db/mar-B.txt MacGregor, newscaster 19480303Reed hundt, FCC chairman Sullivan, Pasadena Ca,newscaster (E!) 19540307Matt Little Noises) 19590307Thomas Edward Lehman http://www.larryelectric.com/history/db/mar-B.txt
I CARE - Newsarchive May 2000 From the Internet Center for AntiRacism Europe.Category Society Ethnicity Romani Rights association of employers, Dieter hundt, welcomed the ON UKRAINE(Russia) Austrian PresidentThomas Klestil offered Treasury Secretary Stuart E. Eizenstat urged http://www.icare.to/archivemay2000.html
Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/wv/pleasants/obits/aobitsr.txt Surviving in addition to her parents are three sons, James E. Cain of Paden Cain ofNew Martinsville, David Cain of Lancaster, Ohio and thomas JR McDonald of http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/wv/pleasants/obits/aobitsr.txt
Untitled WEBGIORNALE 6 Marzo 2001 Di Pietro immorale anticipare le elezioni senza il voto degli italiani all'estero cui queste esprimono fiducia e volonta' di creare un nuovo regione Umbria di mantenere e intensificare l'impegno espresso in di primo piano a regioni e associazioni''. Il Cre nel http://www.webgiornale.de/2001/3%20Marzo%202001/Webgiornale%2006-03-01.htm