Classical Pianist Adam Aleksander/index.html Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes brief biography and contact information.Category Arts Music Instruments Keyboard Piano pianists A Get a domain site .com. adam aleksander - pianist. For Management informationclick here Classical pianist adam aleksander.
Extractions: ADAM ALEKSANDER - - PIANIST Critics have hailed Adam Aleksander’s playing as having " " (Cleveland Plain Dealer); "(Aleksander) is a consummate pianist…outstanding artist " (Miami Herald); having " phenomenal technique, which allows him to achieve extremely musical ends" (Byron Belt, Newshouse News Service); "(Aleksander) is one of the great artists of the city and promises to become one of the greatest pianists by the end of the century" (Daniel Fernandez, El Nuevo Herald). Adam Aleksander has received top prizes in over eighteen piano competitions in five countries, including international piano competitions in Barcelona, Paris, Salerno, Miami, Lawton (Oklahoma), Edmonton (Canada), and Palm Beach, and has received prizes for his recordings in competitions in Austin, Texas and Calgary, Canada. In addition, he has been awarded grants from The Canada Council and The Alberta Heritage Trust Fund. Born in Edmonton, Canada, Adam Aleksander has been performing to the acclaim of audiences worldwide since his debut with orchestra at the age of fourteen with the Chopin Piano Concerto in E Minor. His teachers include Sergei Babayan at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Regina Smendzianka at the Chopin Academy in Warsaw, Jim Bonn at the University of Southern California and Ivan Davis at the University of Miami where he received his Doctorate in Musical Arts. He has participated in masterclasses with Nelita True and Stephen Hough and has performed at festivals in Tours, France, Orford, Quebec, Interlochen, Michigan, Slupsk as well as Antonin, Poland.
Extractions: Adam Aleksander Critics have hailed Adam Aleksander's playing as having "rare finesse gorgeous sonority and nimble fingers generous of feeling, mood and tonal resources" (Cleveland Plain Dealer); "(Aleksander) is a consummate pianist outstanding artist" (Miami Herald); having "phenomenal technique, which allows him to achieve extremely musical ends" (Byron Belt, Newshouse News Service); "(Aleksander) is one of the great artists of the city and promises to become one of the greatest pianists by the end of the century" (Daniel Fernandez, El Nuevo Herald). Adam Aleksander has received top prizes in over eighteen piano competitions in five countries, including international piano competitions in Barcelona, Paris, Salerno, Miami, Lawton (Oklahoma), Edmonton (Canada), and Palm Beach, and has received prizes for his recordings in competitions in Austin, Texas and Calgary, Canada. In addition, he has been awarded grants from The Canada Council and The Alberta Heritage Trust Fund. Born in Edmonton, Canada, Adam Aleksander has been performing to the acclaim of audiences worldwide since his debut with orchestra at the age of fourteen with the Chopin Piano Concerto in E Minor. His teachers include Sergei Babayan at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Regina Smendzianka at the Chopin Academy in Warsaw, Jim Bonn at the University of Southern California and Ivan Davis at the University of Miami where he received his Doctorate in Musical Arts. He has participated in masterclasses with Nelita True and Stephen Hough and has performed at festivals in Tours, France, Orford, Quebec, Interlochen, Michigan, Slupsk as well as Antonin, Poland.
Adam Aleksander Dr. adam aleksander. Pinecrest, South Miami, Kendall,) Florida Phone 305596-9824E-mail Web page link http//
Extractions: Web page link: Critics have hailed Adam Aleksanders playing as having " rare finesse gorgeous sonority and nimble fingers generous of feeling, mood and tonal resources " (Cleveland Plain Dealer); "(Aleksander) is a consummate pianist outstanding artist " (Miami Herald); having " phenomenal technique, which allows him to achieve extremely musical ends" (Byron Belt, Newshouse News Service); "(Aleksander) is one of the great artists of the city and promises to become one of the greatest pianists by the end of the century" (Daniel Fernandez, El Nuevo Herald), " exquisite subtlety and grace fire and brimstone rare depth and substance introspective exhilarating!" (Pat Leitch, Coral Gables Gazette.)
Extractions: Links: - UK Piano duo; brief information only. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It , Report bad link! Aleksander, Adam - Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes biography and contact information. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It , Report bad link! Alonso, Jose Ramon (b.1966) - Spanish pianist's personal home page. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It , Report bad link! Alvarez , Carmen - Concert pianist born in Uruguay. Includes biography, sound bites, concert reviews, photos, etc. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It , Report bad link! Antonelli, Pina - The young pianist has performed in numerous major concert halls both here and abroad; includes biography, reviews, and audio downloads. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It , Report bad link! Archontides, P. B. - Greek-Australian pianist. Includes biographical information press releases and upcoming events. (Hits: Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)
Extractions: - UK Piano duo; brief information only. Adami, Mirsa (1975) - Albanian pianist, living in Amsterdam; includes brief biography, concert schedule and mp3 files. Aleksander, Adam - Canadian-born pianist; brief info and some audio samples (wav). Allen, Peter - Concert Pianist and chamber musician. Alonso, Jose Ramon (1966) - Spanish pianist's personal home page. Antonelli, Pina - The young pianist has performed in numerous major concert halls both here and abroad; includes biography, reviews, and audio downloads. Archontides, P. B. - Brief info on the young Greek-Australian pianist; includes press releases and upcoming events. Argerich, Martha (1941) - Excerpts from a 1979 interview with Dean Elder; in-print discography; reviews. Ashkenazy, Vladimir (1937) - Some facts, a 1995 interview, discography and reviews from Classic CD magazine page. Austbo, Hakon - Homepage of the Norwegian pianist living in the Netherlands. Biography, repertoire, discography and upcoming concerts. Bakker, Johan
Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists aleksander, adam Canadian-born pianist; brief info and some audio samples (wav).
Pianists : Art Directory Votes 0) Rate It. aleksander, adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes biographyand contact information. (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Alonso, Jose
Equipment And Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists aleksander, adam Canadian-born pianist; brief info and some audio samples(wav). Allen, Peter- Concert pianist and chamber musician.
Excite Italia - Cartoline 3. aleksander, adam. Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes brief biography and contact information.
Extractions: Le più cliccate La tua cartolina Amicizia Politically S-correct Appuntamento ... Fiori Momenti da ricordare NATALE MATRIMONIO COMPLEANNO FESTA DEL PAPA' ... CAPODANNO makeAD("","/SITE=IT.EX.EXCITE/AREA=ECARD.HOME/POS=R2/LANG=IT/AAMSZ=120x600",120,600) Chi siamo Excite in home page! Liberatoria Legale Scrivi ... Aiuto makeAD("","/SITE=IT.EX.EXCITE/AREA=ECARD.HOME/POS=C2/LANG=IT/AAMSZ=1x1",1,1)
Listings Canada: Entertainment And Leisure: Music: Classical Added Jul 06, 2001 Hits 1 - Cached) Undetermined Location aleksander, adam PostReview Report a Bad Link adam aleksander - - pianist Critics have hailed
Extractions: New! Listings United States Canada Entertainment and Leisure Music : Classical Search All Categories In Music - Classical Only Animals/Pets Arts/Crafts Auto Guide Business Community Services Computers Education Employment Entertainment Events/Festivals Government Media Miscellaneous Professional Resource Industries Science/Humanities Shopping Society Sports/Recreation Travel General Alberta
Welcome To Includes performances, discography, and reviews. aleksander, adam bio,sound clips, and contact information for the Canadian pianist.
The Music Dealer's Network aleksander, adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes brief biographyand contact information. This site has received 2 hits from this directory.
Extractions: Top Keyboard Players : Page 9 Hop to: Select a Category Auction Brass Choirs Ensembles Events Insurance Keyboard Magazines Makers Materials Miscellaneous Newsgroups Orchestras Percussion Repairers Schools String Teachers Universitys Wholesalers Woodwind Discuss the industry with Music Dealers, Musicians, Makers and many more professionals:
Piano Instruments ( 323 Human Selected Links ) on the Net pianists Abbott, Jocelyn O'Gorman, Laura -aleksander, adam -Alonso,Jose 1873-1951) -Berman, Boris -Bohdan Bubak czech pianist -Brautigam, Ronald
List Of All Selene CD's Wesolowska, Stanislaw Firlej adam Kostecki) ? 2 II, pianist and composer; playsChopin's Etudes Michalowski aleksander, pianist; Music by Chopin, Mendelsson
Extractions: Chopin: Polonaises (complete); Jerzy Sterczynski, piano 2 CD set Chopin: Nocturnes (complete); Jerzy Sterczynski, piano 2 CD set Paderewski: Complete Piano Works, vol. 3-4/II ; Radziwonowicz 2 CD set Moniuszko: Choral Music; Polish Nightingales Chopin: Complete Waltzes ; Sterczynski Bach: Art of the Fugue; Karol Golebiowski, organ Tchaikovsky: ; Jerzy Sterczynski, piano Chopin: ; Jerzy Sterczynski, piano Chopin: Sonata No. 2, Variations, Piano Pieces ; Sterczynski Mozart: Complete Organ Works, v.1 Church Sonatas; Karol Golebiowski, organ Mozart: Complete Organ Works, v.2 Fantasies, Fugues etc.; Karol Golebiowski, organ Moniuszko: Complete Works for Piano Duet, Complete Works for Piano, Chopin: Variations in D for piano duet, Rondo in C for two pianos, op.73 ; Makowska, Wesolowska
Johannesburg Musical Society Calendar The group will be joined by brilliant young Israeli pianist Dror Biran, who is rapidlycarving a 10. adam aleksander piano Saturday 8 November Linder 20.00
Extractions: Wits Great Hall : 17.00 This young brother and sister team stunned audiences with their duo performances at the Unisa International String Competition of 2002. Mikhail was First Prize winner at the Competition, as well as at the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition, and Sonya is also a prize-winner many times over. Together they are an extraordinarily exciting duo. cello Linder : 20.00 These French musicians have delighted audiences on their past tours of South Africa. Their performances are marked by superb musicality, as well as passion and delicacy. Cellist Pernoo has performed with important orchestras such as the Moscow Philharmonic, while pianist Ducros is an accomplished soloist in his own right.
Cape Town Concert Series - Programme and pianist DROV BIRAN. Wednesday, 15 October, JITKA CECHOVÁ (piano). Wednesday,29 October, THE SWANWYK TRIO. Saturday, 15 November, adam aleksander WEGRZYNEK
Extractions: Click on each name to read more about the artists. Monday, 10 February MIKHAIL OVRUTSKY (violin), SONYA OVRUTSKY (piano) Wednesday, 5 March HANNA VAN NIEKERK (soprano), ANNEKE LAMONT (piano) Saturday, 22 March JÉRÔME PERNOO (cello), JÉRÔME DUCROS (piano) Saturday, 26 April ALDO LAGRUTTA (guitar) Saturday, 24 May THE CROWSON STRING QUARTET and MARIA REINDERS (clarinet) Saturday, 21 June AVIRAM REICHERT (piano) Saturday, 19 July Saturday, 23 August THE SONG CIRCLE Sunday, 21 September AVIV STRING QUARTET and pianist DROV BIRAN Wednesday, 15 October Wednesday, 29 October THE SWANWYK TRIO Saturday, 15 November ADAM ALEKSANDER WEGRZYNEK (piano) To subscribe to all six concerts in each season and save money, go to our Subscription page. Tickets for individual concerts may be bought: at Computicket outlets by telephone using a credit card: Computicket call centre 083 915 8100 Monday - Wednesday 09h00 - 17h00, Thursday - Saturday 09h00 - 18h00 online through Computicket Programme About the Cape Town Concert Series The Venue ... Home