Topological Geometrodynamics An attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8dimensional space. Book in PDF by Matti PitkĀ¤nen, Helsinki.
Johns Hopkins /Applied Physics Lab - Office Of Technology Transfer JHU/APL OTT offers business industry cuttingedge inventions in Biomedical, Sensor, Electronics, Modeling Simulation, Information Processing, Materials Structures, space Environmental physics, Communication, System Analysis and Vehicle technologies.
A New Look At The Basic Laws Of The Universe of physics based on discrete time and space and their effect on the basic laws of physics including the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Real Space Battles A site devoted to discussion and research into what space warfare would actually be like given real world physics. Includes a messageboard.
Origin Of Universe, Big Bang And Gravity New physics theory on density of space, matter and space energy, elementary particle, mass, magnetism, nonexistence of charge, speed of light, time and anti-gravity.
The Sun-Earth Connection An introduction to space plasma physics provided by Auburn University's space Plasma physics Page. Covers the sunearth connection, the sun, solar wind, the magnetospere, and aurorae.
Yohkoh Public Outreach Project Solar educational resources from the Yohkoh Xray telescope space mission. Includes images, movies, educational resources, and a tour of the Sun.
Homework Help Provides links related to art, drama, chemistry, math, math, biology, physics, science, space, library, literature, geoscience, astronomy, history, and music.
Future Talk With Zoh Hieronimus Where the modern scientific and ancient mystic worlds meet. Get cutting edge research in physics, technology, consciousness, space exploration, geopolitics, and spiritual traditions. An on-line and on-air talk show and electronic ezine presented and hosted by Zoh Hieronimus.
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics The Solar physics Branch of Marshall space Flight Center's (MSFC) space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) is composed of 15 scientists involved in various studies of the physics of the Sun.
Korman, Ben - Bkspace Pages on his interests, including space, physics, science fiction, politics, and music.
Department Of Physics And Astronomy Research groups in xray and observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, and space projects and instrumentation.
National Space Science And Technology Center (NSSTC) Collaborative research and education initiative focused on selected key scientific disciplines. Including the disciplines of earth science, space science, materials science, biotechnology, advanced optics technology, space propulsion physics and information technology.
Halifax Planetarium Located in Dalhousie's physics building. Shows space exploration, creation of the universe, life of stars, recognizing constellations, and prominent constellations and planets.
Solar Terrestrial Influences Laboratory Provides fundamental and applied research in the field of solarterrestrial physics, in situ and remote investigation of the geosphere, planets and the interplanetary space.
The University Of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) Graduate education and research institution in engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Student handbook, information about degrees and courses offered, and other information.