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1. Cuttlefish Bones (1920-1927) by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 304
list price: US$13.95 -- used & new: US$8.69 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0393311716 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (2)
2. Satura: Poems by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
list price: US$13.00 -- used & new: US$8.97 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0393319776 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description A quarter-century after its first appearance, Satura remains so canny, and sotuned in to the Zeitgeist, that it could have been written yesterday. Thenomenclature of the electronic age may have changed, for example, but thatdoesn't keep us from responding to Montale's witty and rueful ambivalenceabout technological progress in "Late at Night": "There's no conversingwith shades / on the telephone. / No loudspeaker or mike boom / appears inour mute dialogues." The volume also contains "Xenia," one of the mostpainful, incisive, and moving poems ever written about married love.Montale addressed his earlier books to the Petrarchan figure of "Clizia"--acomposite of an ideal woman and a real one, the American scholar IrmaBrandeis. Here, in "Xenia," he addresses his dead wife, Mosca: Customer Reviews (1)
3. The Expression of the Inexpressible in Eugenio Montale's Poetry: Metaphor, Negation, and Silence (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs) by ClodaghJ. Brook | |
![]() | Hardcover: 240
list price: US$175.00 -- used & new: US$174.03 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0199248982 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
4. Otherwise: Last and first poems of Eugenio Montale by Eugenio Montale | |
Hardcover: 159
Isbn: 0394529634 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
5. Collected Poems, 1920-1954: Revised Bilingual Edition by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 640
list price: US$25.00 -- used & new: US$13.35 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0374526257 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Opera's loss was poetry's gain. Eugenio Montale, the 1975 Nobel Prizewinner in literature and one of Italy's greatest poets, originally aspiredto be an opera singer. Born in Genoa in 1896, Montale was a delicate child,his health precluding him from getting a formal education; instead, hespent his youth reading philosophy, literature, and Italian classics, andtraining as a baritone. World War I found him serving as an infantryofficer on the Austrian front. Upon his return to civilian life, Montale took up singing again, but after the death of his voice teacher in 1923, heabandoned his operatic hopes. Just two years later, he published his firstcollection of poetry, Cuttlefish Bones. Over thenext 50 years, Montale would produce many poems in between his work as ajournalist; Jonathan Galassi's Collected Poems 1920-1954, however,concentrates on three collections that are, arguably, his masterpieces:Cuttlefish Bones (1925); The Occasions (1948); and TheStorm, Etc. (1956). In addition to Galassi's excellent translations, two other things stand outabout this book: one is that both Italian and English versions canbe read side by side; the other is that Galassi has thoroughly annotatedthese poems, placing Montale's challenging work in its historical, cultural,and personal context. We are told, for example, that "Leaving a Dove"is, in part, about the poet's abandonment of an old lover for a new one.Such information adds piquancy to the imagery and depth to the reader'sappreciation. --Alix Wilber Customer Reviews (6)
Galassi's translations are accurate as far as the meaning goes, but do not sufficiently mirror the sound of Montale's brilliant Italian, and in several poems they do not translate the mood, the essence of Montale's poetic vision. Arrowsmith's translations have always seemed wonderful to me because they capture Montale's emotion (especially the sly irony of SATURA) and remain faithful to the sound of the Italian. If one wishes to read Montale's poems in English, I would highly suggest you purchase William Arrowsmith's translations. Arrowsmith translated not only Montale's first three books as Galassi only did, but also his retrospective SATURA, some of his best poetry. This edition by Galassi does warrant recognition, however, for one thing. His attached essay, "Reading Montale," does a great deal for the unfamiliar reader to explain the nature of Montale's "Clizia" mythos, and his analysis of the cicada symbol teaches the reader to appreciate Montale's complex symbolism. ... Read more |
6. Montale in English by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 296
list price: US$17.00 -- used & new: US$8.78 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1590511271 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Montale in English draws on the poet's eight major collections, bringing together translations, adaptations, and homages by fifty-eight American, English, Scottish, Australian, and Italian poets and scholars, including Samuel Beckett, David Ferry, Jonathan Galassi, Jorie Graham, Robert Lowell, Edwin Morgan, and Charles Wright. The editor's introduction gives a precise account of the history of Montale's reception in English, and by providing an analysis of four translations of a single poem, contributes to the controversial issue of poetic translation. |
7. Selected Poems by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 142
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$16.61 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0932440983 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description This volume, which draws on the entire corpus of Montale's work, brings together three of his most experienced and effective translators. Customer Reviews (1)
8. The Storm and Other Poems by Eugenio Montale | |
![]() | Paperback: 141
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$5.80 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0932440010 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) won the Nobel Prize for Poetry in 1975. The major American poet Charles Wright, his translator, has won the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, among other honors. |
9. The Occasions by Eugenio Montale | |
Hardcover: 169
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$65.83 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0393023168 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (1)
In 1933 Eugenio Montale became acquainted with Irma Brandeis, a Jewish-American scholar of Italian literature (her work on Dante's Comedy, THE LADDER OF VISION, was acclaimed upon its appearance in the 1960's). He saw he only occasionally, but his few encounters with her captured his heart until his imagination of her ceased to be literal, and she became, like Beatrice to Dante, a redemptrix and mediatrix. The key part of THE OCCASIONS, the sequence of 21 poems called "The Motets" deals solely with "Clizia", as Montale called this ideal. The Motets have been called love poems, but there is no syrupy romanticism within them. Instead, they are metaphysical poems, in which Montale adores Clizia because he sees in her the divine. A common theme is departure or distance. In the first motet, "You know: I must leave you again...", the poet expresses his despair at another departure from his beloved. Montale's transcendental imagination of Clizia is shown its ending lines "I look for the lost/ sign, the only pledge I had of your/ grace. / And hell is certain." While the Motets traditionally have received the most attention, the other parts of THE OCCASIONS are also superb. In "Dora Markus", Montale muses on a Jewish woman he imagined at the seaside. She looks across the ocean at place that is her homeland but where she has never lived. Arrowsmith excellently translates Montale's sly irony in part as "Your restlessness reminds me/of those migratory birds that thump against the lighthouse/on stormy nights: /even your sweetness is a stoms/whose raging's unseen/whose lulls are even rarer." In "The Coastguard Station", one of his more popular poems and taught in many Italian schools, Montale reflects on a building that stands out in his memories of youth, but which his companion cannot remember. Among the several translations in English I prefer William Arrowsmith's. While Jonathan Galassi has published the more recent collection of translations of Montale and thus has received more attention lately, I believe that Arrowsmith's are stronger poetically. Galassi was dedicated towards translating above all else the meaning of Montale's poetry and trying to make his symbolism more penetrable for the reader in English, as a result the sound of his translation do not sound very poetic. Arrowsmith, on the other hand, was a genuine poet and rendered Montale's verse in such a way that its sound was preserved rather well. Of course, no single translator can bring every aspect of this great poet across perfectly, and that's why if one is a great admirer of Montale's works, acquiring his verse translated in English by more than a single translator is a good idea. Even after I was able to read Montale's poetry in the original Italian, I remained fascinated with how various people handled the difficult task of rendering him in a language so different. I was a bit disappointed by the notes included to shed light on a few poems. Nowhere does Arrowsmith mention, like most critics would immediately, the biographical details that led to the creation of Clizia out of Irma Brandeis. While Montale's poetry here is intensely personal and hermetic, knowing something about his life during the 1930's helps immensely. Perhaps it was because Brandeis was still alive and active in letters when this translation came out, but considering that it was publically known that she inspired Clizia for 40 years before, I don't understand why Arrowsmith was reluctant to give the same background details any translator or critic would. The other weakness of the notes is that they are written as if for someone already quite knowledgeable in Montale criticism. However, someone who knows enough to make use of the notes would probably not be reading this layman's edition in English but would follow the criticism published in Italy. If you've never read anything by Montale, I'd suggest getting the paperback SELECTED POEMS published by New Directions. It contains some of the strongest and clearest pieces from his three volumes of poetry up to 1965. If you like the works of this fascinating poet, I'd suggest going on to the individual volumes in these translations of William Arrowsmith. ... Read more |
10. The Second Life of Art Selected Essays by Eugenio Montale, Jonathan Galassi | |
Paperback: 354
list price: US$14.00 -- used & new: US$28.63 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B000H2MSEW Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
11. From Eugenio Montale to Amelia Rosselli: Italian Poetry in the Sixties and Seventies | |
![]() | Paperback: 244
list price: US$24.00 -- used & new: US$15.79 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1904744508 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
12. Eugenio Montale: Poet on the Edge by Rebecca J. West | |
Hardcover: 210
list price: US$45.00 -- used & new: US$45.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674269101 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
13. Eugenio Montale: A Critical Study of His Poetry, Prose and Criticism by G. Singh | |
Hardcover: 310
Isbn: 0300014422 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
14. Eugenio Montale (Twayne's World Authors Series) by Jared Becker | |
Hardcover: 224
list price: US$32.00 Isbn: 0805766332 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
15. Akustische Dimensionen und musikalische Parallelen in der Lyrik der "Poeti-Musicisti" Eugenio Montale und Giorgio Caproni: Sprachklang, Klangbezeichnungen, ... romanistische Arbeiten) (German Edition) by Ulrich Fusen | |
Paperback: 341
Isbn: 2600000933 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
16. Concordanza del "Diario postumo" di Eugenio Montale: Facsimile dei manoscritti, testo, concordanza (Strumenti di lessicografia letteraria italiana) (Italian Edition) by Giuseppe Savoca | |
Paperback: 133
Isbn: 8822245628 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
17. UNA Dolcezza Inquieta: L'Universo Poetico DI Eugenio Montale (Italian Edition) | |
Paperback: 272
Isbn: 884355459X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
18. Eugenio Montale (Biblioteca degli scrittori) (Italian Edition) by Giuseppe Marcenaro | |
Paperback: 213
Isbn: 8842494593 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
19. Eugenio Montale (Writers of Italy series) by Guido Almansi, B. Merry | |
Hardcover: 168
Isbn: 0852242980 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
20. Zeit und Poetik in der Lyrik Eugenio Montales: Von den "Ossi di seppia" zum "Diario del '71 e del '72" (Bonner romanistische Arbeiten) (German Edition) by Angelina Monego | |
Perfect Paperback: 293
Isbn: 3631497547 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
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