Editorial Review Product Description One of the truly great scientists of our time reveals the mystery of Man, his mind, and body and soul. Hundreds of thousands of readers are finding in these simple, vital pages new hope, new courage, stronger spiritual belief. ... Read more Customer Reviews (1)
Man the Unknown.
_Man the Unknown_ (1935) by Nobel Prize winning biologist Alexis Carrel is a work of philosophy written by a "man of science" which attempts to provide an understanding of the human being in terms of what is known and can be known and the unknown nature of man.Alexis Carrel (1873 - 1944) was a French surgeon and biologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.Carrel worked in both the United States and Europe where he spent time at the Rockefeller Instititute for Medical Research.This book considers the need for a better knowledge of man, maintaining that man in fact largely remains an unknown.Carrel expresses concerns over the rise of the modern world and the growth of large cities and modern forms of entertainment.Carrel sees much of modernity as having a degenerative effect on mankind, leading to the rise of a vast unproductive class, a level of degeneracy among the children of vast fortunes, and an increase in nervous disorders and feeble-mindedness as well as criminal activity.Carrel explains man in terms of his physiology and biology and explains how these sciences relate to his psychology.Carrel also explains the role of science but also argues for faith and notes results obtained in the field of parapsychology.Carrel advocates a eugenics intellectual elite be set up to guide human breeding and advocates harsh measures be taken against criminal activity, including the death penalty for the worst sorts of criminal activity.
This book includes the following chapters-
Preface - explains the author's role as a scientist and a keen observer of humanity.Notes the importance of science for the modern world and explains how the author came to see the need for a new knowledge of man.Explains how modern civilization cannot be allowed to continue along its present course and must be guided properly to avoid further degeneration of the human condition and the beauty of civilization.
The Need of a Better Knowledge of Man - explains the slower progress in the sciences of life than in those of inert matter and explains how this has led to a general ignorance of the nature of man.Notes the difficulties encountered by modern man in his world and contrasts this to the life of our ancestors.Explains how science and technology have modified the environment of humanity and altered the habits of man.Contrasts the old feudal system to that of the modern city and notes some of the unintended consequences of such a change.Notes how further developments in medicine have increased human life expectancy but also led to many unintended consequences including a rise in nervous disorders (also brought about by increased stressors of modern life).Explains how many of these changes were made with a complete disregard for the nature of man and the need for a more complete knowledge of ourselves.
The Science of Man - explains the need for a science of man, the role of operational concepts and its applications to human beings, the need for a complete survey of the existence of man leaving no part out, and explains how the science of man is to be more important than all other sciences.The author notes that in the new science of man unexplainable facts are not to be ignored and distinguishes between man as body and soul.The author notes the role of physiology in understanding the human body and the role of intelligent animals in furthering our knowledge of physiology as well as many of the difficulties encountered in scientific experimentation.
Body and Physiological Activities - explains the dual aspect of man and the role of consciousness and states of consciousness in man.Notes the role of cell types that compose the human organism, the role of blood, the importance of nutrition (as well as the changes undergone in nutrition in the transition to modern society), digestion and the role of food, sexual functions, the role of the nervous system and the prominence of nervous diseases in relation to modern stressors, both the fragility and robustness of the body (explaining how modern conditions have resulted frequently in bodily fragility or mental and moralweakness), and factors involved in health and the role of disease.
Mental Activities - explains the role of man's mental activities and the role of psychology, considering man as composed of body and soul.Explains the role of intellectual activities and their measurement, the role of scientific certainty, intuition, logical and intuitive understandings, and the role of parapsychology including clairvoyance and telepathy. The author contrasts faith with scientific knowledge and maintains that the certainties of faith are similar to the knowledge obtained through clairvoyance as opposed to scientific knowledge.The author considers the role of moral activities and the decline in moral robustness with the rise of modernity.The author relates these to other consciousness activities, the role of intellectual, aesthetic, and mystic activities, the relationship between physiological and mental activities as well as the role of mystical states, meditation versus action, prayer, and miracles.The author notes the atrophy of consciousness, the decline in the moral state (contrasting the high morality of the Catholic saints with the general low moral standing of the modern individual), and the role of mental diseases including feeble-mindedness as well as mental degeneracy resulting from modern conditions.
Inward Time - notes the importance of the conscious sense of inward time, explaining the notions of duration, extension and measurement, and relating measurement to inward time.Relates these issues to modern physical theory including that of Einstein and others, and explains the characteristics of physiological time.Notes the role of human longetivity but contrasts biological time to inward time, explaining how aging may affect men differently.Advocates artificial rejuvenation as a means for slowing down the process of aging in mankind but notes some of the difficulties and unintended consequences encountered through such procedures.Explains further issues involving physiological time and the individual as well as the role of rhythm.
Adaptive Functions - notes the importance of the adaptive functions for duration, examines the regulation of the blood, repair of tissues, the role of modern surgery, the role of diseases and immunity to disease, both artificial and natural health, changes imposed upon the body by adaptive functions, and adaptation to social environment.The author maintains that adaptation to social environment has been impeded and that modern civilization has led to a general sloughing off of adaptive function.
The Individual - explains the human being versus the individual in the quarrel between realists and nominalists (in scholastic philosophy).Notes the individuality of tissues and humors, characteristics of personality, individuality and disease, and modern medicine and the role of Universals.The author contrasts behaviorists who believe that environment contributes to development and geneticists who frequently advocate a system of eugenics.The author explains the temporal extension of the individual and notes that both realism and nominalism are indispensable for the understanding of man as both human being and individual.
The Remaking of Man - the author maintains that a new science of man can lead to his rejuvenation following a period of modern decline.Here the author lays out some of his schemes for the improvement of society.The author explains the necessity for a change in intellectual outlook and some of the errors made by the Renaissance.The author notes that science has become more compartmentalized and it has become impossible for single individuals to master all of science and explains the need for improvements in the sciences.The author explains how individuals are to be selected into social and biological classes.The author advocates the creation of an elite based on voluntary eugenics and a hereditary aristocracy.This is in contrast to the degeneracy of modern aristocracy which fails to achieve the accomplishments of their forebearers.The author explains the important physical and chemical factors in the formation of the individual, the role of physiological factors, mental factors, health, and the development of the personality.The author calls for harsh measures to be taken against criminals, including the use of corporal and capital punishment for the worst offenders.Finally, the author explains how this new science of man will lead to his remaking and a new understanding of the human universe.
While this book is certainly dated it provides an interesting philosophical study of the role of man and society and the relationship between modern science and civilization.The author concerns himself largely with problems that have resulted from modern civilization, the rise of degeneracy, and the role of criminality.Many of these problems continue to plague the modern world continuing on from the early 20th century when they played a more prominent role in the thought of humanity's intellectuals. I felt that this work was interesting for what it had to say about such effects of modernity and their role in society.
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