A S B Genève Ms. jody williams, 1997 nobel Peace Laureate, which she received with the InternationalCampaign to Ban Landmines, visited Burma this week, carrying personal http://www.birmanie.int.ch/Nouvelles/news052003.htm
Extractions: (Référence web) Bangkok, Thailand, 18-Feb-2003) On Nonviolence International Southeast Asia Letterhead Photo: ICBL Ms. Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate, which she received with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines , visited Burma this week, carrying personal messages of support from fellow Nobel Peace laureates Rigobera Menchu Tum, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Oscar Arias, Joseph Rotblat, Norman Borlaug, Betty Williams, Mairead McGuire, to Burmas country-bound Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. It was the first visit to Ms. Suu Kyi by another Nobel Peace Laureate since she received the award while under house arrest in 1991. Ms. Williams visited Ms. Suu Kyi at her home near Inya Lake in Rangoon, where they discussed the current state of movements toward peace within the country, efforts to meet humanitarian needs and the increasing numbers of landmines being used in the countries internal wars. There is no way for the SPDC to escape dialogue if we want to achieve a peaceful transition, said Ms Suu Kyi, who encouraged solidarity and support for the overall process of democratization in Burma. Ms. Williams noted after the meeting, Outside of the country there is the usual debate about whether outside pressure helps or hinders the dialogue process. On this point Suu Kyi was very clear that pressure both inside and outside the country are critical to bringing about democracy in Burma, and noted that such pressure has already made a difference.
Nobel Za Walkê Z Minami, My A Trzeci ¦wiat Nr 2 (21) Jest to tym razem jedyny nobel , który nie wywolal kontrowersji. Komitet Noblowskiprzy norweskim parlamencie wyróznil Amerykanke jody williams (47 lat http://maitri.diecezja.gda.pl/gazetka/my_21/html/miny1.htm
Extractions: Ruchu Solidarno¶ci z Ubogimi Trzeciego ¦wiata MAITRI Nr 2 (21) luty 1998 1.12.97 r., w rocznicê ¶mierci Alfreda Nobla, w ratuszu w Oslo wrêczono Pokojow± Nagrodê Nobla za rok 1997. Jest to tym razem jedyny "Nobel", który nie wywo³a³ kontrowersji. Komitet Noblowski przy norweskim parlamencie wyró¿ni³ Amerykankê Jody Williams (47 lat) oraz koordynowany przez ni± ruch "Miêdzynarodowa Kampania na rzecz Zakazu Min Przeciwpiechotnych" (ICBL). Reprezentowa³ go pozbawiony obu nóg Tun Charannaretha z Kambod¿y, ofiara min. ICBL zrodzi³a siê w 1992 r. z inicjatywy Fundacji Amerykañskich Weteranów Wojny Wietnamskiej (Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation). Jest to lu¼na sieæ, skupiaj±ca ponad tysi±c organizacji pozarz±dowych (równie¿ ko¶cielnych) z prawie 60 krajów. Jody Williams , od lat uczestnicz±ca w dzia³alno¶ci Kampanii i akcjach rozminowywania, jest koordynatorem Kampanii, jej rzeczniczk± oraz "sercem i g³ow±". Znacz±c± postaci± Kampanii by³a m.in. ksiê¿niczka Diana, która w ostatnich miesi±cach swego ¿ycia sta³a siê przewodni± postaci± walki z minami na arenie miêdzynarodowej. Francja zaproponowa³a, by traktat zadedykowaæ ksiê¿niczce Dianie. Dyplom i czek na sumê 960 tys. dolarów wrêczy³ laureatom przewodnicz±cy Komitetu, Francis Sejarsted, w obecno¶ci króla Norwegii Haralda V. - "Przed nami jeszcze wiele do zrobienia - powiedzia³a Jody Williams. -"Konwencji nie podpisali najwiêksi producenci i u¿ytkownicy min: Chiny, Rosja i USA. Stale tkwi± w ziemi dziesi±tki milionów min w Afganistanie, Angoli, Bo¶ni czy Kambod¿y."
USF School Of Law Center For Law And Global Justice Opening nobel Peace Prize Laureate, jody williams was the honored guest at the Dedication. JeffBrand. Judd Iversen. nobel Laureate jody williams. Mayor Willie Brown. http://www.usfca.edu/law/globaljustice/opening.html
Extractions: USF School of Law Center for Law and Global Justice Opening On Monday, April 12, 1999, the University of San Francisco community celebrated the dedication of the Law Schools Center for Law and Global Justice. Hosted by Law School Dean and Chairman of the Center, Jeffrey S. Brand and Center Executive Director, Judd C. Iversen, the receptions overriding theme was conceptualizing justice globally and effecting justice through devotion and hard work. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Jody Williams was the honored guest at the Dedication. The event took place at USFs Gleeson Library in the Thacher Gallery which housed a temporary art exhibit installed in conjunction with the Centers opening. The art exhibit, which was one of the celebrations centerpieces, had two distinct parts. The first part of the exhibit was a set of poignant and often disturbing photographs by Don Doll, S.J. called "Snakes in the Grass: the Deadly Legacy of Landmines." As its title promised, this set of photographs depicted the "legacy of landmines" wounded and maimed innocents who suffer years, even decades, after the wars are over. But Don Dolls very moving work also captured the strength of spirit which victims can show in the face of such terror. The second part of the art exhibit consisted of work contributed by USF law students, faculty, staff and alumni. The theme was "the art of peace and justice," and every piece was accompanied by a brief description of how it pertained to this idea. The richness of this exhibit demonstrated the depth and range of talent and interest among the USF law community. A noteworthy feature of the exhibit was the remarkable collection of photographs from Cambodia by Daniel Milnor.
Welcome To The Hollywood Film Festival® Tum nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu - nobel Peace Prize Laureate,Ms. jody williams - nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and Ms. Janet Yang http://www.hff.org/media.html
Jody Williams Return Of A Legend - PopMatters Music Review Now, that name might ring a bell, but this is not the same jody williams, the ladywho won the nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her long campaign to ban landmines http://www.popmatters.com/music/reviews/w/williamsjody-return.shtml
Statement By Jody Williams Statement by jody williams Iowans to Ban Landmines Press Conference January 7, 2000Des Moines As nobel Laureate for Peace, I am asked to speak all over the http://www.phrusa.org/campaigns/landmines/land_williams.html
Extractions: Des Moines As Nobel Laureate for Peace, I am asked to speak all over the world. As the Ambassador for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, I have been pleased to have the Nobel status because it gives us access to people all over the world that we would not have had access to five years ago. I mention this because recently I was in Japan and had a briefing with Prime Minister Oguchi. The Prime Minister, I am not sure many of you know, took a very courageous stand in opposing the U.S. position and signed the treaty. Back to Campaigns
Nobel Process Kept Secret B. Prusiner International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and jody williams RobertC nobody outside the committee has a clue nobel committee observer, By http://archive.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/nobel110_process/
Peace Prizewinner Lashes Out international law, until the countries sign it and destroy their stockpiles, itis just beautiful words on paper. nobel Prize winner jody williams http://archive.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/nobel_peace109/
Pacific Lutheran Scene, Spring 1998 Rebecca Larson '75 (left) and 1997 nobel Peace Prize winner jody williams are excitedthat their work to ban landmines is now receiving worldwide attention. http://www.plu.edu/print/scene/spr98/treaty.html
Extractions: S P R I N G 1 9 9 8 B Y R E B E C C A L A R S O N ' 7 5 , S T E E R I N G C O M M I T T E E C H A I R , I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O M M I T T E E T O B A N L A N D M I N E S Rebecca Larson '75 (left) and 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams are excited that their work to ban landmines is now receiving worldwide attention. On Dec. 10, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and to its coordinator, Jody Williams. Attending the awards ceremony in Oslo, Norway, on behalf of the ICBL was Rebecca Larson '75. Larson works with the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva, where her responsibilities include coordinating the involvement of Lutheran churches around the world in the ICBL. For the past four years, she has chaired the steering committee of the ICBL and helped shape the strategy of the campaign, which led to an historic international treaty to ban landmines, signed in Ottawa, Canada, in December 1997.
Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Q-Z (Peace) nobel Peace Prize Winner (1976). OTHER World Book Online Article on QUIDDE World BookOnline Article on williams, jody; Quidde, Ludwig (1927); Renault, Louis (1907 http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Bio
Meet Nobel Prize Winner Jody Williams - Dec. 1 @ 12:30 Pm meet nobel Prize winner jody williams Dec. 1 @ 1230 pm. To events listserver opirg-events@ox.org ; Subject meet nobel Prize winner jody williams - Dec. http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/lists/html/opirg-events/1998/msg00060.html
Extractions: Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index Come and greet the Ban Bus with Nobel Prize Winner Jody Williams and Campaigners and Landmine Survivors from around the world Arriving in Ottawa after a cross-continent tour for the landmines ban treaty signing conference 12:30, 1 December 1997 at the Conference Centre, Rideau Street Entrance (Opposite the Chateau Laurier) - This is the OPIRG-events@ox.org list. Announcement only please. To unsubscribe, send email to opirg-events-request@ox.org, and put "unsubscribe" in the body. Prev by Date: Next by Date: Snowmobiles in Gatineau Park? Prev by thread: Next by thread: Snowmobiles in Gatineau Park? Index(es): Main Thread
Extractions: Reluctant Partners: Including NGOs in Conflict Management Policy-Making, Heidi Jackson REFERENCES Axworthy, Lloyd. (1997). "Notes for an Address by the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Oslo NGO forum on Banning Anti-Personnel Landmines" DFAIT Statement (Oslo: September 10). Axworthy, Lloyd. (1998). "Lessons From the Ottawa Process" Canadian Foreign Policy 5:3 (Spring): 1-2. Axworthy, Lloyd (1999). "Kosovo and the Human Security Agenda" Notes for an Address by the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Relations, Princeton University, April 7. [ www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/english/news/statements/99_state/99_028-3.htm Cameron, Maxwell A (1998). "Democratization of Foreign Policy: The Ottawa Process as a Model" Canadian Foreign Policy 5:3 (Spring): 147-165. Cameron, Maxwell, Robert J. Lawson and Brian W. Tomlin (1998). "To Walk Without Fear" in Maxwell Cameron, Robert J. Lawson and Brian W. Tomlin (eds.) To Walk Without Fear: The Global Movement to Ban Landmines (Toronto: Oxford University Press).
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Praises Canadians These were the opening words that jody williams, 1997 nobel PeacePrize recipient delivered when speaking at Carleton on Monday. http://www.carleton.ca/duc/tic/twac/97/nov6/s2.html
Extractions: These were the opening words that Jody Williams, 1997 Nobel Peace Prize recipient delivered when speaking at Carleton on Monday. Williams praised Canada, particularly the Canadian government in taking the lead to universally ban anti-personnel landmines. "Canada rose to the challenge," said Williams, the Founder and Co-ordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. "You should be very proud of your government. They have done a great thing." Williams is referring to the Ottawa Process, a challenge that Minister of Foreign Affairs Lloyd Axworthy issued in 1996 at an Ottawa conference titled, "Towards a Global Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines." Axworthy invited all 50 participating nations and 24 observer nations back to Canada in December, 1997 to sign an international treaty to ban landmines. This December, after a year of lobbying the issues, 120 nations have expressed their commitment to sign a treaty that will ban the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of anti-personnel landmines. "It was NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that forced governments to look at the issue, forced governments to realize that landmines are a humanitarian crisis and forced governments to realize that this issue needs a rapid response," said Williams before a packed lecture theatre. "This is the first time in history that a weapon will be banned that is currently in widespread use."
La Revue De L'année 1997 Translate this page jody williams, récipiendaire du nobel de la Paix, et la Princesse Diana. Prixnobel de la Paix 1997 - jody williams Page sur la lauréate jody williams. http://radio-canada.ca/tv/decouverte/14_revue/2a.html
Extractions: The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its global efforts to eradicate antipersonnel landmines. The Peace Prize was awarded jointly to coordinator Jody Williams of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF) and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Bobby Muller , President of VVAF and co-founder of the International Campaign said, We are pleased that the International Campaign is being honored by the Nobel Committee for our work to ban this insidious, indiscriminate weapon. Each of the 1,000 organizations in the coalition share this honor. The ICBL brings together humanitarian, human rights, peace, veterans, medical, development, arms control, religious, environmental and womens groups in common call for a complete ban on antipersonnel mines. We sincerely hope that this award will lead to a full worldwide ban that will include the United States, which has yet to show support for this effort, Muller said. With Russias decision today to join the treaty ban, the company the U.S. keeps has been reduced to the likes of Iraq, Iran, and China. It saddens me that we are aligning ourselves with the rogue nations of the world when we should be showing leadership.
Nobel Peace Prize Norwegian nobel Institute Lectures, Doctors Without Borders 1999, John Hume 1998,David Trimble 1998. International Campaign to Ban Landmines 1997, jody williams http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/camp/hands/nobel/default.htm
Three Win Physics Nobel B. Prusiner International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and jody williams RobertC French scientist Claude CohenTannoudji were awarded the nobel Prize in http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/nobelscience1015/
Www.kadinlar.com - KADIN medyada epey gözdeydi. jody williams 1997 yilinda, mayin kampanyasiiçin nobel Baris ödülünü kazandi. Ama bu ödül http://www.kadinlar.com/kadin/jodi.htm
Extractions: "Amerika Birleþik Devletleri Kara Mayýnlarý Anlaþmasýný hemen ve þimdi imzalamalý. 8 yýl dünya için, beklemek için, çok uzun bir süre. Baþkan Clinton bunu þimdi imzalayarak önümüzdeki yüzyýlýn çocuklarý için mükemmel bir Kara Mayýnlarý Yasaðý Mirasý býrakmýþ olacak". (Jody Williams, Aralýk 1998) JODY Williams'ý pek çoðunuz tanýmayabilirsiniz. Jody, Amerikalý genç bir kadýn ve kara mayýnlarýnýn yasaklanmasý için 1992'de uluslararasý kampanya baþlatan kiþi. Prenses Diana, ölümünden kýsa bir süre önce bu kampanyaya destek vermek için epey ülke dolaþmýþtý. Blucini, kollarýný dirseðine kadar sývadýðý beyaz gömleði ve topuksuz ayakkabýlarýyla mayýn tarlalarýnda çektirdiði resimler bir zamanlar medyada epey gözdeydi. Jody Williams 1997 yýlýnda, mayýn kampanyasý için Nobel Barýþ ödülünü kazandý. Ama bu ödül þimdiden boþa gitti, çünkü Sýrplarýn, Kosovalý Arnavutlar'ýn kaçmalarýný önlemek için Makedonya sýnýrýna mayýn döþediklerini öðrendiðimde Jody, aklýma geldi. Mayýn kurbaný binlerce kiþinin arasýna þimdi, kapana kýstýrýlmýþ Kosovalý Arnavutlar da katýldý. . Jody'nin mayýn kampanyasýyla birlikte boþa giden bir Nobel daha deðil mi? Dünyanýn her tarafýnda milyonlarca kara mayýný döþeli. Bunlar, her gün masum sivilleri tehdit ediyorlar. Bu nedenle yýlda yaklaþýk 26,000 kiþi ölüyor ya da yaralanýyor. Bu yýkýcý ve gereksiz ölüm oyuncaklarýnýn üretimi, kullanýmý, depolanmasý ve nakliyesini yasaklamak için Jody, Uluslararasý bir anlaþma hazýrladý. Bu anlaþma 1997'de 81 ülkede onaylandý ve 135 ülkede ise imzalandý. Jody ve Kampanyasý 1997'de çabalarýna karþýlýk olarak Nobel ödülü ile ödüllendirildiler.
Jody William's Speech My name is jody williams, and I was the founding coordinator of the International toBan Landmines and myself were the recipients of the nobel Peace Prize. http://www.banminesusa.org/urg_act/995_speech/jwilliamspch.html
Extractions: Ban Landmines Week Press Conference, Thursday March 8, 2001 I've asked Song Kosal to stand with me so we don't forget for one second why we're here. My name is Jody Williams, and I was the founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. I currently serve as its international ambassador. In 1997 the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and myself were the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. When we were awarded the prize, the Nobel committee said that we had made a utopian dream a reality. Unfortunately there is still a huge gap in that reality. I am a US citizen and yet my country stays outside the treaty. The sole remaining superpower needs to join this treaty. We're told that American citizens don't care about this issue. I ask the new administration to look out the window and rethink that position. There are people from 47 states of the United States of America here to show that yes, in fact, we do care about this issue. Last week I went to Missouri - Is Ken Rutherford here? Professor Rutherford at SMSU, Southwestern Missouri State University, a founder of the Landmine Survivors Network, was blown up by a landmine helping others in Somalia, knows personally the pain, invited me to come and speak with his students and the people of Missouri. There were hundreds in the audience, so don't tell me US citizens don't care.
Nobelpreisträgerinnen Translate this page Sie regte Alfred nobel zur Stiftung des Friedensnobelpreises an. 1931 -Jane Addams (*1860, 1935), USA. 1997 - jody williams (*1950) USA. http://home.t-online.de/home/d.g.p.meinhard/frauen/nobel.html