ZKM | Veranstaltungen 03-04/2003 Lehn Translate this page ZKM_Veranstaltungen. JeanMarie lehn Von Materie zum Leben Chemie? Chemie!Vortrag im Rahmen der Ausstellung science + fiction. 25. April 2003. http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/stories/storyReader$3208
Proxinews.com - Quotidien D'information Régionale En Ligne Translate this page Dernier rendez-vous de l'ESIEE pour cette année, jeudi 18 décembre à 18h, Jean-MarieLehn , prix nobel de chimie en 1987, 1er Français à recevoir cette http://www.proxinews.com/asp/article.asp?idrub=5&idarticle=2319
Embassy Of France In Australia - Media Release 10/96 6216 0132. PR/10/96. MEDIA RELEASE. VISIT OF PROFESSOR JEANMARIELEHN WINNER OF THE nobel PRIZE FOR CHEMISTRY (1987). Professor Jean http://www.ambafrance-au.org/media/pages/1996/1096.en.htm
Extractions: WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR CHEMISTRY (1987) Professor Jean-Marie Lehn will shortly be visiting Australia at the invitation of a number of Australian universities to give a series of lectures in the field of supramolecular chemistry. He will giving lectures in Perth on April 29, Melbourne on April 30, Canberra on May 1 to 3, Sydney on May 6 to 8 and Townsville on May 9 and 10. Jean-Marie Lehn was born in Rosheim, France in 1939. He received his Doctorate from the University of Strasbourg in 1963 and the following year he joined the group at Harvard University which succeeded in the total synthesis of vitamin B12. Returning to Strasbourg, he worked on the frontier between organic and physical chemistry, gaining international recognition in 1968 for the synthesis of cryptands, molecules that 'capture' ions to create new chemical compounds. This led to his research on molecular recognition (the way in which a receptor molecule recognises and selectively binds a substrate), which is at the basis of fundamental biological processes. For these studies Lehn received the Nobel Prize in 1987. His work has defined a new field of chemistry, which he has proposed calling "supramolecular chemistry". Jean-Marie Lehn is Professor at the Collège de France in Paris. He is the author of more than 450 scientific publications, a member of several of the world's most prestigious academies and has received numerous international honours and awards.
Dipartimento Di Scienza Dei Materiali - I Nobel Translate this page I nobel. Nel corso della storia numerosi premi nobel sono stati attribuiti per ricerchestrettamente collegate con quella che è oggi la Scienza dei Materiali. http://www.mater.unimib.it/what.php?subpag=2
Les Medailles D'or Du CNRS De 1954 A 2000 Translate this page 1983, Evry SCHATZMAN ( astrophysique). 1982, Pierre JOLIOT (biochimie). 1981, Jean-MarieLEHN (chimie) (prix nobel de chimie 1987). Roland MARTIN (archéologie). http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/fr/nomi/prix/Or95/listeor.html
Extractions: Claude LORIUS et Jean JOUZEL (climatologie) Maurice GODELIER (anthropologie) Michel LAZDUNSKI (biochimie) Jean-Claude RISSET (informatique musicale) Pierre POTIER (chimie) Jean ROUXEL (chimie) Claude COHEN-TANNOUDJI (physique) (prix Nobel de physique 1997) Claude HAGEGE (linguistique) Claude ALLEGRE (physique du globe) Pierre BOURDIEU (sociologie) Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX (neurobiologie) Jacques LE GOFF (histoire) Marc JULIA (chimie) Michel JOUVET (biologie) Philippe NOZIERES (physique) Georges CANGUILHEM (philosophie) Nicole LE DOUARIN (embryologie) Jean BROSSEL (physique) Jean-Pierre VERNANT (histoire) Evry SCHATZMAN ( astrophysique) Pierre JOLIOT (biochimie) Jean-Marie LEHN (chimie) (prix Nobel de chimie 1987) Pierre-Gilles de GENNES (physique) (prix Nobel de physique 1991) Pierre CHAMBON (biologie) Pierre JACQUINOT (physique) Charles FEHRENBACH (astronomie) Raymond CASTAING (physique) Edgar LEDERER (biochimie) Jacques OUDIN (immunologie) Bernard HALPERN (immunologie) Jacques FRIEDEL (physique) Georges CHAUDRON (chimie) Claude LEVI-STRAUSS (ethnologie) Paul PASCAL (chimie) Louis NEEL (physique) (prix Nobel de physique 1970)
N2M'98 fullerene. 3Organization Honorable Chair Professor Dr. Jean-MarieLehn ( nobel Prize in Chemistry ) General Co-Chairs Prof. http://imfc.univ-fcomte.fr/~hoummady/n2m/
Extractions: 2nd France-Japan Workshop Toulouse (France) , 8-10 November 1998 Last Announcement Last Update : September 30 th Scope of the workshop Topics Organization Supporting organizations ... Venue and Hotels 1-Scope of the workshop The first France-Japan Workshop N2M, was held in Tokyo on May 1997. This workshop initiated strong interest in nanoscale science and technologies from different points of view ranging from fundamental level to the more technological and application oriented levels. Many famous scientists, including Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn, have participated and expressed a strong scheme and encouragement. The goal of this second workshop is to reinforce the existing scientific cooperation and to bridge the gap between the Nano and Macro-world through Microsystems. It will provide an exceptional opportunity to bring scientists from different backgrounds to discuss the current state of different scale science and technology, to define the needs and to propose future directions. Special emphasis will be focussed towards multidisciplinary nature and new results. As a consequence of this workshop, a number of
Vorträge Am Heidelberger Life-Science Lab Dynamic Chemistry Design and Selection http//www.nobel.se http://life-science-lab.xmachina.de/zope/LifeScienceLab/content/e1/index_ger.htm
Extractions: "Jugendmanager: Abitur und Vordiplom auf einen Streich parallel zum Schulabschluss gleich auch das Vordiplom in Wirtschaft absolvieren - in Heidelberg geht das. An der Young Business School können ehrgeizige Gymnasiasten schon in der Oberstufe ins Studium starten. Umsonst ist die Ausbildung allerdings nicht." zitiert nach: UniSPIEGEL / Studium, 01.09.2002 http://www.ijm-online.de
Merck Lecturers 1978. James Sprague Lecturer. lehn, Jean Marie. 1979. Karl Folkers Lecturer. NobelPrize 1987. Mukaiyami, Teruaki. 197980. James Sprague Lecturer. Dunitz, Jack D.1981. http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/organic/seminars/merck-lecturers.htm
Extractions: Ziegler, Karl Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1963 Robinson, Sir Robert Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1947 Ertman, G. A. Karl Folkers Lecturer Calvin, Melvin Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1961 Prelog, W. Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1975 Jones, E. R. H. Karl Folkers Lecturer Barton, D. H. Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1969 Wittig, George James Sprague Lecturer Nobel Prize 1979 Eschenmoser, A. Karl Folkers Lecturer Lynen, Feodor Karl Folkers Lecturer Muxfeldt, Hans Karl Folkers Lecturer van Tamelen, E. Karl Folkers Lecturer Winstein, Saul James Sprague Lecturer Westheimer, Frank Karl Folkers Lecturer Buchi, George Karl Folkers Lecturer Heilbronner, Edgar James Sprague Lecturer Scott, A. L. Karl Folkers Lecturer von Doering, William James Sprague Lecturer Buchi, George H. Karl Folkers Lecturer Bartlett, Paul D. James Sprague Lecturer Nakanishi, K. Karl Folkers Lecturer Roberts, John D. James Sprague Lecturer Breslow, Ronald Karl Folkers Lecturer Hammond, George S. James Sprague Lecturer Corey, E. J. Karl Folkers Lecturer Nobel Prize 1990 Arigoni, Diulio