- Melody. Piano solo. (Arranged by M. E. von Ritter.) by Charles Gates Dawes, 1921
- William T. Abbott, 1868-1922 by Charles Gates Dawes, 1922
- Inaugural address of the Vice President in the Senate of the United States: Wednesday, March 4, 1925 by Charles Gates Dawes, 1925
- Forecast of general business for 1904,: With comments on panic periods in the United States by Charles Gates Dawes, 1904
- Observations on the occasion of a dinner by the Gridiron Club in honor of Charles Gates Dawes: Held in the cabinet room of the new Willard Hotel, District of Columbia, Saturday evening, March 2, 1929 by Thomas W Brahany, 1929
- Portrait of an American: Charles G. Dawes by Bascom Nolly Timmons, 1953
- That man Dawes;: The story of a man who has placed his name high among the great of the world in this generation because he ruled his life by common sense by Paul Roscoe Leach, 1930
- "You takes your choice", by Clinton W Gilbert, 1924
- Notification speech of A.W. Jefferis: To advise Charles G. Dawes of his nomination as the Republican candidate for Vice-President : delivered in Evanston, ... nineteen, nineteen hundred and twenty four by A. W Jefferis, 1924
- Charles G. Dawes, the conscience of normalcy by Donald E Williams, 1962
- Charles G. Dawes: (the Republican nominee for the Vice-Presidency.) by Arthur MacDonald, 1924
- Dawes and the 1924 Republican vice presidential nomination by Donald E Williams, 1962
- Dawes--the doer! by Carl W Ackerman, 1924
- The background of the budget and accounting act by Fritz Morstein Marx, 1921