Atomic Challenge: a Symposium by John Douglas; Russell, Bertrand; Cheshire, Group Captain G Leonard; Oliphant, M L; Bronowski, J; Thomson, Sir George; Falls, Captain Cyril; Blackett, P M S; Dale, Sir Henry; Anderson, Sir John; Wallace, Henry A Cockcroft, 1947
Physics Guide A GUIDE TO PHYSICS. Physics nobels. nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 1951,sir john douglas cockcroft. Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton. 1897-1967. 1903-1995. Nobels.htm
Extractions: for their work on the influence of magnetism on radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Sklowdowska-Curie for his discovery of radioactivity. for their joint research on nuclear radiation phenomena. Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) for his research on the densities of the gases and for his discovery of argon Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard for his work on cathode rays. Joseph John Thomson for his research on the conduction of electricity by gases. Albert Abraham Michelson for his optical instruments and for measuring the speed of light.
Auto Racing Articles: Nobel Prize In Physics courtesy of http// List of nobel Prize laureates in regardingmesons made with this method 1951 sir john douglas cockcroft Ernest Thomas
Prémios Nobel Translate this page David M. LEE ( americano ), douglas D. OSHEROFF 1951 - john cockcroft ( britânico) e Ernest WALTON 1904 - sir john William Strutt RAYLEIGH ( britânico
Extractions: Prémios Nobel de Física 2002 - Masatoshi Koshiba (japonês), Raymond Davis Jr., (norte-americano) e Riccardo Giacconi (norte-americano), foram galardoados, respectivamente, pelas suas contribuições pioneiras para a astrofísica, em particular na detecção de neutrinos (os dois primeiros) e pela descoberta das fontes cósmicas de raios X (o terceiro). Os seus trabalhos alteraram a simples forma de ver as estrelas, as galáxias e o Sol, que não têm sempre o mesmo aspecto, não são estáticos, mas envolvem processos de altas energias que emitem partículas que atravessam a Terra. 2001 - Eric CORNELL ( americano ), Carl WIEMAN ( americano ) e Wolfgang KETTERLE ( alemão ) Trabalhando em laboratórios separados, o trio criou um método de "ultra-resfriamento de átomos", usando temperaturas que são "milhões de vezes mais baixas do que as encontradas no espaço interstelar". A corrente de átomos altamente direccionável pode ser utilizada para fazer chips atómicos e estes novos produtos podem servir de base para uma nova geração da computação. 2000 - Zhores I. ALFEROV ( russo ), Herbert KROEMER ( americano ) e Jack S. KILBY ( americano )
Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics BACK Winners of the nobel Prize in Physics 2000 sir john douglas cockcroft andERNEST THOMAS SINTON WALTON for their pioneer work on the transmutation of
Extractions: for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit The prize was awarded jointly to: GERADUS'T HOOFT and MARTINUS J. G. VELTMAN for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics The prize was awarded jointly to: ROBERT B. LAUGHLIN , HORST L. STORMER and DANIEL C. TSUI for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations. The prize was awarded jointly to: STEVEN CHU , CLAUDE COHEN-TANNOUDJI and WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. The prize was awarded jointly to: DAVID M. LEE , DOUGLAS D. OSHEROFF and ROBERT C. RICHARDSON for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3. The prize was awarded for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics, with one half to:
History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On August 6, 1999 Clairaut, Alexis Claude (17131765) Short biography and references (in German).cockcroft, john douglas, sir (1897-1967) The nobel Prize in Physics 1951
Extractions: What's new at this site on August 6, 1999 Some URLs have been updated. Airy, George Biddell (1801-1892) Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond d' (1717-1783) Ambronn, Richard (1887-1954) Anaximenes of Miletus (c. 585 BC - c. 525 BC) B Baeyer, Johann Jacob (1794-1885) Benzenberg, Johann Friedrich (1777-1849) Bernoulli (family) Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm of nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith 1951 nobel Prize in Physics sir john douglas cockcroft (England) and Ernest
Bodec - Krtek Nobelova cena za fyziku pro rok 1951. 1), sir john douglas cockcroft, * 27.5. 1897 Todmorden, Velka Britanie 18. 9. 1967 Cambridge, Velka Britanie,
Extractions: 18. 9. 1967 Cambridge, Velka Britanie Cockcroft pochazel z rodiny textilniho prumyslnika, sve studim zahajil na univerzite v Manchesteru a dokoncil na univerzite v Cambridgi. Po dokonceni studia pracoval v Cavendishove laboratpori. Pozdeji se stal profesorem na univerzite v Cambridgi a reditelem Ustavu pro vyzkum jaderne energie ve Velke Britanii, kde ridil stavbu prvniho britskeho jaderneho reaktoru. Cockcroft se v ramci sve vedecke kariery venoval temer vyhradne jaderne fyzice. Zabyval se umelou premenou atomovych jader, pro jejiz studium postavil urychlovac castic. Spolecne s E. T. S. Waltonem a Rutherfordem uskutecnil prvni jadernou syntezu, pri ktere urychlenymi deuterony bombardovali tezky vodik za vzniku lehkeho izotopu helia a neutronu. V obdobi druhe svetove valky patril do tymu, ktery se zabyval vyvojem a vyrobou britske jaderne bomby. Cockcroft ziskal spolecne s Waltonem Nobelovu cenu v roce 1951, a to za objevy a prakticke premeny atomovych jader urychlenymi casticemi. Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton * 6. 10. 1903 Dungarvan, Irsko
Irish Examiner - 2001/08/28: A Nobel Calling feature on the nobel Prize list until 1951, when Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton sharedthe prize for physics with British physicist, sir john douglas cockcroft.
Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèêå Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physics. Name. Year Awarded. Chu,Steven, 1997. cockcroft, sir john douglas, 1951. CohenTannoudji, Claude, 1997.
Extractions: PHYSICS Alphabetical listing of Nobel prize laureates in Physics Name Year Awarded Alfven, Hannes Alvarez, Luis W. Anderson, Carl David Anderson, Philip W. Appleton, Sir Edward Victor Bardeen, John Bardeen, John Barkla, Charles Glover Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bednorz, J. Georg Bethe, Hans Albrecht Binnig, Gerd Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart Bloch, Felix Bloembergen, Nicolaas Bohr, Aage Bohr, Niels Born, Max Bothe, Walther Bragg, Sir William Henry Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Brattain, Walter Houser Braun, Carl Ferdinand Bridgman, Percy Williams Brockhouse, Bertram N. Chadwick, Sir James Chamberlain, Owen Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Charpak, Georges Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich Chu, Steven Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Compton, Arthur Holly Cooper, Leon N. Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Dalen, Nils Gustaf Davisson, Clinton Joseph De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles Dehmelt, Hans G.
Buscabiografias Personajes15 Translate this page 7393 sir john douglas cockcroft Físico y premio nobel británico (1897-1967).7394 Yasuhiro Nakasone Primer ministro de Japón (1982-1987) (1918- ).
Extractions: -biografia biografía biografías de famosos celebridades en deporte música teatro literatura cine poesía mujeres y hombres actores actrices cantantes buscadores músicos filósofos poetas científicos deportistas, pintores, literatos, HOME Relación de personajes en nuestra base de datos. Seguimos añadiendo diariamente. Corte y pegue el nombre en nuestro buscador 7229 Joseph Addison Ensayista, poeta y político inglés (1672-1719) 7230 José Martiniano Alencar Político, dramaturgo, periodista y abogado (1829-1877) 7231 Giacomo Meyerbeer Compositor alemán (1791-1864) 7232 Gottfried Benn Médico y poeta alemán (1886-1956) 7233 Manfred von Richthofen Barón Rojo Aviador militar alemán (1892-1918) 7234 Franz von Papen Diplomático alemán (1879-1969) 7235 John Edgar Hoover Funcionario y criminólogo estadounidense (1895-1972) 7236 Hugh Marlowe Actor estadounidense (1911-1982) 7237 Engelbert Humperdinck Cantante indio (1936-) 7238 Sir George Paget Thomson Físico británico, premiado con el Nobel (1892-1975) 7239 Georges Moustaki Cantautor (1934-) 7240 Steven Weinberg Físico estadounidense (1933-) 7241 Amos Oz Escritor israelí (1939-) 7242 Thomas Henry Huxley Biólogo británico (1825-1895) 7243 Luis Herrera Campins Político y abogado venezolano (1925-) 7244 Joaquín García Morato Aviador español (1904-1939) 7245 Horace Mann Educador estadounidense (1796-1859) 7246 Diana Dors Actriz británica (1931-1984) 7247 Tito (Josip Broz) Presidente de Yugoslavia (1892-1980)
O Premio Nobel Da Física Translate this page David M. Lee (americano) - douglas D. Osheroff nuclear (RMN) 1951- john cockcroft(britânico) - Ernest dos raios catódicos 1904- sir john William Strutt
Extractions: var logDomain = "starmedia"; var logChannel = "paginaspersonales"; var logPath = "otros"; O premio Nobel da Física , tal como os outros premios Nobel , têm sido atribuídos todos os anos desde 1901 , exceto nos anos de 1916 , 1931 , 1934 1940 , 1941 e 1942. Trata-se do premio mais prestigioso para trabalhos notáveis no campo da Física , de acordo com a vontade do químico e engenheiro sueco Alfred Nobel , que morreu em 1896. Os premios Nobel são atribuídos pela Academia Real das Ciências Sueca. 2000- Herbert Kroemer - Zhores I. Alferov - Jack Kilby
John Cockcroft - Biography john douglas cockcroft was born at Todmorden, England, on john's College and becamesuccessively University demonstrator From nobel Lectures, Physics 19421962.
Extractions: He was educated at Todmorden Secondary School and studied mathematics at Manchester University under Horace Lamb in 1914-1915. After serving in the First World War in the Royal Field Artillery he returned to Manchester to study electrical engineering at the College of Technology under Miles Walker. After two years apprenticeship with Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company he went to St. John's College, Cambridge, and took the Mathematical Tripos in 1924. He then worked under Lord Rutherford in the Cavendish Laboratory He first collaborated with P. Kapitsa in the production of intense magnetic fields and low temperatures. In 1928 he turned to work on the acceleration of protons by high voltages and was soon joined in this work by E.T.S. Walton. In 1932 they succeeded in transmitting lithium and boron by high energy protons. In 1933 artificial radioactivity was produced by protons and a wide variety of transmutations produced by protons and deuterons was studied. In 1934 he took charge of the Royal Society Mond Laboratory in Cambridge.
Biography Of JD Cockcroft john douglas cockcroft was born at Todmorden, England, on May 27th john's Collegeand became successively University demonstrator Copyright The nobel Foundation,
Encyclopædia Britannica Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton ETS WaltonIrish physicist, corecipient, with sir JohnDouglas cockcroft of England, of the 1951 nobel Prize for Physics for the Walton
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft Translate this page sir john douglas cockcroft (1897-1967) sir john douglas cockcroft Físico y premioNobel británico Nació el 27 de mayo de 1897 en Todmorden, Yorkshire (Gran John Douglas Cockcroft
Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziku 1951, sir john douglas cockcroft (Velká Británie) a Ernest Thomas SintonWalton (Irsko) Pouití urychlených cástic k transmutaci jader.
Extractions: Last updated: 13.10.2002 21:12:41 skok na: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Nìmecko) - Objev rentgenového záøení Hendrik Antoon Lorentz a Pieter Zeeman (Nizozemí) - Výzkum vlivu magnetického pole na svìtlo (Zeemanùv jev) Pierre Curie, Marie Curie a Antonie Henri Becquerel (Francie) - Objev radioaktivity Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh (Velká Británie) - Objev argonu Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard (Nìmecko) - Studium katodového záøení Sir Joseph John Thomson (Velká Británie) - Výzkum výbojù v plynech Albert Abraham Michelson (USA) - Mìøení rychlosti svìtla Gabriel Lippmann (Framcie) - Vývoj barevné fotografie (ve spektrografii) Guglielmo Marconi (Itálie) a Carl Ferdinand Braun (Nìmecko) - Vynález bezdrátové telegrafie Johannes Diderik van der Waals (Nizozemí) - Studium mezimolekulárních sil v kapalinách a plynech Wilhelm Wien (Nìmecko) - Výzkum záøení èerného tìlesa Nils Gustaf Dalén (védsko) - Vynález automatického pøívodu plynu pro majáky Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes (Nizozemí) - Výzkum vlastností látek za nízkých teplot vedoucí mj. ke zkapalnìní helia Max von Laue (Nìmecko) - Studium rentgenového záøení difrakcí na krystalech sir William Henry Bragg a sir William Lawrence Braag (Velká Británie) - Studium krystalové struktury pouitím rentgenova záøení cena neudìlena Charles Glover Barkla (Velká Británie) - Studium emise rentgenového záøení a jiných krátkovnlnných záøení Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (Nìmecko) - Návrh kvantové teorie atomu Johannes Stark (Nìmecko) - Studium spekter v elektrických polích
Nobel Prize In Physics Winners 1999- nobel Prize in Physics Winners 19991901. 1951, The prize was awarded jointly toSIR john douglas cockcroft and ERNEST THOMAS SINTON WALTON for their pioneer
Extractions: Nobel Prize in Physics Winners 1999-1901 The prize was awarded jointly to: ZHORES ALFEROV , and HERBERT KROEMER for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics The prize was awarded jointly to: GERARDUS 'T HOOFT , and MARTINUS J.G. VELTMAN for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics. The prize was awarded jointly to: ROBERT B. LAUGHLIN HORST L. STORMER and DANIEL C. TSUI for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations. The prize was awarded jointly to: STEVEN CHU CLAUDE COHEN-TANNOUDJI and WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. The prize was awarded jointly to: DAVID M. LEE DOUGLAS D. OSHEROFF and ROBERT C. RICHARDSON for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3. The prize was awarded for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics, with one half to: MARTIN L. PERL
Nagroda Nobla Z Fizyki - Wikipedia 1952 Felix Bloch Edward Mills Purcell. 1951 sir john douglas cockcroft ErnestThomas Sinton Walton. 1950 Cecil Frank Powell. 1949 Hideki Yukawa.
Nobel Prizes In Physics existence of mesons 1950 CF Powell (United Kingdom) 1951 sir JD cockcroft (UnitedKingdom Néel (France) 1971 D. Gabor (United Kingdom) 1972 john Bardeen (USA
Extractions: (Information not checked) (Germany, 1845-03-27 - 1923-02-10) Discovery of X rays Hendrik A. Lorentz (Netherlands, 1853-07-18 - 1929-02-04) Pieter Zeeman (Netherlands, 1865-05-25 - 1943-10-09) Henri A. Becquerel (France, 1852-12-15 - 1908-08-25) Marie Curie (France, Poland, 1867-11-07 - 1934-07-04) Pierre Curie (France, 1859-05-15 - 1906-04-19) Discovery of radioactivity Lord Rayleigh (United Kingdom) Philipp E. Lenard (Germany, 1862-06-07 - 1947-05-20) Joseph J. Thomson (United Kingdom, 1856-12-18 - 1940-04-30) Conduction of electricity in gases Albert A. Michelson (USA, 1852-12-19 - 1931-05-09) Measurement of the speed of light G. Lippmann (France) Karl Ferdinand Braun (Germany, 1850-06-06 - 1918-04-20) Guglielmo Marconi (Italy, 1874-04-25 - 1937-07-20) wireless telegraphy Johann D. van der Waals (Netherlands, 1837-11-23 - 1923-03-07) Molecular forces Wilhelm Wien (Germany, 1864-01-13 - 1928-08-30) Heat radiation (Sweden) H. Kamerlingh Onnes (Netherlands) Max von Laue (Germany, 1879-10-09 - 1960-04-24)
Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Ernest TS Walton, 1951, Physics, john cockcroft, 1951, Physics, Samuel CC Ting,1976, Physics, john H. van Vleck, 1977, Physics, sir Nevill F. Mott, 1977, Physics,
Extractions: t h e e t y m o l o g y a n d h i s t o r y o f f i r s t n a m e s Nobel Prize Winners by Category Name Years Type Also Known As Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Chemistry Hermann Emil Fischer Chemistry Svante August Arrhenius Chemistry Sir William Ramsay Chemistry Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Chemistry Henri Moissan Chemistry Eduard Buchner Chemistry Ernest Rutherford Chemistry Wilhelm Ostwald Chemistry Otto Wallach Chemistry Marie Curie Chemistry Paul Sabatier Chemistry Victor Grignard Chemistry Alfred Werner Chemistry Theodore William Richards Chemistry Chemistry Fritz Haber Chemistry Walther Hermann Nernst Chemistry Frederick Soddy Chemistry Francis William Aston Chemistry Fritz Pregl Chemistry Richard Adolf Zsigmondy Chemistry The Svedberg Chemistry (Theodor) Heinrich Otto Wieland Chemistry Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Chemistry Arthur Harden Chemistry Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin Chemistry Hans Fischer Chemistry Carl Bosch Chemistry Friedrich Bergius Chemistry Irving Langmuir Chemistry Harold Clayton Urey Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye Chemistry (Peter) Paul Karrer Chemistry Walter Norman Haworth Chemistry Richard Kuhn Chemistry Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Chemistry Leopold Ruzicka Chemistry George de Hevesy Chemistry Otto Hahn Chemistry Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Chemistry James Batcheller Sumner Chemistry John Howard Northrop Chemistry Wendell Meredith Stanley Chemistry Sir Robert Robinson Chemistry Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius Chemistry William Francis Giauque Chemistry Kurt Alder Chemistry Otto Paul Hermann Diels