Matthias' Homepage - VIP's These pictures of the nobel Laureates Otto Hahn (1879 1968), adolf friedrich JohannButenandt (1903 - 1995) and Konrad Lorenz (1903 - 1989) are from private
Extractions: These pictures of the Nobel Laureates Otto Hahn Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt (1903 - 1995) and Konrad Lorenz (1903 - 1989) are from private property and were - as far as i know - never published somewhere else. The pictures of Otto Hahn and Adolf Butenandt were taken at a Christmas celebration of the Administrative Headquarters of the Max Planck Society Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Buldern (in Seewiesen since 1955). Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944 , pictures taken on Christmas 1962. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939 , pictures taken on Christmas 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1973 together with Karl Ritter von Frisch and Nikolaas Tinbergen
Prix Nobel De Chimie - Wikipedia libre. Voir aussi Prix nobel. Karrer; 1938 Richard Kuhn; 1939 AdolfFriedrich johann butenandt, Leopold Ruzicka; 1943 George de Hevesy;
Extractions: Accueil Modifications récentes Modifier cette page Historique Pages spéciales Préférences Liste de suivi Modifications récentes Copier un fichier Liste des images Liste des participants Statistiques Une page au hasard Pages orphelines Images orphelines Les plus populaires Les plus demandées Articles courts Articles longs Nouvelles pages Toutes les pages Adresses IP bloquées Page de Maintenance Librairies en ligne Version imprimable Discuter Autres langues: English Dansk Español Italiano ... Polski (Redirigé depuis Prix Nobel de Chimie Voir aussi Prix Nobel Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff Hermann Emil Fischer Svante August Arrhenius Sir William Ramsay Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Henri Moissan Eduard Buchner ... Wendell Meredith Stanley Sir Robert Robinson Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius William Francis Giauque Otto Paul Hermann Diels ... Vincent du Vigneaud Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov Lord Alexander R. Todd Frederick Sanger Jaroslav Heyrovsky Willard Frank Libby ... Robert Curl , Sir Harold Kroto Richard Smalley Paul D. Boyer
BioFinder Kategorien Suche butenandt, AdolfFriedrich johann; Ernst Ruska (1906-1988) nobel prize winner for electron
Extractions: HOME START Personen Biologie Links in dieser Kategorie: 4000 Years of Women in Science Adrian, Edgar Douglas Albertus Magnus Albertus Magnus References ... Aldrovandi, Ulisse Italian web page Alfred Wegener in Greenland original document written by one of the participants in Alfred Wegener's expedition to Greenland in 1930 Altmann, Sidney Autobiography Anfinsen, Christian B. Anning, Mary Arber, Werner Autobiography Arrhenius, Svante Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David Banting, Frederick Grant ... Bishop, J. Michael Autobiography Black, James Autobiography Bloch, Konrad E. Blumberg, Baruch S. Autobiography Bordet, Jules Boveri, Theodor Bovet, Daniel Boyd-Orr of Brechin, John ... Cech, Thomas R. Autobiography Cesalpino, Andrea Italian web page Chain, Ernst Boris Claude, Albert Autobiography Cohen, Stanley Autobiography Cori, Gerty Theresa and Carl Ferdinand Cormack, Allan M. Cornforth, John Warcup Autobiography Cousteau, Jacques Crick, Francis Harry Compton Cuvier, Georges Dale, Henry Hallett ... Darwin, Charles Electronic Texts and Documents on Charles Darwin Dausset, Jean
So Biografias: Nobel Quimica Translate this page Lista dos Ganhadores dos Prêmio nobel de Química. 1939 Dois ganhadores adolf FRIEDRICHJOHANN butenandt / LEOPOLD RUZICKA butenandt Por seu trabalho sobre
The Hindu : Nobel Laureates In Chemistry: Down Memory Lane nobel Laureates in chemistry Down memory lane. 19401931. 1939 adolf friedrich JOHANNBUTENANDT for his work on sex hormones and LEOPOLD RUZICKA for his work on
Extractions: Front Page National Southern States Other States ... Next 2001 WILLIAM S. KNOWLES, RYOJI NOYORI and K. BARRY SHARPLESS for developing catalytic asymmetric synthesis. The achievements are of great importance for the development of new drugs and materials.2000-1991 2000 ALAN J. HEEGER, ALAN G. MACDIARMID, and HIDEKI SHIRAKAWA for the discovery and development of conductive polymers. 1999 AHMED ZEWAIL for his research and studies of transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy. 1998 WALTER KOHN for his development of the density-functional theory and JOHN A. POPLE for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry. 1997 PAUL D. BOYER and JOHN E. WALKER for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and JENS C. SKOU for the first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+-ATPase. 1996 ROBERT F. CURL, Jr. , SIR HAROLD W. KROTO , and RICHARD E. SMALLEY for discovering fullerenes.
Extractions: Hauptseite Letzte Änderungen Seite bearbeiten Versionen Spezialseiten Meine Benutzereinstellungen Meine Beobachtungsliste Zeige Letzte Änderungen Dateien hochladen Zeige hochgeladene Dateien Zeige registrierte Benutzer Zeige Seitenstatistik Zufälliger Artikel Zeige verwaiste Artikel Zeige verwaiste Dateien Zeige beliebte Artikel Zeige gewünschte Artikel Zeige kurze Artikel Zeige lange Artikel Zeige neue Artikel Zeige alle Artikel (alphabetisch) Zeige blockierte IP-Addressen Wartungsseite Externe Buchhandlungen Druckversion Diskussion Anmelden Hilfe aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie für die Chemie bedeutende Naturforscher, nach Geburtsdatum geordnet, mit Stichworten zum chemischen Wirken vor 1750 Albertus Magnus , um 1200 - 1280, 'De Rebus Metallicus et de Minerabilus' Georgius Agricola , 1490-1555, Schriften über Mineralogie, Bergbau und Verhüttung Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus , 1493-1541, Chemikalien als Medizin (Iatrochemie) Johann Rudolph Glauber , etwa 1604-1670, Heilwirkung/technische Herstellung von Glaubersalz Henning Brand , um 1630 -1710, Entdeckung des Phosphors Johann Friedrich Böttger , 1682-1719, Alchemist, Porzellanherstellung Henry Cavendish , 1731-1810, Entdeckung des Wasserstoffs, Luftzusammensetzung Joseph Priestley , 1733-1804, Sauerstoffentdeckung Carl Wilhelm Scheele , 1742-1786, Untersuchung der Verbrennung, Entdeckung des Sauerstoffs, Chlor, Molybdän, Wolfram Nicolas Leblanc , 1742-1806, Sodaherstellung Martin Heinrich Klaproth , 1743-1817, Entdeckung von Cer, Uran und Zirkoniumdioxid
Nobel Odulu Kazananlar nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN KÝMYACILAR. 2000 The section. 1939 adolf FRIEDRICHJOHANN butenandt for his work on sex hormones. (Caused onculeri/html/nobel odulu kazananlar.htm
Extractions: NOBEL ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN KÝMYACILAR The prize is being awarded with one half jointly to: ALAN J. HEEGER ALAN G. MACDIARMID , and HIDEKI SHIRAKAWA for the discovery and development of conductive polymers. AHMED ZEWAIL for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy. The prize was awarded for pioneering contributions in developing methods that can be used for theoretical studies of the properties of molecules and the chemical processes in which they are involved. The prize was divided equally between: WALTER KOHN for his development of the density-functional theory and JOHN A. POPLE for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry. The prize was divided, one half being awarded jointly to: PAUL D. BOYER and JOHN E. WALKER for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and with one half to: JENS C. SKOU
Nobel Prize In Chemistry Winners nobel Prize in Chemistry Winners. 1999 AHMED section. 1939 adolf FRIEDRICHJOHANN butenandt for his work on sex hormones. (Caused
20th Century- Year By Year: 1939 nobel Prizes. Chemistry The prize was divided equally between butenandt, adolf FRIEDRICHJOHANN, Germany, Berlin University and KaiserWilhelm-Institut (now Max
Extractions: The prize was divided equally between: BUTENANDT, ADOLF FRIEDRICH JOHANN, Germany, Berlin University and Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) fr Biochemie, Berlin-Dahlem, b. 1903, d. 1995: "for his work on sex hormones" (Caused by the authorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal); and RUZICKA LEOPOLD, Switzerland, Eidgenssiche Technische Hochschule, (Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich, b. 1887 (in Vukovar, then Austria-Hungary), d. 1976: "for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes" Literature
Nobel Prize For Chemistry nobel Prize for Chemistry. 1939 The Prize was divided equally between adolf FriedrichJohann butenandt (Germany, 24.3.1903 18.1.1995) Germany, Berlin
Untitled Document Translate this page aus der jährlich am Todestag von Alfred nobel die Preisgelder 1939 adolf FriedrichJohann butenandt (1903-1995), Deutschland adolf FJ butenandt erhielt für
Extractions: Temas disponíveis Ácido-base Astronomia Átomo Dinâmica Electricidade Energia Estado gasoso Laboratório Orgânica Precipitação Reacções Soluções Substâncias Quem? Tabelas Outros links Índice Menu principal quem? Páginas neste tema Bibliografia Biografias Prémios Nobel da Física Prémios Nobel da Química Prémios Nobel da Química Galardoados com o Prémio Nobel da Química, atribuído pela Fundação Nobel , para distinguir trabalhos de grande importância na investigação Química: 2002 John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich 2001 William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless 2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley 1995 Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland 1994 George A. Olah 1993 Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith 1992 Rudolph A. Marcus
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Extractions: Actually, how long have people been active in science? The answer is the same for both women and men as long as we have been human. One of the defining marks of humanity is our ability to affect and predict our environment. Science - the creation of structure for our world - technology - the use of structure in our world - and mathematics - the common language of structure - all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the present. Women and men together have researched and solved each emerging need.