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1. The Mindful Way through Depression:
2. The Depression Cure: The 6-Step
3. Undoing Depression: What Therapy
4. Spiritual Depression: Its Causes
5. The Great Depression: A Diary
6. The Return of the Great Depression
7. Overcoming Depression One Step
8. The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook
9. The Ultimate Depression Survival
10. The Great Depression Ahead: How
11. The Mindfulness & Acceptance
12. Depression-Free, Naturally: 7
13. Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program
14. Collector s Encyclopedia of Depression
15. Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to
16. The Depression Workbook: A Guide
17. Talking to Depression: Simple
18. The Forgotten Man: A New History
19. The Return of Depression Economics
20. Depression: A Stubborn Darkness--Light

1. The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself fromChronic Unhappiness
by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn
Paperback: 273 Pages (2007-06-02)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$11.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1593851286
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

If you’ve ever struggled with depression, take heart. Mindfulness, a simple yet powerful way of paying attention to your most difficult emotions and life experiences, can help you break the cycle of chronic unhappiness once and for all. In The Mindful Way through Depression, four uniquely qualified experts explain why our usual attempts to “think” our way out of a bad mood or just “snap out of it” lead us deeper into the downward spiral. Through insightful lessons drawn from both Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy, they demonstrate how to sidestep the mental habits that lead to despair, including rumination and self-blame, so you can face life’s challenges with greater resilience. Jon Kabat-Zinn gently and encouragingly narrates the accompanying CD of guided meditations, making this a complete package for anyone seeking to regain a sense of hope and well-being.
(20101015) ... Read more

Customer Reviews (79)

5-0 out of 5 stars Mindfulness
Fast shipment, excellent condition.

This book was a great read, I really enjoyed it and it made me become more aware of thoughts as well as want to learn more about mindfulness.

5-0 out of 5 stars great oversight
I would recommend this CD or book to anyone who has a depression issue-even if it's a small one in your opinion. Your mind is a powerful tool that can help you. My friend and are listening to this together and talking about it on a weekly basis. She is using it to help her with pain management--which is helping her.

5-0 out of 5 stars Amazing...so far...I see the possibility of a light at the end of this very long dark tunnel called depression...
I bought this book largely in part to the overwhelming enormous amount of outstanding reviews. How could this many people be wrong? Well I am happy to say that I think this book may possibly be just what I needed. Unfortuately I am just beginning and can't comment fully, but I ammore than happy because I have felt a glimmer of hope that this soon may be ending..for the first time in nearly six years. :o)

2-0 out of 5 stars A book about mindfulness and not depression
If this book was about mindfulness practice, may be I would have given it four or five. But since it's supposed to be a book about depression, I can't be very enthusiastic.

The book explains very well and in great detail the different mindfulness practices much better than some of the pure mindfulness books I must say.
As for depression, I think the book is very superficial and too general to be of real help. I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, however from personal experience (including a lot of meditation and mindfulness) this approach is not always effective against depression. But wait a minute, I caught myself committing the author's sin; generalization!
Truth is depression is not a single malady with similar causes and treatments. We can't just lump them all up in one big bag and say: "hey, I've got the perfect remedy for you. Just practice some mindfulness and everything will be ok!"
I'm sorry to say, such approach is superficial and sometimes inaccurate.

In addition, I don't agree with the doing/being mode. True, most of us have discrepancy in the being mode of being that needs some practice to solve. However, this doesn't mean it's the magical answer to all our problems. Sometimes (in fact a lot), the treatment of depression requires a heavy dose of the doing mode. I believe this favoring of the being mode is mainly due to the author's simplistic, reductionist mentality which always tries to minimize the number of causes of a given problem.
However, real life is much different and not that simple.

3-0 out of 5 stars Book purchase
The book arrived in the condition described by vendor. I order three books at the same time. This delivery took twice as long, as the other two books purchased. ... Read more

2. The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs
by Stephen S. Ilardi PhD
Paperback: 304 Pages (2010-06-01)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$8.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0738213888
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

In the past decade, depression rates have skyrocketed, and one in four Americans will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Where have we gone wrong? Dr. Stephen Ilardi sheds light on our current predicament and reminds us that our bodies were never designed for the sleep-deprived, poorly nourished, frenzied pace of twenty-first century life.

Inspired by the extraordinary resilience of aboriginal groups like the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea, Dr. Ilardi prescribes an easy-to-follow, clinically proven program that harks back to what our bodies were originally made for and what they continue to need. The Depression Cure program has already delivered dramatic results, helping even those who have failed to respond to traditional medications.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (22)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book!
I really got a lot out of this book. My whole family suffers with bouts of depression,from mild-to-moderate
forms right up the scale to clinical. I am fortunate, I am in the milder camp. I haven't implemented all of His program fully, but I have found that even if you start doing some of them, things get a lot better.
I just send a link my brother, who is cursed with a lot more severe forms of depression. I am eagerly waiting to see how it works out for him.

4-0 out of 5 stars A practical Guide
This book by offeringsix simple things that people with depression can do, will be useful both for them and their relatives. The fact that it is backed by good research makes it especially valuable.

5-0 out of 5 stars New Thinking On Depression
Not at all a big fan of self help books, but this one captured my attention after I heard the author on Coast To Coast. Long and short, cure for depression is diet, exercise and purposeful activity, i.e. change in circumstances, and drugs don't really help. New thinking and new ideas. I liked it!

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Good Book
I've enjoyed this book a lot.Along with Dr. Joseph Lucianni's book "Self-Coaching", they've been the best books I've read on depression. The 6 Step Program makes sense.I have a question regarding the Omega 3 does.The author recommends ratio of 2:1 for EPA to DHA.The only Omega 3 I've found in my area is one from Jamieson called Omega Calm.Each capsule has 510 mg EPA to 190 DHA.That's a ratio of 2.5:1.Will that still work?

5-0 out of 5 stars I am no longer depressed or anxious.
If you have ever had depression or anxiety attacks, then this statement should blow your mind: I am no longer depressed or anxious. It should be called 6 step Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression without Drugs. I loved the book. I recommend it highly highly if you are suffering from clinical horrible deep depression. ... Read more

3. Undoing Depression: What Therapy Doesn't Teach You and Medication Can't Give You
by Richard O'Connor
Paperback: 384 Pages (2010-01-07)
list price: US$15.99 -- used & new: US$9.41
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0316043419
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Like heart disease, says psychotherapist Richard O'Connor, depression is fueled by complex and interrelated factors: genetic, biochemical, environmental. In this refreshingly sensible book, O'Connor focuses on an additional factor often overlooked: our own habits. Unwittingly we get good at depression. We learn how to hide it, how to work around it. We may even achieve great things, but with constant struggle rather than satisfaction. Relying on these methods to make it through each day, we deprive ourselves of true recovery, of deep joy and healthy emotion.

UNDOING DEPRESSION teaches us how to replace depressive patterns with a new and more effective set of skills. We already know how to "do" depression-and we can learn how to undo it. With a truly holistic approach that synthesizes the best of the many schools of thought about this painful disease, O'Connor offers new hope-and new life-for sufferers of depression. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (108)

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent resource even if you have been depressed for years
I have been on medication for major clinical depression for 15 years and in the past three years have taken a mood stabilizer to deal with a more recent diagnosis of Bi-polar II. This is the first book of the many dozens I have read that actually gives the reader some concrete strategies for getting better. Sure, medication is the first step in treatment, but after that it is still a long climb to the top of the wellness mountain. In the past, I have employed all the standards such as daily exercise, cognitive therapy, no-junk food diet, rigid sleep schedule, and fish oil. Well, I still had my days of being marginally functional and angry, not to mention apathetic and sad. Along came this book and wow, I am 100% better using Dr. O'Connor's suggestions. I think the difference between his book and the multitude of others is that he has actually been clinically depressed and knows what works and what doesn't. Been there, done that. There is also a list of other recommended books, and in checking those out, I have found some additional excellent resources. Highly, highly recommend if you are willing to be pro-active and steadfast in getting well. It takes a lot of determination and hard work. But your life depends on it, and happiness is worth achieving.

5-0 out of 5 stars The depression guidebook
This a great book for explaining what a depressed person should do after they take an antidepressant and are getting therapy. It explains
your self-defeating habits and offers help.

5-0 out of 5 stars Clear, Concise, and Helpful
I believe anyone who's prone to depression could benefit greatly from this book. I've had several major depressive episodes in my life. I've been on medication for a couple months now and I ran across this book and for the first time in my life I actually feel like I have the skills, and direction, to prevent another depressive episode. The author himself has a history with depression and really understands the illness. There's a lot of good information in this book.

3-0 out of 5 stars Depressing
For me, reading this book was depressing.There were some positive sections about changing your brain for the better but these were cancelled out by the author's numerous references to the statistics that seem to indicate that depression will recur more and more frequently and with less and less provocation.For people who had never even thought about having to worry about future episodes, this is scary news and may cause people to become even more frightened than before.And since depressed people are often some of the most suggestible people on the planet, this sort of statement about recurrence can be come a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once I read a book in which the author said that recurrent depression is more about the depressed person not having adequately dealt with the emotional issues that caused his or her depression in the first place, not because depression typically follows a recurrent/remitting pattern such as MS or lupus.

I believe that it is crucial to give the depressed person hope and to constantly refer to depression as a life-long disease as the author does, is a discouraging and disheartening idea that can stand in the way of recovery.Depressives don't want to spend their whole lives looking over their shoulders for the shadow of depression coming back to claim them. I prefer to look at depression as a bruising that the brain takes due to emotional trauma or stress of some kind, more of an injury that can be healed rather than a disease to be feared.

All in all the book is helpful in many ways but scary in others and it is probably not the best book to read for someone in the throes of a serious depression.

5-0 out of 5 stars Look No Further
After several attempts at suicide between 1989 and 1998, I went to the Emergency Room at a local hospital for help. After three hours of waiting and finally talking to a doctor, the hospital sent me to Netcare, which is a county emergency clinic for the mentally ill.

Although I have been taking medication as prescribed, staying off booze & drugs, going to support groups, getting regular exercise, for the last twelve years, I was not making the progress I thought I should be making. I still have not returned to normalcy, so I went to my most recent therapists and asked him if depression caused permanent damage to my brain.

At first, my therapist hesitated in answering my question. Therefore, I confronted him with my findings in "Understanding Depression: What We Know and What You Can Do About It" May 22, 2003) by J. Raymond DePaulo Jr. and Leslie Alan Horvitz.

After I read this book, I was still not satisfied. I again returned to amazon.com and found the first version of "Undoing Depression: What Therapy Doesn't Teach You and Medication Can't Give You" by Richard O'Connor, which he wrote in 1997.

Now in 2010, O'Connor outdoes himself again. He not only offers theory, the latest research on the brain, he also provides me the motivation to expect more from recovery.

Reading alone will not work and I am not going to be a sitting duck waiting for the next magic pill from Big Pharma. I must learn new skills that O'Connor suggests. I must practice these new ideas often and consciously, thus making permanent healthy changes to my brain.
... Read more

4. Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure
by David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Paperback: 300 Pages (1965-07)
list price: US$18.00 -- used & new: US$11.17
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0802813879
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Believing that Christian joy was one of the most potent factors in the spread of Christianity in the early centuries, Lloyd-Jones not only lays bare the causes that have robbed many Christians of spiritual vitality, but also points the way to the cure. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (30)

5-0 out of 5 stars Thank you!
My product came in super fast and in just the condition it was listed as being in. Great seller!!

5-0 out of 5 stars Thank you God and Lloyd-Jones
My son is in jail...again. I have sent him tons of self-improvement books, of every kind. He reads them out of sheer boredom but this is the FIRST book that made a beneficial impression on him. He said it actually HELPED. It touched him. I am so thrilled. I know he has always believed in God but I think his beliefs were a little warped and twisted by his own personality (sin). I have renewed hope that he will stay out this time and become a valuable servant of our Lord and Savior.

5-0 out of 5 stars Sermons That Are Good for the Soul
Reading sermons is good for spiritual formation and development.In Spiritual Depression, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones has provided us with a great resource for the building up of the Christian body.His voice continues to be heard, and the impact of his ministry has not ceased.Identifying a problem he calls "spiritual depression," Lloyd-Jones uses his skill as an expositor of Scripture and his knowledge of medicine to diagnose the root of this condition and make plain the available cures.Because other reviewers have done an excellent job listing the conditions treated in this book, I will defer to them.Instead of providing another synopsis, I'll offer a couple of key observations.

In this book, Lloyd-Jones is quite right to point out that the lack of joy that exists among believers is a testimony against the very gospel Christians proclaim, and in this collection of sermons a remedy is provided.Paramount among the insights offered by Lloyd-Jones within the collection is the sheer fact that the doctrine of justification is fundamental for the life of joy and holiness, for it is there that all are able to find both a cause for humility and a cause for celebration that propels us to face the challenges of life with boldness, confidence, and courage.Daily, our sanctification depends on the fact of our justification, a theme to which Lloyd-Jones returns explicitly and implicitly again and again throughout this work.

As someone who has struggled from time to time with the condition Lloyd-Jones identifies, I'm thankful for this work.This book has helped me understand the gospel more fully, and has given me grounds upon which to live a joyful Christian life.If you're looking for sermons to read that will build you up, this book fits the bill.

5-0 out of 5 stars Very helpful and wise book
If you're not aware of it, Lloyd-Jones was a young, brilliant, up-and-coming British medical doctor for a brief time before he felt called into the pastorate. So he had a strong medical background and he even relates how some people that came to him for counseling had medical questions which he didn't mind answering.

I'm a Christian who suffers from genetic or biological depression. I read this book twice but it's been awhile.However, I seem to recall that Jones does allow for those who have need of medical assistance as well as the spiritual help God provides through His Word and His Spirit. Unless God chooses to do a physiological miracle, I will need some medication for the remainder of my life on earth. However, that does not take away from what God has done to transform my inner self. I would possibly not be alive today if not for the hope God offered me through Christ.

I've read the two-volume set written about Lloyd-Jones life story, and I am not surprised at the wisdom and superior knowledge he demonstrates in this book and others. You will not be disappointed with any of the many titles, though most of it seems to be his sermons transliterated.

5-0 out of 5 stars A "must read" for all Christians.
This is an excellent book and, I think, would benefit all Christians and possibly some non-Christians too.It explains many of the things that trouble Christians and the Church. The causes and cures.Dr. Lloyde-Jones was concerned with the "testimmony" of today's Church and why it is so ineffective in the world today.And why so many Christians are not happy. I think that every chapter will "hit home" to the thoughtful believer and most will benefit greatly from these messages. ... Read more

5. The Great Depression: A Diary
by Benjamin Roth
Hardcover: 288 Pages (2009-10-13)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$6.64
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B003R4ZBLE
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This title offers a first-person diary account of living through the Great Depression, with haunting parallels to our own time. Benjamin Roth was born in New York City in 1894. When the stock market crashed in 1929, he had been practicing law for approximately ten years, largely representing local businesses. After nearly two years, he began to grasp the magnitude of what had happened to American economic life, and he began writing down his impressions in a diary that he maintained intermittently until he died in 1978. Roth's words from that unique time seem to speak directly to readers today. His perceptions and experiences have a chilling similarity to our own era. Like many of us, Roth struggles both to understand and to educate himself about what was going on around him. He is sceptical of big government, yet ultimately won over by FDR's New Deal. This collection of his diary entries, edited by James Ledbetter, editor of Slate's "The Big Money," reveals another side of the Great Depression - one lived through by ordinary, middle-class folks, who on a daily basis grappled with a swiftly changing economy coupled with anxiety about the unknown future.It is highly topical - and timely. The greatest financial disaster since the Great Depression has many Americans wondering what things were like as the Great Depression unfolded and people did not yet know how or when it would end. It is clear-eyed, readable - and eerily familiar. In short, concise, and thoughtful entries, Roth chronicles the most telling moments of the Great Depression, from the drop in the price of movie tickets to Hoover's failed free-market solutions to the rise in foreclosures in his hometown and how to benefit from 'bargains' at the much-diminished stock exchange. It is published one-year after the bankruptcy of Lehman Bros sent the world markets on a deep downward slide, and around the 80th anniversary of 'Black Tuesday'. It is presented in a beautiful package - endpapers using original diary entries, period photos throughout, and gorgeous interior design. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (14)

5-0 out of 5 stars The Great Depression reviewed
This book is authored by a good friend, and he referred me to it after not seeing him for some years. The product I chose was a "used" edition and it came in perfect, unused condition. The book itself is incredible, a personal diary of the great depression with personal insights literally by the day. I would recommend it to anyone interested in business or the history of our country.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Great Depression: A Diary(paperback edition)
BOOK REVIEW: Benjamin Roth's 'The Great Depression: A Diary' Brings Nation's Greatest Financial Meltdown to Life

Reviewed By David M. Kinchen

The 'forgotten men' of today are the doctors, lawyers, insurance men, etc. They are down and out and can do very little about it. -- Benjamin Roth, diary entry Nov. 10, 1933

Image removed by sender.That refrain -- echoing Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Forgotten Man" radio speech of April 7, 1932, when he was still governor of New York -- runs through Benjamin Roth's "The Great Depression: A Diary" (PublicAffairs, $15.95 quality paperback, 288 pages, edited by James Ledbetter and Daniel B. Roth, with an introduction by Ledbetter) much as the Mahoning River runs through Roth's hometown of Youngstown, Ohio.

Benjamin Roth was born in New York City in 1894 but he moved with his family while still very young to Youngstown. He received a law degree and moved back to Youngstown after serving as an army officer during World War I. When the stock market crashed in 1929, he had been practicing law for about ten years, representing local businesses for the most part. After nearly two years, he began to grasp the magnitude of what had happened to American economic life, and he began writing down his impressions in a diary that he maintained intermittently until he died in 1978.

Youngstown, midway between New York City and Chicago and about halfway between Cleveland and Pittsburgh, was a thriving industrial city of about 170,000 people at the time of the October 1929 stock market crash. Today it has about 78,000 residents, with legendary employers like Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. long gone. (A personal note: I worked in the quality control department of YS&T's mill in Lake County, Indiana for about a year in the mid-1960s, before I joined the reportorial staff of the Hammond (IN) Times in January 1966). If Pittsburgh and Chicago were the centers of Big Steel, Youngstown was home to "Little Steel" companies like Youngstown Sheet and Tube and Republic Steel.

Most of the entries cover the period from 1931 to the end of 1941, after the Pearl Harbor attack and the declaration of war against the U.S. by Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy on Dec. 11, 1941. Roth interjects brief updates with dates in the 1940s, 1950s and even the 1970s, and the editors provide background essays to explain some of the events Roth writes about. All in all, the package is an excellent brief introduction to the Great Depression, with anecdotes that will resonate with today's readers.

In addition to his comments about the lack of work for lawyers, doctors, dentists and other professionals during the entire period of his evocative diary, Roth records the travails of working class people at a time of industrial strife and massive unemployment. He doesn't neglect the plight of farmers in Ohio and other Midwestern farm belt states, including the epicenter of farm foreclosures, the state of Iowa. Roth devotes a great deal of space in his diary to real estate, which must have been a big part of his law firm's business before October 1929 -- and very little after with the almost total collapse of the nation's real estate industry.

Roth was a Republican who voted for Hoover's re-election in 1932 when FDR won in a landslide, and for Alf Landon in 1936 when FDR swamped Landon in an even bigger landslide. In 1940 Roth campaigned for GOP Presidential candidate Wendell Willkie on a "no third term" for FDR campaign. Although he worked for the Mahoning County NRA, his beliefs that the New Deal was a socialist plot against America pervade the diary. Like people today, Roth struggled to understand how the world's largest economy could collapse so quickly after the events of October 1929. He obviously had plenty of time to read sitting in his frequently empty law offices and he cites dozens of books that he perused to educate himself about finance, investing and economics.

Here's Roth's entry for March 8, 1933, four days after FDR's inauguration:

We are greeted by a very dramatic announcement this morning. At 1:30 a.m. this morning as his first official act, President Roosevelt issues a proclamation ordering every bank in the United States to close for four days -- including the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks. It now appears that during the past two weeks foreign countries and domestic depositors have withdrawn gold from the U.S. Treasury at an alarming rate. This proclamation also forbids exportation of gold. As a result of this announcement the U.S. will be technically off the gold standard for four days. I don't see how the government can resume gold payments at the end of that time because all Europe will be waiting at the Treasury doors to withdraw gold. In Youngstown every bank and loan company is closed to all business and large placards in the windows bear notice of the President's proclamation. Everybody is fearful of the immediate future. In the meantime all over U.S. plans re (sic) going forward to issue scrip against bank deposits. Likewise every stock exchange in the country is closed.

It's important to remember than before the passage of the Banking Act of 1933 -- commonly called the Glass-Steagall Act for its congressional sponsors -- later in 1933, there was no federal insurance on bank deposits. Glass-Steagall separated "boring" commercial banking and "risky" investment banking and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Most of Glass-Steagall was discarded in the latter part of the Clinton Administration, but the FDIC was retained.

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the "Chinese Wall" that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some -- including the present reviewer -- for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the current financial crisis.

About the editors: James Ledbetter is the editor of "The Big Money," [...] Web site on business and economics. Prior to joining Slate, he was deputy managing editor of[...]a financial news site. His most recent book is Dispatches for the New York Tribune: Selected Journalism of Karl Marx. He is also the author of Starving to Death on $ [...]: The Short, Absurd Life of The Industry Standard and Made Possible By...: The Death of Public Broadcasting in the United States. He lives in New York, NY. Daniel Roth is a son of Benjamin Roth and is the chairman of the law firm of Roth, Blair, Roberts, Strasfeld & Lodge in Youngstown, Ohio. He is the co-founder of National Data Processing Corporation and the co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Torent, Inc (formerly Toro Enterprises, Inc.) He divides his time between Youngstown, Ohio and Florida.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book
I read the book in two days.It clearly shows (if one is willing open their mind) that government intervention creates more problems than it solves.Another look at how FDR really governed without a PC re-write of history.Very helpful information for those looking to invest in today's economy.

5-0 out of 5 stars A great perspective
This was an excellent read. This was not an exciting novel, but a chance to learn from 'Grandpa' who practiced lawduring the depression. You get a businessman's perspective on the business climate, the stock market and the side by side learning as Roth tries to learn the path to riches through stock investing, although he never had enough money to actually invest. Because he never could invest, his color commentary is not influenced my major gains or losses as an investor might have been. Most importantly, the reader really appreciates the Clement's quote: history does not repeat but certainly rhymes. All investors, especially speculators should read this book.

4-0 out of 5 stars An interesting first hand account!
Benjamin Roth's first hand account of The Great Depression from 1931 to 1941 was a very fascinating and personal read that provided not only historical perspective on the events of the time, but also a friendly voice and opinion of the days events.

What really set this book apart for me was the authors first hand account of events as they unfolded, versus most historical accounting of the period which are mostly a retrospects. Mr. Roth fills us in on current events as they unfolded in America during the time, his opinion on the situations (which leaned conservative) and his predictions. A fun bit of the book is that Mr. Roth would actually go back and review entries and add updates such as "These predictions turned out to be completely wrong.".

I think this book also hit home for me due to the financial situation we're currently going through these days in America. You read about Mr. Roth's trepidations towards FDR and his "New Deal", constantly warning of out of control government spending and the impending inflation boom (which never came).

My wife and I were talking and this book seems to beg the question of what would have come of the American economy if World War 2 hadn't started. Would we have continued on a downward spiral of inflation? It's not fun think about but I really feel that this book paints an accurate (if not a bit biased, but as to be expected with the nature of the account) of The Great Depression and how it impacted Main Street America. (show less) ... Read more

6. The Return of the Great Depression
by Vox Day
Hardcover: 280 Pages (2009-10-29)
list price: US$25.95 -- used & new: US$15.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1935071181
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
In this sophisticated yet readable book, Vox Day - one of the few economics writers to predict the current worldwide financial crisis - explains why it is likely to continue.Day shows that the policies being pursued in Europe, Asia, and the United States are very similar to Japan's failed policies of the past twenty years and, therefore, doomed to similar results. According to Day, the economic theories behind those policies are flawed and account for why most economists were unable to anticipate the recession or see that their expectations of an imminent recovery are incorrect. Day applies a different theory, the one he used to predict the current crisis, to show that the world is in the early stages of a massive economic contraction. Then he turns to the six scenarios presently envisioned by the world's leading economists and assesses which is most likely to unfold. As the title suggests, Day concludes that the most probable scenario is a Great Depression 2.0 that will be larger in scale and scope than that of the 1930s. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (30)

4-0 out of 5 stars Enjoyed reading but...
I enjoyed reading most of this book, with a few caveats:
* Sometimes the author assumes you know more economics that you might know; he doesn't explain some economic sayings/vocabulary
* I was really hoping to read something about what individuals could do to limit the damage of the depression he thinks is coming, but the only suggestions made were not things for individuals to do

* I liked his future scenarios and estimating how likely he thought each would be
* Wants incentives so that women can stay at home and raise their kids

Kindle Edition:
* Got it for a great price
* Graphs and images were often too small
* A footnote per page toward the end of the book was a bit annoying in trying to accurately gauge how much of the book has been read

Overall, 4 out of 5 stars. Now if we only knew if he were right, and if so, which scenario is going to unfold.

5-0 out of 5 stars Any collection strong in economic analysis needs this
Vox Day's THE RETURN OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION tells of a columnist who predicted the collapse of the financial system some seven years ago - and who here warns that the latest symptoms of economic meltdown have only been the tip of what is to come. Ten reasons the next Great Depression will be wider, deeper and longer accompany an analysis of why today's economics are incapable of recognizing the extent of the problems. Any collection strong in economic analysis needs this.

3-0 out of 5 stars Informative
Mr. Vox Day has presented us with a generally well written book describing the current (2008-2010) economic downturn.Mr. Day clearly enunciates his own view of economic recessions.Recessions are mostly caused by credit fueled growth of one or more sectors of the economy.These credit based growth sectors expand, enabling and inducing businesses to spend much more on capital equipment to produce goods of these growth sectors.Eventually the demand for the growth products diminishes as the market is saturated even with the easy credit.Then loans turn bad or not collectable, credit dries up, and the economy is stuck with a great amount of unused capital equipment as well as decreased demand.Unemployment and reduced wealth results.This theory is basically the Austrian School of Economics theory of business cycles.Mr. Day provides a clear numerical example of this theory in his book.

Mr. Day believes that the size of the credit expansion determines the amount of contraction.He uses certain economic ratios to attempt to prove that the present contraction will probably become another great depression.

Mr. Day writes well but not completely convincingly.When he compares the present economy to the 1930s great depression he ignores the role of the gold standard in spreading and deepening deflation and unemployment in the 1930s.I do not believe Mr. Day has examined all pertinent factors in his analysis.

Moreover sometimes Mr. Day wears blinders.An example is in his discussion of hedonic indexes, or indexes that account for quality improvements in the product being priced over time.Mr. Day disparages hedonic indexes because they do not reflect what the consumer actually pays for the product.Yet these indexes are not to measure consumer expenditure per se, but provide a measure of the cost of a market basket of products over time.It is ridiculous to price essentially different products over time in at least some price index determinations.

Moreover sector overinvestment is a common occurrence in market economies.Overinvestment does not need to lead to a major recession.Government policies can play a role.And general economic growth means that any credit expansion does not have to mean an equivalent recession with the positive growth canceled out by the negative deflation and unemployment.

Yet Mr. Day could be right.The current recession may deepen.A primary reason is the rising cost to business of greater financial and health insurance regulation, and extra mandates such as new medical insurance laws.Even more important is that uncertainty exists over the passage of cap and trade laws that will deprive the economy of energy resources and greatly raise energy costs for the energy that is available.All these factors would tend to reduce business confidence and lower business investment levels.Such regulation and uncertainty can also reduce consumer confidence and expenditure.

The book has its points but can not be considered to be the complete story.

4-0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable and timely primer.
I enjoyed this book for its brief summary of the Keynesian and Austrian schools of economic thought, the circumstances that led up to the current economic mess, the summaries of the various predictions and where they might lead, and finally, the author's suggestions as to what can be done to avert the next Great Depression.

Of particular interest to me was the authors assertion that the success of the US was largely the result of coming out on top after WW2, since every economic power was literally bombed into the stone age. Only the US, Australia and maybe Canada came away unscathed, but it was obviously the US that had the combination of resources, manpower, finance and geography that gave us the big head start after WW2. Unfortunately we have squandered our advantages and care more about diversity guilt trips, socialism masquerading as environmentalism and punishing "the rich" (i.e., your employer) while we watch the truly ambitious countries fly right past us.

I've long suspected that it was this head start that brought the US to early prominence and Vox Day is the only one so far who detailed this theory. The only areas where I think Vox is wasting is time is auditing the fed (who cares? We already know whatever we find will be very very bad) and his suggestion that we put caps on the salaries of all banking employees. The latter is just plain un-libertarian and neglects to consider that not all banking employees are filthy rich. Other than that I think Vox has some noteworthy ideas that of course no politician will listen to.

Though I initially had my reservations about the publisher of the book (World Net Daily - seriously), it turned out to be a good choice.

4-0 out of 5 stars A systematic dismantling of mainstream economic theory
This book is surprisingly easy to follow for someone who knows little about economics. Partly this is because the author emphasizes the practical assessment of economic predictions and partly it is because he seems to make an effort at instructing the reader in basic principles. This approach is an improvement over the author's other nonfiction book (The Irrational Atheist), which is more polemical and not as well organized.

The populist, anti-establishment tone is fun to read and gives a refreshing perspective on the daily gyrations of the stock market as well as the statistical forecasts from the federal government. I don't follow economic commentators, but this book would probably be helpful in understanding them as well, since the author mentions several specifically.

I thought the least interesting chapter was the first one, which dealt with Japan. My favorite chapter was the one that makes an analogy between economic models and the n-body problem in physics. The author hits his stride when he starts attacking debt-based government policy and points out how it is almost completely disengaged from reality.

The author effectively demolishes the standard economic explanations and, if he does nothing else, will leave you very skeptical about all official financial and economic reporting. He also gives a rudimentary introduction to his pet theory (the "Austrian School") without going into much depth.

Although detailed justifications are lacking, the author does provide concise lists of possible economic scenarios and his personal policy recommendations. Anyone seeking a more thorough examination of the theories, scenarios, and recommendations in the book would probably find them on one of the author's blogs (his general one or the one dedicated to the book). The author is specific enough that within the next couple of years he is likely to seem either incredibly prescient or hilariously wrongheaded, after the manner of the Y2K alarmists.

The Kindle version of the book is good enough to get the author's points but has numerous defects, including missing word spaces, poor editing, and sometimes impossibly tiny graph legends (on the Kindle 1). ... Read more

7. Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)
by Michael E., Ph.D. Addis, Christopher R. Martell
Paperback: 183 Pages (2004-09-15)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$13.43
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1572243678
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Learn breakthrough self-activation techniques to: ·Become more engaged with your life·Enjoy daily activities·Feel able to face challenges·Stop avoiding social situations·Feel strong and competent again·Conquer the obstacles that keep depression going·Stop making decisions based on your moods·Get back on track with your life goals·Recognize the habits and patterns that fuel your depression

Achieve medication-free recovery

Behavioral activation therapy offers effective, fast relief from depression. This powerful and progressive therapy steers away from the idea that depression symptoms represent an illness or weakness. Instead, depression is merely a signpost pointing directly at the things that need to change in one's life.Its engaging exercises make it easy for you to focus on activities that will inspire you with feelings of pleasure, mastery, and engagement. Learn to develop a list of enjoyable activities, or activities you need to engage in as a part of a normal and satisfying life. Begin with the easiest (or sometimes, the most indispensable) activities on your the list, and learn how to tackle them one by one. This simple, profound process will connect you with naturally occurring rewards, which are powerful antidotes to feelings of depression. With this foundation, go on to change how you approach your day-to-day life-your daily activities, the choices you make, and the way you cope with life's ups and downs. You'll find this proven-effective approach to coping with depression easy to master. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (9)

3-0 out of 5 stars Workbook for rapid relief from depression
A workbook (not especially well written) for and about overcoming depression by way of Behavioral Activation. This concept will annoy many "professionals" who believe that to overcome depression should involve taking medication and years of WORK (real therapy). For those who believe in a less complex way, this is it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Helpful, Useful Depression Workbook
I had to write a review for this book to encourage others to give it a try. I have ordered other depression workbooks and for me this one is the most effective. Why? Because the steps you have to take aren't buried in a lot of fluff and filler, and they are very clear and actionable. It helped me to get out of my depressed state and I find myself going back to these techniques with success whenever I feel my mood starting to go down again. A definite keeper. I only wish it was available in a Kindle version, too!

5-0 out of 5 stars This is one of the best books I read on this topic
The book is very well written, very friendly and practical. Behavioural patterns are well explained one I had no difficulty applying different techniques. I think it is good for professionals as well.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Depression WorkBooks
This is among one of the best Depression WorkBooks out there.Not CBT but Action and Reaction Therapy

5-0 out of 5 stars A Must!!!!
Was recommened to me! Has to be one of the best tools I've ever used in dealing with depression.I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about depression. ... Read more

8. The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression: A Step-by-step Program (Workbook)
by William J. Knaus
Paperback: 315 Pages (2006-11)
list price: US$22.95 -- used & new: US$14.19
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1572244739
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
In the 1950s, Albert Ellis pioneered a form of psychotherapy that combined ways of detecting and changing irrational thoughts with techniques for replacing negative behaviors with positive ones. This type of cognitive behavioral therapy, called rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) by Ellis, proved especially effective at relieving problems like anger, anxiety, and depression. In this book author William Knaus, a close associate of Ellis, develops the best REBT techniques into a powerful and comprehensive self-help workbook for the treatment of depression.

Following in New Harbinger’s tradition, this workbook is written in an easy-to-use, step-by-step format. It offers you powerful strategies for overcoming depression in simple, direct language, amply illustrated with stories and reinforced by techniques you can practice right away. Along with other New Harbinger titles like The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook and The Anger Control Workbook, this major CBT/REBT workbook for depression is destined to become a trusted resource for people with depression, recommended by therapists and sought out by people like you who are inspired to change their own lives for the better. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (12)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Job!
Thank you so much for the speedy delivery of the book I ordered.It was in great conditioned and you shipped it faster than I thought.I will buy from you again.

3-0 out of 5 stars Not Actually Step-by-Step
Does this book contain a lot of information about depression? Yes. Does it have some suggestions for dealing with depression? Yes.

Is it structured in a way that is immediately useful for the person who is hoping to find a way out of their depression? No!

Perhaps if this book hadn't been subtitled "A Step By Step Program" I would have given it more stars. When this book arrived I found myself eagerly reading but never getting to, "What do I do now to start getting better?" If you are looking for a program or plan to get out of depression as I was, I don't think this is the book for you. If you want more information about depression and cognitive behavioral therapy, by all means, purchase this book. There is a lot of information here. But if you are looking for a structured program to help lead you out of depression step-by-step, this book isn't it.

5-0 out of 5 stars help in managing damaging emotions
This is an important resource to help one sort through life controlling issues, to learn how to recognize the onset of "problems" and make them minimally damaging or impacting in a negative way. The difference is that this is not just a tutorial read, it is an interactive workbook which challenges and formats one to think through and work through issues which may not have been looked at in so thorough a manner. It teaches you skills to limit the impact of life controlling "cooperation" with negative emotions and consequent behavior.

3-0 out of 5 stars Some helpful ideas
A useful manual with a method, for a pernicious problem. Its approach will allow the reader to challenge trends of thought stemming from melancholia, i.e. depressive thoughts. It will take a lot of self-discipline to work through this book and may be beyond what someone in a depressive hole can muster.

One flaw is that the book takes the perfunctory slap at the Catholic Church, blaming it for labeling depression "a work of Satan". That theory is not mutually exclusive with the also Catholic approach to scruples, a disease with common characteristics to melancholy. The Roman Catholic Church pioneered psychological methods for dealing with melancholia, and to slam it for seeing the hand of Satan in the loss of vitality in depression is a cheap, inaccurate shot. (See for example, the excellent book by Massmann on nervous disorders and temperament.)

Conversely, the authors laud Buddhism for its approach to controlling the mind and errant thoughts. If you know much about Buddhism, you will realize that it is a very depressive philosophy, and will give rise to major depressive thinking IF you take it seriously. The life-hating philosophy of Buddhism, that life is illusion and to be born at all is bad news (to quote one book on Buddhism written by a Western practitioner), can easily engender a feeling of loss and hopelessness.

If you can ignore the author's twenty-first century American bias in favor of Eastern mysticism and against the Catholic Church, you will probably find it a useful method to identify and change the thinking that causes depression.

4-0 out of 5 stars Book has been quite a help
The book has been a slow read, but has had a lot of useful tips and strategies to help me overcome my problems with depression. ... Read more

9. The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times
by Martin D. Weiss
Paperback: 220 Pages (2010-06-08)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$9.55
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0470598212
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

An insightful look at how to protect, save, and grow wealth in difficult economic times

Having an effective financial and personal plan for the future is now more crucial than ever. And with the bestselling The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide now in paperback, you'll quickly learn how to create such a plan. This comprehensive guide was especially designed to help people map out a practical financial plan in this unpredictable economic environment, so that they can stop worrying about their money and just enjoy life.

Step by step, Martin Weiss-America's Consumer Advocate for Financial Safety-introduces, explains, and helps solve many of the new challenges and risks that face millions of Americans. Throughout the book, Weiss provides you with sound strategies for coping with the credit crunch, housing bust, and decline of the U.S. dollar.

  • Discusses different ways to adapt to the realities of continuous market volatility
  • Contains solutions to dealing with sinking real estate or falling stocks
  • Examines the opportunities you'll have to buy choice assets at bargain prices during a depressed economy

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide also examines important topics that today's investor must be familiar with-including global investing, foreign currencies, and commodities-if they intend to make it through the decade ahead. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (84)

5-0 out of 5 stars The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide
This is a most practical guide if in fact we are going to experience a depression in the future. Personally, I think that the author is exactly on point and I would encourage everyone to read this selection.

5-0 out of 5 stars My thoughts on the thoughts of Mr. Weiss
I believe Mr. Weiss is on the right track in his belief about what will befall us in the USA and around the world, unless something can be done to stop the ascent into international socialism.He has been spot-on in the past in his calls, and I am a believer in what he says in his book and in his e-mail newsletters.

3-0 out of 5 stars I bought this because of Weiss advertising it so much.
I got it read a few pages and now I do not even know where it is. That is how interesting it is. Weiss has my email address so he kept pushing it till I went and bought it. I think a better book would be "How To Survive in The upcoming Bad Times" By Howard Ruff.

1-0 out of 5 stars Treat the Book as Light Entertainment.As Advice It Could Leave You Broke!
I have subscribed for several months to Martin Weiss's free Internet newsletter "Money and Markets".Thus I have read many of the ideas brought together in this book.I am amazed so few people bother to research the backgrounds of guys like Martin before plunging headlong into investments that can make them poor.

This is not to say that Mr. Weiss is deliberately defrauding anyone.It is conceivable that, like prominent authors such as Howard J. Ruff and Gary North in 1979-1982, Weiss believes what he writes.Nor am I suggesting that the US economy is in great shape and won't plunge us into another major equities market crash soon.One may accept both premises and still believe Mr. Weiss's advice to be unsound.

Ultimately, the "proof of the pudding" is in the eating.Many of Howard Ruff's followers discovered to their personal woe that the economic world of 1980 wasn't coming to an end in quite the manner that their prophet predicted.Gold did not appreciate to $2,000 per ounce and gold stocks did not provide leverage on this predicted explosion in hard asset values.Silver crashed 90%+ after the Hunt Brothers' effort to corner the silver market failed. Quite a number of Ruff's investors crashed along with their money and investors who follow Weiss could follow a similar trajectory.

Weiss' advice might be assessed from the investment results he has already produced for people who have paid thousands of dollars for his advice.In this context, I suggest that readers investigate the following:

ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING File No. 3-12341Securities and Exchange Commission, June22, 2006.This proceeding details findings supporting administrative penalties of over $2 million dollars assessed against Mr. Weiss and his associate Larry Edelson.A finding of the Cease and Desist order was "...during the relevant time period, many subscribers who followed each Weiss Research trading recommendation - as Weiss Research encouraged its subscribers to do - experienced overall returns that were substantially lower than Weiss Research's profit examples and most actually lost money."Also pertinent was the finding that Weiss and Edelson acted as Investment Advisers under SEC definitions, at a time when not licensed to do so. You're going to trust these guys to guide your financial future?What are you thinking?

Another source appears to have been written by former investors of Martin Weiss, in the UK.The site features a long-term trading history for investments recommended by Mr. Weiss to his paying clients. This source confirms that Weiss investors have persistently lost money. Search Google for the term "trading and legal history" plus "Martin Weiss".

Recent issues of Weiss Research "Money and Markets" make claims of "guaranteed profits" by applying a type of technical analysis called "cycle theory". This theory is supposedly validated by data analysis of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, now directed by Richard Mogey. However, multiple online references reveal that the methods of the Foundation have been discredited by legitimate economists since it was chartered under Herbert Hoover. As but one example, the Foundation claims to be able to predict major economic shifts from the study of over 200 years of economic history. Such a claim is foolish to the extreme.The structures and processes of our economy changed radically between any two 50 year periods of that time. Thus there is no underlying cause-and-effect mechanism from which to derive an "economic cycle" that applies to the full period.One might as well be dredging up investment advice from a seance.

Thus to the reader:treat the book as light entertainment.If you act on its advice, you could find yourself poor within a few years.

5-0 out of 5 stars I think this is Weiss's best book yet
I've read a lot of material from the author as well as tracked his investment website.Over the years he has been one of the "most correct" economist that I track.He has good analysis and I like his philosophy of the markets.This book is pretty much an accumulation of all of his best ideas and recommendations.He doesn't take a "we WILL have a deflationary spiral or we WILL have runaway hyperinflation", he simply gets defensive for either scenario and tries to show you ways to preserve capital.He has a conservative defensive approach that if followed will keep you relatively safe in the stormy seas ahead.I highly recommend this book, it is one of my favorites. ... Read more

10. The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Debt Crisis of 2010 - 2012
by Harry S. Dent
Paperback: 416 Pages (2009-12-29)
list price: US$16.00 -- used & new: US$1.24
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 141658899X
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The first and last economic depression that you will experience in your lifetime is just ahead. The year 2009 will be the beginning of the next long-term winter season and the initial end of prosperity in almost every market, ushering in a downturn like most of us have not experienced before. Are you aware that we have seen long-term peaks in our stock market and economy very close to every 40 years due to generational spending trends: as in 1929, 1968, and next around 2009? Are you aware that oil and commodity prices have peaked nearly every 30 years, as in 1920, 1951, 1980 -- and next likely around late 2009 to mid-2010? The three massive bubbles that have been booming for the last few decades -- stocks, real estate, and commodities -- have all reached their peak and are deflating simultaneously.

Bestselling author and renowned economic forecaster Harry S. Dent, Jr., has observed these trends for decades. As he first demonstrated in his bestselling The Great Boom Ahead, he has developed analytical techniques that allow him to predict the impact they will have. The Great Depression Ahead explains "The Perfect Storm" as peak oil prices collide with peaking generational spending trends by 2010, leading to a more severe downtrend for the global economy and individual investors alike.

He predicts the following:

• The economy appears to recover from the subprime crisis and minor recession by mid-2009 -- "the calm before the real storm."

• Stock prices start to crash again between mid- and late 2009 into late 2010, and likely finally bottom around mid-2012 -- between Dow 3,800 and 7,200.

• The economy enters a deeper depression between mid-2010 and early 2011, likely extending off and on into late 2012 or mid-2013.

• Asian markets may bottom by late 2010, along with health care, and be the first great buy opportunities in stocks.

• Gold and precious metals will appear to be a hedge at first, but will ultimately collapse as well after mid- to late 2010.

• A first major stock rally, likely between mid-2012 and mid-2017, will be followed by a final setdback around late 2019/early 2020.

• The next broad-based global bull market will be from 2020-2023 into 2035-2036.

Conventional investment wisdom will no longer apply, and investors on every level -- from billion-dollar firms to the individual trader -- must drastically reevaluate their policies in order to survive. But despite the dire news and dark predictions, there are real opportunities to come from the greatest fire sale on financial assets since the early 1930s. Dent outlines the critical issues that will face our government and other major institutions, offering long- and short-term tactics for weathering the storm. He offers recommendations that will allow families, businesses, investors, and individuals to manage their assets correctly and come out on top. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can take advantage of new wealth opportunities rather than get caught in a downward spiral. Your life is about to change for reasons outside of your control. You can't change the direction of the winds, but you can reset your sails! ... Read more

Customer Reviews (167)

1-0 out of 5 stars Beer Pongger
Today is October 26, 2010. His predictions have not materialized. The depression should have reared its head by now, citing that it should have occurredby mid-2010. There is no deflation but no inflation either as another doomsday factor. The Dow is still making a good upward incline.I suppose if you wait long enough a depression could happen. It almost did but it has not occurred. Other events may though incite depression-like activity but I am not a fortune teller so I predict nothing. I see all reviews were in 2009 so that tells the gentle reader something. Instead, everybody get a good night's sleep!!

3-0 out of 5 stars Intensly detailed economic information with hidden flaws
It was an interesting audio book with boatloads of information but I'm not so sure I buy it. It's hard for me to buy into a persons beliefs who feels that we should spend our way out of the recession. In the Carter days we had a recession significantly worse than today. Today an average 9% unemployment rate. Carters days 15%. Today 0% interest rates which get you about 4.25% on a mortgage, Carters days 25%. And Carter didn't have a bailout which lead to a quick recession. Our liberals of today have decided to have bailout after bailout to create hyper inflation.

Also the author calls for a deflationary period but didn't forecast the effect of the Federal government printing literally trillions of dollars that we don't have and then buying government debt with the money.

The author also goes into global warming which is nothing but bunk science. Anyone knows that if they have thoroughly researched the evidence on both sides.

I smell liberal and you should never mix the words liberal and economics in the same sentence. Therefore I can not be convinced to believe the backwards logic of the left and take all information obtained from the audio book with a big grain of salt.

However, I'm not saying the audio book was a waste of my time. I think it is always important to understand what both sides of the political spectrum think. Good investing requires a thorough understanding of what makes people tick and there are enough lefties out there to sway the market one way or another based on irrational thought. And there are some good points in the book that I consider bi partisan.

5-0 out of 5 stars Just what we need: another puck on the economic ice
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the global demographic trends which led to the economic crisis we are now enjoying and describes what that analysis and those trends portend for America's and the world's economic future.The statistical data analyzed include the number of people being born each year and the average age at which they enter the workforce, marry, have children, buy a home, reach their spending peak, begin saving in earnest, retire, etc.Nothing, it would seem, was overlooked in this analysis and, as near as I can tell, no detail was too small for Mr. Dent to consider.As a result, it would be quite difficult for anyone to argue with the contents of this book or with the forecasts of its author.

The author contends that based on an analysis of past history -- historical demographic data correlated with the economic events of the times, e.g. the Great Depression of the 1930s -- the current economic crisis was unavoidable regardless of what the U.S. Government/FED did or didn't do; and nothing the government/FED can do or not do will prevent the equally inevitable "shakeout" or depression to follow.And he demonstrates, at least to the satisfaction any reasonable jury, why this, in all probability, is true.This makes this a compelling book and an absolute must read.

Here are a few tidbits from the book which may peak a reader's interest: The author fully explains how and why the "baby boom" generation -- simply by being born, going about its business, raising its children and aging -- brought about the recent economic boom.He argues that, as a result of this surge and ultimate bubble, another "Great Depression" is inevitable and -- in an economic sense -- is a good thing since it will bring the over-leveraged U.S. economy back in line with historical trends by de-leveraging the existing massive public and private debt.He also reasons that the other developed nations of the world won't allow the U.S. dollar to fail unless the U.S. government does something really stupid, simply because those governments hold so many U.S. dollars in their reserves.On the contrary, he asserts that when the U.S. economy begins to collapse in earnest, the resulting loan defaults will precipitate so many bank failures that their magnitude will overwhelm any attempts by the government/FED to stimulate the economy.This will result in a global "deflationary" depression in which the value of the dollar will fall, but will fall far less than that of precious metals such as gold.This is a far different forecast than that of many other recognized experts who expect precious metals to rise as the dollar collapses.Dollars, liquid assets, the author declares, are what one should hold while waiting for the once in a lifetime investment opportunities which the depression will present.By comparing the present situation with that of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the author identifies just what those opportunities might be and when they are most likely to occur from approximately 2010 to 2022.

With all this in mind: It seems to me that anyone concerned about the immediate future (~2010-2036) and the possibility of a second Great Depression would be a fool not to take these analyses into consideration -- especially if that person has been led to believe that investments in precious metals may be his or her economic salvation in the years to come.For, if nothing else, Mr. Dent has certainly thrown another puck on the economic ice.The question is: Who's off sides, and which is the real puck.

4-0 out of 5 stars Dent
Many Many cycles. Over all advice is accurate in my opinion. A depression is coming. But the repeat references to the same cycles is time consuming. I suggest listening while driving, or skimming the chapters for the first and last pages (I bought both CD and Text). And focus on what to do, not why it is going to happen.

4-0 out of 5 stars A worthwhile read so you can be prepared.
Is another great depression coming? I have no idea, but it would not surprise me. Harry Dent, Jr. lays out his case for another great depression. His rationale is largely based on the aging demographics. Think about it this way - people go through a certain life cycle where they purchase certain things. There are certain ages where debt is incurred, houses are bought, kids are reared, houses are paid off and retirement takes place. Mr. Dent demonstrates how this cycle had dictated U.S. economic growth for years (as well as how it dominates the growth in other countries, such as Japan). He also shows other cycles and how they affect the economy.

While some of Mr. Dent's predictions as to the timing of the event have not come to pass, I think one can safely assume that the unprecedented level of government intervention in the economy has delayed many of Mr. Dent's projections (if they are to come to pass). I hope he is completely wrong and is proven to be a fool.However, in the chance that he is right, this is the only book I have read on the subject which actually lays out a plan for getting through it in one piece and possibly even profiting from it.

I would give the book 5 stars, but it failed to repeat a lot of the information from a prior book that really should have been included in this book for the sake of completeness. That said, this could be one of the most important books you ever read. ... Read more

11. The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression: Using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy to Move Through Depression & Create a Life Worth Living (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)
by Kirk D. Strosahl, Patricia J. Robinson
Paperback: 305 Pages (2008-06)
list price: US$21.95 -- used & new: US$13.33
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1572245484
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
There are hundreds of books that will try to help you "overcome" or "put an end to" depression. But what if you could use your depression to change your life for the better? Your symptoms may be signals that something in your life needs to change. Learning to understand and interpret these signals is much more important than ignoring or avoiding them--approaches that only make the situation worse. This workbook uses techniques from acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to offer a new treatment plan for depression that will help you live a productive life by accepting your feelings instead of fruitlessly trying to avoid them.

The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression will show you, step-by-step, how to stop this cycle, feel more energized, and involve yourself in pleasurable and fulfilling activities that will help you work through, rather than avoid, aspects of your life that are depressing you. Use the techniques in this book to evaluate your own depression and create a personalized treatment plan. You'll enrich your total life experience by focusing your energy not on fighting depression, but on living the life you want.

"Grounded in ancient wisdom and the newest scientific evidence, this book...shows the pathways into and out of depression."
--Mark Williams, professor of clinical psychology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow at the University of Oxford

... Read more

Customer Reviews (12)

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Stuff
I'm a long-time practitioner (though not consistently so) of mindfulness - insight meditation. This is a great D-I-Y program for learning to pay attention in order to avoid depression. One key "learning" so to speak: As the authors state, depression is something we do, not something we have. Therefore, we can learn how "not to do" and live a more satisfying life. I've gotten way too good at "doing depression" over the decades; this workbook is helping me understand how to be less successful at such self-defeating behavior!

2-0 out of 5 stars The author's don't understand the chemistry of depression
I have struggled with depression since I was 19, and I have spent years researching this disorder. I read The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression a few months ago, and I feel that the authors are a bit naïve about depression. Mainly their assertion that depression is not a biologically based disorder is the failing of this book. I believe they claim this in the first or second chapter. This is very irresponsible, and the suggestions they offer to help someone overcome depression could result in terrible consequences. If they had told their reader to seek the help of a psychiatrist, the audience may have had access to an antidepressant that might have helped his or her mood. Instead this book offers self esteem exercises and flowcharts. The biochemical disruption of a mood disorder is what causes problems with self esteem, guilt, negative feelings, and black moods. When my antidepressant works, I have no trouble gauging my abilities or believing my husband loves me. However, this book would suggest that when something goes wrong, it's because I'm not living my life to its fullest potential, not that my serotonin is not working correctly. I've experience both situations, and it's all biochemical. (yes I understand that antidepressants have terrible side effects and are frustrating to take, but that's all we have right now) Readers would be better served to seek out advice from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance. They have a solid web presence, and their main office is in Chicago.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great value, worth the money and the read - plus more
Time is scarce these days for me so choosing to read a book is something I do very carefully. From when I first skimmed through this book I could tell there were many valuable insights that I could apply in my life.
Further the book has many useful exercises that have been tested and I found to be very worthwhile.

It is really a book to learn about yourself and to create a vision / context for your life and make your life a success.

I recommend it.

5-0 out of 5 stars co-author of HeartPath Practitioner
I truly appreciate the content and process this book reflects in assisting individuals making sense of their depression through expression of an individual's life journey(case studies) and making choices to get better..... A real "health conscious" approach to addressing depressive symptoms and seeking ways of functionality and cope in life. This is an excellant manual for any health care practitioner's library.

4-0 out of 5 stars Good depression workbook!
This book is great to work with a group or on your own. The cd has a great selection of music with meditation exercises to follow along with.The stories shared vary in different areas of how depression can affect people in many differnt ways. I am using this book as material and reference in a womens support group.It has already made an impact within the group.The women are opening up and sharing. I am glad I chose this book. Karla H. ... Read more

12. Depression-Free, Naturally: 7 Weeks to Eliminating Anxiety, Despair, Fatigue, and Anger from Your Life
by Joan Mathews Larson
Paperback: 384 Pages (2001-01-02)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$6.04
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0345435176
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
In this groundbreaking book, nutritionist Joan Mathews Larson, Ph.D., founder of Minnesota's esteemed Health Recovery Center, offers her revolutionary formulas for healing your emotions--biochemically. Through proven all-natural formulas, Seven Weeks to Emotional Healing will help you find the emotional well-being you've been missing your entire life. Inside you'll discover how to

- Screen yourself for emotional and behavioral symptoms
- Recognize the mental and physical clues that indicate biochemical imbalances
- Heal your depression and anxiety with the right vitamins and minerals
- Stabilize your mood swings and protect your well-being with essential fatty acids
- Choose the right foods for optimal mental fitness
- Rejuvenate your body with key natural hormones

Safe, fast, more long-lasting and cheaper than prescription drugs or psychotherapy, Seven Weeks to Emotional Healing will help you find balance and well-being. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (39)

5-0 out of 5 stars An easy read and great information
I was so fascinated by the information in this book I could not put it down.I have been a raw foodist for over 13 years this book confirms both physical and mental health can be obtained by putting the correct nutrition in our body.

Cricket Lott
AuthorRaw Health: Pathways To Natural Healing

5-0 out of 5 stars Really informative
This is a great book for anyone that wants more understanding about how the nutrients your body gets effects your emotions. It's not just about depression and actually covers a really wide range of different emotional issues. It even discusses addition to smoking. Really informative. I thought this book was fascinating and a brain overload with all the information it contained.

5-0 out of 5 stars AHealth-hearty Manual.
I read this book, from our library, prior to purchasing it. I knew it was an excellent manual that would help my family and others who want to be healthy and stay that way. I like the special chapters that deal with specific mental health issues, that give specific solutions, via excellent charts, and simple to understand materials. I love the fact that one can become and stay healthy without using mind-altering psychiatric drugs, that damage instead of heal. The information in this book has taught me so much about vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the important needs of our brains and bodies in order to stay well. I loved the chapters on depression and bipolar disorder and the formulas to help people without psychiatric drugs. I highly recommend it.

5-0 out of 5 stars Buy it now!!!!!!!!!!
This is an amazing book. I have changed my whole vitamin regimen and eating and feel so much better. Please read this. It isn't only for Depression but for ANYONE who wants to feel better physically and mentally. God Bless!! :)

5-0 out of 5 stars Finally a real answer for Depression Anxiety etc.
Never has so much information been presented so throughly, and yet so easily read.

I wish I had found this book years ago. ... Read more

13. Self-Coaching: The Powerful Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression, 2nd Edition, Completely Revised and Updated
by Joseph J. Luciani
Paperback: 272 Pages (2006-12-01)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$8.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0471768286
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The simple, untold truth about anxiety and depression is that they are habits of insecurity—and, like all habits, they can be broken. In this new edition of the highly successful Self-Coaching, Dr. Joseph Luciani shows you how to change your way of thinking and develop a healthy, adaptive way of living through his proven Self-Talk strategy for coaching yourself back to health. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (84)

5-0 out of 5 stars Fabulous Book, Fabulous Man
This book has been an incredible awakening to something I've battled with most of my life: depression and anxiety.What Dr. Joe teaches you is so simple but so profound in dismantling the mystery that is depression and anxiety.His basic premise is that insecurity hits you with doubts, fears, and negatives.You try to control these doubts, fears, and negatives with a vast array of strategies like avoidance, anger, etc.Eventually these strategies wear you down and you get hit with anxiety and/or depression. These, however, are just habits. Insecurity comes from a lack of trust in ourselves and the world.This lack of trust could have come from numerous factors but that's in the past.On top of this, Dr. Joe gives you many real-life examples that really brings things to light.I got his book in 2007 and have been reading it every day.He also maintains a website: [...] and answers questions, including mine.The man has over 30 years experience and a PHD.Highly recommend the book.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent book for anyone who is struggling.
An excellent resource for anyone who is suffering depression or anxiety. As someone who has personally struggled with the grip of depression and anxiety for a number or years I would highly recommend it. It really does open your eyes to a lot of things.

5-0 out of 5 stars Self-Coaching
A very important self-help tool for self-navigation of self as a part of community. Luciani presents to us, in a simple format, a very complex and potentially self-debilitating life struggle of being a healthy self-skeptic.

5-0 out of 5 stars You CAN coach yourself from anxiety and depression
I just ordered this book and was so eager to read it that I upgraded so I could read it online.I have not read the whole book but have read some chapters and skimmed others.

One major fact the author points out is that depression and anxiety are habitual reactions to habitual ways of thinking.He does explain the difference between the two and how those suffering from each are different from one another.

The author is extremely convincing, so I am sure that if a person persists in following the author's coaching, there will be immense improvement. Even if you are depressed and feel you have little energy, buy the book and ask an acquaintance to help you train.

Much of the technique he is basing his ideas on is called Cognitive Behavior Therapy, (CBT).One of CBT's major in-depth proponents is Davis Burns, M.D. whose books "Feeling Good," and "The Feeling Good Handbook" are very popular. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated The Feeling Good Handbook Burns' books are more hefty and are daunting.

HOWEVER this book very quickly and directly gets to the heart of matters, and his concept of self COACHING really is easy to grasp.He goes from convincing the reader to showing the difference between depression and anxiety and to the coaching techniques.He does not want to fool anyone into thinking it is easy or instant, but compares the program to athletic training using a coach.

I highly recommend this book for sufferers and persons caring about sufferers of depression and anxiety.Even the caring persons can coach themselves.

5-0 out of 5 stars positive
I don't choose to write a review.I like the product; the delivery was quick.I do NOT like this review process as mandatory. ... Read more

14. Collector s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass,19th Edition (Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass)
by Gene Florence, Cathy Florence
Hardcover: 256 Pages (2009-08-11)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$15.24
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1574326279
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
After nineteen editions, almost 40 years, and over 4,000 pages, goodbye is very difficult to say. So instead Collector Books would like you to join us in celebrating the retirement of Cathy and Gene Florence. For the nineteenth, and last time, we present Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass by America's leading glassware authorities. Every edition has included new information and up to date prices. Beautiful color photos have been redone to show as many pieces as could be found over the years. New patterns have been added, year after year, until this title is as comprehensive as it can be. Legends have been added to make identification as easy a possible. Altogether the Florences leave behind a legacy that will not be surpassed. Don t miss out on the last edition of this wonderful book, sure to be collectible in its own right. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (50)

5-0 out of 5 stars Collector s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass,19th Edition (Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass)
Very nice book with lots of great information in it for any glass collector. Very pleased with my purchase and will be purchasing from again.
Thank You,
Judy Lu

5-0 out of 5 stars Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass
I recently ordered from Amazon the book titled "Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass" which is in amazing condition and for a great price!!I have never been dissappointed with any purchase from Amazon. The book is a great reference for me since I own many different pieces of Depression Glass.

5-0 out of 5 stars Depression Glass
As always, Florence has good information on collectible glass. New to this book are pictures with numbers so we can tell which piece is which, a very helpful addition. The pictures are very good with attention to detail on the patterns. His section on reproductions is also a very helpful portion, as there are many people out there who don't know how often this glass has been reproduced. I am sad that it's his last book, as I've had several of his editions on glassware.

5-0 out of 5 stars Another winner for Gene and Kathy
Don't know how many past issues of Gene Florence's depression glass books I've got, but they are invaluable for the collector.I used to get the new edition every year, but now I just get one every 2 or 3 years.Depends on how far into your collections you are, or if you are selling.I've read books by other authors, but in my opinion, the Florence books are the most accurate and have the best photography.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Book for Depression Glass Collectors!
Book arrived quickly and in excellent condition. The book is extremely informative and I have been using it often. I would definately recommend buying this book if you are a depression glass collector!It has been extremely helpful in my e-Bay business. ... Read more

15. Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression
by Lisa M. Schab
Paperback: 173 Pages (2008-07)
list price: US$32.95 -- used & new: US$20.36
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1572246634
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Despite what you might have been told, the feelings of sadness and hopelessness you may be struggling with are probably not "just a phase" or "something you'll grow out of." As many as 20 percent of people your age have symptoms of serious depression, yet many teens and even many adults don't recognize the signs. Only half of depressed teens get the help they need to overcome these feelings. If you're feeling depressed, this workbook offers things you can do, both on your own and with a counselor, to feel better.

The activities in Beyond the Blues can help you cope with sad and difficult feelings, find new ways to make friends, and deal with conflicts. Little by little and on your own schedule, you can make small changes in your life that will lead you to a brighter, more enjoyable future.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

5-0 out of 5 stars Wonderful
I bought several of these workbooks and they are great. It is really based on the Cognitive behavioral therapy and I use it with my middle school and high school students.

5-0 out of 5 stars Fantastic Book
Although written specifically for depressed teenagers, this book's exercises are just plain good exercises for ANY teen to go through at some point. I say this because a lot of these activities can be used to build and develop good qualities in a person. For instance, there are activities that help build self-esteem and self-confidence. And let's face it, if kids had more of these kinds of qualities there would be a lot less troubled youths around.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. The book addresses the problem of depression in a workbook format. This really works because it gives the reader more than one option to treat their depression. For instance, there is a "higher power" exercise that might work better for more religious oriented teens, while others may find that the exercise activity suits their personality and likes more (recommend "Exercise Beats Depression" for further reading on that). With some FORTY activities, well, there's going to be something here for everyone.

In conclusion, its a great book, written in plain language with a lot of diverse activities- and a great resource for anyone suffering from depression.

5-0 out of 5 stars Beyond the Blues
I utilize this book for ideas and activities with teens in my internship as a mental health counselor.As with most workbooks this one is also cognitive-beahorial based and while that is not my theory of choice many of the activities and knowlege are helpful.I find myself re-tooling them to fit into my way of working.All in all a very nice resource and often I will go to the shelf to get it and another counselor has borrowed it.That in itself speaks highly for this workbook.

5-0 out of 5 stars YOU NEED THIS WORKBOOK!!!
My daughter was having a hard time with divorce,self-esteem and anger (and impending teenager-hood). I was at my wits end and needed help immediately. I went right up to Barnes and Noble and found this miracle of a workbook and within twenty minutes, my daughter was diving into it and feeling empowered. (no exaggeration) It is a wonderful way for a child to work through their emotions without feeling that they are "being made to". She has even brought it with her on her little vacations to continue her path. Something I did not even suggest. Lisa has done great job with a great resource. I look forward to reading more of her books. Well done Lisa!!!

5-0 out of 5 stars helpful workbook
The girls that Ihave in therapy for depression like the format of this workbook. ... Read more

16. The Depression Workbook: A Guide for Living with Depression and Manic Depression, Second Edition
by Mary Ellen Copeland, Matthew McKay
Paperback: 334 Pages (2002-01-09)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$14.42
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 157224268X
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This bestselling workbook provides interactive exercises that help readers take responsibility for their own wellness and teach essential coping skills, such as tracking and controlling moods, building a support system, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, avoiding conditions that can exacerbate mood swings, and using relaxation, diet, and exercise to stabilize moods.A major feature of the second edition is a new chapter that details a step-by-step process to help readers develop their own plan for managing symptoms and staying well. The second edition also contains an updated list of resources, including an extensive list of helpful web resources, as well as expanded material on specific treatment strategies and updated resources for mental health professionals.Amazon.com Review
It may be difficult for those suffering from depression to add a little work into their day; simply getting out of bed can seem like plenty of work. But if you are newly diagnosed or experiencing moderate problems with depression or bipolar disorder, The Depression Workbook might be a literal lifesaver.

The first section is especially useful to new patients just learning to navigate the signs, treatments, and vocabulary of depression. Clearly written overviews of specific symptoms are coupled with space for you to write in your own thoughts on treatment, prognosis, and your ultimate goals. Checklists and daily planners help to identify both areas of difficulty and positive experiences; later in the book, you'll find charts for tracking medications, diet, and doctor visits.

A full section is devoted to the establishment and maintenance of a support group. Ideas range from open discussions with family members to seeking out volunteer work, and it's this section that may be the trickiest for the depressed to work through. Finding the strength to make new friends may seem impossible at first, but author Mary Ellen Copeland spreads plenty of warmth, encouragement, and personal experience among her directives. --Jill Lightner ... Read more

Customer Reviews (26)

5-0 out of 5 stars Hope and Help for people with emotional illnesses

I have purchased three copies of this book; one for myself and two for others with similar experiences. Reading it helped me to identify my own psychological condition and even better, showed me practical and realistic ways to feel better. It helped in my receiving a correct diagnosis and being prescribed medicine that is daily helping me to have a confident and enjoyable life. The list of recommended resources is sure to be helpful to anyone willing to take action to be mentally healthy.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book
It is a wonderful book to help those individuals who have depression understand how to control it and to learn more about their disability. Manic depression is classified as bi-polar so those who have bi-polar may want to check this book out as well.

3-0 out of 5 stars Non bi-polars beware
This is a great book but I found that it was suited more for people with bi-polar issues or manic issues.In addition, if done alone at home, it can bring up some really difficult issues.I think this is great to use in a group setting or in a partial or full hospital program, but I found it to bring up too many emotions and prefer to use it in group settings only.

3-0 out of 5 stars Somewhat helpful
I found that this book was heavily skewed to bipolar depression.While the information and exercises given are no doubt helpful to those with bipolar depression, I found that they did not really pertain to my unipolar (postpartum) depression.I would look for different resources if you are suffering from unipolar depression.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great Help for Depression
Depression is a horrible illness that I would not have survived if it were not for books like this one.I researched and sought information endlessly when in the black hole of this horrible illness.This book provides resources and information that is necessary for anyone suffering from depression or those working with the suffering individuals.Always remember there is help and its not as bad as it seems.Depression is an illness that effects your entire being so treatment is necessary.You cant just shake it off.This book helps.

Definitely recommended for the depressed and those working with these individuals. ... Read more

17. Talking to Depression: Simple Ways To Connect When Someone In Your Life Is Depressed
by Claudia J. Strauss
Paperback: 224 Pages (2004-01-06)
list price: US$14.00 -- used & new: US$7.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0451209869
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
When someone suffers from depression, friends and family members naturally want to help-but too often their good intentions come out all wrong. This practical, compassionate guide helps readers understand exactly what their loved one is going through, and why certain approaches help and others have the potential to do damage. Talking to Depression offers specific advice on what to do and what not to do-and what to say and what not to say-to avoid frustration and give the kind of caring, effective support that will make a difference. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (8)

5-0 out of 5 stars Very Good
This book is very helpful to people who interact with people who suffer from depression. Speaking as someone who has struggled with depression for years, it contains information and advice I didn't even think of and I would find helpful. It's not very technical and it's short and simple, but it is a great gift for someone who wants to help but doesn't know how.

2-0 out of 5 stars Summaries of what is already said.
This book seems to summarise what is already known, and fits Bipolar into the medical model rather than the wholistic health model. You can get most of this information from the information sheets published by the drug companies and the DSM IV. I myself am a mental health RN, my partner a naturopath, so I am not ignorant on either viewpoint. This is not a book I suggest family members read as their first choice when it comes to depression. Taking tablets is not the only choice, nor does it mean things are improved as research has clearly shown. Cognitive therapies which this book promotes as something that benefits in conjunction with medication, can be better as a stand alone especially with regard to anti anxiolitics which impair therapy, Something this book does not grasp. The author is a specialist in learning disorders and altzymers, which is radically different from depression. As a professional myself, I can see clearly where this author has gone wrong. If you still buy this book, keep in mind it is only one point of view, and a narrow one at that.

5-0 out of 5 stars an absolute must for anyone with depression or who has a loved one with depression
As a former mental health therapist and a person diabled by depression, I highly recommend this book.I wish I had had it 7 years ago when my mother moved in with me.She was saying all the "don'ts" and not doing any of the "dos".I got this book recently and read through it, marvelling at how my mother has, over the years, learned how to help me with my depression.

Another plus for this book is that it is written on a human level, not using a lot of dry facts or professional terminology, but just saying what needs to be said.It even includes a section on how children and teenagers can learn what to say and do as well as a section on what to say and do if a parent notices symptoms of depression in their child or adolescent.

5-0 out of 5 stars I am lucky to find this book to read
excellent book ! well-structed, easy to read, practical manual that you can follow in the daily life. I just finished it and I really think i am lucky to find this book to read. It is the right one to help me to cope with the daily challenge,as i have been struggling in the support for the one i loved in depression, sometimes confused and sometimes frustrated. I hope more peopel in this need could read it coz it's really useful.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great book for friends and family
When I got diagnosed my family immediately began researching depression and learning all they could.I just discovered this book at my parents' house, full of yellow highlighted passages.It was so touching to learn that they care that much about me and that they know me so well.

I found the book to be so very truthful on many levels.She describes many possible actions and reactions and thoughts and feelings of the depressed person.While not all of them related directly to me, I could see that my family had found the ones that did and really took them to heart.So, the list must be very exhaustive and you will surely find your loved one there, even if all the symptoms don't match.

My family has responded in such a wonderful manner to me and seem to have given me exactly what I needed when I needed it.Underneath the depression I had marveled at how "good" they were at supporting me.Now I can see where they got the specific advice as to what to do and what to say and what not to say - right here in this book and it was SPOT ON.Thinking back, I can almost pinpoint when they read this because I distinctly remember when they stopped saying the "Things you should never say to a depressed person." I remember being thankful that they had finally stopped the useless advice(!)

It's a short book, an easy read but don't discount its helpfulness and usefulness.

I recommend this book highly.For you - if you're depressed - find yourself on the lists and show your family what will help and what won't; for you - if you have a depressed loved one.I have even recommended it to my counselor to recommend to the families of her other depressed clients. ... Read more

18. The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression
by Amity Shlaes
Paperback: 512 Pages (2008-06-01)
list price: US$15.99 -- used & new: US$7.44
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0060936428
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

In The Forgotten Man, Amity Shlaes, one of the nation's most-respected economic commentators, offers a striking reinterpretation of the Great Depression. She traces the mounting agony of the New Dealers and the moving stories of individual citizens who through their brave perseverance helped establish the steadfast character we recognize as American today.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (337)

1-0 out of 5 stars One of the worst books I've ever read all the way through
This is possibly the worst book I've ever read all the way through.Poorly argued, poorly written, poorly sourced.Sloppy.Laughable.Error-ridden.The title figure of the "Forgotten Man" is a moving target through the book so that by the end you're not sure who she even considers the "forgotten man."It's subtitled a "new history" but she never really spells out what's "new" about it, not once making reference to most historians' "take" on the New Deal and how her view is different.She shouldn't even call it a "history" - more like her personal musings.If her main point is that the New Deal didn't work that well and that we would've been better off under Coolidge and Mellon, I think Robert Bartley and the Wall Street Journal were making THAT point back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, so there's nothing "new" about that.She builds her story around unlikely heroes, victims, and characters of the time.She admires Calvin Coolidge, mostly for his ability to do nothing.She admires Justice James McReynolds one of the least-admirable justices in the Court's history; she fails to note the irony of the notoriously anti-Semitic McReynolds questioning the Schechter brothers on their kosher poultry business.She worships Wendell Willkie.Felix Frankfurter is the evil eminence-grise lurking behind the scenes pulling the strings controlling those naughty bookish intellectuals who want to turn the US into a Stalinist nirvana. She spends needless time on the forgotten figure of Father Divine, why I don't know.She completely underestimates the psychological value of FDR's leadership during the Depression.Her writing style is off-putting, feeling the need to give us the names of every steamship anyone mentioned in the book ever used to travel to Europe or back - perhaps she figured it would give this otherwise poorly sourced book an air of verisimilitude.She purposelessly notes coincidences of geography or states of birth of personages she's talking about, in ways such as "They had radically different economic philosophies even though they both lived in Massachusetts."She talks of American business leaders meeting in early 1940 trying to stop war in Europe from breaking out - sorry guys, too late!I could go on, but the whole thing is just awful.Can't believe I read through the whole thing.Do yourself a favor and don't do as I did.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Forgotten Man
The book arrived promptly and in very good condition, actually better than the seller advertised. I will buy again from this seller if the opportunity arises.

4-0 out of 5 stars Buy the book
Great analysis of the depression era that dispells the mythology.Unfortunately, the narrator does a poor job; spoken in a monotone that makes it hard to follow.

One of the challenges is that there are so many historical figures introduced that, from chapter to chapter over the arc of the discussion, it is hard to keep track of each of them and their roles, especially if you have to read/listen in short portions over more than 2 weeks.

5-0 out of 5 stars Amazing book
I am a history major, so expected this to be a bit dry and fact based.No, it reads like a suspense novel.Shlaes captures the social and political issues, and winds them into the economic situation.What is disturbing is to see a repeat of many of the mistakes being made today, but in fast-forward speed!
Read this in two nights and loved it.

3-0 out of 5 stars Gossipy journalism, with some useful perspectives

The "Forgotten Man" is sub-titled "a new history of the great depression", which I found to be pretentious and misleading.

Shlaes does not actually discuss the Great Depression in any economic sense.She discusses peripheral matters, political manoeuvring and the doings (mostly trivial) of prominent and relatively obscure actors in the drama.It is a little disconcerting to read all the gossip without any broader context of events.You really need to know the history of the Great Depression, or at least American political history, reasonably well for this book to make much sense.

Much is made of the Roosevelt Administration's virulent attacks on big business, especially holding companies, as the Depression unfolded.Even individual businessmen were "outed" by lawyers determined to make them pay for something.These attacks may or may not have been justified - Schlaes gives no context for the attacks, nor does she explain clearly why the hatreds existed.That's an important part of the Depression era in the US and it is a pity the book is largely silent on the bigger picture.

One major surprise to a non-American reader unfamiliar with the details of the New Deal is the incompetence of the Roosevelt administration in setting up and running many of the programs, and the almost irresponsible vacillation of Roosevelt himself.In fact Roosevelt emerges badly after a reading of the book.

Equally surprising is the socialism and blind Russophilia of many key political figures of the day, including Roosevelt's famous Brain Trust.Schlaes may or may not be giving a balanced account of the history of the time in this respect.I don't have enough background to judge, and Schlaes gives very little perspective.

Tugwell (assistant secretary of agriculture) also waxed eloquent about the efficiencies to be gained from collectivised agriculture in the USSR, "if only the stubborn peasant would cooperate."There's the rub: those who want to change the world need to deal with people as they are, not as they would like them to be.Not even decades of executions and brutal repression could convince those stubborn peasants to love Soviet collectivisation.American efforts at collectivised agriculture, at Casa Grande for example, also ended in failure.

Schlaes's account is essentially descriptive, but she does give a useful 5-page "Afterword to the paperback edition" that attempts to draw some broad conclusions from the period covered in the book.That brief section is well worth reading and it is a pity Schlaes did not put much more similar analysis throughout the text.

Schlaes gives a cast of characters at the beginning of the book which is quite a useful reference when one of the lesser-known names comes up in the text.Similarly, the timeline of events from 1929 to 1940 at the front of the book is equally useful.

"The forgotten Man" is basically gossipy journalism - superficial and descriptive, with very little analysis or perspective of any sort.Here is a typical quote out of a multitude I could have chosen: "They met in his bedroom at breakfast.Roosevelt sat up in his mahogany bed. He was usually finishing his soft-boiled egg. There was a plate of fruit at the bedside.There were cigarettes."

If you like such utter trivia, you will love the book, because there is a lot of it.Personally, I think it is complete rubbish that the editors should have culled ruthlessly.

Granted, the author has been diligent in ferreting out an enormous amount of trivia, so maybe the publisher uses that to justify the overblown claim of the book being a "new history."

The problem with this approach is that there is such a vast amount of anecdotal detail available that the author must inevitably be ultra-selective in her choice; quoting what interests her, without giving any overall contextual relevance.Of course, all historians face this problem (Henry Ford put it well when he said "all history is bunk"); but it raises more problems for writers of social history and people-based narratives of great events.

The book is aimed at an American audience and many of the detailed comings and goings of obscure figures and the grassroots political machinations of others will probably interest some American readers, but others will find it eye-glazingly boring.

There are some enjoyable snippets of gossip, such as Roger Baldwin's unintendedly funny comment about the Soviet Union under Stalin: "There is much discontent, much regulation of life, but not much terrorism or repression except of the old upper classes."I got a belly-laugh when I read elsewhere in the book that the National Gallery in New York was kept open on Sunday evenings "for the benefit of men in the armed forces."I can just see all those soldiers on leave lining up to view art works in the evenings.

If you just want a light, entertaining read where you don't have to exercise a single brain cell, you might enjoy this book.Just don't delude yourself that it is "new history."

But, to be fair, Schlaes does create atmosphere and a sense of how people felt, the pressures to experiment and do something as the Great Depression unfolded.Her detailed word pictures certainly complement more standard accounts of that traumatic era.I just wish she had not overdone peripheral detail such as "Long wore purple pajamas (sic)"

The book is interesting and irritating in equal measure, but probably worth buying.
... Read more

19. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008
by Paul Krugman
Paperback: 224 Pages (2009-09-08)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$9.36
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0393337804
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
The New York Times bestseller: the Nobel Prize–winning economist shows how today’s crisis parallels the Great Depression—and explains how to avoid catastrophe. With a new foreword for this paperback edition.In this major bestseller, Paul Krugman warns that, like diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, the economic maladies that caused the Great Depression have made a comeback. He lays bare the 2008 financial crisis—the greatest since the 1930s—tracing it to the failure of regulation to keep pace with an out-of-control financial system. He also tells us how to contain the crisis and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession. Brilliantly crafted in Krugman’s trademark style—lucid, lively, and supremely informed—this new edition of The Return of Depression Economics has become an instant classic. A hard-hitting new foreword takes the paperback edition right up to the present moment. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (120)

4-0 out of 5 stars Best description of our current economic situation.
It is short concise and to the point. I think that is the strong points to this immensely valuable book. Krugman doesn't try to wow you with jargon or literary acumen he just simply states the facts as he sees them. I was raised a liberal and have never understood the Friedman economics fascination of the 80's and so a lot of the book was preaching to the choir. However, there were quite a few things he had to say that truly surprised me. If you are a Keynesian liberal type I think this book will surprise you in many ways and is a treasure trove of clear concise information. If you are a Milton Friedman/David Stockman trickle down theory type this book might offend your disreputed philosophy and I wouldn't recommend it to you.I thought I had understood our economic situation (and luckily I did well enough not to make some of the common mistakes) but this book filled many gaps in my knowledge. A good read.

4-0 out of 5 stars Economics for everybody - how money makes the world go around
I find the book very easy to read, and very interesting. The reader get an overview of the world economy. Krugman is useing examples that are easy to understand. They gives you an idea how complicated economic systems work. I sometimes think he goes to easy on some issues. I strongly recomand you to read the book, even if you don't understand economics. Krugman illustrates how money makes the world go around.

5-0 out of 5 stars A timely, well-written macro primer
Krugman made his name as an economist who could do the heavy mathematical lifting that passes for intellectual machismo in the discipline but who also understands the basic intuitive insights of economic modeling. In this book, he explains in layperson's terms how truly depressed (zero-interest rate, high unemployment, low capacity utilization) economies operate according to a bizarre up-is-down logic that was first identified by John Maynard Keynes. The way such an economy works is deeply counter-intuitive, and having it explained clearly is a real public service, even if Krugman's Cassandra-like warnings have been ignored by policy makers and most pundits. Read this book to get a grasp on our contemporary (mid-2010) macro-economic predicament.

1-0 out of 5 stars Old recycled ideas -

Old recycled ideas.Not very helpful in addressing the massive debt problems that have caused the panic of 2009 and continue to plague the USA.

5-0 out of 5 stars Krugman is skilled at explaining economic theory
I highly recommend 'The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008' for the layman who wishes to understand the root and possible remedy for our current economic woes!Krugman has an uncanny ability to explain complex economic issues in an accessible, understandable manner.I particularly appreciate his explanations of some of the economic instruments or activities (hedge funds, currency trading, derivatives, etc.) that got us into this mess!

I plan to re-read the book in a few months! ... Read more

20. Depression: A Stubborn Darkness--Light for the Path
by Edward T. Welch
Paperback: 280 Pages (2004-11-01)
list price: US$14.99 -- used & new: US$10.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0976230801
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Depression: A Stubborn Darkness is Dr. Edward T. Welch's latest release in a series of ground-breaking best-selling counseling books that include When People Are Big and God is Small, Blame It on the Brain?, Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave. Now in its third printing, Welch continues to further his reputation as an author who can speak to general consumers in a language they intuitively connect with on a deeply personal level. Endorsed by Joni Eareckson Tada, and Bob Lepine of FamilyLife, this book is targeted to the 18 million adult Americans who struggle with depression. Compassionate and compelling, the book lays out issues and answers with Welch's world view that faith needs to be interlaced with therapies and medication for conditions categorized as strictly clinical. The author weaves in questions scattered throughout the book to help the reader interact with the content and also offers suggestions for those who have loved ones struggling with depression. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (18)

5-0 out of 5 stars My Daughter's Depression
Our daughter went through a sever depression a couple years ago.I found this book tremendously valuable as a guide.With lots of prayer, genuion encouragement and time for our daughter to process her fealings with us, time with close friends, and gently spoon feeding her with time looking at the life of Jesus, with and God's grace, within just a few months our daughter took an about turn for the better.It was very helpful that she trusted us and had a teachable heart.We were expecting that it may take a couple years.We realize it could have been much different.We have hightly recommended this book to several of our friends and have an extra copy on hand in case we run into someone who could really use some help.

5-0 out of 5 stars I can't recommend Ed Welch enough.
Ed Welch is a gift from God to those struggling with addictions and depression. I own several of his books and they are all solid as a rock. (As opposed to the sinking sand of "feel good" secular psycobabble)

5-0 out of 5 stars excellent
I found this to be thorough and thoughtful Spiritual review of what causes depression in people. It really helped me to be more understanding of those around me who were suffering and gave a great explanation of what it was like to be suffering. It helped me to know what to do and what not to do for the people close to me who was suffering. INSIGHTFUL, PROVOCATIVE, HELPFUL, and SPIRITUAL guidance.

2-0 out of 5 stars Threw It Away
The author did not connect with the truly depressed person who needs medical help. Didn't enjoy book at all. Threw it away.

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent
Delivery of this book was prompt and in perfect condition.Would definitely use Amazon again for any purchase.Thanks ... Read more

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