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21. Classical : Art Directory (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. johnsonwatkins, jeanne Modern, classical (Rating0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Khitruk, Anastasia Russian trained concert violinist. http://www.123artist.com/art/Arts/Music/Instruments/Stringed/Bowed_Strings/Violi | |
22. Stanford Magazine > March/April 2002 > Class Notes > Obituaries An accomplished violinist, he served as concertmaster of Robert; four daughters, Mary,74, jeanne, Ruth Given became an executive for watkinsjohnson and, in http://www.stanfordalumni.org/news/magazine/2002/marapr/classnotes/obituaries.ht | |
23. DINO-Online - Diese Seite Kann Leider Nicht Angezeigt Werden. in einem neuen Fenster johnsonwatkins, jeanne - Modern, classical www.inwit.com/jeanne/- Verwandte Websites. Anastasia - Russian trained concert violinist. http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_e3753bd86a715bd139468f7a3194a20d.html | |
24. /Arts/Music/Instruments/Stringed/BowedStrings/Violin/Violinists/Classical/ - Www johnsonwatkins, jeanne Modern and Baroque violin - Bio, MP3 samples. Telnikoff,Alexander - violinist / composer - Russian born and based in the UK http://cgi.botbot.com/dir/$/Arts/Music/Instruments/Stringed/BowedStrings/Violin/ | |
25. Www.wu-wien.ac.at/earlym-l/logfiles/earlym-l.log9606b storm) that recordings with a lesser solo violinist the violinist has to Lyle Nordstrom,lute bandora, with guest artists jeanne johnsonwatkins, violin and http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/earlym-l/logfiles/earlym-l.log9606b | |
26. World-searches.com: Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Stringed/Bowed Strings/Violi johnsonwatkins, jeanne Modern, classical, and baroque violin styles. www.inwit.com/jeanne/(Added Tue Khitruk, Anastasia Russian trained concert violinist. http://www.kangaroo-directory.com/Entertainment/Music/Instruments/Stringed/Bowed | |
27. Dir For Todoinspokane.com Anastasia Open this link in a new window Russian trained concert violinist. johnson-watkins,jeanne Open this link in a new window - Modern, classical, and http://dir.todoinspokane.com/Arts/Music/Instruments/Stringed/Bowed_Strings/Violi | |
28. Freenet.de-Webkatalog - Diese Seite Kann Leider Nicht Angezeigt Werden. 17. johnsonwatkins, jeanne - Modern, classical, and baroque violin styles. 19.Khitruk, Anastasia - Russian trained concert violinist. http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_e3753bd86a715bd139468f7a3194a20d.html | |
29. Hereford Historical Characters Pt.2 SummerAutumn Richard D. watkins / Paperback / Published There he associatedwith johnson's circle and, with Listan, 1764-83 Marie jeanne Riccoboni, JC http://www.herefordwebpages.co.uk/histchar.shtml | |
30. 1996 South High and Franklin, Starling, and johnson Park Junior King, Stan Kenton, andSammy watkins, continuing to Dale, Ziggy Coyle, Les Susi, jeanne Cummins, and http://seniormusicians.homestead.com/1996.html | |
31. September 1995 Alumnotes Donna watkins, '88, johnson City, Tenn., is 1990. jeanne Bell, '90, Port Orchard,is a vocational counselor with the Dept. of Social and Health Services Div. http://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/sept95/alumnotes0995.html |
32. Columns Magazine: June 2000 Alumnotes He has been married for 20 years to his wife, Susan, and they have an 18year-oldson. Patti Spencer-watkins, '75. Dan johnson, '93. jeanne Yum Kim, '94, '98. http://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/june00/alumnotes0600.html | |
33. The Cornell Chronicle directed by Louis Malle, with jeanne Moreau and Forest, New Hampshire, Chris johnson,Syracuse University and Storage Ability of Fruit, Chris watkins, fruit http://www.news.cornell.edu/Chronicle/96/2.29.96/calendar2-29.html | |
34. Alla Breve - Alumni Notes a brass quintet led by GLEN johnson (MM 97 former New York Philharmonic principalflutist jeanne Baxtresser. EMILY watkins (GPD 99) is the new Assistant http://www.peabody.jhu.edu/cons/alumni/alla-breve/alla09-02.html | |
35. LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL: LIVING: ON THE SCENE: Dorothy Huffey Cayne, Robin Leach, Jackie Brett, Norm johnson, Monti Rock Karen Scherer, Dr. Monteand jeanne Greenawalt, Elisa Prado, Anna Nateece, Dr. John watkins and Rose http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/2002/Mar-07-Thu-2002/living/18230727.html | |
36. Dallas NABC Daily Web Page - March 9, 1997 2.48 4 Jeffrey Reynolds, Houston TX; jeanne Reynolds, Miami FL 0.49 6 Mary Owren Blessie watkins, Arlington TX CO 106.50 3.25 3 Marilyn johnson - Grace Scott http://www.acbl.org/nabc/dallas/970309.htm | |
37. Records Added To The Library Catalog : November 25 - December 1, 2002 jeanne. Seeking BÕauls of Bengal / jeanne Openshaw. Hodges Library Book JL108.J642002 johnson, David, 1957 Book PR438.E56 W38 2002 watkins, John, 1960 http://www.lib.utk.edu/utkcats/recentadds/021125.html | |
38. WU Libraries - Gaylord Music Library - Necrology - W Walker, jeanne, d. International Musician, v. 97 no. watkins, Thomas T., Americanmusic librarian, d. 9/5 Wright, Margaret johnson, American organist, and organ http://library.wustl.edu/~music/necro/necro-w.html | |
39. Pageant News Bureau (PNB) - Pageant News in May when Miss Memphis, Brandi watkins, a former fourth runnerup was Allison johnson,representing Scarborough. jeanne Anne Schroeder, 23, competing as Miss http://www.pageant.net/news/archive/news2002q2.html | |
40. Pageant News Bureau (PNB) - Pageant News Miss White River, Brandi watkins, 21, of Brinkley, who 24, of Urbandale, competingas Miss johnson County, was The third runnerup was jeanne Anne Shroeder, 21 http://www.pageant.net/news/archive/news2000q2.html | |
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