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41. Awards And Commemorations of Music, conductor of Choir, Composer 1924 awarded I. International competitionprize for Men's Choirs at Venice bronislaw huberman, violinist - Played on http://www.uni-lueneburg.de/memory/whoswho/AwardsandCommemoration.HTML | |
42. Emperor Fancis Joseph bronislaw huberman, violinist In September 1892 he performed at the VienneseInternational Exhibition for Music which was followed by a concert before the http://www.uni-lueneburg.de/memory/whoswho/EmperorFancisJoseph.HTML | |
43. Untitled Translate this page bronislaw huberman est né à Czestochowa, en Pologne le 19 Decembre, 1882. -The World violinist Links Sans doute la plus interessante http://perso.wanadoo.fr/armand.marsick/LIEN.htm | |
44. DECEMBER 19 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' 1882 Birth of Polish violinist and conductor bronislaw huberman near Warsaw.1888 Birth of Hungarianborn American conductor Fritz REINER, in Budapest. http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/dec19.html | |
45. Freemuse: Library: 1st Conference On Music And Censorship: Speeches: Music Indus founded the orchestra was bronislaw huberman then a very well-known figure inEurope, active in Pan-Europa Movement, and above all a very famed violinist. http://www.freemuse.org/03libra/speeches/sat10ole.html | |
46. EDionysus - Where The Arts Live Morning News Click here for full story violinist Joshua Bell has a new fiddle a 1713 Strad with a story. It once belonged to bronislaw huberman, but was http://music.edionysus.com/news/arc63.html | |
47. Welcome To Gramophone - The World's Best Classical Music Magazine Stolen from bronislaw huberman, founder of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, duringa acquired for $100 by Julian Altman, a cabaret violinist who performed in http://www.gramophone.co.uk/newsMainTemplate.asp?storyID=766&newssectionID=1 |
48. RedLudwig.com: Music News It was stolen from violinist bronislaw huberman at Carnegie Hall in 1936and subsequently bought by nightclub musician Juilian Altman for $100. http://www.redludwig.com/news/archive/113001.html | |
49. SLOVARJI.com profesor etmonuzikologije v ljubljani huberman bronislaw -1882-1947-poljski violinist-sodilmed najvecje interprete klasicne glasbe ivanovic - aleksandra http://www.slovarji.com/slovarji/ostalo.php?type=skladatelji&length=8 |
50. Zubin Mehta And His World Class Orchestra Founded in 1936 as the Palestine Symphony, by the Polish violinist bronislaw huberman,the orchestra was specifically created to help Jewish musicians escape http://www.jewishjournal.com/old/zubinmehta.3.3.0.htm | |
51. Johannes Brahms - Concerto For Violin One violinist, bronislaw huberman, referred to the workonly halfjokinglyas a concerto for violin against orchestraand the violin wins! . http://www.webitcreations.com/galvestonsymphony/composers/JBrahms_ConcViolin.htm | |
52. Music Reviews In 1896, the thirteenyear-old bronislaw huberman performed the Concerto in thepresence of the composer. (Afterwards, the young violinist was upset because http://www.santarosasymphony.com/review_2_21_2k.html | |
53. The Nimham Times Online bronislaw huberman, a renowned violinist of the mid20th Century,was appearing at Carnegie Hall. He was playing a DelGesu and http://www.nimhamtimes.com/issues/summer02/weaner202.htm |
54. Twilight With Halfmoon Rising: Selected Poems By Peter Gimpel. Red Heifer Press I invited Gimpel to join with violinist Sam Fordis and me in a concerts throughoutEurope and America, once the protégé of bronislaw hubermanfounder of http://www.redheiferpress.com/reviews_twilight.htm | |
55. Yale Herald Online: Impatient Bluster Foils A Once-forgotten Phrase bronislaw huberman (18821947) is one of the many forgotten heroes of the music tobeing a social and political activist, the Polish-born violinist was one of http://www.yaleherald.com/archive/xxiii/2.21.97/ae/bluster.html | |
56. Comune Genova bronislaw huberman, 1903, 1909. Mario TRABUCCO (*), Up to now violinist Responsiblefor the Maintenance 1972, 1973, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 http://www.comune.genova.it/turismo/paganini/eng/viol3e.htm | |
57. Great Performances . Dialogue . Joshua Bell | PBS It's quite a famous violin because it was stolen from him bronislaw huberman atCarnegie in the 1980s, it was discovered that some café violinist had played http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/dialogue/dialogue_bell_bell.html | |
58. NEC College Faculty: Eric Rosenblith Organizer and first violinist of several string quartets, he regularly participates JacquesThibaud in Paris, Carl Flesch in London, bronislaw huberman in New http://www.newenglandconservatory.edu/college/collfaculty/rosenblithe.html | |
59. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Sixty Years Of Making Music original members of the orchestra, then called the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra,were assembled by the Polish Jewish violinist bronislaw huberman, and were http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0esl0 |
60. Breaking News Founded by Polish violinist bronislaw huberman, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestrarepresents the fulfillment of his dream to unite the desire of the country http://www.arts4all.com/newsletter/breakingnews/breakingnews.asp?bb=2129&aid=13 |
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