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41. The HIV-AIDS Hypothesis And The Fourth Estate A commentary on the absence of proof that the causal agent of AIDS is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and that the votaries of this hypothesis have never attempted to prove it. http://www.literatus.net/essay/Aids.html | |
42. Hypothesis V - Hydrogen Power - Theoretical And Engineering Solutions - Porto Co The purpose of the hypothesis series is to provide a forum where representativesfrom industry, public laboratories, universities and governmental agencies can http://www.hypothesis.ws/ | |
43. Documentary Hypothesis The Documentary hypothesis Evidence. Who Wrote the Bible? This hypothesis thatMoses did not write the Torah took almost two hundred years to accept. http://www-relg-studies.scu.edu/netcours/hb/dh/ | |
44. Smarandache Notions Journal Smarandache hypothesis that there is no speed barrier in the universe, and the quantum Smarandache Category Science Physics Alternative...... Smarandache hypothesis Evidences, Implications and Applications, byL. Motta in English(HTML) in English(PDF) em Portugues(PDF). http://www.gallup.unm.edu/~smarandache/physics.htm | |
45. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis An abstract from Daniel Chandlers 1995 The Art of Writing. Argues for a moderate Whorfianism.Category Science Social Sciences Sapir-Whorf hypothesis......These notes on the SapirWhorf hypothesis concerning linguistic relativity anddeterminism are from a book on 'The Act of Writing' by Daniel Chandler. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/whorf.html | |
46. Noah's Flood Hypothesis May Not Hold Water Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor part of international research group refuting popular theory. http://www.rpi.edu/web/News/press_releases/2002/noahsark.html | |
47. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE -- Listing By AUTHOR Thomas Henry Huxley. http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/cat.cgi?&label=ID&ftpsite=ftp://ibiblio.or |
48. The Riemann Hypothesis A short article by Kimon Spiliopoulos.Category Science Math Number Theory Analytic Riemann hypothesis......The Riemann hypothesis Riemann's primes. The fact that Riemann hypothesisholds for billions of nontrivial zeros does not guarantee anything. http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/kimon/Riemann/Riemann.htm | |
49. MLA Research Section Newsletter - Hypothesis hypothesis (ISSN 10935665) is the official newsletter of the ResearchSection of MLA. It is published three times a year by the http://gain.mercer.edu/mla/research/hypothesis.html | |
50. School Of Molecular Biosciences - Faculty: Pall This paper is an overview of the work published by Prof. Martin Pall that CFS may be due a selfsustaining vicious cycle of overproduction of nitric oxide. http://molecular.biosciences.wsu.edu/Faculty/pall.html | |
51. Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev's Hypothesis On Plato's Atlantis Similar pages The Gaia hypothesisThe Gaia hypothesis. Another example of how science works is a revolutionaryhypothesis first proposed by an atmospheric chemist the the late 70s. http://www.imh.ru/atlan4_e.htm | |
52. Investor Home - The Efficient Market Hypothesis The Efficient Market hypothesis The Random Walk Theory. The implicationsof the efficient market hypothesis are truly profound. http://www.investorhome.com/emh.htm | |
53. HyperStat Online: Logic Of Hypothesis Testing Web based materials for teaching statistics http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/logic_hypothesis.html | |
54. Mathematical Constants Notes by Steven Finch. http://pauillac.inria.fr/algo/bsolve/constant/apery/riemhyp.html | |
55. Null Hypothesis (1 Of 4) next. Null hypothesis (1 of 4). The null hypothesis is an hypothesisabout a population parameter. The purpose of hypothesis testing http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/A29337.html | |
56. Index hypothesis Software feels that the implementation of HASL toward intelligent drugdesign can be best served by supplying the users with the tools necessary to http://www.concentric.net/~Hyposoft/ | |
57. Hypothesis On MATTER An alternate approach to provide simple and logical explanations to all physical phenomena related to matter. http://www.geocities.com/matterdoc/index.html | |
58. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 1999 overview of the history and development of the theories of linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. By Rebecca Ash. http://www.angelfire.com/journal/worldtour99/sapirwhorf.html | |
59. Documentary Hypothesis Documentary hypothesis. Literary analysis shows that the Pentateuchwas not written by one person. Multiple strands of tradition http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/2/Judaism/jepd.html | |
60. The Inevitable Eve Article by Jeffrey A. Harvey arguing that the Eve hypothesis is statistically true. http://www3.sympatico.ca/jeff.harvey/InevitableEve.htm | |
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