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1. Welcome To The MIT Laboratory For Computer Science Research in a variety of areas in computer science. Description of research, publications, and news.Category Computers computer science Research Institutes...... MIT Laboratory for computer science, MIT Laboratory for computer science 200 TechnologySquare, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Tel 617253-5851 Fax 617-258-8682 Email http://www.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
2. The Collection Of Computer Science Bibliographies Contains more than 590 000 BibTeX references mostly of journal articles, conference papers and technical reports. The Collection of. computer science Bibliographies. More than 1.2 Million references! http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography | |
3. SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/Carnegie Mellon Education in computer music, data mining, machine learning, vision, and speech with a list of research Category Computers Artificial Intelligence Research Centers...... graduate students!! The faculty and students of the School of ComputerScience are looking forward to meeting you More information. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ | |
4. Berkeley CS Division Home Page computer science DivisionCategory Computers computer science United States California...... Computer Research Association. The computer science Division. computer scienceGraduate Student Visit Day Sunday Monday, March 16 17, 2003. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/ | |
5. Stanford Computer Science Department Stanford, CaliforniaCategory Computers computer science United States California...... Historical Displays. computer science Department 353 Serra Mall Stanford UniversityStanford CA 943059025 USA, Info (650) 723-2273. Fax (650) 725-7411. http://www-cs.stanford.edu/ | |
6. Welcome To The Department Of Computer Science Department of computer science.Category Computers computer science United States Illinois...... Engineering Open House Create, Innovate, Fascinate with CS This year's exhibitsin computer science promise to turn onlookers into participants trying their http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/ | |
7. University Of Washington Computer Science & Engineering The University of Washington Department of computer science Engineering includes roughly thirty five faculty members, http://www.cs.washington.edu/ | |
8. Department Of Computer Science Home Page Department of computer science, Manchester one of the best places to study computer science in the UK http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/ | |
9. Department Of Computer Science Department welcomes potential graduate and undergraduate students. Read about the faculty and programs. The Department's computer science Research Center on the UMass Amherst campus is home to over 30 research laboratories http://www.cs.umass.edu/ | |
10. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Subseries: Lecture Notes In Artificial Intell Publishes workshop and conference proceedings as well as monographs in computer science and its subfields.Category Computers computer science Publications Journals...... new LNCS volumes are available online? Then subcribe to Lecture Notesin computer science at SpringerLink Alert. Springer Alert. http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ | |
11. Department Of Computer Science Offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. Research interests include artificial intellige Category Computers computer science United States Maryland......Announcement. Here are the results of our 2003 High School ProgrammingContest. Recent awards and accomplishments February 2003 http://www.cs.umd.edu/ | |
12. UW - Computer Sciences Department Our department was formed in 1963 and is consistently ranked as oneof the top ten computer science departments in the country. Category Computers computer science United States Wisconsin http://www.cs.wisc.edu/ | |
13. Www.ncstrl.org Indexes online technical reports from 150 institutions archives - open to institutions, or submit Category Computers computer science Publications...... http://www.ncstrl.org/ |
14. CSC Consulting, Systems Integration And Outsourcing Provides successful technology solutions such as customer relationship marketing, electronic billing, Category Business ECommerce Developers Sectors...... CSC. learn more. © Copyright 2003 computer sciences CorporationLegal Disclaimer Privacy Policy Powered by CSC Hosting Services. http://www.csc.com/ |
15. Welcome To The Cornell CS Department Ithaca, New YorkCategory Computers computer science United States New York...... Force Report); computer science Department Vision for the Next Decade;CS in the News; Women in computer science; Triinstitutional http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ | |
16. The International Computer Science Institute: Home Page International computer science Institute at the University of California, Berkeley. Research groups Category Computers computer science Research Institutes......The International computer science Institute (ICSI) is an independentnonprofit research institute, located in downtown Berkeley. http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/ | |
17. Information And Computer Science At The University Of California, Irvine Department of Information and computer science. Teaching and research information.Category Computers computer science United States California...... School of Information computer science, School of Information computer scienceUniversity of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 926973425 info@ics.uci.edu. http://www.ics.uci.edu/ | |
18. Department Of Computer Science - Princeton University Princeton, New JerseyCategory Computers computer science United States New Jersey......Click for building floor plans computer science Building. EmploymentOpportunities. News. March 11, 2003. Annual CS Visit Day. Thanks http://www.cs.princeton.edu/ | |
19. MIT EECS - Home Page EECS, the famous "course 6", is the largest MIT department, and computer science makes up Category Computers computer science United States Massachusetts......Home page of the Department of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. http://www-eecs.mit.edu/ | |
20. Brown University Department Of Computer Science Providence, Rhode IslandCategory Computers computer science United States Rhode Island......Brown computer science is a friendly, collegial department. Our undergraduateand graduate programs emphasize scholarship and research. http://www.cs.brown.edu/ | |
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