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161. International Council Of Sport Science And Physical Education ICSSPE International Council of Sport science and Physical Education, Weltrat für Sportwissenschaft und Leibes/Körpererziehung ICSSPE, Consejo Internacional para la Cienca del Deporte y la Educación Física, Conseil International pour L'Education http://www.icsspe.org/ |
162. Science The Olympics Sport science meets the Olympics 1996 marks the Centennial of the modernOlympics. How are science and technology changing the games? http://whyfiles.org/019olympic/ |
163. Institute Of Fundamental And Clinical Human Movement Sciences The Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences (IFKB) aspires to develop a theoretical framework for understanding constraints, control and execution of both normal and disordered human movement. This understanding is applied to specific populations and activities such as orthopedics, rehabilitation, ergonomics and sports. http://www.fbw.vu.nl/~htoussaint |
164. Untitled Document The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.sports.re.kr/ |
165. School Of Sport And Exercise Science @ Liverpool John Moores http://cwis.livjm.ac.uk/sps/ |
166. National Sports Medicine Institute The Institute will work to improve the quality of sport and exercise medicine and sport sciences in the United Kingdom http://www.nsmi.org.uk |
167. Netball New Zealand The Game ACC sportsmart The 10point action plan for sports injury prevention.Nutrients. What they are, what they do and where they come from! http://www.netballnz.co.nz/thegame/thegame_detail/0,1470,41866,00.html |
168. Homepage ECSS Click on the image to continue. Welcome to the Website of the EUROPEANCOLLEGE OF SPORT science. Guidelines for Authors. Copyright http://www.ecss.de/ |
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174. Www.jssm.org/ http://www.jssm.org/ |
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