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161. Fairhaven Bike And Mountain Sports Offers sales, service and rentals. Features forum events, and links to clubs and organizations in Bellingham. http://www.fairhavenbike.com/ |
162. Peake Elementary School Faculty, curriculum, sports, clubs and organizations are all featured links on the 46 grade campus web. http://apsd.k12.ar.us/peake/ |
163. Goza Junior High School Serving students in grades 7 through 9, this web site offers links for faculty, curriculum, sports, clubs and organizations. http://apsd.k12.ar.us/goza/ |
164. Sports Fitness (sport, Exercise, Healt, Professionals Sports, sports Fitness (sport, exercise, healt, professionals sports, organizations, watersports),COMMERCE international COMMERCE INTERNET COMMERCE DIRECT STORE http://www.commerce.tc/sports.html |
165. Douglas MacArthur Junior High School The Cyclones offers link for faculty, principal's page, media center, academics, clubs and organizations, events, programs, sports, and communication. http://www.jps.k12.ar.us/junior/mac/mac.htm |
166. Jonesboro High School Secondary campus web site featuring administration, principal's page, test information, financial aid information, staff, clubs and organizations, events, band, sports, reunion information, booster club, library, and mission statement. http://www.jps.k12.ar.us/high/high.htm |
167. BeInSports.com Provides a directory of participatory sports events, clubs organizations for a variety of athletic activities. http://www.beinsports.com |
168. Ferrito Education Workshops to develop leadership and teambuilding skills in student leaders in marching bands, sports teams, and student government organizations. http://www.ferrito.com |
169. Appalachian Mountain Club organizations participates in camping, hiking, paddling, skiing, and other snow sports and perates regional chapters from Maine to Virginia. Includes links to chapters, facilities information, membership information, conservation and educational programs, and newsletter. (eastern United States) http://www.outdoors.org/ |
170. Chetek Alert Local news, classified ads, sports, meeting announcements, obituaries, business yellow pages, free web sites for nonprofit organizations. http://www.chetekalert.com/ |
171. Pan-Macedonian Network 4000 Years of Greek civilization in Greek Macedonia. Contains information on history, organizations, news, culture, sports, tourism, geography and general information. http://www.macedonia.com/ |
172. Military Challenge Coins Offering the members of the Armed Forces an alternative to high priced challenge coins. Also offering to make coins for sports teams, organizations and colleges. http://www.militarychallengecoins.com/ |
173. German Embassy Of Lebanon Message from the ambassador. Commercial Department (services, Lebanon facts and figures, LebaneseGerman economic relations, trade fairs, scholarships). Consular Department (consular assistance, visas), Cultural Department (archaeological cooperation, sports, German cultural life, culture on Germany online, studies, scholarships, scientific organizations) and the Press Department. Bilinigual site German / English. http://www.germanembassy.org.lb |
174. This Week In Texas On-line Entertainment magazine with articles, news, sports, horoscopes, regional business and nonprofit organizations guide, photographs, up-coming events, classifieds, and chat rooms. http://www.thisweekintexas.com/ |
175. Start Ontario Includes links to businesses, services, organizations, sports and weather among other resources. http://www.startontario.net |
176. The Patrol Pages Dedicated to the volunteer and professional patrollers who keep us safe in sports, starting with ski patrols and related links, but now expanded to include skate and bike patrols and other sportsrelated, service organizations. http://www.patrol.org/ |
177. DD Custom Engraving Custom engraving services including business logos, fretwork, plaques, military, sports, and organizations. http://www.ddengraving.com/ |
178. ComeSeeUs.net State Recreation And Sports Clubs Private nonprofit organizations, clubs and associations, promote sports and recreation throughout the state. http://ComeSeeUs.Net/Vermont/clubssportsvermont.htm |
179. USAfricaonline Africanowned, US-based professional newspaper published on the internet, reporting news, supporting pro-democracy interests, elections and free market issues, public policy and human rights issues and organizations, cultural awareness, sports and arts. http://www.usafricaonline.com/ |
180. Intercollegiate Sports At Mid-America Information about the MNU athletic department and organizations, sports teams, affiliations, and programs and opportunities for Christian athletes. http://www.mnu.edu/athletics/ |
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