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21. SNATCH IT! (The Weightlifting News) Montly publication devoted to olympic weightlifting. Training programs, news and results, arhlete Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......SNATCH IT! A PUBLICATION OF OLYMPICSTYLE weightlifting. COMPETITION COVERAGE DETAILEDTRAINING PROGRAMS. The weightlifting News has a new name - SNATCH IT! http://members.aol.com/liftnews/prof/ | |
22. Power Firm Weightlifting Shoes Handmade shoes for athletes competing in Olympic weightlifting or for athletes engaged in strength and conditioning programs. Come in European sizes 3348. http://www.weightliftingshoes.ca/ | |
23. European Weightlifting Federation http://www.tradecenter.sm/ewf/ |
24. The Big Steel Homepage-The Power Of Mind And Body Over Steel Devoted to all around weightlifting, feats of strength and old time strongmen. Emphasis on grip training, nail and steel bending. http://www.bigsteel.iwarp.com/ | |
25. Olympic Weightlifting - Cougars Olympic Weightlifting Club Olympic weightlifting Site athletes, coaches, photo's, information,platforms, history. Cougars weightlifting Club. When community http://www.qwa.org/qwaclubs/cougars/ | |
26. Jimnayzeum.com Retailer of supplements, braces and supports, weightlifting gear, books, videos and skin care products. http://www.jimnayzeum.com | |
27. Us BodyWare Home Page Name brand products, training and fitness shoes, weightlifting belts, and workout attire. http://www.usbodyware.com |
28. EUROWEB Records compiled by International weightlifting Federation. http://www.iwf.net/worldrecords.html | |
29. United States Allround Weightlifting Association For competing in strongman lifts, both new and old. Events, formulas, links, membership, and rules.Category Sports Strength Sports Strongman Organizations......weightlifting association dedicated to allround and oddlifting, withNational and International championships each year. United http://www.usawa.com/ | |
30. Redirection List of weightlifting selected sites and links to interesting articles.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting...... Top 20 weightlifting. Top20 Sites, CyberPump.com. Suggest a Site? Terms and Conditions,About Us, Privacy Policy. Top 20 weightlifting Copyright 1999-2001 ©. http://www.top20weightlifting.com/ | |
31. MFW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List weightlifting and bodybuilding. http://www.trygve.com/mfw_faq.html | |
32. Top Condition How to prevent and rehab sports injuries to the many different injury prone body parts. Tennis, running, golf, and weightlifting injuries are all covered in detail. http://topcondition.com | |
33. IWA, International Weightlifting Association: Site Offers CWT And STS Courses. Offers courses for Weight Training Certification, Strength Training Program Design Certification, Category Sports Strength Sports Training......IWA, International weightlifting Association site offers CWT and STS courses. IWA,International weightlifting Association site offers CWT and STS courses. http://www.iwacourses.com/ | |
34. Back Support And Weightlifting Belts By Torso Sport. Manufacturers of back support and weightlifting belts. http://www.torsosport.com/ | |
35. Welcome To HASSAN SPORTS Pakistan.Leather gloves, jackets and accessories for motorcycle enthusiasts in the summer or winter. Also, makes weightlifting and cycling gloves. http://www.hassansports.com/ | |
36. MSU Strength Research Laboratory Information about competitive weightlifting in the central tier of the US.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Strength Research Laboratory USA weightlifting Regional Development Center Homeof the 2002 Texas State, 2002 National Junior, and 2002 National Collegiate http://www.mwsu.edu/~physed/hhptl/weights/msuwl.htm | |
37. GREATMATS.com - Interlocking Foam Mats, Puzzle Mats,safety Mats, Exercise Mats, Safe and soft flooring great for exercise, karate, weightlifting, antifatigue workout floor mats, any size, many colors. http://www.greatmats.com/ | |
38. Main Page. A profile of Coach, who has won over 40 national weightlifting competitions with his junior, senior Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Gayle Hatch's contributions to Olympicstyle weightlifting and strength trainingare quite considerable. Gayle Hatch. weightlifting / Strength training. http://www.gaylehatch.com/ | |
39. Zach's Info Page Includes personal information, photo galleries, opinion on God, spoof sound files, a word unscrambler, a weightlifting calculator and games. http://www.geocities.com/zbreiten/zachpage.html | |
40. Dictionary Of Weightlifting, Bodybuilding, And Exercise Terms And Techniques Illustrated dictionary of weightlifting, bodybuilding, and exercise terms and techniques.Category Sports Strength Sports Bodybuilding Training......Explanation of common terms and abbreviations used in weightlifting,bodybuilding, and exercise. Trygve.Com Exercise Dictionary http://www.trygve.com/weightsglossary.html | |
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