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1. Weightlifting And Weight Training Informational site with articles, FAQ, links, events.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting...... http://www.wlinfo.com/ | |
2. Strength Tech - Weight Lifting / Weightlifting In Prisons Offers a list of issues, laws, and behavioral ramifications for weight lifting in prisons. Includes training programs and photos. If you are interested in weightlifting, weight lifting, weight training, powerlifting, power lifting, the issue of http://www.strengthtech.com/ | |
3. International Weightlifting Federation News, championships, rankings list, statistics, records, results, events, publications, and videos.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting Organizations...... AWF Electoral Congress was great success in Manila Find more in News. http://www.iwf.net/ | |
4. USA Weightlifting Information, history, records, news, merchandise, athlete profiles, ranking list, calendar, results, Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting Organizations...... gold medals in the Olympic, Pan American and World Championships through the developmentof weightlifting in the United States. Join USA weightlifting Today! http://www.usaweightlifting.org/ | |
5. Weightlifting English Version Greek Version http://www.weightlifting.gr/ |
6. ISportsDigest.com/Weightlifting A directory with links to weightlifting sites on the internet. http://isportsdigest.tripod.com/weightlifting/main.html | |
7. FirstWorld Communications, Inc.® List of all of the web sites dealing with the sport of Olympic weightlifting. http://www.lifttilyadie.com/ |
8. Krista Smash! Make your Domain Names useful! Host, register, and transfer Domain Names. Many free services, including Web Site Builder to create your own Web Site, and tools to manage your Domain Names. http://www.stumptuous.com/weights.html |
9. Olympic Weightlifting Links This site has links to news, history and other information about the weightlifting events at the Olympic Games. http://www.sirlinksalot.net/2000weight.html | |
10. Index UK site for IAWA drugfree weightlifting organisation. History, general information, rules, results. http://www.geocities.com/iawa_uk/ | |
11. A Weightlifting Instructional Video Information and clips of video featuring Ms. World Fitness and Mr.Bangkok. http://www.olympianstack.com/weightlifting_video.htm | |
12. Masters' Weightlifting Schedules of competitions, results, qualifying totals, world and American records, weightlifting publicat Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......USA Masters weightlifting http://www.mastersweightlifting.org/ |
13. INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTLIFTING DATABASE Look up results in olympic lifting by year, event, lifter, or country.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Welcome to the International weightlifting Database! Our database contains informationabout weightlifters and international weightlifting competitions. http://www.iat.uni-leipzig.de/weight.htm | |
14. Powerlifting And Weightlifting In Great Britain weightlifting and Powerlifting in Great Britain Britain's official Powerlifting and weightlifting organisation http://www.weights.demon.co.uk/ | |
15. Olympic Weightlifting - QWA News, clubs, athletes, schedules, results, articles, links, books, CDs, training programs, discussion Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting Organizations......Olympic weightlifting site covering Oceania, Australia and Queensland news, articles,magazines, record video archives, athlete details, calendar, results http://www.qwa.org/ | |
16. Welcome To Armadale Weightliftinc Club Club information, pictures, competition dates, and results. http://armadale-lifter.tripod.com/armadale/ | |
17. Olympic Weightlifting Snatch and cleanand-jerk sequence pictures, results, infos, nutrition.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Welcome to the Olympic weightlifting Homepage! USA weightlifting; USAMasters weightlifting; East Alabama Weightlifters; Coffee's Gym; http://www.eng.auburn.edu/users/simonton/weightlifting.html |
18. THE SOUTHSIDE OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING CLUB Gives competition results in the United Kingdom and also internationals, includes a calendar of events Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Southside weightlifting Club. This is the website of the Southsideweightlifting Club, This site gives information about Scottish http://homepage.ntlworld.com/kirstie.law/index..html | |
19. The Pacific Weightlifting Association News, clubs, athletes, schedules, and results.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting Organizations...... 24 Hour Fitness weightlifting Club 162 Solano Street San Rafael, CA 94901 (800)4991053 Contact Chris Feder, Team Pirate Modesto Junior College 435 College http://www.lifttilyadie.com/PWA/pwa.htm | |
20. Saskatchewan Weightlifting Association (Gull Lake Club) Gull Lake, Saakatchewan, Canada General information about the club.Category Sports Strength Sports Olympic Lifting......Saskatchewan weightlifting Association (Gull Lake Club). Teams. Bothmales and females are encouraged to be a part of the Gull Lake http://www.net.gull-lake.sk.ca/town/sports/weights/weights.htm | |
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