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Water Sports: more books (100) | |||
141. Unusual Sports In The Olympics Everyone has heard of figure skating and gymnastics, but how many people know the thrill of racing down an ice covered track on a sled or the beauty of water ballet? This web site explores the Olympic sports that may not get much press attention, but have dedicated athletes just the same. http://library.thinkquest.org/J002862/ |
142. Camp Merriwood Camp for girls, ages 8 to 15, that offers sports, gymnastics, water activities, and horseback riding. Located in Orford, New Hampshire. Includes bulletin board, newsletter and daily schedule. http://www.merriwood.com/ |
143. Injury Prevention Website All sorts of animated safety information for kids. Includes tips for sports, water, playgrounds, home, streets, fun in the sun, winter weather, and other activities. http://www.chp.edu/besafe/index.php |
144. International Swimming Hall Of Fame Honors the achievements of outstanding athletes and contributors in swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and water safety, and preserves the history of aquatic sports. http://www.ishof.org/ |
145. Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Contains information on the company's mountain spring water, outdoor activities, and mountain sports. Information on home and office delivery programs. http://www.arrowheadwater.com |
146. Vermont Adaptive Ski And Sports News, history, events and contacts for this organization dedicated to providing sports opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Activities include skiing, snowboarding, horseback riding, dog and horse carting, water skiing, canoeing, and sailing. http://www.vermontadaptive.org/ |
147. Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Eight week summer camp in Lenox, Massachusetts for boys ages 7 to 15. Offers a wide range of sports, as well as water, special interest and outdoor activities. Founded in 1929. http://www.campmkn.com/ |
148. Camp Ramaquois Day camp for boys and girls in grades 1 through 10, located in the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains in Pomona, New York. Swimming, sports, water activities, and creative arts offered. Doorto-door service available. http://www.ramaquois.com/ |
149. Hard Headed Sports Sells helmets for active sports including white water kayaking, rafting and canoeing, water rescue, biking, skiing and snowboarding. http://www.hardheadedsports.com |
150. Peter Glenn Ski And Sports Adventure sports equipment, skis, snowboards, water ski, wakeboards, adventure travel clothing and accessories. http://www.peterglenn.com/ |
151. Vilacom Sports The Sport List Of Winners Lists of major event winners from a range of sports including soccer, basketball, handball, hockey, water polo, tennis, cycling, motor sports, and American football. http://www.vilacom.net/sports/ |
152. Camp Poyntelle And Lewis Village Traditional coed Jewish camps serving ages 7 to 16, located in Poyntelle, Pennsylvania. Provides a variety of sports, arts, and aquatic activities, such as mountain biking, gymnastics, mini-farm, photography and water skiing. http://poyntelle.com/ |
153. Cropcircl Ezine featuring news and articles about snow, water, dirt, and pavement sports. Also includes music reviews. http://www.cropcircl.com |
154. Meteore French manufacturer of mechanical scoreboards for indoor and outdoor sports including basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, water polo, table tennis, badminton, and racing competitions. http://www.meteore.fr |
155. Smith Irrigation Equipment waterReel self-traveling sprinkler systems for one to thirty acres on sports fields, horse riding arenas, pasture, nurseries, sod farms, farms, ranches and large estates. http://www.waterreels.com |
156. R And R Sport Specializes online in 2nd hand sports gear and branded gear. Information on tramping, camping, water and snow sports, clothing, cycles, plus news and what's hot. http://www.rrsport.co.nz/ |
157. UAHC Northeast Camp Institute Program of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations serving Reform Judaism. Home of Eisner Camp and Crane Lake Camp, both in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts. Fine arts, sports and water activities mixed with Jewish culture and heritage. http://www.uahcnecamps.org/ |
158. Deerkill Day Camp Emphasis on careful coaching and individual growth rather than competition. Offering creative and performing arts, individual and team sports, water sport, and trips. Serving Manhattan, Bergen, and Rockland. http://www.deerkilldaycamp.com/ |
159. Watkins Fitness And Sports Equipment Exercise, gymnastics, aerobic and fitness equipment, water gear, boxing and martial arts gear. Salisbury, NC, US. http://www.fitness-equipment.com |
160. Camp Saginaw Traditional camp for boys and girls entering 1st through 11th grades, located in Oxford, Pennsylvania. Provides team and individual sports, water activities, an arts program, and a swimming pool. http://www.campsaginaw.com/ |
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