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1. Run100s ("Run Hundreds") - A Not-For-Profit UltraRunning Corporation Provides general information on the sport, especially focusing on northern California. Includes information and statistics for the top races in the USA, as well as personal achievements, and goals. http://www.run100s.com | |
2. Sun Precautions Badwater Ultramarathon Official Website This is the place to be if you want to run from Badwater to Mt. Whitney! The 2003 edition of this legendary, epic, 135 mile, invitational running race from Badwater in Death Valley (elev. 280 feet below sea level) to Whitney Portals on Mt. Whitney http://www.badwaterultra.com/ | |
3. Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung E.V. Auf den Seiten finden sich neben den Vereinsinformationen auch ausgew¤hlte Termine. Die Mitgliedschaft ist die einzige M¶glichkeit, die 3mal j¤hrlich erscheinende Mitgliederzeitschrift ultramarathon zu beziehen. http://www.ultra-marathon.org/ | |
4. Steppenhahns Ultramarathonseiten - News Steppenhahns ultramarathon Die Seiten zum ultramarathon in Deutschland, Europa und Weltweit; der Versuch einer Übersicht www.steppenhahn.de/ultramarathon/index. html, 04.2001 http://www.steppenhahn.de/ultramarathon | |
5. Hal Higdon: On The Run - Ultramarathon Training While focusing on the Comrades Marathon, author Higdon provides a training plan useful for a wide range of ultras. http://www.halhigdon.com/ultramarathon/ultramarathon2000.htm | |
6. Welcome To Ultramarathon World - David Blaikie World news site for athletes going beyond the stardard marathon ultramarathon, running, endurance, sports, races, runner, kilometers, miles ultramarathon swimmer. Susie Maroney retiring. Snow, protest and http://www.ultramarathonworld.com/ | |
7. Ultra Marathon Cycling Association Copyright 2000 2002. ultramarathon Cycling Association. Webmaster for Results, Training, Equipment http://www.ultracycling.com/ | |
8. Calendar Of Ultramarathon Races In Canada Listing of events with descriptions and links to their websites.Category Sports Running Trail Running ultramarathon Events...... Canadian ultramarathon Race Series. kneeknacker.com/. 19 July @ 0700,ultramarathon Lévis. Lévis, QC, 100K (3.3K out and back). jpmorin65 http://www.100k.ca/racecalendar.htm | |
9. Adler-Langlauf Die 25/50 km (2 Runden von 25km)L¤ufe sind Rundkurse auf gut befestigten, teils asphaltierten Wirtschafts- und Waldwegen und bei jedem Wetter gut zu belaufen. Es besteht die M¶glichkeit, nach einer Runde auszusteigen . http://www.adler-langlauf.de/ |
10. 7.ERSTE-SPARINVEST Ötscher Ultra-Bergmarathon, 3.Ötscher Mountainrun, 2. Bäre 72 km mit 3.000 H¶henmetern. http://www.oetschermarathon.at/ |
11. Cool Running :: Training : Ultramarathon Home Page Contact Us Race Calendar Race Results Island Series The Chatline Bookmark This Site Set as Home Page Club Information Membership Meetings Club Uniforms Newsletter Scrapbook Constitution Photo Albums PIH People Executive Paid Members List http://www.coolrunning.com/links/Training/Ultramarathon | |
12. AMTV Hamburg Triathlon - Duathlon - Marathon- Ultramarathon Berichtet ¼ber Training, Wettk¤mpfe, den L¼tjenseeduathlon und den ultramarathon von L¼beck nach Hamburg. http://www.amtv-triathlon.de/ | |
13. Ultramarathon World News Riddle Top Field at Rattlesnake Trail 50Km (WV) Peterson and Runyan Top Field atLeadville Trail 100Miler Santiago to Vina del Mar ultramarathon (133Km) (Chile http://www.ultramarathonworld.com/uw_archive/uw-wnews.html | |
14. 2002 Sun Precautions Badwater Ultramarathon Webcast 2002 Sun Precautions Badwater ultramarathon Webcast. Click here to Order Badwaterultramarathon tshirts, hats, books, and more! Basic Information. http://www.badwaterultra.com/2002webcast/ | |
15. Veranstaltungsorganisation - Laufend Erleben Hier gibt es Ausschreibungen f¼r einige Ultras WallisSupermarathon (CH), tscher-ultramarathon (A), Marathon des Sables (Marokko), Grande Course du Verdon (F) und mehr. http://www.laufenderleben.de/Welcome.html | |
16. Eigene Erfahrungsberichte Marathon Erfahrungsberichte zu Marathons, ultramarathons und anderen L¤ufen http://www.schrode.net/marathon/marathon.html | |
17. The RoadScholar Dedicated to marathons, ultramarathons and triathlons with running reports (mostly European), advice, tips, photos and race schedules. http://jay_bearden.tripod.com/roadscholar/ | |
18. Home Page A runner who ran in the 24hour event for charity. Contains pledge details, race description, contact information, and FAQs. http://home.attbi.com/~ddj44/ | |
19. Steppenhahns Ultramarathonseiten - WhoIsWho 03.02.2003, ultramarathon News. http://www.steppenhahn.de/profil/ | |
20. Kennekuk Road Runners A Danville road and trail running club with frequent members events for runners and walkers. Sponsors open road, trail and ultramarathon events. http://www.kennekuk.com/ | |
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