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Skibob: more detail |
1. Romuald Bonvin Speed Skiing - SkiBob, Extreme Snow Sport, Ski De Vitesse, Speeds Romuald Bonvin sets the world record for skibobs/snowbike. http://www.speedski.com/romualdbonvin.htm | |
2. Federation Internationale De Skibob FISB http://www.skibob.org/ | |
3. Homepage Der Skibob Union Linz Details ¼ber den Verein und die sportlichen Erfolge der Rennl¤ufer. Ebenso Informationen aus den Sektionen Tischtennis, Fitness und Sparen. http://www.skibob.at/ | |
4. Skibob Association Of Great Britain. Their new home page. Lots of details. http://www.brendanwest.freeola.com/index.htm | |
5. Skibob.org.uk skibob Association of Great Britain the site for all resources and news for skibiking in the UK http://www.skibob.org.uk/ | |
6. ÈSSB - Èeský Svaz Skibobistù Tel + fax 220 513 714. Email skibob@cstv.cz. FISB - Federation http://www.skibob.cstv.cz/ | |
7. Skibob-Snowbike-Schule In Oberstdorf / Allgaeu - Hans Buehler skibob Snowbike - Wintersport - Winterspass. Flitzen im Sitzen - gesunde Pistenfreude ohne Risiko. Kurse-Vermietung-Verkauf. Eine echte Alternative zum Skifahren. skibobfahren kann jeder. skibobfahren ist gesund. http://www.skibob-snowbike.de/ | |
8. FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE SKIBOB - FISB External Contacts Translate this page FISB NATIONAL FEDERATIONS. Germany, Deutcher skibob Verband Schatzmeister WalterStempfl Germersheimer Str. 2 D - 86157 Augsburg, Tel Fax. EXTERNAL skibob LINKS. http://www.skibob.org/seiten/adressen_international.htm | |
9. Berthoud Pass - Home Ski resort located in Silver Creek, Colorado. skibobs allowed. http://www.BerthoudPass.com | |
10. You Should Have JavaScript! Their new home page. Lots of details.Category Recreation Outdoors Snowbike......skibob.co.uk. Please wait while you are redirected. http://www.brendanwest.freeola.com/ | |
11. Nostalgie Here are some pictures taken in 1969 from the Swiss skibob team. http://www.snowbike.ch/nostalgie.htm | |
12. : : Bayerischer Skibob-Verband - Homepage : : Translate this page Der skibob ist also eine echte Alternative! Der bayerische skibob-Verbandmöchte Ihnen auf dieser Website den skibobsport näherbringen. http://www.skibob-online.de/ | |
13. Koski Snow Sports | MonoTrac Skibike skibob from California. Modeled after mountain bikes. http://www.koskisnowsports.com/ | |
14. : : Bayerischer Skibob-Verband - Herstellerinfos + Kontaktadressen : : Translate this page Bayerischer skibob-Verband, Hinter allen Organisationen stehen Menschen. In unsererListe finden Sie die Ansprechpersonen des Bayerischen skibob-Verbandes. http://www.skibob-online.de/informationen_bsvb.html | |
15. 404 File Not Found Here is a short article on someones first time on a skibob. http://www.sfbaytraveler.com/outdoors/stories/dcr08913.htm | |
16. Fife College - Further And Higher Education In Kirkcaldy, Scotland Choose from hundreds of courses at a variety of qualification levels including NQ, HNC, HND or Degree at Fife College, Scotland. Leisure student, Kenny Parks, is on his way to Austria to represent Scotland in the Senior World skibob Championships. http://www.fife.ac.uk/ | |
17. Snowbike Is A Sport For The Devils Here is a little history of skibobs written by someone from the Swiss Snowbike Team. http://www.snowbike.ch/englisch_information.htm | |
18. Somebody On The Skibob? - Photo By Nomads At Pbase.com Somebody on the skibob? other sizes small. medium. large http://www.pbase.com/image/235873 | |
19. Skibob.org.uk skibob.org.uk is registered through Easily.co.uk. http://www.skibob.org.uk/sagb1.swf | |
20. Mt. Baker Ski Area 2002-03 Boarders in Washington state need no introduction to Mount Baker. They have been allowing skibobs for years. http://www.mtbakerskiarea.com/ |
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