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61. Hyperlink Profi – Profesionálnà Webhosting A Registrace Domén VÃtejte! Internetové stránky služby Hyperlink Profi užÃvajà rámce.Váš internetový prohlÞec však práci s rámci nepodporuje. http://ski-o.hyperlink.cz/ | |
62. Empire State Winter Games Results Empire State Winter Games Results. Ski Orienteering. Saturday, February 22, 2003.Scholastic Women. place. time/score. medal. Name. city. county. state. 1. 5143.G. http://www.empirestategames.org/winter/results/skio.htm | |
63. Untitled 2003 US Ski Orienteering Championships Feb 1516, 2003 Sponsored by Cambridge SportsUnion and Up North Orienteers Long Short Classes and Courses course course http://www.geocities.com/upnoor/skiochamps/ | |
64. Junior World SKI - Orienteering Championships. BULLETIN 2. | ÌåæäóÃà ðîà Âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïå÷à òè Âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïå÷à òè Junior World SKI Orienteering Championships. 17-23 February, 2003 , St. Petersburg, Russia. http://www.orienteering.org.ru/internationalshow.php?num=32 |
65. Melbourne Nordic Ski Club - Ski Orienteering Melbourne Nordic Ski Club Inc. Ski Orienteering, Come And Try It - Whatis Ski Orienteering - Ski web sites - Ski Orienteering Fixtures 2001. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mnsc/skio.htm | |
66. 2000 US Ski Orienteering Championships 01/22/00-01/23/00 US Ski Orienteering Championships January 2223, 2000. Team Event Rankingand WOC Selections. Women, Men. 1, Crawford, L1, S1, 1, Pleban, L1,S1, http://empo.us.orienteering.org/results/00-champs/ | |
67. Ski Orienteering Alpencup In Austria Date PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextDate IndexThreadIndex Ski Orienteering Alpencup in Austria. To tajfutas@lazarus http://lazarus.elte.hu/lists/tajfutas-0101/msg00009.html | |
68. Cimo.fi Apurahat ulkomaille. Apurahat Suomeen tuleville. Apurahat verkostoyhteistyöhön.UKK. Kulttuurin eurooppalaiset yhteistyöhankkeet. http://www.cimo.fi/ | |
69. Snowsport Life - Nordic Competition nordic / cross country, navigate. nordic skiing equipment biathlon cross countrynordic combined ski jumping ski orienteering. SCHOOLS, navigate. schools, navigate. http://www.snowlife.org.uk/orienteering.asp | |
70. IOF NEWS STRATEGY FOR SKI ORIENTEERING. From 2001 onwards, the World Cup in ski orienteeringwill again be organised only every two years instead of every year. http://orienteering.ie/tio/93/IOF.htm | |
71. Ski Orienteering Ski Orienteering News. by Carol Moran. ESG SkiO Results. Clubs around thestate have helped to set up a calendar of ski orienteering qualifiers. http://members.aol.com/RLShadow/SKIO2.HTM | |
72. Apt Trentino: Per Viaggiare O Soggiornare In Trentino. Vacanze, Hotel, Alberghi, SkiO. Trentino is the region that takes the credit for having launched in Italythe discipline of orienteering which is so popular in the northern countries. http://www.trentino.to/newapt/pages/uk/inverno/ski-o.htm | |
73. 5th Annual Frisco Ski Orienteering Event 5th Annual Frisco Ski Orienteering Event. Frisco Nordic Center. March4, 2000. What a beautiful cloudless day we had. The only complaints http://www.fortnet.org/RMOC/2000_Results/Frisco_SkiO.html | |
74. 5th Annual Frisco Ski Orienteering Event 6th Annual Frisco Ski Orienteering Event. Frisco Nordic Center. February 17, 2001.Once again it was a sunny, windless day at Frisco at Frisco Nordic Center. http://www.fortnet.org/RMOC/2001_Results/Frisco_SkiO_2001.html | |
75. Bluedome Ski Orienteering Ski orienteering is a crosscountry endurance wintersport. Similar to the orienteering disciplines practised in http://www.bluedome.co.uk/Orienteering/skiorient.html | |
76. Ski World Cup 2003 - News - International Orienteering Federation For the best athletes in Russia, ski orienteering is their occupation. 1909 Tuesday,January 14, Khrennikov Ski Orienteering must get into the Olympics! . http://www.6prog.org/iof/skiwcup3/news/ | |
77. IOFÂ Ski-O World Ranking: Athlete EST80 Margus Hallik Date, Place, Time, Points Scored, Fed, Event Name, Type. 1 March2002, 23, 11620, 1123, (1), BUL, World Ski Orienteering Championships,Long. http://www.6prog.org/iof/wre_athl.asp?n3id=EST80&how=S |
78. Ski Orienteering Meet Feb 17 2003 Orienteering Meet Click here for Event Flyer in pdf format. Date February15 th 2003. Location Course Registration and Start Location http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~hendrick/Orienteering/Meets/UMaineSkiOFeb03.htm | |
79. UROC: Ski Orienteering Meet This Sunday UROC Ski Orienteering meet this sunday. Erika Mudrak em006i at mail.rochester.eduMon, 20 Jan 2003 194521 0500 Previous message http://www.cif.rochester.edu/pipermail/uroc/2003-January/000137.html | |
80. Adults More Info Ski Orienteering Ski Orienteering Team 1999. Name, Photo, Parameters, Results. BarboraCHUDIKOVA, * 7. V. 1978 Club OK Jilemnice Address Opavska 490, 793 http://www.orienteering-history.info/repre/moresa99.htm | |
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