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61. Total Approach Jeet Kune Do (JKD) Classes and seminars in JKD and related arts, including silat, Thai boxing, shootfighting and capoeira. http://www.users.nac.net/tajkd/ | |
62. Pentjak Silat USA Pentjak silat USA is a conglomorate of many systems and represents mainly Indonesion fighting arts .Category Sports Martial Arts silat Organizations......Pentjak silat USA is a conglomorate of meny systems represents mainlyIndonesion fighting arts, . Please call us band at (408) 920-0435. http://www.pentjaksilatusa.com/ |
63. Home Classes in Chi Kung, Chen style, and Kun Tao silat de Thouars in the Atlanta, Georgia area. About the styles, articles, classes, events, and pictures. http://www.mindspring.com/~achentaiji/ | |
64. Welcome To The Official Website Of Cass Magda Offers instruction to Asian martial arts including Kulintang and Pencak silat. http://www.cassmagda.com/ | |
65. Adidas Martial Arts Adidas martial arts concept shop. Sells taekwando, judo, karate do and silat apparels. News, products, pricing and related links. Located opposite Manchester United's Red Cafe in Jalan P. Ramlee. http://adidas-martial-arts.com |
66. SFU's Mixed Martial Arts Training Club Roster, rules, schedule, past seminars, equipment, picture gallery and mailing list. Kung fu, karate, tae kwon do, kempo, kali, silat, hapkido, judo, wrestling, ju jitsu, sombo, shooto, jeet kune do, boxing and kick boxing. http://www.sfu.ca/matc/ | |
67. Silat PERISAI DIRI In The U.K Developed by Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo from East Java, the schools' official site in the Category Sports Martial Arts silat......silat PERISAI DIRI (PD) / self shield is a wellestablished and highlyrespected art of self-defence of Indonesian origin. The aim http://perisaidiri.com/ | |
68. Silat Association Of The United Kingdom Information on the SAUK, news, data on members, articles, media gallery, discussion board, links, Category Sports Martial Arts silat Organizations......An association to promote silat Melayu. TC counter Since April 2001. http://www.silat.f9.co.uk/ | |
69. Pukulan Melaka Pencak silat school in Amsterdam. Getraind wordt op basis van de spirituele grondslagen en de fysieke technieken van de Maleise stijl Pukulan Melaka. Informatie over de school en Pukulan Melaka. http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~melaka/ |
70. Pencak Silat Padjadjaran Nasional - Bogor Indonesia Forum Diskusi di Milis silat Padjadjaran clik here Pencak silat Padjadjaran NasionalCabang Bogor Gappala14 - Komunitas Pencinta Alama © 1997 -2003 Keluarga http://members.tripod.com/padjadjaran/ | |
71. The Minnesota Kali Group Official website of Rick Faye's Minnesota Kali Group. MKG offers classes in Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do, Kali, silat, Muay Thai, more to all levels. http://www.mnkali.com |
72. Rajawali Putih Memberi sejarah, silibus, cawangan dan aktiviti. http://www.geocities.com/hafizuka/index.html | |
73. Tsou Chin Informatie over deze sport die is gebaseerd op aikido, pencak silat, jiu jitsu en andere vechttechnieken. http://members.lycos.nl/TsouChin |
74. Naga Pencak Silat - Kampfkunstschule In Uster http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/djavet/ | |
75. Under Construction Associate members, the federation, pictures, history, silat general information and referral details.Category Sports Martial Arts silat Organizations......Site Under Construction ©2001. any information please clickbelow. to http//www.esilat.com. Sorry for any inconvenient. http://silat.org.sg/ |
76. Pamor Badai Pencak silat school te Kapellen en Borsbeek. Informatie deze vechtsport en de vereniging, en een aantal foto's. http://users.telenet.be/Mackenzie/PamorBadai.htm |
77. Untitled Document Le silat et ses styles, les principales armes, vid©os de combats. http://www.ifrance.com/worldpencaksilat/ |
78. Perpi Mataram Austria http://www.silat.org/ | |
79. Silat Gerak Pilihan (Homepage) Die von Meisterlehrer Octav D. Setiadji geleitete Schule ist in Berlin ans¤ssig. Informationen zu den Inhalten und Lehrpl¤nen, zu Terminen und Kontaktadressen. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~schauble/silat/index.html | |
80. Master O'ong Maryon's Pencat Silat Page Master teacher O'ong Maryono provides information on his Keluarga Pencak silat Nusantara school, and Category Sports Martial Arts silat......Biography. Keluarga Pencak silat Nusantara. Reflectionsarticles in Englishand Malay. Articles from Rapid Journal. Photo Gallery. Film of the Month. http://www.kpsnusantara.com/ | |
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