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1. Vancouver Kali / Silat Association An informal organization of Filipino and Indonesian martial art schools in the Vancouver area. Site Category Sports Martial Arts silat Organizations......contact guru Louie Lindo Vancouver Kalisilat Association Vancouver,BC CANADA (604) 872-8039 JOSELUIS_LINDO@bc.sympatico.ca. FMA http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/~loki/VKSA/ | |
2. Indonesian Art Of Self Defense - Pukulan Pentjak Silat Bukti Negara Training Camp Information History Merchandise Seminars Archive Membership Instructors Contact http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~tellner/bukti_negara.html | |
3. Perguruan Pencak Silat Padjadjaran Homepage The official Dutch branch of the traditional school from Bogor, West Java, led by master teachers Eric Bovelander and Leo Lindeman. Many Pencak silat related links. Languages Dutch, English, and Bahasa Indonesia. http://www.xs4all.nl/~ericb/ | |
4. Pencak-Silat.net : Le Site De L'Association France Pencak Silat Pr©sentation de cet art martial indon©sien et de ses diff©rents styles. Informations, pr©sentation des clubs et de l'association, forum de discussion. http://www.pencak-silat.net/ |
5. Aliran Manyang - The Manyang Style - Perguruan Pencak Silat Manyang Met de geschiedenis, foto's en links. http://www.manyang.nl/ | |
6. Pencak Silat Austria - Kampfkunst In Österreich http://www.silat.at/ | |
7. Kun Tao Silat De Thouars Willem de Thouars' Kun Tao silat is a blend of Indonesian Chinese martial arts, including Pakua, Hsing I, Tai Chi Chuan and 15 styles of pencak silat http://www.kuntaosilatdethouars.com/home.html |
8. Silat: Indonesian Martial Arts silat Indonesian martial arts In Indonesia, there are several traditional martial arts. This page is dedicated to Indonesian martial arts. Let me know if you have more links. Cumulative access to Indonesian Archive since June 5, 1996 http://www.cool.mb.ca/indonesia/silat | |
9. Silat: Indonesian Martial Arts silat Indonesian martial arts This page is out of date. Please visit the newest location at silat is an Indonesian traditional martial arts. There are a number of "aliran" of silat. Here is a partial list of links to silat pages. http://indonesia.elga.net.id/silat | |
10. Palero Penchak Silat Pr©sentation du style palero et des coordonn©es du club de Paris 19¨me, de Villejuif. Paris, Seine (75), Villejuif, Valde-Marne (94). http://www.palero-penchak-silat.com/ | |
11. Silat Barongsai Zelfverdediging met de praktische silat/Pukulan vechttechnieken. Informatie en trainingstijden. http://www.silatbarongsai.nl |
12. Lakeindex British silat Association Click on Image to Enter http://www.silatlincah.inuk.com/ | |
13. Silat Seni Gayong Unofficial site for the traditional malay art of self defense with competition info held. http://www.e-my.net.my/pahang/gayong/ |
14. Silat Seni Warisan Bangsa (silat.8m.com) Interaktif SSWB anda dapat berbincang di dalam sidang atau berchat terus di dalam saluran silat. Marilah kita ramaikan. http://silat.8m.com/ | |
15. SILAT De La Grue Blanche E.V. (PGB) http://www.silat-white-crane.de/fr/fr_main_frame.htm | |
16. A Kali, Arnis, Pencak Silat, Site For Seminars, Videos, Newsletters Of These Ind School led by master teacher Jerson 'Nene' Tortal is based on Kali and silat. Features instructional Category Sports Martial Arts silat......A Kali, Arnis, Pencak silat, Site for Seminars, Videos, Newsletters of these Indonesia/ Malaysia / Philippine Martial Arts and Cultural Practices,of the http://kalisilat.com/ | |
17. Home Led by master teachers Victor deThouars and Robert Vanatta, the headquarters is located in Bellflower, CA. Its site provides detailed information on activities of the school and its community, its ethics, history and teaching staff. http://www.serak.net/ |
18. PSMM-Germany Der deutsche Zweig der westjavanischen Mande Muda-Schule ist in Iserlohn ans¤ssig. Informationen zum Pencak silat, zur Entwicklung der Schule, zu Instruktoren weltweit, Veranstaltungen, Schulungsmedien und Ansprechpersonen. http://psmm.de/ | |
19. Pukulan Pencak Silat Link site of Alex van Deelen to Pukulan, Pencak silat and Kuntao schools and organizations worldwide, Category Sports Martial Arts silat Personal Pages......PUKULAN AND PENCAK silat Welcome to the biggest linkpage on pukulan, pencak silatand kuntao on the web. THE GURU'S and PENDEKARS of Pukulan and Pencak silat http://www.geocities.com/vandeelen/Pukulan/ | |
20. Pencak Silat Germany http://www.pencaksilat.de/ | |
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