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161. Skates Away A full service dealer for roller, ice, speed, aggressive and hockey products. http://www.dnai.com/~gui/skatesproductinfo.html |
162. Association Sportive Toutes Aides Roller Skating L'ASTA anime Nantes depuis 1963 des ©quipes de vitesse, danse et rinkhockey. Cours, lieux des entra®nements, calendrier des comp©titions, communaut© virtuelle. http://asta.roller.online.fr/ |
163. Association Roller De Méru L'ARM propose hockey, street, slalom, saut, vitesse. Marathon de l'Oise. Initiation loisir. http://asso.roller.free.fr |
164. Roulez Rose Association organisatrice des randonn©es du vendredi soir Toulouse. Cours de roller et matches de hockey, rendezvous, liens, forum. http://roulez.rose.free.fr/ |
165. US Villejuif Roller Skating Club de rinkhockey tous ¢ges horaires des entra®nements et de l'initiation, manuel d'entra®nement, r©sultats, revue de presse, plan d'acc¨s. http://membres.lycos.fr/usvroller/ |
166. Leeloo Roller Club de hockey Marseille. http://www.roller-leeloo.com.fr |
167. Roller City Knights Seynod Le RCK abrite des ©quipes de rinkhockey et de roller-hockey, ainsi que des sections course et artistique ©quipes, horaires, r©sultats, plan d'acc¨s. Haute-Savoie. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/3211/ |
168. Association Roller Maconnais Organisation de randonn©es (voie verte), hockey, street. Lieux d'entra®nement pour l'initiation et le perfectionnement, planning. L©gislation. http://roller.macon.free.fr/ |
169. Roller Armor Club P©pini¨re de champions, ce club de StBrieuc propose des sections course (nombreux liens) et rink-hockey. Ecole de patinage. http://www.ifrance.com/rollerac/ |
170. Perani's Hockey World An online hockey store for hockey equipment, goalie pads, ice skates and inline roller blades. http://www.peranis.com |
171. Montpellier Roller Club Historique de l'association, inscription, l'©cole de patinage randonn©e et hockey. Deux randonn©es organis©es par semaine. http://montpellierroller.free.fr/ |
172. Roller Attitude En Haute-Marne O¹ patiner, horaires et lieux de randonn©es, parcours, hockey ; anatomie du patin, technique de base, liens class©s par d©partement. http://www.chez.com/rollerhm/ |
173. Stardust Skate Center roller skating rink in Sarasota, Florida with artistic, hockey, and recreatinal programs and evnts. http://www.stardustskatecenter.com/ |
174. Golden Sports Television Broadcasts events from the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s, including football, college football, baseball, basketball, hockey, boxing, wrestling, roller derby, championship bowling. Subscription information and programming guide available. http://www.goldensports.tv |
175. Roller On-Line Hockey Ressources, liens class©s par th¨mes clubs, f©d©rations, webzines, r©glement, arbitrage, mat©riel, technique, spots, boutiques. http://membres.lycos.fr/rollerhockey/ |
176. SkateMall hockey, inline and quad indoor and outdoor roller skates and accessories. Online ordering. http://www.skatemall.com/ |
177. Skate FAQs Anthony Chen's comprehensive general skating reference answers frequently asked questions about buying Category Sports Skating roller Skating......Serving the inline skating community since 1991. Skate FAQs (FrequentlyAsked Questions) is a general inline skating reference, as http://www.skatefaq.com/ |
178. INFOROLLER - Rink-Hockey En France Portail du rink-hockey. Evénements, compétitions françaises et internationales, calendrier, forum, Category World Français Sports Patin à roulettes......Liens, 2302-03. Qu'est ce que le Rink-hockey ? 19/01/2002 PLAYBOOK RINK-hockey.INFOROLLER - Rink-hockey en France. Inforoller www.inforoller.com. http://www.inforoller.com/ |
179. Lichfield Saracens Contains a brief history, and video clips.Category Regional Europe Lichfield Recreation and Sports...... Last weekend the Lichfield Saracens Senior Team crossed the English Channel totake part in the King of the Puck, International Inline hockey Tournament at http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~hutash/ |
180. VFL Rollhockey Damen Homepage Translate this page Rebecca Beate Auschra Monika Yvonne Hermann Sonja Patricia Franziska Simone Christina Nadine Margot. 09/09/1997 horst@cww.de. http://home.t-online.de/home/Christopher.Lillig/vfl.htm |
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