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101. Www.uen.org/2002/html/sports/paralympics.html Similar pages sport.iafrica.com olympics news Drugs scandal hits the Officials have lifted the lid on a number of drugs scandals which are threateningto mar the paralympics in Sydney this year. http://www.uen.org/2002/html/sports/paralympics.html |
102. Stefan Lindenberg Auf Dem Weg Zu Den Paralympics Translate this page http://www.ziel-paralympics.de/ |
103. Touchline Photo - Paralympics 2000, Sydney, Australia, 18 - 29 2000 paralympics Games, Sydney, Australia, 18 29 October 2000 2000 paralympicsMain Menu The Opening Ceremony, 18 October DAY 1 - 2000 paralympics, 19 |
104. Olympiaka.com - Share The Spirit The Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games http//www.olympics.com/eng/paralympics/index.htmlOfficial Site of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. http://www.olympiaka.com/directory/index2.asp?lcatid=254 |
105. Disinformation Disqualifying The Paralympics 2000 disqualifying the paralympics 2000 by Russ Kick (russ@mindpollen.com) December28, 2000, The world's second-largest amateur sporting event just ended. http://www.disinfo.com/pages/dossier/id479/ |
106. 2000 Paralympics 2000 paralympics. Sydney, Australia October 2000. Men's 60kg. Position, Name,Country, Medal. 1, PEREZ ECHAVARRIA SA, CUB, Gold. 2, MITCHOURINE Veniamin, RUS,Silver. http://www.judoinfo.com/00paraly.htm |
107. The Courier Mail Paralympic Setback For Athens [04feb03] AUSTRALIA's chances of once again topping the medal table at the paralympics receiveda major setback yesterday when athletes with an intellectual disability http://www.couriermail.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,5932249%5E23218,00.h |
108. Mdr.de Paralympics Translate this page Zu den paralympics 2012 werden in Leipzig 4000 Sportler erwartet. Ob imparalympischen Dorf paralympics. In der Leipziger Olympiabewerbung http://www.mdr.de/olympia/bewerbung/497632.html |
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110. New Beijing,Great Olympics-olympic 2008 Date http://www.beijing-2008.org/eolympic/xay/cahh/cahh.html |
111. Ossur Total Prosthetic Solutions Navigation tip. You can use the arrows in the menu above to navigate directlyto the pages of your choice (Internet Explorer users only). Early Days. http://www.ossur.com/ |
112. Amateur Swimming Association Results Medals Photos Team Captains Maggi McEleny and Ian SharpeThe Great Britain Paralympic Swimming Team is listed below http://www.britishswimming.org/specialevents/team_paralympic.asp |
113. Jeux Paralympiques Translate this page Jeux Paralympiques. Du 17 au 28 septembre 2004, deux semaines aprèsla clôture des Jeux Olympiques, Athènes accueillera 4 000 http://www.eu2003.gr/fr/cat/52/ |
114. Page 23 - Infinite Hangtime Photo Archives Page 23 of the Infinite Hangtime Photo Archives. http://users.htcomp.net/gladu/images/page23.html |
115. Page 21 - Infinite Hangtime Photo Archives Page 21 of the Infinite Hangtime Photo Archives. http://users.htcomp.net/gladu/images/page21.html |
116. Paralympic News The Paralympic Athletes were an amazing group of people, who'd overcome naturaland physical disabilities and gone on to be great sportsmen and women. http://www.smethurstministries.org/para.htm |
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